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institutions; which, in their separate existence, seemed likely to produce such a competition of interests, as might have been productive of serious inconveniences in the concerns of our communion. It is to be hoped that there will be now an undivided wish and endeavour, to support an institution begun under such favourable prospects.

During the same General Convention, there was matured the plan of a domestic and foreign missionary society. It had been proposed by the Convention of 1820, but with defects, occasioned by oversight, which prevented the co-operation of so great a proportion of our communion, as discouraged any effective proceedings on the part of the nominated trustees. The defects have been supplied; sundry important improvements have been added; and the whole organization having been matured with care, and resolved on with general consent, it is to be hoped, that all the members of our communion will take an interest in carrying the design into effect.

The Society for the Advancement of Christianity in Pennsylvania, although, as they think, not sustained with a zeal proportioned to the importance of the institution, has not been without a measure of usefulness: for which it will be sufficient to refer to their report. At tached to this association, there is a Female Tract Society, which continue their exertions in publications, small in size, but eminently instructive.

The Prayer Book Society, in consequence of gratuitous distributions to an extent not warranted by their means, have found themselves under the necessity of suspending that part of their design. In the other branch of it, the furnishing of the book at the least possible price to subscribers, they are still progressing; and under the hope, by the means of this economy, to make up the defalcation from their funds.

The Sunday School Society are pur suing the object for which they were associated. It should be understood, that the object is distinct from that of any Sunday School Society formed for the giving of instruction. It is merely for the cheaper supplying of societies of the latter description, with elementary

and other necessary books; and in this work they are likely to be useful.

It seems still a duty to hold up to the clergy of the diocess, the too little advantage taken for the benefit of their families, of the fund of the society for the widows and the children of deceased clergymen. It is the more remarkable, that so few avail themselves of this opportunity of establishing claims in favour of their families; as, besides annuities acquired by profitable purchase, the 11th article of the constitution provides, that the corporation may apply a proportion of the overplus of revenue to the increase of annuities. That body, however charitably disposed to families, other than those of deceased contributors, cannot bestow on them relief from this fund.

Considering the difficulty, generally, of raising incomes adequate to the support of the parochial clergy, it is also difficult to say, to what extent, and with what degree of earnestness, there should be pressed the design of creating a fund for the support of a future Bishop, so as to relieve him from the necessity of having a parochial cure. But the principle on which the design was bottomed is so reasonable, and the success of it so desirable, that your present Bishop will be held excusable in bringing it annually into view: especially as he has felt, more than any other person, the need of such a provision.

Although the Bible Society of this city is not peculiarly attached to our communion, yet, as their object is not only of supreme importance, but that in which all denominations of Christians agree, and as it contributes its share to the great design of publishing the glad tidings of salvation where they have been hitherto unknown, and of depositing the record of them in the hands of the destitute of all countries nominally Christian, it has been presented to the notice of the conventions for sundry years past, and, under continuance of the impression, there is now declared a deep conviction of the importance of the subject.

The trustees of the products of the bequest of the late Mr. Doz, have received, and there will be reported to this body, 300 dollars, in addition to.

what has been reported already. The money thus received has been vested by the council of advice in public stock, in the names of the trustees appointed for the purpose.


There is a subject on which your shop wishes to record his opinion, matured by the long experience of his ministry, and acted on by him, as he thinks, to the advantage of the Church. It is the conduct becoming us towards those of our fellow Christians who are severed from us by diversity of worship, or of discipline; and in some instances, by material contrariety on points of doctrine.

The conduct to be recommended is, to treat every denomination, in their character as a body, with respect; and the individuals composing it with de grees of respect, or of esteem, or of affection, in proportion to the ideas entertained of their respective merits; and, to avoid all intermixture of administrations in what concerns the faith, or the worship, or the discipline of the Church.

On the conduct to be observed towards every denomination, it is not intended to recommend silence concerning any religious truth, from the mistaken delicacy of avoiding offence to opposing error; nor to censure the exposing of the error, if it be done in a Christian spirit, and in accommodation to time and place. To take offence at this, is to manifest the spirit of persecution, under circumstances which have happily disarmed it of power. But

when, instead of argument, or in designed aid of it, there is resort to misrepresentation and abuse; or, when the supposed consequences of an opinion are charged as the admitted sentiments of the maintainer of it; these are weapons as much at the service of error, as at that of truth; are the oftenest resorted to by the former; and are calculated to act on intelligent and ingenu ous minds, as reason of distrust of any cause in which they may be employed. It is no small aggravation of the evil, that it tends to retard the time, which, we trust, will at last be brought about by the Providence of God; when, in consequence of friendly communications, arising out of the ordinary inter

courses and charities of life, there will be such an approximation of religious societies in whatever can be thought essential to communion, as that they shall "with one heart and one mouth glorify God." For, to those who have attended to the first workings of what has ended in the divisions and subdivisions among Christian people, it must have been evident, at least in the greater number of instances, that with diversity of sentiment, there might have continued the "Unity of the Spirit in the Bond of Peace," had it not been for the intrusion of personal injury, or provocation, the effects of passion, or of interfering interests, which have sometimes insensibly induced the persuasion of service done to the cause of God, when, in fact, human views had a dominant share in determining the conduct.

There has been referred to, in favour of the point sustained, the danger of exciting and increasing unfriendly feeling between differing denominations. It is on this principle-although there are other considerations tending to the same effect-that your Bishop has resisted all endeavours for an intermixture of administrations, in what concerns the faith, or the worship, or the discipline of the Church. In every known instance, in which it has proceeded from the usurpation of authority by individuals, it has been productive of conflicting opinion, and of needless controversy. On some occasions, our institutions have been treated with disrespect, and doctrines unknown in them have been taught, within our walls. There have even been advanced claims of rights, to what was granted as temporary indulgence; and thus our property in religious houses has been rendered insecure: all under the notion of liberality and Christian union. It would be painful to have it supposed, that any reference is here had to the many respectable ministers of other denominations, whose characters are in contrariety to the offences stated. Of the intrusion of such men, there is no apprehension entertained at present: and if the door should hereafter be thrown open, the most forward to enter it would be persons of the most modes

rate pretensions in talent and in ac quirement.

It is confidently believed, that what is now said, would not be offensive to the more respectable and prominent persons, whether clerical or lay, in the concerns of other religious societies; who would probably concur in the declaration, that the contrary assumption, when carried into effect, in opposition to the governing authority in any religious denomination, is the intolerance, which, in former ages, pursued its designs by penal laws; but is now reduced to the necessity of making hollow professions of fraternity: the object being the same, with difference only in the means. By any among ourselves favouring such designs, for what they may conceive to be a righteous end; it should be considered, that, however commendable the being "zealously affected," there is the qualification of "a good thing;" and that there can be no goodness in what is contrary to modesty, and tends to unnecessary controversy and division: for, if the attempted intermixture should be accomplished, there must be the severance of those who would "seek the old paths," not without sensibility to the hinderances opposed to the "walking in them." Thus, there would be an increase of division, growing out of what had been professedly undertaken for the healing

of it.

It is difficult to be on the present subject, without giving occasion to the injurious charge of bigotted attachment to our communion: to guard against which, consistently with the acknowledgment of decided preference, it may be expedient to be more particular.

Our Church calls herself Episcopal. She affirms Episcopacy to rest on scriptural institution, and to have subsisted from the beginning. On the varying governments of other societies, she pronounces no judgment. The question is, not whether we think correctly, but whether we are to be tolerated in what we think. If this be determined in the affirmative, we must, to be consistent, interdict all other than an Episcopalian ministry within our bounds.

Again; our Church is decidedly in favour of a form of prayer, believing it

to be sanctioned by Divine ordainment under the law; by the attendance of our Saviour, and of his apostles, on composed forms in the synagogues and in the temple; and by indications of their being in use in the primitive Church, We do not judge harshly of the public prayers of our fellow Christians; but we allege, that among ourselves, the people are not to be dependent on the occasional feelings, or the discretion, or the degree of cultivation of an officiating minister. With such views, it is contrary to what we owe to the edification of the people, were we to give way to the introduction of the latter species of devotion.

Once more. That our Church teaches the doctrines of grace, and holds them to be of paramount importance, is obvious to all. Man's utter want of righteousness by nature, his absolute incapacity of merit, whether in the state of nature, or in that of grace; his being under the government of passions impelling to sin, any further than as counteracted by principles derived from grace; the agency of the Holy Spirit, in this, going before, that he may have a good will, and working with him in the exercise of it; and, finally, the meritorious ground of all benefit, in the propitiatory offering of the Redeemer, are not only affirmed in our institutions, but pervade them. We rejoice, so far as any of our fellow Christians consent with us in acknowledging the said essential truths of Scripture. But in some public confessions, we think we find embodied with those truths, dogmas neither revealed in Scripture, nor deducible from its contents; and, in some instances, contradicting what our Church explicitly teaches. The introducing of such matter among ourselves, is what we cannot countenance: and, introduced, it would be under the intermixture here objected to. Of this we have had instances, where an alien agency has been obtruded: and, if it should be countenanced, the consequences would be in the greatest degree injurious.

If, after all, there should be a leaning in any mind to the plausible plea of liberality, let there be an appeal to the fact, which will bear a strict investiga

tion, that every proposal to the purpose, when explained, amounts to the surrendering of one, or of another of our institutions, without conformity to them in any instance. Brethren,

It is fit that there should be explicitly declared the motive for the present expression of opinion. It has been confidently acted on by the deliverer of it, in alliance with esteem for worth, in whatever individual or body of men it was discerned to reside. It cannot be

expected, that he will continue much longer to sustain any of his opinions, either by argument, or by example. He hopes, that they who may be expected to survive him, entertain similar views of what the exigences, and even the existence of our Church require. But, lest an effort to the contrary should hereafter be made by any, he wishes to oppose to it, and to leave behind him his premonition; and to attach to it whatever weight, if there should be any, may be thought due to his long experience and observation. Under this impression, he has made it a part of his official address, to appear, for the pur pose stated, on your journal.

Although, during the administration of the Episcopacy, I have had the encouragement of seeing the growth of the Church in this state from very small beginnings, yet it is certain that the sphere of usefulness is extending beyond proportion to our present means of providing for the exercise of the miof providing for the exercise of the ministry, and of administration of the ordinances. This is mentioned as an excitement to the endeavours of all the active members of our communion, and of my reverend brethren in particular; in which it is my purpose, that, by the grace of God, there shall not be want ing, so long as ability of mind and of body may be continued, the best services of the remainder of my days.


Resolved unanimously, That the thanks of this Convention be given to the Rev. Mr. Montgomery, for his discourse delivered at its opening.

Mr. Thomas H. White was elected Treasurer.

nual meeting of this Convention be on the first Tuesday, after the first Wednesday, in May.

On motion of the Rev. Mr. Kemper, resolved, That the attention of the clergy and congregations of this diocess be earnestly and affectionately requested to the regulation concerning collections for the Episcopal fund.

The Rev. Mr. Boyd offered the following rosolution, which was adopted by the Convention:—

Whereas the General Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States, at its meeting in November last, instituted a Society for Domestic and Foreign Missions, and recommended it to the support of the members of this Church;

Therefore, resolved, That this Convention heartily approves the pious design of the General Convention, in the formation of the said society for missionary purposes, and hereby recommends to all the churches in this diocess, to further, by their contributions and their prayers, an object so immediately connected with the prosperity of the Episcopal Church in this coun try, and the enlargement of the Redeemer's Kingdom abroad.

On motion of Mr. Meredith, resolved, That this Convention feel it to be their cords with their sentiments of deep veduty-the performance of which acneration and affection towards their Bishop-to record on their minutes their which, in her councils, as well as in his testimony to the distinguished services pastoral and episcopal offices, he has rendered in establishing and maintaining the Church in the United States, and especially in this diocess-to the wisdom and moderation which have uniformly characterized his course of conduct, and were particularly displayed in his address to this Convention, in inculcating opinions, and recommending rules of conduct which cannot fail to advance her prosperity, by maintaining her principles in purity, and at the same time tend to the cultivation of charity and good-will with all her Christian brethren.

Resolved, That the next annual meets ing of the Convention be held in the

On motion, resolved, That the an- city of Lancaster.

On motion of Mr. Ingersoll, resolved, That this Convention has received, with peculiar satisfaction, the informa tion communicated by the Bishop yesterday, relative to the prosperous condition of the Theological Seminary, now established upon the harmonious union of two respectable institutions: and that the interests of that seminary be earnestly recommended to the ac tive care of all the members of the Church throughout the diocess.

Resolved, That a committee be appointed by this Convention, to consult with the Bishop upon some mode of supplying the vacant congregations in this state with occasional services; and, that it shall be the duty of all clergymen, whether with or without a parochial cure, to comply with such regulations as shall be concluded upon by the aforesaid committee: and, further, in case the vacant congregations so supplied fail to defray the expenses of such visits, the treasurer of this Convention is authorized to pay such expenses upon the order of the aforesaid committee; provided, however, that no appointment be made in conformity with the provisions of this resolution without the approbation of the Bishop.

The parochial reports made to the Bishop, and entered on the journal, agreeably to the Canons, furnish the following aggregate:-Baptisms (adults 46, infants 186, not specified 207) 439 -marriages 168-burials 260-communicants 1510.

The following gentlemen were elected the Standing Committee:-The Rev. Frederick Beasley, D. D. the Rev. James Abercrombie, D. D. the Rev. Jackson Kemper, the Rev. George Boyd, the Rev. Benjamin Allen, Wil fiam Tilghman, Richard Dale, Thomas M'Euen, John Read, Charles Wheeler. The following gentlemen were elected Delegates to the General Convention -The Rev. George Boyd, the Rev. Jackson Kemper, the Rev. Levi Bull, the Rev. William A. Muhlenberg, Levi Pauling, David Scott, Richard Dale, William Tilghman.


The Rev. Mr. Bull presented the following resolution, which was adopted: Resolved, In order to give effect to

the 45th Canon of the General Convention, that in presenting their parochial reports, the clergy are hereby recommended to bring forward whatever facts may exhibit the state of religion in their respective parishes.

From lists appended to the Journal of the above Convention, it appears that there are in the diocess of Pennsylvania, forty-two churches, and thirtyone clergymen, viz. the Bishop, twentyseven Presbyters, and four Deacons.

Canon passed in the above Convention. Concerning the Trial of a Clergyman.

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Presentment for misbehaviour having been made against any person, not a Bishop, according to the first Canon of 1795, the Bishop, with the consent of the council of advice, may cause a copy of the presentment to be served on the person accused, and call on him to say whether he be guilty or not guilty of the matter charged against him; and, in case such person shall confess that he is guilty, the Bishop may proceed to pass sentence on him, according to the Canons, in the same manner as if he had been found guilty by the Bishop, or commissary and assessors, in the manner prescribed by the 4th Canon; but, if the said accused person shall say that he is not guilty, or shall refuse, or neglect to make any answer, he shall be proceeded against in the manner prescribed in the 2d, 3d, and 4th Canons of 1795; provided, that nothing herein contained shall prevent the Bishop, if he think proper, from appointing a commissary, with the consent of the council of advice, presentment having been made, and proceeding against the person accused in the manner prescribed by the said 2d, 3d,. and 4th Canons.

From the Treasurer's accounts, appended to the Journal of the above Convention, it appears that the receipts. into the treasury of the Convention, during the past year, were $170, and the payments from the same, $4 75; and that, including a balance of last account, there remained in the treasury $392 99.

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