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DEN FOUNDDevoted to


Ye shall know the Truth and the Truth shall Practical Christianity.



No. 1.



In nearly all departments of human endeavor art precedes science, and the illuminations of the inner light were manifest long before there was a theory of individual guidance. Wherever spiritual religion is found, there the inner light is recognized in life, if not in philosophy, for the basis of such religion is the shining of the Divine presence in the soci of man:

The sages of ancient India were believers in the inner illumination to such an extent that their whole philosophy was founded upon its revelations. All prophets, seers, and writers of sacred scripture were believers in this inner sense; otherwise they would not have deemed it possible for God


communicate through them. Mingled with faith in God was therefore a noble self-reliance, that reliance which Emerson so strongly inculcated. But, fortunately, emphasis was placed not upon the human but upon the Godward side. Thus these ancient seers teach us a lesson of receptivity, a lesson of great consequence in an age when there is a tendency to tamper with Divine revelation.

Socrates believed most truly in the inner light, although he emphasized its ethical rather than its spiritual side. All the Greek philosophers were in a profound sense believers in individual guidance, and the Greeks were more free than most people to develop their individual thought. In fact, it was the influence of Greek thought which brought about the liberalism of the Renaissance and laid the foundation for modern individual culture.

Had the early Christians followed the teaching of Jesus in all its fullness there would have been no

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