For ere the moone could thryse her wasted hornes renew, False Fortune cast for him, poore wretch, a myschiefe newe to brewe. The wery winter nightes restore the Christmas games, And now the season doth inuite to banquet townish dames. No knight or gentleman of high or lowe renowne, But Capilet himselfe hath byd vnto his feast, Or, by his name in paper sent, appoynted as a geast. Not so much for the banquets sake, as bewties to searche out. (For, as you heard, the Capilets and they were at debate) The supper done, with other fiue dyd prease into the place. The open prease, and him withdrew into the chambers nooke. And in theyr head beside an other woonder rose, How he durst put himselfe in throng among so many foes: The Capilets disdayne the presence of theyr foe, Yet they suppresse theyr styrred yre; the cause I do not knowe: Perhaps toffend theyr gestes the courteous knights are loth; Perhaps they stay from sharpe reuenge, dreadyng the princes wroth; Perhaps for that they shamd to exercise theyr rage Within their house, gainst one alone, and him of tender age. They vse no taunting talke, ne harme him by theyre deede, They neyther say, what makst thou here, ne yet they say, God speede. So that he freely might the ladies view at ease, And they also behelding him their chaunge of fansies please: Which Nature had him taught to doe with such a grace, That there was none but ioyed at his being there in place. With vpright beame he wayd the bewty of eche dame, frame. At length he saw a mayd, right fayre, of perfect shape, The prouerbe saith, vnminded oft are they that are vnseene. So nouell loue out of the minde the auncient loue doth riue. This sodain kindled fyre in time is wox so great, That onely death and both theyr blouds might quench the fiery heate. When Romeus saw himselfe in this new tempest tost, Where both was hope of pleasant port, and daunger to be lost, He doubtefull skasely knew what countenance to keepe; In Lethies floud his wonted flames were quenchd and drenched deepe. Yea he forgets himselfe, ne is the wretch so bolde To aske her name that without force hath him in bondage folde; How surely are the wareles wrapt by those that lye in wayte! From syde to syde on euery one dyd cast about her sight, Who for her sake dyd banishe health and freedome from eche limme. He in her sight did seeme to passe the rest, as farre As Phoebus shining beames do passe the brightnes of a starre. sticke. It booted not to striue. For why?-she wanted strength;' And onely ioyeth whan her eyen meete with her louers eyes. Eche of these louers gan by others lookes to knowe, That frendship in their brest had roote, and both would haue it grow. When thus in both theyr harts had Cupide made his breache, And eche of them had sought the meane to end the warre by speache, Dame Fortune did assent, theyr purpose to advaunce. With torch in hand a comly knight did fetch her foorth to daunce; She quit herselfe so well and with so trim a grace That she the cheefe prase wan that night from all Verona race: Nye to the seate where she must sit, the daunce once beyng donne. As were his handes, though nere so neere the fire he dyd them holde. As soone as had the knight the vyrgins right hand raught, him saye, wrong. When she had longed long, and he long held his peace, But ere she could speake forth the rest, to her Loue drewe so nere, That no one woord could scape her more then what already past. Fyrst ruthfully she look'd, then say'd with smylyng cheere: Mercutious hande had all to-frosen myne, ysy And of thy goodnes thou agayne hast warmed it with thyne." Whereto with stayed brow gan Romeus to replye: "If so the Gods haue graunted me suche fauour from the skye, That by my being here some seruice I haue donne That pleaseth you, I am as glad as I a realme had wonne. Which I woulde wysh if I might haue my wished hart's desire! That lo! my mynde doeth melt awaye, my vtward parts doe pyne. And, but you helpe all whole, to ashes shall I toorne ; Wherfore, alas! have ruth on him, whom you do force to boorne." Euen with his ended tale, the torches-daunce had ende, And Juliet of force must part from her new-chosen frend. His hand she clasped hard, and all her partes did shake, When laysureles with whispring voyce thus did she aunswer make: "You are no more your owne, deare frend, then I am yours; My honor sav'd, prest tobay your will, while life endures." で Eche takes away the others hart, and leaues the owne behinde. A happy life is loue, if God graunt from aboue That hart with hart by euen waight do make exchaunge of loue. But Romeus gone from her, his hart for care is colde; He hath forgot to aske her name, that hath his hart in holde. With forged careles cheere, of one he seekes to knowe, Both how she hight, and whence she camme, that him enchaunted so. So hath he learnd her name, and knowth she is no geast, Thus hath his foe in choyse to geue him lyfe or death, game. And he reproueth loue cheefe cause of his vnrest, Who ease and freedome hath exilde out of his youthfull brest: Twyse hath he made him serue, hopeles of his rewarde; Of both the ylles to choose the lesse, I weene, the choyse were harde. Fyrst to a ruthlesse one he made him sue for grace, And now with spurre he forceth him to ronne an endles race. The lot of Tantalus is, Romeus, lyke to thine; For want of foode, amid his foode, the myser styll doth pine. silke.) What twayne are those, quoth she, which prease vnto the doore, Whose pages in theyr hand doe beare two toorches light before? And then, as eche of them had of his houshold name, So she him namde.-Yet once agayne the yong and wyly dame:→ "And tell me who is he with vysor in his hand, That yender doth in masking weede besyde the window stand." His name is Romeus, sayd she, a Montegew, Whose fathers pryde first styrd the strife which both your hous holdes rewe. The woord of Montegew her ioys did ouerthrow, And straight insteade of happy hope dyspayre began to growe. |