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the American way, and what that is ought not to be doubtful to any native American, or even to immigrants, whose coming here is a confession that American laws and customs have worked better than their old country way. Therefore they should adopt our way as to Sunday, as to beer, as to unsectarian Bible reading in schools. Loyalty and patriotism calls for more than hurrahs for the flag. They require loyalty to the American institutions which the flag is set to protect, especially LOYALTY



To Follow Up Chapter IX

Some of our truest Americans were born abroad, and rightly boast themselves over us who are native born, that they "chose to be Americans." They are Americans in spirit, which is the important thing. They are not mere "Buckeyes" or "Hoosiers," caring more for some State than for the country at large. The American immigrant proudly calls himself "an American." His patriotism centers not in one city or State, but is as broad as our great land. He wants no "State song, but only

"My country, 'tis of thee
Sweet land of liberty."

The Irishman was right for "substance of doctrine" who said he came to this country only for a visit, but liked it so well he "took it for his native land." In our public schools there are none more patriotic than children

who narrowly escaped a foreign birth. A little fellow who was born of English parents a month following their settlement in this country, on reaching the story of the American Revolution in his school studies, went home and said, “Dad, are you a Britisher?" "Yes," said his father. "Well, we licked you." "What are the three primary colors," said a teacher in Clifton Springs. A boy of foreign parentage answered quickly and proudly, "Red, white and blue." Years before the World War, a Dutch barber in Hoboken, pausing a moment in shaving a customer, greeted his boy in German on his return from school. The boy replied in English. Whereupon the barber shook his razor threateningly and said to his customer: "I have to thrash that boy to make him speak German. He wouldn't make a kite out of a German paper, and his mother had to buy the New York Sun." Why not -for a kite?

So far as love of country is concerned, and disposition to make the most of its free education, our immigrants often shame our native born. The ground is therefore fallow with patriotism for showing these adopted citizens what "American" and "Americanism" and "Americanization" and "A hundred per cent American" really mean, and that we must maintain Americanism in order to make America worth while.

Why is it millions of foreigners come to America to live, and so few Americans go abroad except for a brief visit? Surely no intelligent person will say it is because we have more land-is it not rather because this is the "better land" in this world to millions abroad-many of whom are never able to come?

Those who know America best, know it has great faults, and those who love America best are its severest critics when criticism is in order to arouse the country to be all

that it should be for its own sake and for the world's sake. We fall behind many other lands in single aspects of social progress, but every immigrant is a living vote that Americanism has produced the best country in the world. China and South America have as great variety of natural resources, so it can't be that alone that gives us the award.

It concerns the immigrants, for their children's sake, no less than native Americans, to consider what is true Americanization, and to study earnestly whether the immigrants are now really being Americanized or whether Americans are being foreignized.

Should Immigration be More Restricted that It May be Americanized?

Should immigration be restricted more carefully for the sake of foreigners already here, and for the sake of the world, as well as for our own sake-not merely because in panic years there are more people than there is work for, but because the American principles on which the immigrants' ultimate welfare as well as our own depends, and the nation's usefulness in the world also, are overmatched by a tide of foreign ideas and customs too large and too strong for us to Americanize?

Two cases were reported in one day in February, 1922, where hungry persons were choked to death trying to swallow food faster than they could chew it. Tell it to "Uncle Sam."

The World War brought a great reduction of immigration, and the 3 per cent immigration law that followed the war also served as a check, but there are several forms of selfishness at work to throw the flood gates wide open again. The interests of transportation companies and of certain churches whose membership is mostly foreign, and the appeal of humanitarianism in behalf of hungry

millions abroad, will make it difficult to guard our gates sufficiently.

In any case let each citizen understand this is not a matter, like foreign diplomacy, that he may and must leave to experts at Washington. It is up to every citizen to study, with others, if possible, in a class or club, what Americanism requires in the way of immigration legislation, and say it by word or pen or otherwise to officials and the public.

Mr. W. R. Thayer, in a strong article in North American Review, February, 1922, on "Throwing Away Our Birthright," said: "The immigration problem can never be settled wisely and justly unless it be settled by those who have a vision of what the United States stands for. The United States will cease to be the land of opportunity unless we preserve unsullied and undiminished the ideals by which and on which this Republic was created."

Let Bible Classes Include Lessons on Christian


We think Bible classes would be at once more popular and more Biblical if they included in each session a tenminute talk, or better a thought-provoking questionnaire, on such subjects as immigration and other aspects of Christian politics-not a dogmatic forcing of one man's opinion on the class, but a rapid fire of awakening questions for them to answer or take away and think about and talk about and vote about.

One way in which our immigration laws should be made American by removing the unAmerican, unChristian, needless and foolish slaps at Japan and China, which seem to proclaim their people the worst of outcasts. Let it be provided the number admitted of any nationality in any one year shall be only a certain very small per cent

of what came in a previous normal year, say 1914, in which year there was practically no Oriental immigration. The result would be that scarcely any immigration of Japanese or Chinese would be authorized, and those nations do not desire that there shall be any, but they do desire what this law would accomplish, to be delivered from an insulting discrimination, which we have made at the beck of race prejudice and industrial competition, and at risks of international wars and boycotts. We might have prevented Oriental immigration in a gentlemanly way.

The discrimination against Japan and China should have been cancelled promptly as an aftermath of the Arms and Far East Conference, where these two nations showed themselves worthy partners of the other foremost nations of the world in building world peace and universal brotherhood.

In order to the success of these and other reforms in the realm of politics, increasing love for God and man must be developed by the Church. Thus in place of the harmful union of Church and State there shall come the helpful cooperation of Church and State, of love and law in all forms of world betterment.


By Mrs. Wilbur F. Crafts, to follow up Chapter IX.

CHAIRMAN. Every native-born American, and equally every one from other lands who makes this his adopted country should know the beautiful story of the origin of the Stars and Stripes. As a woman had much to do with it one of the young ladies who has adopted this country, Miss Garabaldi, shall tell the story.

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