Sidor som bilder

If black man, as white, is the work of thy hand

(And who could create him but Thee ?)
Oh give thy command→→

Let it fpread thro' each land,

That Afric's fad fons fhall be free!

If, erft when the man-ftealer's treacherous guile

Entrap'd me, all thoughtless of wrong, From my Niciou's dear love, from the infantile fmile

Of my Aboo, to drag me along ;

If then, the wild anguish that pierced thro' my heart,

Was feen in its horrors by thee,
O cafe my long smart,

And thy fanction impart,

That Afric, at laft, may be free!

If while in the flave-fhip, with many a groan,
I wept o'er my fufferings in vain;
While hundreds around me reply'd to my


And the clanking of many a chain :If then thou but deign'dit, with a pitying eye, Thy poor shackled creature to fee, Oh thy mercy apply, Afric's forrows to dry, And bid the poor Negro be free!

If here, as I faint in the vertical fun,

And the fcourge goads me on to my toil, No hope faintly foothing, when labour is done, Of one joy my lorn heart to beguile ;If thou view'ft me, Great Spirit! as one thou bat made,

And my fate as dependent on thee,

U impart thou thy aid,

That the fcourge may be stay'd, And the Black Man, at last, may be free.

FADED Delia moves compaffion,
But no longer can subdue;
Now her face is out of fashion,

She must take her tura and fue,

All her airs, fo long affected,
Might in blooming youth be borne;
Bat in age, it not corrected,

Move our pity, or our scorn.
Wealth nor titles can support ye,

Wretched Delia, in decay; 'Tis allowed to nymphs paft forty To look on, but not to play.

If your itch be paft reclaiming,
So receive your due delight;
As old bullies, broke by gaming,
Still take pleasure in the fight.

By Mr. RING.

A SURGEON-DENTIST newly starts,
Who caufes great surprize,
By fetting his unrival'd arts

Before our wondering eyes.

He fcales the teeth, and can at will
From their own fockets draw;
Tranfplanting them with equal skill
Into another's jaw.

The grandam, toothlefs long before,
And feems to be reviv'd once more.
Perceives the fpringing tooth;
In all the charms of youth.

The grandfire now can talk or eat
Without his ufual pother;

And one man takes, to chew his meat,
The grinders of another.

A num'rous, poor, and hungry pack
The furgeon's door attend;
Here ftands a collier dy'd in black,
And there his footy friend.

The duftmen take an active part

In this renown'd election;
Some that with athes load the cast,
Some of an afh complexion.

How oft in fuch a form uncouth,
Like gems in derkeft mines,
The thickfet, polish'd, iv'ry tooth,
In all its lustre fhines!

The teeth most perfect, and moft fair,
The fubtle dentist buys ;
Ajuftiy to the brightest ware
Aligns the brightest prize

Thy fell their teeth, and freely feti
The foundeít and the beft;
No wonder, when they gain fo well
Provifion for the reft.

O Doctor, by that fingle art,
You render mutual good;
For while to food you teeth impart,
To teeth you furnish food.
Nero freet, Hanover-fquare.

MONTHLY MAC., No. 155.






AND MANUFACTURES. HIS fociety, long diftinguithed for its liberal and patriotic exertions, have voted to J. C. CURWEN, Efq. M. P. the gold medal, for various Improvements in the Bufines of Agriculture, which we shall briefly notice in the order in which they were taken up by the fociety. The firft object was to recommend the ufe of carrots as a fubititute for oats; he fays, he had been accuftomed to allow each working horfe eight pounds of oats per day; that he caused one half to be taken away, and fupplied by an equal weight of carrots, which he continued fo long as the carrots lafted, and it was generally admitted that the horfes improved in their condition upon this food. In a first trial, an acre of carrots was found equal to twenty-three of oats, allowing fixty Winchefter bushels of oats per acre, and three ftone the bufhel. Mr. Curwen's method is, on taking up the carrots, to cut a finall piece from the top of each, to prevent it from vegetating; thefe he immediately used. The remainder were piled in rows, two feet thick, and five feet high, leaving room for the circulation of the air. Mr. C. admits that the expence of cultivating carrots is confiderable, viz. 154. per acre; yet, when they are used in part inftead of oats, he contends that they will most abundantly repay the expences.

Mr. Curwen's fecond object has been to devife a Method of feeding Cows during the Winter Seafon, with a view to provide poor perfons and children with milk at that time. The introductory obfervations and general hints thrown out by this gentleman do honour to his heart, whether his plan be or be not good. The food which he makes ufe of is cabbages, common and Swedish turnips, kholrabi, and cole-feed; chaff, boiled, and mixed with refufe grain and oil-cake. He ufes ftraw, instead of hay, for their fodder at night. Mr. Curwen fays, the greatest difficulty he had to contend with was to prevent any decayed leaves being given, and to fee that the ball of the turnip was the only part made ufe of. Thefe precautions being attended to, the milk and butter were excellent. Mr. C. has given in calculations to prove how profitable the method recominended is to the proprietor, and how beneficial to the public; but in

thefe we fhall not attempt to follow him.

The third thing proposed by Mr. Curwen, is an improved Drill Horse-Hoe, or Weed-Harrow, in which the carriagewheels are to be half the width of the butts, or ftitches; fo that once going up, and once returning, will be fufficient to clear each butt from weeds. The hoe or harrow is attached by chains to the carriage, and may be raised higher or funk lower, or placed more on one fide or another as occafion may require, by altering the position of the chain. There are fix double rows of teeth or knives, which are fo placed in the frame that each double row may pass up the interval be tween the rows of corn, and cut or pull up the weeds that grow in fuch intervals without injuring the corn. Thefe knives are ftrong, and have a fharp edge in front. There are two handles, by which the perfon who holds them may direct the knives or teeth of the barrow to pafs in ftraight lines up the intervals. Owing to the implicity and cafe with which this machine is worked, a man and boy, with one horse, are able to clean more than seven acres a day.

Ten guineas have been granted to Mr. CHARLES WILSON, for a method of Curing Damp Walls, by the application of the following componition: "Boil two quarts of tar, with two ounces of kitchen greafe, for a quarter of an hour in an iron pot. Add fome of this tar to a mixture of flaked lime and powdered glafs, which have paffed through a flour fieve, and been completely dried over the fire in an iron pot, in the proportion of two parts of lime and one of glass, till the mixture becomes of the confiftence of thin plafter. The cement muft be ufed immediately after being inixed, and therefore it is proper not to mix more of it than will coat one square foot of wall, fince it quickly becomes too hard for ufe; and care must be taken to prevent any moisture from mixing with the cement." For a wall merely damp, a coating one-eighth of an inch thick will be fufficient; but if the wall is wet, there must be a fecond coat. Platter made of lime, hair, and plaster of Paris, may afterwards be laid on as a cement. The cement above defcribed will unite the parts of Portland ftone or marble, fo as to make them as durable as they were prior to the fracture.


Among the feveral communications on the fubject of manufactures, Mr. JOHN AUSTIN, of Glasgow, has been deemed worthy of the gold medal, for a loom to be worked by iteam or water. The advantages which this loom is faid to poffefs are as follow: 1, That from 300 to 400 of thele looms may be worked by one water-wheel or fteam-engine, all of which will weave cloth fuperior to what is done in the common way. 2, They will go at the rate of 60 thoots in a minute, and keep regular time in working, 3, They will keep conftantly working, except at the time of fhifting the shuttles. 4, In general no knots need be tied, and never more than one, in place of two, which are requifite in the common way when a thread breaks. 5, In cafe the fhuttle tops in the thed, the lay will not come forward, and the loom will ftop. 6, They will weave flower or quicker, according to the breadth and quality of the web, which may be the broadeft now made, and they may be mounted with a harness to weave any pattern. 7, There is but one clofe fhed, the fame in both breadths; and the bore and temples always keep the fame ditance. 8, There is no time loft in looming, or cutting out the cloth, which is done while the loom is working, after the first time. 9, The weft is well ftretched, and even to the fabric required; and every piece of cloth is meafured to a ftraw's breadth, and marked where to be cut, at any given length. 10, The loom will work backwards in cafe of accidents, and every thread is as regular on the yarn-beam as in the cloth. 11, If a thread appear too coarfe or fine in the web, it can be changed, or any tripe altered at pleafure. 12, They will weave the finest yarn, more tenderly and regularly than any weaver can do with hands and feet. 13, When a thread breaks, the loom will inftantly ftop, without topping any other loom, and will give warning by the ringing of a bell. 14, A loom of this kind occupies the fame pace as a common loom, and the expence of it will be about half inore, which is compenfated by the various additional machinery. 15, The reeling, winding, beaning, looming, combing, dreffing, &c. &c. which is nearly one half of the weaver's work, together with the general wafte (about 61. per cent.) of the value of the yarn, do not occur in this loom, which by its fingle motion performs every operation after fpinning

till the cloth is finished. 16, The heddles, reed, and brufhes, will wear longer than ufual, and more than half the workmanfhip is faved.

Mr. WILLIAM CHEETHAM, of Mellor Moor, Derbyshire, was prefented with the filver medal, for cultivating Watte Land. After detailing pretty much at large the method by which Mr. C. brought the land in queftion into ufe, he fays, "I greatly prefer the method of paring, burning, and limeing, as well as ploughiing in the autumn, to any other. Paring deitroys the heath, and prepares the land, fo that a team may come upon it in dry weather." He made experiments upon final plots, of limeing and manureing with back dung upon the heath, and found that it required from seven to ten years to deftroy the heath. Whereas by fowing oats and hay feeds, a good crop was produced the first year, and on the following a better pafture was made than after the term of ten years by the other mode. "Upon the whole," fays Mr. C. "I prefer, in peaty land, ploughing four years fucceffively."

The gold medal of the fame fociety has been adjudged to J. G. CALTHROP, eiq. of Golberton, Lincolnfhire, for the Cultivation of Spring Wheat, which was fown on eighty-two acres, fourteen poles of land, between the 25th of March, and the 6th of April, and reaped between the 1ft and 14th of September. The wheat fown was the horned, or rough eared fpring wheat: the expence was 2621. 15s. and the produce 10681. 2s. 6d.

The gold medal was alfo given to Mr. JOHN SHUCKFORD WADE, of Benhall, Suffolk, for planting fifteen acres of land, with upwards of twelve thoufand fets of Oliers per acre, which it was certified by refpectable authority are now in a thriving ftate, and fit for basket-making.

To CHARLES LAYTON, efq. was adjudged the filver medal for his comparative Culture of Turnips, by which it appears that a very decided preference thould be given to the drilled bufbandry: the difference in fomething less than two tons of Turnips, was four cwt. and four fione in favour of the drill.

Mr. ROBERT SALMON, obtained the filver medal for his Remarks on Pruning Fir Trees. He recommends the praning to commence when the trees are fix years old, or when there is difcernible five tier of boughs, and the fhoot; the three lower tiers are then to be taken off. After this the trees are to be let alone for four or

Kk 2


five years, then, and at every fucceeding four or five years, the pruning to be repeated, till the ftem of the tree be clear forty feet; after which, as to pruning, it may be left to nature. The rule for the height of pruning, after the first time, to be half the extreme height of the tree, till it attain twenty years growth; and after that time, half the height of the tree, and as many feet more as it is inches in diameter, at four feet from the ground. The proper time for pruning, is between September and April, and the tool to be uled the faw.

Fifteen guineas have been voted by the Society to Mr. WILLIAM NEVEN, for weaving Cloth of an extremely fine quality; by which improvement, cotton, linen, &c. can be made much fooner and finer, than by any method yet difcovered. Mr. N. fays, he has made a fmall piece of plain alk cloth, from hard thrown filk in the gum, that contains 65,536 methes in a fquare inch. "It is impoftible," he adds, "for any reed-maker to make a reed half fo fine, as to weave fuch cloth upon the prefent principles of weaving; and even if that could be done, no weaver could make ufe or it: but by my method, I weave as fine cloth in a twelve hundred reed, as by the prefent method in one of twenty-four hundred, and with rather lefs, than more trouble."

The Society have again voted a pecuniary reward of ten guineas, for a Machine to enable Shoemakers to make Shoes and Boots, without fuffering any preffure upon the tiomach, This premium is awarded to Mr. A. STASS, of Newport Market. The machine is defcribed by the inventor as fimple in itself, and fo conftructed that a man may ftand to his work, fit, or recline in a half fitting pofture, and without having conftantly his work preffing againit his breath or ftomach. This, we believe, is the third or fourth premium given by the Society for machines having the fame object in view, yet we have heard of none of them being likely to be brought into general ufe.

JOHN TROTTER, cfq. of Soho Square, has obtained the gold medal for his invention of the Curvilinear Saw. It confits of a spindle moving on two centers, having at one end a pulley, and at the other a concave faw, (with a correfponding convexity to the curve required to be fawed,) focured on the convex fide by rollar, and on the concave tile by a loate collar, and fcrew-nut. There are two grooved plates, admitting through the

top of the bench and fence, fcrew-bolts fattened by thumb-nuts, by means of which, and a parallel motion, the fence is regulated, and confequently the conductor of the wood, and admits it to be fawed through. The fence, conductor, and faw, must all be curved alike; but to faw in fmaller circles, with the fame faw, and at the fame time fquare with the face of the bench, a fteel flider, regulated by two fcrews, is made to prefs, as occasion inay require, on the convex tide of the faw, and raile the vertical line of it to a right angle with the bench, otherwife the top of the bench itfelf muft receive the fame incli nation to the vertical line of the fixed faw.

Fifteen guineas have been given to Mr. JAMES HARDIE, of Glafgow, for a Bookbinders' Cutting-prefs, which, the inventor modeftly obferves, claims no other merit than that of having fimplified the common prefs, rendered it more powerful, and adapted to fave the time of the workman, This prefs effects the business by one iron fcrew, instead of two wooden ones, formerly ufed. The fcrew works in a nut let into, and screwed to a top piece, its lower end working in a collar, fcrewed to a moving piece, fliding in grooves within the two fides of the frame.

Twenty guineas have been voted to Mr. BENJAMIN STOTT, for his invention of a Machine for Splitting Sheep-kins. The common mode of dreffing skins, is to fhave one fide off, making glue of the parings; but by Mr. S's. method, the havings are taken off in one piece, for ming a good skin of leather.


R. HERSCHEL has laid before the

D Royal Society, which occupied the

attention of that learned body three evenings, a paper on the Coloured Concentric Rings feen through their Plates or Lenfes, The Doctor detailed a great variety of experiments, made with lenfes of one hundred and twenty feet focus, down to thole of the most common glaffes. Thefe experiments, which we hall hereafter give at large, feem to establish the fact, that light could not have, as the great Newton fuppofed, fits of eafy tranfmiffion and reflection, and therefore, that this phenomenon of concentric rings not be afcribed to another caufe, which he intends to inveftigate at another time.

Mr. EVERARD HOME, has made fame Ob fervations on the Stomachs of Cetaceous


that this genus, had ftomachs compofed of four cavities, or bags, through which the food paffed before it was prepared to form chyle. Mr. Home has examined feveral of thefe animals, and lately has diffected a bottled-nofed porpoife, which had fix of thefe bags conitituting its flomach; he has fucceeded only in afcertaining the relative dimenfions of thefe parts, without being able to affign any Latisfactory caufe for fuch an important difference of organical structure.

Animals. The late Mr. HUNTER obferved, that the first inhabitants of Britain were neither Celts, Scandinavians, nor Gauls, but Cantabrians, originally, and directly defcended from aboriginal Spaniards. He traced the manners of the people of Cornwall, and those on the opposite coaft of Brittany, and alfo the diftrict in England, in which he conceived the Cantabrians had originally fettled, whence they migrated to Ireland. Ireland, it appears, was never vifited by the Romans, and, of courfe, its manners and language were unknown to them. The fimilarity between the Irish and modern Spaniards of Bifcay, the defcendants of the fierce Cantabri, tends to confirm this hypothefis.

Mr. KNIGHT, whofe difcoveries in the principles of vegetation have obtained for him fo high a reputation, has laid hefore the Royal Society an interesting paper on the Bark of Trees,


R. GREATHEAD has prefented to the

Mantiquarian Society a paper on the

Origin of the earliest Race of Britons: in which, from a number of facts, he inters

A large ftone ring, taken from the finger of Tippoo Saib, was exhibited before the Society, containing an Arabic infeription, which in Englith is, "Dominion to God, he is the only, the victorious."

Mr. CARLISLE is chofen Secretary to the Society, in the place of Mr, BRAND


[merged small][ocr errors]

which are commonly made ufe of for ironing washed linens, mullins, &c. have been frequently complained of as defective in their conftruction. The patentee profeffes to obviate thefe defects. First, in heating the faid irons they become dirty, and require confiderable trouble in cleaning before they can be used; and fecondly, they are frequently over heated, fo as to endanger and fometimes to damage the articles on which they are ufed. To prevent thefe inconveniences, Mr. Bell has invented a thin cafe of feel or iron, fitted with a spring er other fafe tenings, which fecure it to the iron with which it is intended to be ufed. The faid cafe being thus completed, the iron properly heated is introduced, which be ing made of thin metal becomes almoft immediately fufliciently heated for its intended purpofe. The handles of the irons made by Mr. Bell are moveable, to prevent them from being over-licated.

His improvements in irons for planes
and other edged tools, are by making the
plane iron of any fuitable materials, and
leaving a vacancy which is intended to
be filled up by a thin piece of fteel made

foldered together, with foft folder: the
reafon affigned for the preference of foft
folder is, that it requires the finallest heat
to bring it into fufion, and causes the leaft
injury to the temper of the teel. The
fteel may, however, be foldered to the
iron or metal back in a foft ftate, and
afterwards hardened. Mr. Bell obferves,
that "the ufual method of connecting
fteel and iron, by means of welding, re-
quires fo fevere a heat that it injures the
quality of the fteel, which by my im-
provement will be preferved in its beft
poffible ftate. By the fame method of
connecting my feel to iron or other me-
tals for plane iroas, fo do I intend ma
nufacturing chiffels and various other
edge tools."

[blocks in formation]
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