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New Code of Good Form Needed

What is most needed to overcome this reversion to sexual paganism and animalism is that inward reën forcement by which Paul won in the battle of the 7th of Romans, the battle between the flesh and the spirit, when he cried, "Who shall deliver me from this body of death?" He replied, "Through Jesus Christ our Lord." Passing through the triumphal arch of the "blessed eighth he said": "The law of the Spirit of life hath made me free from the law of sin and death."

This gospel should be reënforced by law especially now when parents have a majority of the votes. But the way in which this club can do most is by calling men to a new moral standard and inaugurating a new code of good form which shall brand bad morals as bad manners.

The special plea for a new code is that many new inventions have made new situations for which the codes of manners in general vogue have as yet no rules. People do not even know what men should do with their hats in an elevator; do not recognize that an elevator in an office building is a "public car," where there is no more reason for a man to take off a hat when a lady comes in than on a street car; while an elevator in a hotel is a hotel room in motion, and hats should be off just as in any other room where there are ladies close at hand. The "Hello" of the telephone is as ungentlemanly as if the parties to the conversation were in sight. The proper thing of course, as in an introduction, is to announce the name of the

party calling, to which the response should be the name of the party sought, with "Good morning" and "Good bye," as in regular interviews.

There are hundreds of new conditions calling for new rules, some of them involving not only manners but morals.

For example, the juvenile court judge, to whom I have referred, told me of a woman of good family to whom a gentleman in an automobile, of whom she knew hardly more than his name and that he was "well-to-do" in the superficial sense, said: "Can I take your daughter to ride in the hills?" She eagerly consented and a beautiful girl of fifteen was carried far into the lonely hills. Subsequently she was found to be suffering the consequences of the sin to which that ride naturally opened the way. The mother brought her case to the judge who said to the mother, "What if that man had told you he had a bungalow in the hills and in it a beautiful bedroom where he desired your daughter should spend the evening with him?" "I should have been shocked," said the mother. "But," said the judge, "his automobile far up in the hills where you permitted your daughter to go with him was a bedroom on wheels."

New rules of good form might powerfully reënforce parents and teachers in efforts to safeguard both the manners and the morals of their young people. Why should not the women's clubs and the Kiwanis, Rotary and other men's clubs appoint a commission to bring the code of good form up to date? Does any father of sons and daughters doubt that we need new rules to protect them against the worst, at least, of the new dances? In the present increase of divorce is not "society" disproving its own claim to be "select" when men and women divorced for adultery and their correspondents are not

barred out as "damaged goods," as such were by Queen Victoria ?3

I submit for adoption, after discussion and perhaps amendment, the following:

Inasmuch as many new inventions have been made since codes of good form in general use were published, we hereby authorize our President to appoint a committee of two, who, in our behalf, shall ask other clubs to appoint similar committees to draft new rules of good form for new occasions, and to bring the code up to the standards of a true Americanism wherever it falls short.

(We invite suggestions from all thoughtful people.)


To Follow Up Chapter V

CHAIRMAN. Dr. Harvey W. Wiley, now editor of Good Housekeeping, when head of the U. S. Bureau of Chemistry, speaking in the Chamber of Commerce in Washington, D. C., at one of the sessions of an annual meeting of the International Reform Bureau, enumerated as "habit-forming drugs," from worst to least: alcohol, opium, cocain, tobacco, coffee, tea, chocolate, cocoa. All these are "nervines,” that more or less upset the normalcy of the nerves, and make people "nervous" who should be nervy. These nervines so grip the nerves that they demand a new dose with increasing frequency. To illustrate

In August, 1922, the "Advisory Committee on the Traffic in Women and Children," of the League of Nations, held its first meeting in conjunction with various voluntary purity organizations. Women immigrants and actresses going to foreign lands were considered to be the classes most in need of international protection. America and Germany were asked to send representatives to the Committee.

the habit-forming quality in these various drugs and how it is taken advantage of for financial profit in nearly all patent medicines, Dr. Wiley told that day of a man introduced to him by a prominent general. The man so introduced desired the assistance of Dr. Wiley in making a new patent medicine for the drug market. He had been greatly benefited by taking a spoonful of olive oil between meals. He felt sure it would also benefit others, but he said: "I know that I could not get profit from plain olive oil. Tell me what drug I could put in by a secret formula that would make people feel they must have it every day." Dr. Wiley said that but for the man's distinguished sponsor who had sent him there not knowing his errand, he should have kicked him out of the room-meaning that it is a rascally thing to bind anybody to a habitforming drug.

We all know how the opium sot cries "I'm all in" after a certain short interval from his last "shot." The man whose nerves have been poisoned with alcohol wants it oftener and more of it week by week.

In Australia I found that tea had become to many an enslaving "dope." The man thus affected took a cup of tea on rising to "strengthen" him for dressing; another cup of tea at breakfast; another cup of tea at 11 A. M. even in the office of a temperance paper; another cup of tea at tiffin, as they call the noon lunch; another cup at "5 o'clock tea"-a cup of tea also at every call, if he made any; a cup of tea at supper; and Pullman trains on which I rode stopped twice in the night for travelers, in their bathrobes, to run across the frosted platform to the refreshment room, each time for a cup of tea. Most Americans feel they must have coffee three times a day, and many of them fill in between cups and between meals with cigarettes.

In a letter in my files from L. F. Kebler, Chief of the Drug Division of the U. S. Bureau of Chemistry, written shortly before the World War, June 24, 1914, he said that "five grains of caffein (2 cups of coffee) would kill a rabbit weighing about two pounds." In that letter he also said that when the U. S. Bureau of Chemistry began its investigations, a "goodly number of the drinks sold at soda fountains contained cocain," but so far as the Bureau had information none of them were on the market in 1914, but "the number of caffein preparations" had remained "about the same."

Children are not killed outright by coffee but the two cups of coffee that would kill a rabbit will unquestionably kill some of the tiny precious cells in a child's body. "Every drop of beer kills a cell," science tells us, and surely every full cup of coffee does as much harm as a drop of beer to a growing child. I do not attempt to persuade full-grown people to give up coffee or tea or chocolate, much less cocoa, which is the only one in the list I drink, and that but seldom. But let us try to keep the new generation from all these "habit drugs."

How shall we make boys and girls feel the wisdom of the rule every parent should make that they shall let all habit-forming drugs alone at least until they are of age and can decide for themselves?

Tell them, for one thing, that Sir Isaac Newton, the great thinker, who saw in a falling apple the law of the planets, said, "I make myself no necessities." He saw that many people were all tied up with habits that, like the strings of a jumping jack, made them do foolish things. Tell them that coffee is a crutch, that no strong boy or girl needs. Tell them water is the real "strong drink," the drink of the strong ox, and of the swift eagle; the drink of the winning athletes.

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