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It seems a strange thing to Oriental peoples, continues the writer, that Christians should think that God is rightly acknowledged in Christiandom only. Is it rational, he asks, to suppose that God should exclude the great majority of the inhabitants of this planet from His care and love? Mr. Kaneko finds it strange, too, that our people "read the Bible so much and always look back to Jesus." "Suppose the Bible were destroyed," he says, "would men then lose all faith in God? No. But as long as people cling to the Bible, their God is not the God of the universe." He writes further:

"Christianity is a traditional religion, a historic religion, and so is Buddhism, so is Islam. Let science examine them and if desirable destroy them, and let us build there the new, the true religion of science. The Bible of the new religion should be science, but not that of the imperfect religious histories of Israelites, Hindus, or Chinese. Astronomy, biology, chemistry, and psychology are the four gospels of the new religion. I do not say perfect gospels. They are still imperfect. We must make them perfect.

"The true gospel of the new religion is the universe itself. Look up to heaven - how beautifully the stars shine! Hear the birds what sweet tones they sing! See the flowers - how lovingly they smile along the peaceful stream! What harmony! What mystery! Are not these the real gospels of our mother nature?"

Humanity must rid itself of the habit of forever looking backward. This is a growing world; our faces should be to the front. We heed a twentiethcentury religion, not a prehistoric religion, nor a first-century religion, nor a fifteenth century religion. Mr. Kaneko concludes:

"The Nirvana of the Buddhist is too abstract for the majority of the people, and the heaven of Christians is too mythological for a scientific mind. Mankind does not want Christianity, Islam, nor Buddhism. Mankind wants the truth, and the truth is brought out by candid and impartial investigation. Mankind is destined to have one religion, and one universal truth. Science will spread, slowly but surely, and the scientific world-conception is leading the way to the religion of truth-the one truth, the one religion, the one moral end, and the one eternal God who exists forever."— The Literary Digest,

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127. Will you kindly answer through your columns, the following: What is God's will? How are we to know positively when we arrive at the state of mind when we can feel assured that what we decide to do in some important step in our lives, is, for us, the will of God? So much conflict of thought seems to possess my mind at times, especially after having earnestly and seriously thought out a difficult question and decided upon the course to take, I am met with the negative and obstructive ideas of others, as well as series of ideas and reasons in my own mind, why I should do something else. Kindly help me out in this matter, and, doubtless, others as well, and oblige. -G. A.

When the personal will is merged into the Divine; when the soul recognizes but one will, and that God's will; when the one desire of the heart is to know and do that will, then there can be no conflict in the mind through doubt, that one knows that the thing he decides to do is the right thing, or God's will for him. But he is guided to this decision by Infinite Wisdom, which guidance he seeks in silent communion with the Spirit. Going into the Silence, as we say, he takes the question under consideration, and asks the illumination of the Spirit with perfect assurance of an answer. It is the writer's experience that the impression or suggestion which first comes while listening for the voice of the Spirit, is the answer, and should be followed regardless of ideas which arise later in the mind, or the advise of friends. When we make ourselves receptive to the Spirit we will soon learn to know Its voice in the soul.


128. Please explain I. Corinthians 11:26, For as often as ye eat this bread, and drink this cup, ye do show the Lord's death till he come." The impression that comes to me, is that believing in the Christ within, I cannot eat of the bread or drink of the cup, for by so doing I would be eating and drinking unworthily.

M. E. K. S.

The bread typifies the substance, and the wine.

the life of the Spirit, or God. When we appropriate (eat and drink) this Substance and Life, then we demonstrate the fact that the Lord (our ruling state of consciousness) is, as Paul says, "dead unto sin, but alive unto righteousness," until we come into the perfect realization of Our at-one-ment with the Source of all through the indwelling Christ. When we have attained this state of consciousness where our Lord, the Christ mind, has come into His own, then we no more need symbols; the reality is with us all the time. While we may partake of these symbols without harm to ourselves, it is as needless as for us to go back into the A B C class to learn to read.

129. (a) What are the two undeveloped senses you sometimes mention?

(b) What are the twelve faculties of the mind?

(c) What is meant by the seven churches of Asia, as spoken of in the first chapter of Revelations? - C. R.

(a) The senses which man has developed are but the outer avenues of the soul's senses, and as we are unfolding into a higher state of soul consciousness we are developing the higher or more spiritual senses. Of these, Intuition - the sixth sense, has been recognized for many years, and is being rapidly developed in this age. Telepathy, or thought transference, is the seventh sense, and much attention is being given to the cultivation of this important office of the soul, which is but little understood at present.

(b) The number twelve is of much significance in the Scripture. We have the twelve tribes of Israel, the twelve.gates of Jerusalem, the twelve Apostles, and they all represent the twelve faculties of the mind. As we have many queries as to the correspondence of the Apostles and the faculties we will here state them: Peter, Faith; Andrew, Strength; James, (son of Zebedee), Judgment; John, Love; Phillip, Power; Bartholomew, Imagination; Thomas, Reason or Understanding; Matthew, Will; James,

(son of Alpheus), Caution; Lebbæus, Order; Simon, Zeal; Judas Iscariot, Acquirement. The faculty of Acquirement, which Judas typifies, is one that, when the Spirit is in control of the man, becomes the Divine faculty of Wisdom. The name Judas means praise, and we understand that praise and thanksgiving multiplies that which is praised, hence, this faculty spiritualized is the force which recognizes and accumulates a store of ideas of absolute truth, and is then Wisdom, the highest faculty of the mind.

(c) Asia stands for our outer world, or body, in which are seven centers of consciousness or brain centers, and which are symbolized by the seven churches or seven golden candlesticks, the light of which illumines the whole man. These centres or churches from which the thought goes forth on its ministry, are: Wisdom, Life, Power, Love, Substance, Strength, Truth.

130. What, in your opinion, is the greatest aid in demonstrating the truth of Being, or in unfolding the perfect self? - X, Y. Z.

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Without doubt, the greatest and best aid to this end is to guard your thoughts. Thoughts are things, and are brought into visible manifestation when we dwell upon them. The statement in Scripture that "As a man thinketh so is he" is absolutely true. If we allow thoughts of weakness, failure, sickness, impurity, poverty, or any other not-good thought to take possession of us, we but open the door for these conditions to enter in and abide with us. You may say, "But these thoughts come unbidden into my mind and I am not able to help it. This is true when we are but beginners in the art of thought control, but, as some one has said, "We may not prevent the birds from flying over our heads, but we can keep them from building nests in our hair.” So, if an error thought intrudes, banish it and destroy its effect by a strong affirmation of truth. The remedy for all inharmony is: Change your thinking. As a reminder and a help to each other when we meet, we might say, "How are you thinking?" instead of the customary greeting, "How are you?" Another aid would be to make a motto and hang it up in your room "Guard your thoughts."

The Trut

Practical Christianity.

Entered in the postoffice at Kansas City, Mo., as second-class matter.

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Joseph Stewart, of Washington, D. C., has discontinued the publication of his magazine, Realization, but will be able to supply all demands for the three volumes now issued, at the regular price.

The excellent magazine Now has entered on the fifth year of its existence, and now appears in a beautiful cover with several additional pages. It is a wide-awake journal of affirmations, edited by Henry Harrison Brown, 1437 Market St., San Francisco, Calif. $1.00 a year.

Mrs. Annie Rix Militz, after several months' successful work in the East, has returned to California, accompanied by Mrs. Franc Perry of the Chicago Truth Centre, who will continue the work of healing soul and body at the Home of Truth, 1231 Pine Street, San Francisco.

Horatio W. Dresser writes us that he has on hand shop-worn copies of his books which he will send anyone for use as library or loaning copies at only 25 cents each postpaid. Requests for these books must be sent Mr. Dresser personally at 73 Wendell St., Cambridge, Mass.

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DEAR UNITY - A number of people who have been instructed in the New Thought, are now holding regular meetings on every Friday afternoon and Sunday evening to help each other in progressing. UNITY and other Unity publications are frequently read, and are found very helpful. Very convenient rooms have been secured at 18, 19, 20, 21 Pythian Temple, where various classes are held for instruction along New Thought lines. A free Reading Room is maintained for all New Thought literature, and all such publications are always on sale, or loaned from circulating or exchange library. We ask all interested to visit the rooms. -J. H. TAYLOR, Cleveland, Ohio.

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