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No. 71, (H. R. file,) entitled "A bill to authorize Samuel Strong to establish a ferry across the Des Moines river, opposite the town of Rochester, in Van Buren county;"

No. 86, (H. R. file,) entitled "A bill to establish a ferry on Rock river, at Janesville, in Rock county;" and

No. 64, entitled "A bill to authorize Levi Moffit to keep a ferry across Skunk river."

The committee arose after some time, and reported bills Nos. 17, 28, 52, 49, 71, and 86, with amendments, and No. 64, without amendment.

Mr. Arndt then moved further to amend bill No. 86, by adding thereto as follows, "Provided, said H. F. Jones keep, or cause to be kept at the place aforesaid, a good and sufficient horse or steam ferry boat, for the safe conveyance of passengers, horses, cattle, or hogs, across said river, without delay;" Which was disagreed to-ayes 5, noes 7.

The ayes and noes being called for,

Those who voted in the affirmative are, Messrs. Arndt, Brigham, McCraney, McKnight, Smith.

Those who voted in the negative, are Messrs. Foley, Irwin, Knapp, Sweet, Teas, Terry, Inghram, (Pres't.)

Mr. Foley moved further to amend bill No. 49, by adding thereto the following proviso, viz:

"And provided also that said ferry, when so established, shall be subject to the same law, and under the same restrictions as other ferries are or may hereafter be enacted in this Territory, or State, as the case may be, fixing the rates of toll, and prescribing the manner in which licensed ferries are or shall be hereafter established and attended to.-And should the law regulating ferries in any way be violated, and proof thereof be made to the satisfaction of the board of county commissioners, of Grant or Du Buque county, then the above charter, so violated, shall be declared void by said county commissioners, and said ferry shall thereafter be disposed of as other ferries are, under the law regulating ferries ; provided, also, that nothing in this act, shall be so construed as to interfere with the right that any individual may have to the lands on either side of said river;"

Which was agreed to.

The amendments to bill No. 71, having been read, Mr. Terry moved that the second amendment of the committee be rejected.

The motion was lost.

Mr. Sweet moved to amend the bill by adding to the amendment of the committee, as follows-" and the said Strong shall have the privilege of using a capital of one hundred thousand dollars with banking privileges."

The motion was lost-ayes 3, noes 9.

The ayes and noes being called for,

Those who voted in the affirmative are, Messrs. Foley, Sweet, and Teas. Those who voted in the negative are, Messrs. Arndt, Brigham, Irwin, Knapp, McCraney, McKnight, Smith, Terry, Inghram, (Pres't.)

On motion of Mr. Teas, bill No. 71, was indefinitely postponed.

The amendments of the committee to bills No. 17, 28, 49, 52, and 86, were concurred in, and they were severally ordered to be read a third time on to


Bill No. 61, was ordered also to be engrossed for a third reading.

Mr. Brigham, from the select committee, to which had been referred bill No. 87, (H. R. file,) entitled "A bill to organize the county of Green, and to extend the boundaries thereof," reported the same back again to the Council with amendments.

The bill as amended, was read a second time, and ordered to be considered in committee of the whole, now.

The Council thereupon resolved itself into the committe of whole, Mr. Foley in the chair, for the consideration of said bill.

After some time the committee arose, and reported the bill as amended by the select committee.

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The bill was then ordered to be read a third time on to-morrow.

A message from the House of Representatives, by the Clerk thereof, viz: Mr. President-The House of Representatives have concurred in the following bills from the Council:

No. 59, entitled "A bill to amend an act, entitled an act, to incorporate the Fox River Hydraulic Company."

No. 44, "A bill for the benefit of the towns of Belleview and Peru, in the original county of Du Buque.

Also, in the following bills with amendments:

No. 20, “A bill to amend and alter an act, entitled an act, to incorporate the Lafontaine Rail Road Company."


No. 36, "A bill to incorporate the Root River Rail Road Company;" to which amendment I am directed to ask the concurrence of this House.

The House of Representatives has concurred in the amendment made by the Council to their amendment, made to bill No. 11, entitled "A bill to incorporate the stockholders of the banks of Racine and Iowa," viz: in the 1st section strike out "John S. David," and insert in place thereof "Hiram C. Bennett, and has adhered to the following amendment, viz: to insert after the words "paid in," in the sixth line of the 22d section, the words "forty thousand dollars in the legal coin of the United States, and the remainder in current bills." I am directed to present the following acts for your signature, viz:

"An act relating to the militia and public defence of the Territory of Wisconsin ;" and

"An act to incorporate the Wisconsin Insurance Company;"

Which have been signed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives. And then he withdrew.

The President signed the bills referred to in the foregoing message.

On motion of Mr. Knapp,

Ordered, That the Council do recede from their disagreeing vote to the amendment by the House of Representatives, to bill No. 11, entitled "A bill to incorporate the stockholders of the banks of Racine and Iowa," viz to insert after the words "paid in" in the sixth line of the 22nd section the words, "forty thousand dollars in the legal coin of the United States, and the remainder in current bills;" and that the Secretary inform the House accordingly.

The amendments of the House of Representatives to the following bills, viz: No. 20, A bill to amend and alter an act to incorporate the La Fontaine Rail Road Company; and

No. 36, A bill to incorporate the Rock River Rail Road Company;
Were severally read and concurred in.

Ordered, That the Secretary acquaint the House of Representatives therewith.

On motion of Mr. Knapp, the vote to postpone indefinitely the bill, No. 71, (H. R. file,) entitled "a bill to authorize Samuel Strong to establish a ferry across the Des Moines river, opposite to the town of Rochester, in Van Buren county," was reconsidered.

On motion of Mr. Arndt,

Ordered, That the bill be laid on the table until to-morrow.

The Council adjourned.

WEDNESDAY, January 10, 1838.

Mr. Teas presented two petitions from persons residing within the half-breed tract, praying that the said tract may be set off into a separate county.

Read and ordered to be laid on the table.

Mr. Knapp presented two petitions from citizens of the county of Racine, the first praying for a road from Racine to Madison, and the other for a rail road from Racine to Rock river.

Read and ordered to lie on the table.

Mr. Brigham from the committee on Enrolment, reported that the following bill had been correctly enrolled, viz:

An act to incorporate the Green county Seminary.

Also, that the following bills had been presented to the Governor for his approval, viz:

An act to incorporate the Wisconsin Insurance Company at Green Bay; and An act relating to the militia and public defence of the Territory of Wisconsin.

Mr. Arndt, from the committee on Engrossment, reported bill No. 64, entitled "A bill to authorize Levi Moffit to keep a ferry across Skunk river," to be correctly engrossed.

Mr. Arndt, from the select committee, to which was referred bill No. 78, (H. R. file,) entitled "A bill concerning costs and fees, reported the same back to the Council with amendments.

The report was received, and the bill was read a second time, and ordered to be committed to a committee of the whole.

Mr. Sweet, from the joint committee of Conference on the part of the Council, to which the subject had been referred made report, as follows:

The committee of conference to which was referred bills No. 5, 30, and 32, (Council file,) agreeably to order have had the same under consideration, and now report that they cannot agree, and ask to be discharged from the further consideration of the subject.

Ordered, That the committee be discharged from the further consideration thereof.

On motion of Mr. Terry, the report of the committee on Public Expenditures, in relation to the memorial of John Atchinson, Esq., late fiscal agent of this Territory, praying compensation for his services therefor, was taken up, read, and considered.

On motion of Mr. Arndt, the report, together with the accompanying documents, was referred to a select committee, composed of Messrs. Arndt, Irwin and Sweet.

A message from the House of Representatives by their Clerk:

Mr. President-The House of Representatives has passed bills of the following titles:

No. 109, A bill to divorce Louisa Ann Sibley;

No. 123, A bill to divorce Martha Newton from her husband John C. Newton; No. 124, A bill to divorce Abraham Jones and Lucinda Jones from the bands of matrimony, and for other purposes; and

No. 126, A bill for the benefit of the Iowa lodge No. 1, of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows;

In which bills I am directed to ask the concurrence of this House.

I am directed to present for your signature, An act to incorporate the Green county Seminary; which has been signed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives.

The House of Representatives has concurred in the undermentioned bills, with amendments, viz:

No. 37, A bill to authorize John Dowling and James Sproule to erect a toll bridge across the West Fork of the Pekatoneka river;

No. 48, A bill to incorporate the Racine Seminary ;

No. 61, A bill to change the corporate powers of the village of Milwaukee. Also, have concurred in the following bills without amendments, viz:

No. 45, A bill to establish and regulate ferries in the county of Milwaukee,

and the counties thereto attached for judicial purposes;

No. 57, A bill to locate and establish the seat of justice of Jefferson county in this Territory.

The House of Representatives have amended the resolution of the Council authorizing the Secretary of the Territory to procure the laws, passed at the present session to be published, viz: strike out all after the word "Wisconsin" in the resolution, and insert "That the Council and House of Representatives meet in the Representatives' Hall on Saturday next, at three o'clock, P. M., and proceed to elect a Printer, by joint ballot, to print the laws passed at the present session."

The Governor has notified the House of Representatives, that on the eighth instant, he approved,

"An act to divorce Mary Williams from her husband Thomas Williams ;" And he has returned without his signature "An act to incorporate the Du Buque Seminary," with the following objection to the bill, viz: The omission of the words" the laws" between the words " or " and " of," in the proviso or last paragraph of the bill.

The House of Representatives have inserted the words "the laws," in the proviso of the said bill agreeably to the message of the Executive, and I am directed to present the said bill as amended for the concurrence of the Council. The House of Representatives have adopted the joint report by the committee of conference of the two Houses in relation to bills Nos. 5, 30, and 32 of this Council.

And then he withdrew.

The President signed the act referred to in the foregoing message.

The correction by the House of Representatives to the bill, entitled "An act to incorporate the Du Bubue Seminary," which was returned by the Governor, by reason of an omission of the words "the laws," in the fourth section thereof, was concurred in.

The several amendments made by the House of Representatives to the following bills were read and concurred in, viz :

No. 37, A bill to authorize John Dowling and James Sproule to erect a toll bridge across the West Fork of the Pekatoneka river;

No. 48, A bill to incorporate the Racine Seminary.

Ordered, That the Secretary acquaint the House of Representatives therewith.

The amendments of the House of Representatives to bill No. 61, entitled “A bill to change the corporate powers of the village of Milwaukee," were read, and

On motion of Mr. Sweet, the said amendments were referred to a select committee, consisting of the delegation from the original county of Milwaukee. The amendment of the House of Representatives to the resolution of the Council, relative to printing the laws in phamphlet form, viz: strike out all after the words "Wisconsin," and insert "That the Council and House of Representatives meet in the Representatives' Hall on Saturday next, at 3 o'clock, P. M. and proceed to elect a Printer by joint ballot to print the laws passed at the present session," was then read; and

On motion of Mr. Knapp,

Ordered, That the further consideration of the subject be postponed until this afternoon.

Bills from the House of Representatives, viz:

No. 109, A bill to divorce Louisa Ann Sibley from her husband, William T. Sibley; and

No. 124, A bill to divorce Abraham Jones and Lucinda Jones from the bands of matrimony, and for other purposes;

Were severally read a first and second time, and ordered to be committed to the committee of the whole.

Bill No. 126, (H. R. file,) entitled "A bill for the benefit of the Iowa lodge, No. 1, of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows," was read the first time.

Mr. Knapp then moved that the bill be indefinitely postponed; and pending the question thereon, a call of the Council was made, and the following absentees were sent for, viz: Messrs. Foley, McCraney, and Teas.

On motion of Mr. Brigham, the Council adjourned until 3 o'clock.


Mr. Sweet, from the select committee, to which had been referred the amendments of the House of Representatives to bill No. 61, entitled "A bill to change the corporate powers of the village of Milwaukee," made report thereon; and moved that the Council concur in the second amendment; and that they disagree to the first and third amendments, viz: to strike out in the fourth line of the 12th section the words "twenty-five to forty," and insert in place thereof "sixteen to twenty-four ;" and to add the following section, viz: "Sec. 20. That the taxes levied by the trustees for the purpose of making roads and streets within said corporation, shall exonerate the said corporation from any road tax levied by the county commissioners under the general act authorizing said commissioners to levy a road tax, and all acts or parts of acts authorizing a tax to be levied for road purposes, within said corporation by any person or persons, except by the trustees aforesaid, are hereby repealed;" which was agreed to. Ordered, That the House of Representatives be informed accordingly. The President presented the account of A. F. Russel for drawing and coloring thirteen maps of the Western portion of this Territory.

Referred to the committee on Public Expenditures.

On motion of Mr. Arndt, bill No. 105 (H. R. file,) entitled "A bill to incorporate the stockholders of the State Bank of Wisconsin, at Prairie du Chien," was committed to a committee of the whole, Mr. Brigham in the chair. The committee arose and reported the bill with amendments.

Mr. Sweet moved further to amend the bill by adding the following section in lieu of the 21st section, viz:

Sec. 21. There shall be one half of the capital stock actually paid in to said bank before the same shall go into operation, of which thirty thousand dollars shall be in the legal coin of the United States.

Which was agreed to.

Mr. Sweet then moved to change the number of the twenty-first section to the twenty-second.

Which was agreed to.

The bill was then ordered to be read a third time on to-morrow.

Bill No. 126, entitled "A bill for the benefit of the Iowa lodge, No. one, of the Independent order of Odd Fellows," being the unfinished business of the morning, was again taken up, and the question being put on the motion to postpone indefinitely, it was negatived-ayes 6, noes 6.

The ayes and noes being called for,

Those who voted in the affirmative are, Messrs. Knapp, McKnight, Smith, Sweet, Teas, Inghram, (Pres't.)

Those who voted in the negative are, Messrs. Arndt, Brigham, Foley, Irwin, McCraney, Terry.

The question then being, "shall the bill be read a second time?" so it was decided in the negative-ayes 6, noes 6.

The ayes and nays being called for, those who voted in the affirmative are, Messrs. Arndt, Brigham, Foley, Irwin, McCraney, Terry.

Those who voted in the negative are, Messrs. Knapp, McKnight, Smith, Sweet, Teas, Inghraim, (Pres't.)

The amendment of the House of Representatives to a resolution of the Council, in relation to the printing of the laws, was again taken up, read and considered.

Mr. Knapp then moved to amend the amendment of the House of Representatives, by striking out all after the words "that the" and to insert in place thereof, as follows:-" printing of the laws passed at the present session of the


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