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beauty of the scene. A winding path conducts down the Chine to the shore. The rocks on each side of this magnificent entrance, form a curve, whose base the sweeping ocean laves, adding solemnity to grandeur.

The road from this place is extremely interesting it winds circuitously over long and steep hills, sometimes approach ing so near the Alpine precipice, that a degree of solemnity, if not of terror, mingles with the grand sensations it in spirès. In some parts a few paces only 'can be traced; and it appears as if the carriage must either ascend the clouds, or be precipitated into the ocean. Thus are expectation and fancy kept fully awake, till we enter on a scene which imagination never dared to picture. Feeling is at a loss for language in which to describe the extraordinary combination of the romantic and beautiful, the grand and the sublime, which that wonderful phenomenon, a land-slip, presents. An immerse range of mountain extends on the right, on the left the ocean: the intermediate ground has been rent from that above; and detached cottages, scattered hamlets, little fields covered with corn, and waving woods, are intermingled with a magnificent chaos of rocks, and fill the valley. Tumultuous sensations of delight rush on the soul at the contemplation of a scene ike this, which must be felt in order to be comprehended. The Inn justly denominated Steel hill, (as the house is placed at the foot of an almost perpendicular mountain,) afforded us an agreeable halting-place; as by a short walk we could revisit this enchanting scenery, and with feelings more calin, contemplate its beauties.

The little village of Bonchurch, is at the entrance of this striking valley, and here the band of Taste has created some of the most lovely retreats amidst the wild. Mr. Hadfield's is singularly inteTesting. The house is situated on a rock, and half-concealed by a luxuriant shrubbery. A long level space on the rock admits an irregular lawn, to which a shaded walk from the house leads; a little elegant painted pavilion is placed on the green, commanding a fine view of the sea, and of the intervening valley. "On one side of the lawn, irregular masses of rock appear half-covered with wild foliage; and little devious paths wind about the steep, leading to places which afford extensive views of bold projections of rock, where we meet a slade and a seat. Thus happily are garden-beauties

blended with the wild majesty of nature. On the other side, the slope is planted with laurels, &c. and at the bottom a thick grove, reared by the hand of nature, overhangs a pellucid lake, fed by a stream so celebrated for its purity, that "formerly in passing this place, the seamen used to lower their topmasts in reverence to St. Boniface, its patron saint." Through the grove runs the public road, where travellers are dimly seen winding amongst its shade. Beyond that is a mass of grotesque rocks, tossed in a style of irregular grandeur, from the range of mountains which back the whole, and now forming a barrier to that world of waters whose waves break at their feet. The church of St. Boniface stands in a shaded recess near the shore; and the whole is enlivened by pasture-ground with cattle grazing, and fields of ripened harvest. The lawn commands the whole of this scenery; which cannot be adequately imagined, nor fully described. St. Boniface Cottage, the seat of the highly respectable Mr. Bowdler, is an elegant retreat, in a recess beneath the same range of rocks, and partaking all the beauties of the scene. On an eminence opposite the house, a covered seat affords an extensive view of the boundless ocean; and a fine terrace leads on to other views, and other seats, till it terminates near the church.

Mill Bay is an interesting cove, a mile or two beyond this scene. A considerable fall of water rushing down the rocks, turns a mill in its course, and then precipitates itself into the sea, A few fish ermen's huts on the neighbouring bank; huge fantastic limbs of trees stripped of their bark, and placed in the ground, on which are suspended fish to dry for the winter; and boats moored in front; are very picturesque objects. Lady F T has fitted up a small cottage near this spot, which is finely sheltered amidst woods and rocks. Through the former, and on ledges of the latter, to which a flight of almost perpendicular steps leads, she has cut private close walks, imper vious even to a mid-day sun, which lead to a neighbouring sent.*

Lord Dysart's Paradise is situated amidst

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amidst a romantic part of the under cliff; the grounds are extensive, and comprehend a rich variety. The house is concealed til we come close to it, amidst woods and rocks; and a long trellissed

front; which opens on a knoll, around which the ground has been cleared, for the creation of gardens and shrubberies. Steps cut in the rock and overarched with shade, lead to the wild fantastic scenery on the mountains; amid whose broken craggs a way has been formed, without doing violence to nature, by which a park phaeton may ascend to their utmost summit. In a most retired and romantic situation, half-sheltered by masses of projecting cliffs, is a sort of rural pavilion; which, by its little Gothic windows, and crucifix on the top, assumes the appearance of a chapel, or heritage. There are a stillness and a solemnity in this scene, peculiarly impressive, and

Meditation here might think down hours

to moments."

In different parts of the grounds are cot tages simply elegant, where gardeners and labourers reside; these give interest and cheerfulness to the scene, and manifest the benevolent character of the noble possessor.

The whole of this ride beneath the under cliff, is sublime, beyond all that fancy has pictured. The stupendous height and varied forms of the dark-grey cliff, towering in awful majesty above; the rich and lovely landscape in the valley; and the broad blue deep, swelling on the shore; all combine to produce a scene which cannot be adequately delineated. Its effects on a mind so happily organized as to feel it in all its power, cannot be better described than in the following language: "The majesty of the scene, very much heightened by one of the most glowing and beautiful sunsets I ever beheld, quite overcame me. I wept as a new idea of the power and immensity of the author of creation shot across my soul; and silently adored the Being who could create a scene so sublime, and tune the human heart to such exquisite sensations.”—(To be continued.)

expence, now so lavishly bestowed on her numerous tribes of dogs and cats; and endeaTour to secure that refined and sacred pleasure, which must result from judicios efforts to beneût her indigent and suffering fellow


For the Monthly Magazine.


Fas eft et ab hofte doceri. NGLISH literature abounds in pubcontainer lications

curate information on almott every thing either uleful or intereiling in the city, of Paris. There are, however, fome fubjects of confiderable importance in that capital, concerning which the accounts of our tourilts are far from being fatisfactory. One of thefe is the means ufed to prevent the fpreading of conflagrations. If the police of Paris has fome features which an Englishman muft abhor, it alfo is remarkable for a few regulations that deferve commendation: among the latter is undoubtedly to be claffed le Corps des Pompiers, or Company of Firemen.

It is on record, that in the course of the year 1805, from January to September, upwards of three hundred houfes in Paris caught fire: yet of all thefe accidents the majority of the Parifians remained totally ignorant; because even where the greatest danger appeared, not a fingle dwelling was totally laid in afhes, owing to the exertions of the firemen. In the above number are not compre headed fome equally dangerous acci dents of fire that happened in cellars filled with combuftibles; and in which the dames were extinguished with fuch expedition, that molt of the inhabitants of the very treet where the, conflagration broke out, heard yoshing of it. Let the writer fhould be fufpecied of exag geration, he thinks it not improper, in this place, to relate what fell under his own obfervation. When in the year 1805, he refided in Paris, a fire broke out, in the evening, two doors from the house where he lodged. All prefent deemed the danger to be imminent, efpecially as the adjoining houfe was occupied by a druggift, who kept in his cellar a quantity of gunpowder, together with a varie ty of combuftibles, which, it was dreaded every moment, would catch fire. The firemen arrived in time fufficient to check the blaze; and by the exertion of their fkill and intrepidity confined, and, in the fpace of a few hours, totally quenched thole flames, which, perhaps, in any other city, would have confumed whole streets. During all this time the writer was sitting quietly in his room, without the leaft knowledge of the danger which menaced deftruction to the houfe of his neighbour.

In moft towns and cities of the Conti

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nent the general is beaten, and the alarm bell rung, to roufe the inhabitants the moment when any danger trom fire appears. In Paris no fuch precautions are ufed; for this plain reafon, lett the pickpockets and the rabble in general hould thereby be invited to repair to the fpot.

The writer, ftruck with the immenfe advantages derived by the inhabitants of Paris from a company of firemen, who act with fuch invariable fuccefs, thought it worth while to enquire into the history of the Corps des Pompiers at Paris. He lays the refult of his enquiries before the public, hoping that it will be found to contain fome useful information.

Before the people of Paris entertained any idea of the utility of fire-engines, the frequent conflagrations caufed fuch havoc in their city, that it was no unufual occurrence to behold not only fireets but entire divifions or wards laid in athes. From Felibien's Hiftory of Paris, we may learn that on the breaking out of a fire, inficad of deviting means to extinguith it, the faints were implored for their power ful adiftance. All forts of incantations were reforted to; and in general the derouring flames were not arrefted, till the tutelary faint pronounced his veto; or, in other words, till the fury of the fire met with fome obftacle.

François du Perrier, a player of Paris, having made a tour through Holland and Germany, and learned there the ufe of fire-engines, brought models of them back with him to France. Immediately on his return he communicated this new invention to the government, who granted hin letters patent, dated October 12, 1699, by which he was authorifed exclufively, to manufacture and fell fire-engines throughout France. From the wording of the patent it may be inferred, that, before that period, the people of Paris had only ufod buckets to extinguifh houfes on fire; it is alfo probable, that the first fire-engines had no carriages, as they were ftyled pompes portatives, or portable pumps.

In the year 1703, a new establishment of fire-engines is recorded, which was placed under the direction of Du Perrier. It confifted of twenty engines, for which he was allowed 6000 livres per annum, on condition that he thould keep the engines in thorough repair, and pay two and thirty firemen a fum amounting annually to 2,400 livres. He engaged, befides, to provide for every fireman a bonnet or helmet, in order to their being calier diftinguith

ed; and to inftruct them in every thing that related to the art of quickly fundu ing great fires, as well as to affix in public places a lift of engine-houles, and of the firemen dwelling in the immediate vi cinity of them. Government, however, refe ved the privilege of examining fre quently into the state of the engines; and difning fuch of the firemen as were found either not to have received adequate inftruction, or to have been from home on the breaking out of any confiagration,

In the year 1722, the fire-engines at Paris were augmented to thirty and the firemen to fixty: the latter reconed alfo particular dreffes, befides the helmets be fore mentioned. Du Perrier undertook to establith eight engine-otlices in different parts of the city, where the following implements were to be kept: viz. tixteen long ladders; nxteen lung cables; fixteen large iron hooks, for the purpose of pulling down houtes, if necellary; thirty pickaxes; thirty fhovels; thirty axes; thirty iron crows, to pull up the pavement; thirty long chifels, to open the water-pipes lying under the pavement. The engines, together with the neceffary carriages to forward them, were to be kept in thirty locked theds. To enable Du Perrier to meet all thefe expences, he was to receive the fum of 40,000 livres, and annually 20,000 livres. His fon fucceeded him in the fuperintendance of the fireengines of Paris. In the courfe of time this establishment was confiderably improved; and, in the revolutionary year 7, when the company of firemen received a new organization, all its former regulations were confirmed.

As foon as a fire breaks out in Paris, every citizen is not only authorized, but bound, to call the firemen of the next ftation. There are forty-one stations, diftributed in all the quarters of the city. Every inhabitant knows them, as a lift of them is printed annually and fuck up in public places; beides, they are eatily found, having the following infcription pamted on them in large letters: Secours pour les incendies, (Afliflance in cafe of fire).

On the first intelligence of a fire, the fuperintendant of the ftation haftens with his men to the spot, taking along with him the perfon who communicated the intel ligence; for if it fhould turn out to be unfounded, either from wanton in.schief, or any other motive, the informant is detained: a very proper precaution, since evil-minded perfous might, for tiniter purpofes, concert a scheme for affembling

all the firemen from their stations. This, however, is now almoft impracticable; for firemen who are very diftant from conflagrations, muft not leave their station, except by order of their respective fuperiors. On the arrival of the firemen nearest to any houfe on fire, their chief endeavours to afcertain, whether be will want further affiftance. If he does, and no other divifions of firemen have arrived, he fends for them, by immediately giving notice of the fire to the infpector of police in the adjoining diftrict. The latter, on receiving this notice, is bound to repair immediately to the fpot, having defired the attendance of a detachment of troops, to keep order and fecure the property of the citizens. When the foldiers arrive, they are diftributed into feparate parties; fome help to extinguish the flames, others carry buckets or demolish the walls of rooms, if neceffity require it, and fome are employed in guarding the effects faved, or in fuperintending those who band the buckets to one another. At night, the chief of the company of firemen thould likewife be prefent at every fire, but generally he does not arrive till he is apprited that the danger is immi


From every barrack in Paris, each of which is furnished with from 50 to 60 buckets, a fergeant with twelve armed and twelve unarmed men, without waiting for orders, repairs, on the firft alarm of fire, to the fpot with buckets. Nine others are difpatched to carry information to the diftant barracks. Betides, every guard-room in Paris furnishes its quota of men.

When a fire breaks out in any other place than the chimney, or when the flames of a chimney menace to extend themselves to the reit of the building, the commander of the next military poft difpatches meffengers to the minifter and prefect of police and to the etat-major, in order to inform them of the apprehended danger; when it is incumbent upon them, without delay, to attend, and to bring along with them the hydraulic engineer and the architect of the city of Paris.

The commiffary of police and the director of the firemen itfue orders to the fentinels; they nlfo direct the inspectors of the wells and refervoirs, to open them immediately; and to give free accefs to every water-carrier or other citizen, who prefents a card figned by the commillary of police. Certain large tubs, always filled with water for fupplying the fire-engines, are conveyed to the spot by the

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horfes of the rubbiflcarters, or by those of any carter or waggoner that is met with in the fireet. The latter are, on no account, permitted to refufe their horfes to the director of the firemen. ter-carriers, too, keeping carts, are, on requisition, obliged to convey their caths, filled with water, to the place of conflagration, and to replenish them at the next refervoir as often as may be judged nocellary. A water-carrier, who, after requilition, thould refufe to drive to the place of danger, would be liable to lote his liceufe to vend water; a very impor tant lofs to him, as the good-will of fuch a bufinefs may be difpoled of for twelve hundred francs and upwards. The moment that the rubbish-carters, waggoners, or water-carriers, arrive at the place of danger, they are placed under the orders of thofe invefted with authority and are conftantly attended by a foldier.

After the fire, the owner of thefe horfes, in consequence of a certificate from the director of the firemen, receives for every hour in the day feven fols for each horfe, and in the night ten fols. The water-carriers, however, have no claim to this remuneration; in place of which, they, on producing a card, ftamped and figued by the Cominiary of Police, are entitled to eight centimes for every two buckets of the firit cafk which they have conveyed from the quarter where they ply. The reft of their attendance is paid by the hour, in proportion to the horfes employed.

'The buckets of the next repofitories are always, under efcort of one or two foldiers, conveyed to the spot and delivered to the Commitlary of Police, who immediately appoints the neceffary number of infpectors over them. These are refponfible for the buckets, and take care to pre vent their being carried beyond the circle formed by the troops on duty.

All was and tallow chandlers, living near any houfe on fire, are obliged, on receiving notice, to keep their fhops open, in order, agreeably to a written order of the Comnillary of Police or the director of the tiremen, to farnith the flambeaux and fire-pans, that may be wanted for the purpose of affording fufficient light to thofe who are engaged in fubduing the flames, Thefe requifites are paid for by the prefecture of Police. All architects, bricklayers, carpenters, tilers, and other mechanics and workmen, whom the com millary of Police thunks proper to fura

on, are compelled to appear iomediately, with the implements of their re


spective trades. On producing a certificate from the commissary of police, their work is duly paid for, according to the estimate of the architect of the city. If the danger be such that the people employed are likely to receive bodily injuries, the presence even of the next physicians and surgeons is demanded, in order to afford speedy assistance to any person who may have been hurt.

All expences incurred on account of any conflagration, are discharged by the eity with scrupulous exactness; and every refusal to obey any requisition made in times of danger from fire, meets with rigorous punishment.

Formerly, the inhabitants of the houses or apartments where the fire originated, were liable to a considerable fine, but this practice is now abolished, as such persons, for the purpose of evading the fine, were apt to conceal the danger, and attempt themselves to extinguish the fire, in consequence of which the firemen were not called till the ungovernable flames gave the neighbours warning of their danger; whereas the fireinen, if called immediately, might have succeeded in suppressing its growth. At present, the commissary of police is simply directed to enquire into the cause of the conflagration, and make his report accordingly; but if, in the course of his inquiry, he discover premeditated malice, the incendiary is, very properly, cailed to account for it. Extraordinary negligence is likewise punished: if, therefore, a chimney catch fire in consequence of being very foul, the person to whose room it belongs cannot escape being fined.

The fire-engines now in use are fitted on four-wheeled carriages, and resemble one another exactly, even with respect to the leathers, pipes, and screws. This is done with a view of enabling the men to supply any defect which may arise during their work. In the space of one hour, they discharge 400 buckets, or twenty tons of water, propelling the fluid to the height of one hundred feet. At the taking of the Bastille, a man, standing on an eminence of torty feet, was forced, or rather shot, down by them into the flames. The water-buckets, wheels, carriages, pipes, screws, valves, cisterns, and pistons, are as yet manufactured by their respective workmen; but the making of

ese articles will, in future, constitute part of the employment of the firemen themselves.

There are now three-and-twenty cu

gine-houses in Paris, each containing two engines, together with two or three capacious tubs, which are always kept full of water, and placed upon carriages. The latter are calculated for two horses, and stand in constant readiness. A fixed number of firemen is appointed to live near these repositorics, and directed nover to go out to work but when fire breaks out in their own district.

Beside the usual fire-engines, there are also some forcing-pumps, placed on boats, and stationed in the river Seine. Their utility is at present more circumscribed than formerly, when the sides of the river were crowded with houses.

The fire-buckets are made of wickerwork, lined with leather. They are of very long standing, and even now thought to be of a quality far beyond that of the sceaux de toile impermeables d'Esquinemore; the latter having, on repeated trials, proved less water-tight than the former.

In every quarter of Paris, and even on the Boulevard, all around the city, there are posts contaming water-pipes, which are intended for the watering and cleaning of streets, bridges, public gardens and walks, in hot dry summer days, as well as for the immediate supply of the tubs, when emptied of their former contents. In cases of emergency, the regards, contrived in every street, are opened, and the leather hose, designed to convey the water into the tubs or engins, screwed on them.

The leather pipe of every engine is 816 feet long, but, by means of several screws, it may be shortened at pleasure an eighth, fourth, third, &c. as necessity may require it.

Most of the firemen now employed are skilful and courageous men, who are indebted for their expertness in extinguishing the most alarming fires to the excellence of the regulations which we have stated, and still more to long practice. Their intrepidity is far superior to that of tilers and bricklayers, who, though fre quently mounting the tops of the highest houses, have yet been found to be of little use in the extinction of fires; for, affected beyond meafore by the uncom mon sight of flames, threatening them on

* Apertures which are purposely left open by the workmen on laying the water-pipes, with a view to their occasional examination. They have usually no other covering than strong pieces of timber, formed into a squari, a slab, or an ivou plate.

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