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this measure, and indeed it was not improbably suggested by the successful zeal of that gentleman, the Board had the satisfaction to receive from the Rev. Mr. Chanler, of St. Mark's Church, Clarendon, the sum of fiftynine dollars, and the names of twentytwo annual subscribers, obtained by his exertions, and chiefly in his own parish, which, though among the least populous in the diocess, has taken a station among the chief patrons of our Society, and exhibited an example which, it is hoped and believed, will not be without a salutary effect. They have also the pleasure to record among the benefactors to the Society, the name of another gentleman, a member of the Standing Committee, Mr. Jacob Rapelye, who has recently made the appropriate donation of twenty-five Bibles; and that of Master W. C. Clarkson, jun. who added to his stated annual subscription, the gift of five dollars. The Board embrace this portunity to express a wish, that an additional number of the young of both sexes might be enrolled among the members of the Society, not merely as a means of revenue, but as adapted to cultivate in the mind, while yet tender and comparatively unoccupied, an attachment to the principles of pure religion, and a benevolent disposition, especially in favour of those who are without God and without hope;" while at the same time, it may have the happy tendency of inducing a habit of beneficence, which, both as it respects the individual concerned and society at large, would be a most precious acquisition. It is gratifying to mention, that the names of several children, some in infancy, have been already placed on our books. There are at present in the Society 204 members, and of these 28 were added during the year past. While we reflect, with some surprise and regret, that this Society has not increased in just proportion to the number of young men and others who might be reasonably expected to avail themselves of its privileges, considering that the annual contribution has been placed on a level with the means of so many, we have to record, and we do so with still greater surprise and regret,

that eleven persons have withdrawn their assistance from the great work of benevolence, which so affectingly invites the united efforts of the Christian community. We will not dismiss the hope, that, at some future period, these our friends will find it convenient again to associate themselves with us; or neglect the opportunity to remark, that if their withdrawal has been occasioned by the opinion that the resources of the Society are sufficient, or that there are other purposes of benevolence, whose claims are of a more imperious nature, the subject is entitled to a serious and patient reconsideration.

The Society have to lament the removal by death of one of their members, with whose name* will naturally be connected the grateful recollection, that he cheerfully gave to his young fellow Christians the influence of his well-merited reputation, and the encouragement of his venerable approba


The importance and the propriety of sending a Missionary to the newly acquired territory of Florida, at an early period suggested itself to the members of this Board, and the knowledge that several families attached to the Church, St. Augustine, and expressed a wish some from this city, had removed to that they and their children might participate in those religious advantages to which they had been accustomed, as well as the facility of intercourse between this city and St. Augustine, (a point which it was necessary to regard, considering the state of our funds,) induced the Board, in August last, to invite the Rev. Mr. Fowler to undertake a mission to that place for the term of two months.

But even for this mission, the least expensive of any which could have been instituted, and the duration of which was so short, the Board could not have proposed a suitable compensation, had they not been assisted by Church, on whose liberality religion some persons, communicants of our and charity have made frequent and ample drafts. Their praise is or ought to be in all the churches. But they

* Dr. T. Harris.

have a satisfaction which their fellowmen could not give or take away. "The bird in their bosom sings sweetly." Their memorial is on high. Their reward is in heaven.*

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"It is not in mortals to command success." The mission to St. Augustine has in a great measure failed of its expected effect, in consequence of the pestilence which prevailed there during the autumn. Many of the inhabitants abandoned the place. Most of those who remained were occupied with the sick, or confined themselves to their houses to avoid infection. Still we trust that some good seed has been planted, which in due season will spring up. And when we recollect the pure delight which warms the parental bosom, in dedicating her child to God in the sacrament of baptism, and the privileges which that Christian ordinance confers; and the consolation afforded to the sick and the dying by the voice of the minister of the Gospel, as well as the deep impressions which his instructions are calculated to make when enforced by the associations of a death-bed scene, we do not hesitate to maintain that the late mission to Florida has not been altogether in vain.

For further information, there are subjoined extracts from the letter of the Missionary.

"When we came to the quarantine, the port physician boarded us, and informed us, as the pilots had previous ly done, that a malignant fever was raging to a very violent degree on shore, and that two or three persons

* Among those who assisted our Society in this mission, particular mention ought also to be made of an association of young ladies, formed for the purpose of mutual improvement, in the pursuit of which they have not been unmindful of the temporal and spiritual wants of their fellow creatures. At each meeting, while one reads aloud some instructive book, the rest are at work, and the proceeds of their manual skill are placed in a charity box for such occa sions as may present a claim on their attention. It is thus that the mind, the heart, and the hands are at the same time exercised, and the accomplishments of knowledge, industry, and beneficence successfully and most agreeably cultivated. Our Society indulges a hope that it will continue to enjoy the favour of this excellent association, and they consider it no smalt honour and encouragement that they have been

deemed worthy of its bounty, and admitted to partake of its skill and industry,

died in a day. He also informed us, that there had been two or three cases that morning, and the inhabitants were much alarmed.

"I landed about four o'clock P. M. and was met by most of the respectable citizens of the place, who affectionately congratulated me on my safe arrival, and welcomed me thither. The same evening, both the Governor and Mayor waited on me, and expressed their satisfaction at my arrival.

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"Every person with whom I spoke expressed his happiness in having a Clergyman to visit them.

"The next morning after I arrived, I began to visit the people, especially the sick; I continued to do so while I was there, and was well received by the citizens of all denominations, and par ticularly so by the Spaniards. I officiated six times in the old government house, baptized six children, and attended several funerals, and catechised four children. Many others were preparing themselves to say the catechism, and had it not been for the sickness, I should have catechised and baptized


"There are two lots of ground which are said to have belonged to the Church of England, and the people had just begun to raise a subscription for a minister's salary as the sickness commenced. My labours ought to be followed up as soon as possible. I distributed some Prayer Books given me for that purpose by two benevolent ladies of this city. And I gave away many pamphlets of my own, as I found they were wanted.

"I pray to God to bless your pious endeavours to spread the Gospel of the dear Redeemer among mankind; and to grant that many yet unborn may rise up and experience the comforts of your benevolence."

In recurring to the events of the past year, the Board deem it expedient to express their regret, that the monthly meetings of the Standing Committee, at which the business of the Society is transacted, should, on four occasions, have failed for want of a quorum; and it is still with greater regret they have been led to notice, by that useful review of the past to which

they have been called, that one of the two general meetings, by which alone the life and spirit of the institution can be preserved, should also have failed. These failures are probably to be attributed to the opinion, that there was no business of importance claiming attention; but it should be recollected, that it is the design of the meetings to invite the members unitedly to contemplate the interesting purposes for which they have associated; and by friendly interchange of sentiment, to endeavour to ascertain the methods by which these purposes may be best promoted.

Into the Missionary field, a field of boundless extent, in which so many difficulties are to be encountered, the Protestant Episcopal Society, composed of young Men and others, have entered with much diffidence, and they do not hesitate candidly to admit that they have done little, much less indeed than they expected, with the assistance of a Christian community, under the blessing of Providence, to have effected. But they feel a cheering confidence that their Society is planted in a good soil; that it will not want uman culture; that the dews of heaven will visit it; and, though it be now as a grain of mustard seed, which is less than the least of all seeds, yet, in due season, if we faint not, it shall become as a mighty tree, under whose shadow, like "the shadow of a great rock in a weary land," many shall be refreshed, and whose leaves may yet be scattered far and wide for the healing of the nations. To borrow a figure from science, we do hope that a heat has been kindled, which, though it may now be latent, will, in due time, develope itself, and pass from bosom to bosom, and from country to country.

The example of the elder Society for the Advancement of Christianity in South-Carolina, in whose bright path we profess to have entered, has not been in vain as it respects ourselves, and the members of our communion in various parts of our country; and why may we not indulge the hope that our example will have a salutary influence in this and other communities? Having adverted to this excellent Society, we are naturally led to remark the beautiful

harmony which subsists between our humble labours and those of kindred institutions.

The propagation of the Gospel was attempted, in the first instance, at home, within our own state. To advance Christianity in South-Carolina was the undivided object of the first Society. Considerable progress having been made in this work, our Society, formed by a succeeding generation, determined to co-operate with their fathers, and to enlarge the sphere of missionary operations, having more particularly in view the destitue condition of the neighbouring south-western states. A third Society, instituted by the last General Convention, enters a more extended field, that of the United States in general, and, as circumstances will admit, of foreign countries, more particularly of the pagan nations. It will be perceived, that these institutions have a common object, that they are as streams successively issuing from the one fountain of Christian benevolence. May they flow with a rapid current, and swell more and more, hastening the period which every believer must anxiously anticipate, when the knowledge of the Lord shall cover the earth as the waters do the sea. Let each member of our Church, according to his ability, unite himself to one or to all of these associations.

In conclusion, the Standing Committee would encourage themselves, and their fellow members, by the im portant consideration, that it is the cause of humanity and of heaven in which they are enlisted. A cause in which the immortal soul is concerned, may well claim the earnest prayers, and the best energies of mankind. To propagate the Gospel, the best men of various ages, of whom the world was not worthy, have freely shed their blood. It was the same cause which awakened the sympathy of the blessed angels on that morning, when the Star of Bethlehem shone on a benighted world. With this, the divine mind has condescended to be engaged from the beginning of time, and it will never cease to be an object of interest to that. supreme intelligence, until time shall be no longer. It was for this cause

that the Son of God took upon him our human flesh, and submitted to death, even the death of the cross. Yes, let us not forget that our blessed Lord was the first Missionary, first in dignity, in labour, and in sufferings. And shall not mortal man count it his highest privilege, to be permitted to contribute to a purpose of such unequalled importance, a purpose thus consecrated. Shall he enter upon this delightful duty with a mind preferring inferior concerns, with a freezing heart, and with languid exertions? Shall he be afraid of doing too much? Shall he not rather be afraid of doing too little?

In behalf of the Board.
President, ex officio.

Officers of the Society for 1822. The Right Rev. Bishop Bowen,D.D. ex officio, President; George B. Eckhard, Corresponding Secretary; Ebenezer Thayer, jun. Recording Secretary; Thomas C. Marshall, Treasurer. Standing Committee.--John W. Mitchell, Hugh P. Dawes, Samuel Henwood, Edwin Gibbes, Maj. L. H. Kennedy, Archibald E. Miller, George W. Egleston, Jacob Rapelye, Thomas W. Bacot, jun. Thomas Gadsden.

For the Christian Journal.

Twelfth Annual Report of the Bord of Managers of the New-York Bible and Common Prayer Book Society. Read at a meeting of the Society, in Trinity Church, New-York, on Tuesday, Feb. 26, 1822.

So lately as the commencement of the present century, it is believed, there was not in this diocess, nor, indeed, in any part of our country, a voluntary association of individuals, formed on a permanent basis, for the purpose of aiding the Church in promoting the great interests of the Gospel. This seems the more surprising, as the experience of the mother church of England had, for more than a century, exhibited the 'extensively beneficial influence which might thus be exercised. The venerable Societies for Promoting Christian Knowledge, and for Propagating the

Gospel in Foreign Parts, had, during that period, been her most powerful auxiliaries, not only in advancing her interests, and the spiritual welfare of her children, at home; but also in carrying to far distant lands, and among them, to our own, the inestimable benefits of her communion.

The Convention of this diocess had, indeed, in the year 1796, organized a Board under the title of the Committee of the Protestant Episcopal Church for Propagating the Gospel in the State of New-York; and from that time, this Committee has had in charge the disposal of the sums collected in the seve ral parishes for the support of Missionaries.

In 1802, the Corporation of Trinity Church, in this city, vested a liberal sum in a Board of Trustees, denominated the Protestant Episcopal Society for Promoting Religion and Learning in the State of New-York. The proceeds of this endowment continue to be appropriated by the Society, in aid of the support of Missionaries, in the distribution of religious books and tracts, in assisting young men in their preparation for holy orders, and in other ways conducive to the interests and increase of the Church.

It is obvious, however, that neither of the above mentioned institutions, although of great and extensive utility, can be classed with voluntary associations, supported by the contributions of their members. The first establishment

of that kind attempted in our diocess, and, it is believed, in the American Church, is that, in the business of which we are now assembled. It was organiz ed in the beginning of the year 1809. Since that time, and especially within the last six or seven years, the example has been very extensively followed. In all parts of the country, societies have been formed, and are still forming, by members of the Church, for the distribution of the Bible, the Book of Common Prayer, and approved religious books and tracts; for the support of Missionaries; for aiding young men in their preparation for holy orders; for extending the benefits of gratuitous daily and Sunday instruction; and for other objects connected with the en

largement and prosperity of the Church. It is believed that there is not now a diocess in the country, and hardly a parish in a diocess, in which the members of the Church are not directly or indirectly engaged in the support and management of some such establish


These institutions are recommended to our notice and regard from the twofold consideration of the good they do, and of the manner in which they do


It must be perfectly obvious that the good done in the various modes above enumerated, must be of vast extent, and of infinite importance. It is no less than promoting the glory of God, and the spiritual and eternal welfare of men; and in connexion with these, the best interests of society.

But the manner in which this good is done presents also an object of peculiarly gratifying reflection. No truth is more obvious on the face of Scripture, than that the blessings of religion are appointed to be enjoyed by man in a holy community, where they are connected with each other by the bond of a common faith, a common ministry, and common worship. This community, styled the Church and Body of Christ, is represented as the established mean for conveying to individuals the spiritual and eternal blessings designed by the Gospel; and the appointed instrument of its extension and preservation in the world. And we esteem it the peculiar recommendation of the societies we have noticed, that by recognizing, in their own establishment and operation, the same bond of faith, ministry, and worship,-they do good in that evangelical and primitive way, which, while it promotes the great interests of the Gospel, fails not also to cherish and enforce that unity of faith and order, which the first Christians deemed essential to the religion they professed, which the Apostles strenuously urged, for which the Saviour prayed, and which are among the most prominent characteristics bf the Church for which he shed his blood.

In accomplishing the good purposes designed by its establishment, this society has, through the divine blessing,

been enabled, since its institution, to raise a permanent fund of $5,348 35; to expend, in the immediate prosecution of its objects, nearly $4,500; to procure, in addition to the expenditure just mentioned, a handsome set of stereotype plates of the Book of Common Prayer; and to distribute, principally gratuitously, 3,195 copies of the Bible, 500 of the New Testament, and 6151 of the Book of Common Prayer; making an aggregate of 9,846 volumes. Of these, 229 Bibles, and 490 small Prayer Books have been gratuitously distributed, and 176 octavo Prayer Books from the Society's plates, been delivered to members, on the terms of the Society, within the past year.

The Board, at a late meeting, appro priated $600 for procuring Bibles and Prayer Books for distribution during the ensuing year.

In this way, we may humbly hope that we have been instrumental in doing some good to the Church, and through that, to the religion of the Redeemer. It is impossible to say how far the distribution of these books may have gone in bringing sinners to repentance; in reclaiming the erroneous, and confirming the wavering, in the faith; in guiding men in the pleasant ways and peaceful paths of the commandments and ordinances of the Lord bringing them, in his own appointed way, into covenant with God; and thus forwarding them, through the militant, towards the triumphant state of his holy Church.

But extensive as we may hope that this good has been, we cannot suppress the confidence that it might and ought to have been greater. When we consider what portion of the wealth of the community is possessed by the members of our Church, and her peculiar advantages as a mean of promoting the great interests of religion, we would naturally expect that her institutions would be foremost in extent of operation, among those designed to benefit the cause of the Gospel. Certain we are that her members cannot better employ their ability to promote that great and glorious cause, than by enabling her to extend more widely the sanctifying and saving influences of her pri

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