| 1714 - 380 sidor
...fortifie my unlearned Reader with another Bit of Wifdom from Jtvvmal by Dryden, Look round the habttable World, how few Know their own Good, or knowing it,...purfue. How Void of Reafon are our Hopes and fears I What in the Centtufi of our Life af pears So welt Jefytt'ti, fo luckily begun, Sut, whm we have our... | |
| Juvenal - 1726 - 468 sidor
...happy. *** T OOK round the Habitable World, how few •*-' Know their own God j or knowing it, pur fuc How void of Reafon are our Hopes and Fears! What in the Condud of our Life appears So well defign'd, fo luckily begun, But, when we have our With, we with... | |
| Juvenal - 1735 - 512 sidor
...theft, ''tit not much matter what we want bejides; Jtr me tave already enough to make us happy. LOOK round the Habitable World, how few Know their own Good ; or knowing it, purfue. HowvoidofReafonare our Hopes and Fears! What in the Conduct of our Life appears So well defign'd, fo... | |
| Rob Steele - 1740 - 368 sidor
...Bit of Wifdom from Juvenal by Dryden. Look round the habitable World, hciufrw Know their oiun Cood, or knowing it purfue ? Ho<w -void of Reafon are our...Fears ! What in the Conduct of our Life appears So ivell dejign d. fo luckily begun, But, iL'hen we have our Wi/h, lue iKifh undone ? EVEN the Men that... | |
| Sir Richard Steele, Joseph Addison - 1747 - 582 sidor
...fortify my unlearned Reader with another Bit of Wifdom from Ju~ venal by Dryden. Look round the hahitahle World, how few Know their own Good, or knowing it,...void of Reafon are our Hopes and Fears .' What in the Conduit of our Life appears So welldejign'd, fo luckily hegun, But, when we have our Wijh, we wi/h... | |
| John Dryden - 1760 - 476 sidor
...is not much matter what •we want bejides ; for we have already enough to make us happy. X 2 LOOK round the habitable world, how few Know their own...our life appears So well defign'd, fo luckily begun, But, when we have our wifh, we with undone? Whole houfes, of their whole defires pofleft, Are often... | |
| John Dryden - 1760 - 476 sidor
...tbefe, it is not much matter what we want bejides ; for we have already enough to make us happy. LOOK round the habitable world, how few Know their own...void of reafon are our hopes and fears! What in the conduft of our life appears So well defign'd, fo luckily begun, But, when we have our wim, we wifh... | |
| Samuel Johnson - 1763 - 292 sidor
...3. 1750. Paud dignofcere po/ypt Vera buna, atque iUis multum cti'uerfa, remota Erroris nebula, JlTV. How few Know their own good ; or, knowing it, purfue? How void of reafon we our hopes and fears ? DRYDEN. r • ^HE folly of human wifhes and purfuits has alJ. ways been a... | |
| Thomas Amory - 1766 - 558 sidor
...righteoufnefs, and the puniflimcnt of wickednefs unto a future ftate of cxiftence. SECTION XIII. ' Look round the habitable world, how few Know their own...void of reafon are our hopes and fears ! What in the conduft of our life appears ( So well defign'd, fo luckily begun, But, when we have our wifli, we wifli... | |
| Thomas Amory - 1766 - 572 sidor
...righteoufnefs, and the punifhment of wickednefs unto a future flate of cxiftence. SECTION SEGTION XIII. Look round the habitable world, how few Know their own...purfue. How void of reafon are our hopes and fears 1 What in the conduct of our life appears So well defign'd, fo luckily begun, But, when we have our... | |
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