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SUPPOSE there is no question more engrossing, or one that has engaged the attention of thinking men and women in all walks of visible existence throughout the past ages, as much as this question of Evil. I think, too, one would be safe in saying that it is a subject more discussed in this day and generation than ever before. This, I believe, is due to the great development and progress of the human race toward the realization of a higher Intelligence; as a result of a more correct line of thought. This thinking has penetrated the dense cloud of ignorance; it has gone beneath the surface of form, and dared to explore the realm of the invisible in search of that from which all things exist.

The owners and stockholders of the mine, be it copper, coal, gold or silver, derive benefit from the ore brought to the surface, they share in results, but it is the miner, who actually descends into the mine. and digs out the ore, that has the most practical knowledge and understanding of what lies hidden. beneath the surface.

There have always been miners, but we have today a far greater army of searchers, delving into the realms of the heretofore unknown, than ever before. These miners constitute the ever increasing multitude of individual thinkers, and they are from day to day bringing to the surface and revealing ore of such richness that for a time it astonishes such as are content to accept and share in the results, but who know little of that realm from whence the ore comes.

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