And vanquish'd goddeffes, difgrac'd fo late, May bear you hard; I therefore fear their hate. Nor make no question, but if I confort you, And for a ravisher our Greece report you;
War will be wag'd with Troy, and you fhall rue The fword (alas!) your conqueft shall pursue. When Hypodamia, at her bridal feast, Was rudely ravish'd by her Centaur guest; Because the falvages the bride durst seize, War grew betwixt them and the Lapythes. Or think you Menelaus hath no fpleen? Or that he hath not power to avenge his teen ? Or that old Tyndarus this wrong can fmother? Or the two famous twins each lov'd of other?
So where your valour and rare deeds you boast, And warlike fpirits in which you triumph'd most; By which you have attain'd 'mongst soldiers grace, None will believe you, that but fees your face. Your feature, and fair shape, is fitter far For amorous courtships, than remorsless war. Let rough-hew'd foldiers warlike dangers prove, 'Tis pity Paris fhould do ought fave love. Hector (whom you so praise) for you may fight; I'll find you war to fkirmish every night, Which fhall become you better. Were I wife, And bold withal, I might obtain the prize: In fuch fweet fingle combats, hand to hand, 'Gainft which no woman that is wife will stand. My champion I'll encounter breast to breaft, Tho' I were fure to fall, and be o'erpreft.
If that you private conference intreat me, I apprehend you, and you cannot cheat me ::
I know the meaning, durft I yield thereto, Of what you would confer, what you would do.. You are.too forward, you too far would wade; But yet (God knows) your harvest's in the blade.. My tired pen shall here its labour end, A guilty fenfe in thievifh lines I fend. Speak next when your occafion best persuades, By Clymene and Æthra my two maids.
The paffionate Shepherd to his Lower
Live with me, and be my love, And we will all the pleafure prove,. That hills and valleys, dale and field, And all the craggy mountains yield. There will we fit upon the rocks, And fee the shepherds feed their flocks,. By fhallow rivers, by whofe falls. Melodious birds fing madrigals. There will I make thee beds of rofes, With a thousand fragrant pofies; A cap of flowers, and a girdle Imbroider'd all with leaves of myrtle; A gown made of the fineft wool, Which from our pretty lambs we pull; Fur lined flippers for the cold, With buckles of the pureft gold; A belt of ftraw and ivy buds, With coral clafps, and amber ftuds.. And if thefe pleafures may thee move, Then live with me, and be my love. The fhepherd fwains fhall dance and fing, For thy delight each May morning..
If thefe delights thy mind may move, Then live with me, and be my love.
The Nymph's Reply to the Shepherd.
If that the world and love were young, And truth in every fhepherd's tongue; These pretty pleasures might me move To live with thee, and be thy love. Time drives the flock from field to fold, When rivers rage, and rocks grow cold; And Philomel becometh dumb,
And all complain of cares to come. The flowers do fade, and wanton fields To wayward winter reckoning yield: A.honey tongue, a heart of gall, Is fancy's fpring, but forrow's fall. Thy gowns, thy fhoes, thy bed of rofes, Thy cap, thy girdle, and thy pofies; Some break, fome wither, fome forgotten, In folly ripe, in reason rotten. Thy belt of straw, and ivy buds ; Thy coral clafps, and amber ftuds ; All these in me no means can move To come to thee, and be thy love. But could youth last, and love still breeds. Had joys no date and age no need; Then thefe delights my mind might move. To live with thee, and be thy love.
Another of the fame Nature.
Come live with me, and be my dear, And we will revel all the year
In plains and groves, on hills and dales, Where fragrant air breathes sweetest gales. There fhall you have the beauteous pine, The cedar, and the fpreading vine, And all the woods to be a fkreen, Left Phœbus kifs my summer's' queen. The feat of your difport fhall be, Over fome river, in a tree;
Where filver fands and pebbles fing
Eternal ditties to the fpring.
There you fhall fee the nymphs at play,- And how the fatyrs (pend the day: The fishes gliding on the fands, Cffering their bellies to your hands; The birds, with heavenly-tuned throats Poffefs woods echoes with sweet notes; Which to your fenfes will impart · A mufick to inflame the heart. Upon the bare and leaflefs oak, The ring-doves wooings will provoke A colder blood than you poffefs, To play with me, and do no lefs. In bowers of laurel trimly dight, We will outwear the filent night, While Flora bufy is to spread Her richest treasure on our bed. The glow worms shall on you attend, And all their sparkling lights fhall spend t
All to adorn and beautify
Your lodging with most majesty:
Then in my arms will I inclofe Lilies fair mixture with the rofe; Whofe nice perfections in love's play,. Shall tune me to the highest key.
Thus as we pafs the welcome night In fportful pleafures and delight,. The nimble fairies on the grounds Shall dance and fing melodious founds- If these may serve for to intice, Your prefence to love's paradife Then come with me, and be my And we will ftrait begin the year.
Take, O! take thofe lips away; That fo fweetly were forfworn; And thofe eyes, the break of day; Lights which do mislead the morn. But my kiffes bring again,
Seals of love, tho' feal'd in vain.
Hide, O hide thofe hills of fnow, Which thy frozen bosom bears, On whofe tops the pinks that grow,. Are of those that April wears. But my poor heart first fet free; Bound in thofe icy chains by thee.
Let the bird of lowest lay, On the fole Arabian tree,、 Herald fad, and trumpet be,. To whofe found chafte wings obey, But thou fhrieking harbinger, Foul procurer of the fiend,
Augur of the fever's end,..
To this troop come thou not nears.
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