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offered him the usual wine and myrrh. This was a medicated wine; the myrrh is the gum of ladanum, a narcotic to stupefy and deaden the sense of pain. This Jesus refused. Do not do anything to stupefy your understanding, for a lesson is to be learned from every experience. The parting of the garment is the separating of the outer realm of thought. "The King of the Jews" was written in three languages, Greek, Latin and Hebrew, and put on a tablet on the cross. It was written in derision, but was nevertheless true. The Jew is that in us which recognizes God as the indwelling I AM. Jew and Jehovah come from the same root, I AM.

The two robbers are the belief in the past and future. There is some hope for the latter, but the former dies cursing.

In the course of this demonstration the outer realm of thoughts seems to have everything its own way for a time. While the focal point of will is being transferred from the personal to the spiritual plane of consciousness there is often almost total loss of external power. We should not allow ourselves to be swerved from our spiritual concentration by the mockings and revilings of the sense thoughts. In due season the temple will be rebuilt, and we shall come down from the cross and shall save others. Be patient and persistent.

In extreme cases of chemicalization there is sometimes almost total loss of consciousness. This is the darkness over the whole land." This is so great that man seems to even lose hold on the divine understanding of God's presence, and he cries out, "Why hast thou forsaken me?" Then he took in his delirium the unmedicated vinegar and in loud ravings gave up the "ghost." This is the final letting go of sense-consciousness. The ghost of

matter and its laws are relinquished, and a new realm is opened to man.

"As we grow better we meet better people."


A report of the mid-week meetings held April 6th, at Unity Headquarters, 1315 McGee Street. Mrs. M. E. Meldrum, leader. Subject: "Truth."

"Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

How shall we know the Truth? By asking the Spirit within, which is in every one; not by running here and there, or by asking our great teachers and leaders, or by reading many books; but these all teach us the way and help us greatly.

We must seek within for this great prize, which, the Bible says, shall lead us into all Truth. What spirit shall lead you? There is but one Spirit, the Spirit of Truth; and it shall lead you-where? Into all Truth, the Truth that Christ taught.

Jesus taught the gospel of Love and Truth, persistently declaring in various ways that every soul who will gain an understanding and realization of man's true being, will find his yoke easy and his burden light. To be in ignorance of Truth is to suffer grievious experiences, but to be obedient to the Christ teaching is to find the straight and easy way. The Christ way is the intelligent love method, which lightens all labor and melts away all obstacles.

We must all recognize the Christ which made. Jesus what he was. Our power to help ourselves and others lies in our learning to comprehend the Truth, for it is a truth, whether we understand it or not, that this same Christ lives in us as it lived in Jesus. It is a part of him which God has put in us, and ever lives there with an inexpressible love and desire to spring to the circumference, or to Our consciousness. It is in us, this Spirit of Truth, as it was in Jesus Christ.

With this knowledge of God's indwelling presence, which is always Life, Love and Power, now

ready and waiting to flow forth abundantly into our consciousness, and throngh us into others the moment we open ourselves to it and truthfully expect it, we can accomplish all the desires of our heart.

You can sit and

How shall we find this Spirit of Truth within us? Christ said, "The kingdom of heaven is within you." To find this inner voice, or Spirit of Truth, we must get still; get away from all care, worry, anxiety, trouble of all kinds; shut out all thoughts of inharmony; get as still as life itself. Take the beautiful rose, for an example. watch each petal unfold, and not a sound can you hear in all the unfolding glory. It is just the same with each of us in unfolding our soul's growth. "Be still, and know that I AM God," Love, Power, Health, Spirit of Truth, Life eternal. "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life," saith the Christ at the center of our being.

“If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will and it shall be done unto you." Our soul must take time daily for quiet and meditation. In this lies the secret of power, for no one can grow in spiritual knowledge and power without it. Unless one has practised it, he can have no idea how it quiets one from all the everyday duties and annoyances such as come to every one.

The ultimate aim of every soul should be to come into the consciousness of an indwelling God. In that consciousness we may successfully affirm deliverance from all external matters, and freedom from all bondage of error and its consequence, through this one divine Spirit of Truth, which dissipates the darkness of sin as does the morning light that of the darkness of night.

When you seem to be sick and discouraged, and look on the dark side of everything, and think you are poor and limited in every way, and everything is against you, and even your friends seem to misunderstand you; oh, then stop, turn square around, and see and know that all these seeming shadows are not

real, but only fleeting conditions. Go back to Principle, the real true Being, the I AM, in you, and know that you are created in the image and after the likeness of God; and this being so, we, to be true to that image and likeness, must express life, health, substance, love, joy, and all other good qualities forming the perfect idea of God and the real truth of our being; and this is the Truth that will free us from all our error thoughts and make us free indeed. "Let nothing disturb thee,

Nothing affright thee;

All things are passing;
God never changeth.
Patience, endurance

Attaineth to all things;
Who God possesseth

In nothing is wanting;
Alone God sufficeth."


Mrs. H. R. Walmsley, leader. Subject; "Freedom."

Thought for Silence, "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free-free from all limitations, all discord, all condemnation. If we believe in limitations, we are not free. Jesus, the Christ, made such statements as these: "All power is given unto me in heaven and earth;' "All that the Father hath is

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mine." We, also, may make such statements concerning ourselves, the Christ within. Jesus also said, "Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also, and greater works than these shall he do, because I go unto my Father."

We are free from sin, sickness, and death, by not believing in such superstitions, and knowing that we are one with infinite Good, the fountain of eternal health and life. For the law of the spirit of life, in Christ Jesus, hath made us free from the law of sin and death."

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We learn from the Spirit of Truth that it is not

well to condemn any person or thing; when we condemn ourselves, we feel depressed and burdened. In such a consciousness there can be no progression. If we condemn others, we not only injure them, but ourselves also. "Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged; and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again."

We should be careful in using our freedom, that we do not deprive others of the same privilege. . If I object to what another is doing, I am not wholly conscious of my own freedom, for the fact that I do disapprove, proves to me that I am beholding error in that one, instead of knowing that he is also made free by the Spirit of Truth. Perhaps if I could see things as he does, I would do just as he is doing, and realize that the final results would be good.

Let us not therefore judge one another any more; but judge this rather, that no man put a stumbling block, or an occasion to fall, in his brother's way.


Mrs. Emma Scott, leader. Subject: "God." Thought for the Silence, "I am One with the Infinite Mind."

What is God? God is Principle; Omniscient, Omnipotent, Omnipresent Mind, Wisdom, Love, Life, Substance, Power, Intelligence. This we all possess, and in just the degree that we are open and receptive to these higher powers do we make it possible for them to be made manifest through us. God fills all space, and there is naught beside. Then, if God is all, and fills all space, where is there room for sickness and disease, so-called? In God we live, move and have our being. God is formless, invisible. You cannot measure, handle or touch Him. God is Spirit; and they that worship Him must worship in Spirit and in Truth. God is never changing; the same yesterday, today and tomorrow, without doubt or shadow of turning. turning. When a

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