Sidor som bilder

rifes to the surface, which must be taken off and preferved. The cloth intended to be black, mutt be printed with this fcum, and then dyed; after which it is to be paffed through lime water, which changes the printed figures to a full and permanent black.

MR. HORNBLOWER, of Featherstoneftreet, City-road, has fo modified the conftruction of the fire engine, as to render it a valuable acquifition to thofe, who are under any apprehcntions of accidents by fire. It ftands in the compafs of fourteen inches fquare, and two feet high, and may be carried from one room to another with cafe.


M. DE KRUSENSTERN, being returned from his voyage round the world, is now about to prepare his account for the prefs. He will be aflifted by a committee of the Imperial Academy of Sciences, in verifying the aftronomical obfervations. All the drawings brought home by that celebrated navigator will be placed in the hands of the moft fkilful engravers. An engagement has been made with a London bookfeller for an English edition.


Some years ago, feveral Swedish naturalifts formed a Society for the purpose of giving a complete account of the Botany of their native country. Forty-fix numbers of this work have already appeared, each containing a coloured engraving, of four or five plants, with their names, in the principal languages of Europe, and a thort and luminous defcription, in Swedish. The Editors of this work have began another work on the fame plan, relative to the Zoology of Sweden, of which the firft Number has already appeared. Mr. WERTRING, has lately published a very curious work on Lichens; in which he gives an exact defcription of each fpecies, and indicates, its ufe in medicine and domeftic economy, and particularly the mode of extracting colours from them for the purpofe of dying Silk and Wool. The Plates accompanying this work, which does honour to Sweden, reprefents, 1ft. The moffes of the clafs of Lichens, engraved and coloured, after nature; and 2d. the various colour which they communicate to cloth in the process of dying.

M. DE ADLERBETH, Author of fome much efteemed Tragedies, is now publishing a tranflation of the Eneid, in Swedith hexameter verle. Notwith Standing the prevailing prejudice againft

blank verfe, in Sweden, this production cannot fail of adding to the reputation of the author, who has acquired the efteem of his country, as well by his virtues as his talents: he intends to proceed with a tranflation of the Eclogues and Georgics.


At the meeting of the Royal Academy of Sciences, at Berlin, in honour of the King's birth-day, the perpetual fecretary, after announcing the prizes for the year, and the queftions propofed for the next, declared the following gentlemen foreign members, viz. M. Cuvier, member of the Imperial Inftitute of France; Sir Jofeph Banks, prefident of the Royal Society of London; M. Von Göthe, privy counselior of the Duke of Weimar; M. Zoega, agent of the King of Denmark at Rome, and author of various excellent works on antiquities; and M. Hindenburg, profeffor at Leipfic.

Never did the memory of LUTHER receive fuch univerfal homage, as it has done within twelve months. Besides the grand Drama,of which he is the hero, and which has been acted with prodigious applaufe at the Theatre Royal, Berlin, M. KLIN GEMANN, has juft performed at Magdeburg, a tragedy in fix acts, entitled, "Martin Luther".

The ftate of public tafte for the Theatre in different towns of Germany, may be partly inferred from the profits of be nefits lately given in favour of the heirs of SCHILLER: at Riga, a city of thirtyfive thousand inhabitants, the receipt was one thousand eight hundred florins; at Hamburgh, a city of eleven thousand inhabitants, eight hundred florins; at Ber lin, a city of one hundred and fixty thoufand inhabitants, the receipt was nearly five thousand florins.

Mr. E. KULESAR has obtained permiffion to publish a literary Gazette, in the Hungarian language, at Peth, entirely devoted to the literati of Hungary. Another literary and political Gazette in the Hungarian language, is published at Vienna, under the title of Magyar Kurir," or Hungarian Courier. other works on theology, ethics, educa tion, &c. and even fome novels, in the Hungarian, have lately iffued from the preffes of Pefth.


SCHRETER, the aftronomer, has determined,that the highest of three mountains which he has measured in the moon, is nine-tenths of a geographical mile in height.


The fyftem of GALL is now ridiculed throughout Germany, and he was unable to procure an auditory at any of the places where he lately attempted to deliver lectures.


M. THENARD profeflor in the college of Trance, has difcovered in bite a faccharme matter, the exiftence of which had been hitherto only fufpected, and the property of which is to hold the oil of the bile in folution.

M. SPOUTN has found that coffee is cos pofed of albumen, oil, a particular fabitance which he calls the bitter prinople, and a green matter, which is a combination of the albumen and bitter principle. Roathing increafes the proportion of bitter principle, by deftroying the albumen. The oil extracted from cof tee is inodorous, congelable, and white like hog's-lard. Farther experiments on other vegetables prove that albumen and the bitter principle are found in moft of thole which he has examined. He concludes that albumen, whether vegetable or animal, is the true ferment, that it is found in three different degrees of infolubility and difpolitions of becoming fibrous; that the more it is foluble, the Iore energetic its action; that the refpective proportions of albumen and fit gar, in the different juices are what determines the vinous or acetic nature of the produce of the fermentation.

M. LE GRANGE has recently examined the fubitance called tannin, the character of which is to form with gelatine an infoluble compound; he finds in it an affiaty for alkalies, the earths, and metallic oxydes and the faculty of converting itielf into gallic acid by abforbing oxygen. M. AZUNE has published a Differtation on the Origin of the Compass, with a view to prove that the French were the first who made ufe of it. It was, he fays, known in France fo early as the twelfth century, under the name of marinière; and was ufed under the reign of Lewis IX. Gioja d'Amalfi, who is faid to be the inventor, lived not earlier than about the Year 1300. The flower-de-lis has certainly been adopted in all countries for the compass.

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The fculptor intends making a copy of the flatue in bronze.

A decree of the viceroy, PRINCE EUGENE, contains the following regulations: There fhall be in future no cenforthip for works or journals printed in the kingdom of Italy. The bureau of revifion, to which this duty was committed, is fuppreffed. Authors are refponible for their works, and if their names are not affixed, then, the refponibility falls upon the printers. All authors or printers are required, on the very day their works or journals are firfi expofed for fale, to fend four copies to the minifter of the interior, who, after previous examination fhall depofit one in the library of the University of Bologna, another in that of the Univerfity of Padua, the third in the University of Pavia, and the fourth in the library of Breva at Milan. To reprefs fuch mifdemeanors as might be committed by the abuse of the liberty of the prefs, a bureau, entitled the Bureau of the Liberty of the Prefs, is cftablithed under the direction of the minifter of the interior.

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1784. . . . 72,237,301 97,252,000 NOAH WEBSTER, Efq. author of feveral valuable works, has lately published at Philadelphia a compendious Diction ary of the English Language, in which five thoufund words are added to the number found in the beit English Dictionary; the orthography is, in fome inftances altered, and the definitions of many words varied,




* The Ufe of all New Prints, and Communications of Articles of Intelligence are requefed.

E are happy to fee that feveral of

W Four noble, and diftinguished ama

The Right Hon. James Sharv, Lord Mager, and one of the Reprefentatives in Parliament for the City of London. 7. Heppner pinxit, J. H. Meyer fculpt.

teurs have evinced their love of the fine The general with which it has been arts, by becoming purchafers of the productions here exhibited, viz. Lady Lucas, faid the people of this country have for Lord Dartmouth, Vifcount Aihbrook, the portraits of thofe who may be denoLord G. L. Gower, Lord Boringdon, minated public characters, muft give to Lord Kinnaird, Lord Ribblefdale, Right the portrait of a gentleman, who united Hon. C. Long, the Hon. Mr. Maule, to the office of chief magiftrate that of M. P. the Hon. Thomas Brand, Sir being one of the reprefentatives for the Abram Hunie, Bart. Sir O. Molley, M. P. city of London, the chance of exciting a General Grenville, J. A. Wright, Efq. double portion of intereft. If we add, M. P. Thomas Hope, Efq. I. F. Lovedin, that the print is faid to be a strong refemEfq. M. P. William Chamberlayne, Efq.blance to the original, and extremely and, above all, the Marquis of Stafford well engraved in mezzotinto, that interet will probably be encreased. has already purchased fifteen of the productions now exhibiting. Among thefe Argelini Catalini. Huet Villiers pinxt. Ant. are the picture of Chrift appearing to Cardon, Fitzroy Square, engraver and publisher. Mary Magdalen, by Wetiall; the Belifarius, by Opie; the Cottage-Girl and St. Peter, by Shee; the Flower-Piece, by Hewlet, and for this performance we are told he paid 400 guineas. It is, indeed, confidered as the chef d'autre of the English school in this branch of the


North-West View of the Cathedral Church of
Peterborough, dedicated to the Right Reverend
Spencer Madan, D. D Lord Bishop, and the
Reverend the Dean, by John Buckler, del.
Engraved by F. C. and G. Lewis.

The above forms a part of Mr. Buckler's feries of Englifi cathedrals; the former part of which we noticed with the praife to which it was fo well entitled, and this print is at leaft equal to any which preceded it. It is accurate, the perfpective and general effect is ftrik ing and impreffive; and we thould ima gine the whole feries must (among our ecclefiaftics particularly) excite fuch au intereft as to produce a very liberal fubfcription to the proprietor.

South-Eaft Viero of Queen's College, Oxford.
Dedicated to the Rev. Septimus Collinfon, D. D.
Provoft, and the Society of the Queen's Co lege,
Oxford, by I. Buckler.

The above print does great honour to
the artist; and we have been told, that,
the manner in which the expence of it
was paid does great honour to the rever
end provott, who, inftead of promoting
a fubfcription among the fciety, very
liberally defrayed the whole expence him-


If, on the principle which we fuggefted in our laft article, the print of their firtt magiftrate excited the attention of the citizens of London, who fhall attempt to calculate the eagerness with which the amateurs of minims and crotchets, weit of Temple Bar, will contemplate the portrait of fo diftinguifhed a perfonage as Signora Catalini? Confcious as we are that the acknowledgment muft, in the eyes of a great multitude of perfons or honour and people of fashion, produce a violent fufpicion of our tatte, and excite aftonishment at our want of curiofity, yet, notwithstanding all this, we have not yet feen this paragon of the musical world. If he is as handfome as this portrait, fhe is an exquifitely beautiful woman; and the print is very finely engraved in the chalk manner.

Studies from Nature, painted, engraved, and published by J. Ward, Painter and Engraver to bis Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, Newman-freet.

Thefe ftudies are evidently what they affume, to be, from nature, and const of the heads of a variety of animals, goats, ducks, fowls, chickens, &c. &c. They are fpirited, and may be very uf ful to thofe for whom they are intended. Bull dogs y Hallger, from a Cabinst Filet in the palen of R. Sarties, Efq. Nda pinxt. Earlem fculpt. Published by Laurat and Whistle.

The animals are spirited and characteristic, and the painter has been fingo

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larly fuccefful in marking the barks, &c. of lowe old trees, in which he has evidently and very happily imitated Wynants, not with the fervility of one painter copying another, but both have looked at nature with the fame eye, and through the fare medium.


A View of College Green, Dublin; taken from near the Provy's Houle, Grafton freet. the right is Trinity College; middle ground, the National Bank (formerly the Parliament House), on the caft fide of which are the Portico of and Entrance into the House of Lords. Drawn by Roberts, engraved by Black, and published by R. Ackermann.

To the well-known ferics of ancient enices by Piranezi, fo defervedly adnored by all lovers of the arts, there is nae infurmountable objection: in the delineator's zeal to give magnitude and Importance to his buildings, he funk his bigures to pigmies, and thus rendered it impoible to estimate the real extent of his fuperb editices, or form any judgment of the relative inferiority of his lets important buildings in his other prints. In this refpect, the views of Dublin taken by Mr. Roberts have a decided fuperiority. Of the former part of this feries we spoke with high refpect, but the print now before us, which is in colours, is fuperior to any that preceded it, and unites rigid fidelity with the mott picturefque effect. It is mimirably engrayed, and has a broad and ftriking effect; the figures are numerous and bufy, appropriate to the place, and characteristic of the people.

Belides the above, Mr. Ackermann has publifhed No. 5 of the Rudiments of Trees; and veral very whimlical caricature prints, fome of them relative to Bonaparte: of one of them, entitled a Characteristic Design for his Arms, we Intend, when room admits, to give a brier defeription.

Since the publication of our laft Retrofpect, we have agun feen Mr. Stoth art's beautiful cabinet-picture of the Proceffion of Chaucer's Pilgrims to Canterbury, and it improves on a fecond in[pection.

The scene of the picture is laid in that part of the road to Canterbury which commands a view of the Dulwich hills; the time, a beautiful and forene April morning. The interest of the procedion Is conbiderably heightened by the cheerfulacfs of the accompanying landicape. The pilgrims, with a proper regard to their respective characters, and in the prumer in which Chaucer defcribes them,


headed by the miller playing upon his pipe, under the guidance of Harry Baillie the hott; who, as mafter of the ceremonies, is reprefented on horfeback standing in his firrups, in the act of commanding attention to his propofal of drawing lots to determine which of the company thall tell the firft tale. Near to him is a line of five characters: the knight; his fon, the young fquire; the Franklin, or country gentleman; the ferjeant at law; the merchant, and the doctor of phyfic. The fquire is mounted on a white horfe near the knight, and betwixt thefe two figures is feen the Reve. Clote behind the fquire, his yeoman advances, habited in green. front of the next groupe is alfo compofed of five characters: the lady abbefs, her nun, the nun's prieft, the good parfon, and his brother the ploughman. The figures immediately behind the lady ab befs are the thipman, the Oxford scholar, the manciple, and (though laft mentioned, not leat in regard) Sir Geofrey Chan cer, copied from the picture in the British Museum, painted by Thomas Occleve, who, being one of the poet's scholars, has, it may be fairly prefined, left a correct refemblance of his matter. Every attention has been paid to the ancient coftume of this country; and it is thought by very competent judges, that in the whole, antiquarian exactnefs has been, in an eminent degree, combined with picturefque effect.

The admirers of fine fpirited engrav ing are fo weli acquainted with the ta lents of Mr. Bromley, that it is not neceffary to add what may be fairly expected from his burin. The print is to be of the fame ize as the picture, concerning which we laft mouth'anade a mistake: it is three feet one inch long, and ten and a half inches high. The price of the print will be three guineas; proof inpreflions, fix guineas: one half to be paid, on fubfcribing, and the prints delivered in the order which they are fubfcribed for.

Mr. KNIGHT, of Hammerfinith, in con fequence of the very flattering reception given to his engraving of the late Lord Nellon, from the marble buit of the Hon. Mrs. Damer, means to engrave by fibfeription a Print of the late Right Hon. Wii Fitt, dedicated by gracious permiftion to the King; alfo, a Print of the late Right Hon. C. J. Fox, dedicated by permillion to Lord Holland; from the bulls executed by Nollekens, I. A. The prints will be engraved the size of Mm 2 The


life, are intended as companions to the above print of Lord Nelton, and may be fubfcribed for feparate.

Proof impreffions of each portrait, two guineas; prints, one guinea. Half to be paid at the time of fubfcribing, and the remainder upon the delivery of the prints, which will be published in January 1808. In a country where fo much monumental refpect is paid to departed genius, the admirers of the fine arts have long regretted that no memorial, except his own works, was raifed to the memory of Sir Jofua Reynolds. Thofe who properly appreciated his talents and tafte, will be pleafed to hear that Flaxman has nearly finished the fine monument which the Marquis of Thomond proposes to erect to his memory.

NOLLEKENS has difpofed of his beautiful statue of Venus taking off her Sandal,

which fome years fince was exhibited at the Royal Academy, and last year at the British Gallery. We have been told that W. Chamberlaine, Efq. of Netley Abbey, Southampton, was the purchafer at 1000 guineas.

Of tome of the former fpecimens of Polyautography, confifting of imprettions taken from original drawings inade on ftone, we have confidently faid the art is in the way of being rapidly much improved, and becoming more popular. We are much gratified to fee part of our expectation realized, in an additional number which Mr. Vallweiler has publithed, and which is in fome refpects fu perior to any that have preceded it.

An Historical Painting, by Mr. Weftall of the Royal Academy, from the Monody of Cuthbert Shaw, is now exhibiting at No. 20, Lower Brook-ttreet.


In the public and private Practice of one of the Phyficians of the Finfery Difpenfury, from the 20th of February to the 20th of March.

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Hemorrhois Morbi Infantiles

"Take of fair clear water, quantum 6 fufficit, put it into a clean earthen or 4 china baton, then take a clean linen cloth, dip it in that water, and apply it to the part affected night and morning, or oftener as occalion may require.”





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21 Affections of the fkin' hold a confpicuous rank in the above catalogue; but it ought to be confidered that there is fcarcely any affection, ftrictly and exclufively cutaneous, it being for the moft part an Index of a depraved ftate of the general habit, and, of courfe, to be removed by internal and general, not by fuperficial and partial,applications. Much injury is often done by unguents and lotions, which remove merely the external appearance,not the interior exuteuce,

The head is apt to be particularly af fected by the repreflion of cutaneous eruptions, on which account, infiend of checking, it may fometimes be more fafe and expedient to encourage, rather their continuance and further extention. The Reporter, however, is not precifely of the opinion of those who coulider plora and other analogous complaints, as remedial and falutary diforders.

Confumption, or what is regarded as fuch, ftill continues to occur in a number disproportionate to that of other difcates. The femblance, however, is much more frequent than the reality. There is fcarcely one fymptom attending phthifis pulmonalis

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