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But hammered and beaten and pounded and rolled and polished and added to is how its value was increased. The hard knocks it received were necessary to draw out its fine qualities and fit it for higher offices. So all the studying and training, which often seems hard to us, serves to bring out the nobler and finer qualities and fit a man for more responsible posts and greater usefulness. Many a fellow earning from eight to ten dollars a week could command double or quadruple that amount had his early education not been neglected. It may not be too late now to remedy this serious condition. Educational advantages are far superior and less expensive today than ten years ago.'

"And I said to myself, 'Tommie, it's up to you.”

“One night as I was walking up Market Street I saw this sign, 'Young Men's Christian Association,' and then I knew I had found the way. I became a member and entered one of the evening classes. A part of my leisure I spent in the reading-room and in attendance upon the lectures and talks. I followed two or three of the advised courses of reading, and drew my books from the public library through the Association office. I finally joined the Congress, and have spent two winters in debate and the study of municipal, State and national civic problems. I am more a man, earn more, make a more intelligent and useful citizen, and intend to keep growing."

He stopped for a moment, looked steadily into the face of the young man to whom he was talking, and then said, "To be frank, Jack, I think now that it's up to you."

In this case the Y. M. C. A. had helped "body" and "mind," two-thirds of its ideal, but in many other young men the "soul" also is awakened. A modern poet has beautifully shown that the greatest work of a city is to save its soul.

And we who builded this citadel in fabric of brick and brass

Shall build again for the city's Soul and the things that will not pass.

In Babel the tongues were all confused, but that ancient curse is done,

And here have the scattered tribes of earth foregathered again as one.

Out of all lands we lift our hands to build with steam

and fire;

And towering vast we shall raise at last the City of Man's Desire.

-C. L. EDSON, in Evening Mail, 1922.

PRESIDENT WARREN G. HARDING, editorial in Marion Star, July 5, 1922, during Centennial Celebration of the city:

The fit counterpart to the city of material success is the city of happy homes, ample education, fortunate and profitable employment, worship of God facilitated, a civic conscience and a community soul.

DEAN H. W. HOLMES, Graduate School, Harvard University, address National Education Convention, 1922:

The idea of democracy is that every citizen shall be able to participate in the discussions of common concern, to understand common aims, to guide his own life in the light of that understanding. It demands the development of positive loyalty to common ideals that are understood and freely adhered to.

PROF. HERBERT L. WILLETT, Chicago University, address Executive Secretaries of Church Councils, 1922:

Religion is charged with a heavier responsibility for the total adjustment of life to its environment than at any previous period. The recognition of the new scientific aspects of life, its social values, its emergence from individual to community interests, its new educational responsibility, are all factors that place upon religion a startling degree of responsibility for leadership and safe direction.

HON. JOHN J. TIGERT, United States Commissioner of Education, in letter, Aug. 11, 1922:

I am greatly in favor of using the Bible in public schools, not, of course, from any sectarian point of view. The Bible is the most wonderful piece of literature in the world, and as such should be used in every public school.

MR. EDWARD S. MARTIN, editorial in Harper's Magazine for July, 1922:

The real problem of the religious life of our undergraduates lies in the character of the men who compose our faculties.

To teach religion is the province of all teachers, and a teacher who cannot do it is by so much less qualified for his job.

If the colleges are to retain their immense influence, they must be able to impart spiritual leading to minds that are fit to receive it. If they don't they fail in their most vital office, in the use that the most of them were originally founded to serve. If they fail in that, they lose their leadership, which will go to men of faith, as it always does.


The parents we are studying find as their boy and girl problem grows that the city can do only a small part of what needs to be done by law to safeguard the children. For example, a majority of Americans would undoubtedly have been content with local prohibition of the liquor traffic if the liquor dealers had accepted local defeats in fair fights as good sports and good citizens. Because they did not, parents turned to the State for home protection. So in fighting gambling, prostitution, and Sunday profiteering, it was the corruption of officials in many cities by the outlaws of commercialized vice that made fathers appeal to the State to save their boys and girls, for the proportion of bad citizens is seldom as great in a whole State as in a big city. And in proportion as States did that supreme service in home protection, fathers felt the thrill of State patriotism.1

The British "Provinces" in Canada, Australia and South Africa correspond to the American States, and the moral and social status of the provinces have been in advance of the States on many things, for example, the United States followed Australia in the "Australian secret ballot,' in the eight hour law, in woman suffrage, and four Australian Provinces and one in South Africa had far excelled the United States in unsectarian Bible teaching-not mere reading, in public schools up to 1922. Canada at that time excelled the United States in "satisfactory censorship of motion pictures in all the provinces"-so declared by one of Canada's leading reformers, Rev. J. G. Shearer-while the United States had censorship in only six States and most of it of poor quality. On the other hand the States were far in the lead in anti-liquor and anti-gambling legislation. I suggest it would promote internationalism and social progress at the same time if some association in Canada would offer a substantial prize to the Canadian law student who would in a year's time show what States, if any, have stronger laws than any Province of Canada on 1. Marriage and divorce; 2. Child labor; 3. Censorship of shows; 4. Pugilism; 5. "Dope"; 6. Gambling: 7. Sunday commercialism; 8. Removal of unfaithful officials; 9. Use of money in elections; 10. Enforcement of prohibition. The plan would be to have some association in the United States offer a prize of the same amount and on the same terms except that it would set law students in the States to hunting up any laws in which all States were outdone by some Province in restriction of the evils implied in the above list.

In August, 1922, Rev. J. G. Shearer, of Toronto, sent us statistics on several points discussed in this book of which we note the following facts:

Let not the demagogue's abuse of the cry of "States' rights" blind us to the home protection values of a true State patriotism, such as is still found in the United States, chiefly among old families of the South, though the former conception of "State sovereignty" as implying the right to separate political existence has been in most cases sincerely abandoned.

Cities Nullifying "State Rights"

In lecture tours through the South, and especially at the Southern Sociological Congress, I have appealed to State patriotism as a latent force that could and should be made potent for home protection, both against the use of the federal shield of "interstate commerce" to protect interstate gambling, and against the more flagrant violation of "States' rights," "State sovereignty," and State laws by numerous cities where State prohibitions of prostitution, of liquor selling, of gambling, of Sunday work, and of child labor were all nullified by permission of perjured city officials. I said they should quit their treason against majority rule under the State unit or forever hold their peace about "State's rights" in the national realm. I said that one is not even a "good sport" who enters a State election and does not accept defeat like a gentleman, whether the vote is on the Governorship or for the determination of the State's policy as to morals.

1. Infant mortality. The number of Canadian infants that died in their first year both in 1916 and 1917 was almost equal to the number of Canadian soldiers killed in those years in the World War. In 1916 it was 27,000 infants to 31.031 soldiers; in 1917, the year of greatest slaughter in the war, 23,496 infants to 22,608 soldiers. 2. Child labor. Employment of children under 14 generally forbidden, but the "limitations do not apply effectively to rural children." 3. Juvenile delinquency at steady increase from beginning of World War, 1914 (4,960 cases) to end of war, 1918 (7,018 cases); then slow decline to 1921 (5,783 cases). 4. Juvenile courts. Increasing and working well, especially Toronto Court. 5. Marriage and divorce. In 1868 only 3 divorces in all Canada; in 1920 Canadians lamented an increase to 429 in almost 9 millions of population, 4.9 per 100,000 (against 112 in U. S.). 6. Motion Pictures. See statement above. Apply for valuable documents on all Canadian welfare movements to Social Service Council of Canada, of which Dr. Shearer is Secretary (Corporation Life Building, Toronto).

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