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France and Germany; the fifth exhibiting a statement of the sentiments and sects of modern Jews; and the sixth shewing the views of eminent divines, respecting their future conversion to Christ, and restoration to their own land. The six Sermons by Evangelical Ministers which follow, add more to the bulk than the value of the work. Dr. Hunter's Discourse at the end is worth them all. Of another work which has been lately published, of a different kind, it may be quite sufficient to record the title. "Letters to the Editor of the Christian Observer, in Reply to their Observations on a Pamphlet entitled, ' A few plain Answers to the Question, Why do you receive the Testimony of Baron Swedenborg?" by the Rev. J. CLOWES.

Among the SERMONS, we cannot fail to give a conspicuous place to those of Mr. VAN MILDERT, containing "An Historical View of the Rise and Progress of Infidelity, with a Refutation of its Principles and Reasonings." They were preached, at the Lecture founded by the Hon. Mr. Boyle, in the parish church of St. Mary-le-Bow; and are calculated not only to interest but to instruct. The arguments are selected with judgment; and the language they are clothed in is strong and unaffected.

Beside these, we have scarcely any Sermons, in an aggregate form, to mention; detached Sermons, however, have been produced by the press in great abundance.

"The Duty of Stedfastness in Church Communion," has been ably treated by Mr. PEARSON.

Dr. MALTBY'S "Sermon" before the University of Cambridge, on the importance of improving the early part of life, deserves attention beyond the limits of the audience to which it was addressed.

Nor would we bestow a smaller share of praise on Dr. GASKIN'S Sermon, intitled, "The English Liturgy, a Form of sound Words."


In Dr. KNOX's "Sermon," however, preached at the Opening of the Philanthropic Society, we confess ourselves to have been disappointed.

Of the remainder of those which have fallen into our hands, we have found little either to praise or censure. A few, are only to be commended for their good intentions.


Among the more valuable works in this section of our Retrospect, we cannot fail to place the new edition of "Gesner's MONTHLY MAo. No. 159.

Quintilian," published under the immediate direction of the University of Oxford. The text has been accurately collated and cleansed of the numerous typographical errors which marked the edition of 1738. The editor, we understand, was the Rev. J. Carpenter, of Hertford College.

Nor is less praise due to the publication of the "Catalogue of the Manuscripts, and Books with Manuscript Notes, in the D'Orville Collection," purchased by the University about three years ago.

"The Paraphrase of an anonymous Greek Writer, (hitherto published under the name of Andronicus Rhodius), on the Nicomachean Ethics of Aristotle," has been translated from the Greek, by Mr. BRIDGEMAN. In regard to the Paraphrase itself, though we allow it in many instances to possess a great share of merit, we certainly agree in the observation of Salmasius, that it differs from Aristotle in inany particulars. As a fair specimen we shall transcribe the whole of the eighth chapter of the fifth book.

"In what manner a man may act unjustly, and still not be unjust."

"We have discoursed universally, therefore, concerning justice and injustice; also concerning the just and the unjust, and defined the nature of each. But since there are certain unjust actions, in which, though the agent acts unjustly, nevertheless he is not unjust, let us now investigate what those actions are. In the first place, however, we will show that certain things may be done unjustly, and still not be unjust; as, for instance, a man may steal, or commit adultery, and yet be neither a thief nor an adulterer. For if any one should steal a sword from a maniac, lest he should wound himself, such a one steals indeed, but nevertheless is not a thief. So also if any one commits adultery for the purpose of enriching himself, he commits the crime indeed, but still is not an adulterer, but a lover of riches. If also a physician should deceive a sick person, in order to preserve him, he deceives, yet he is not a deceiver. It is manifest, therefore, that certain things may be done unjustly, and yet not be unjust according to that particular injustice, the work of which he accomplishes. But let us consider in a general way what these unjust actions are. They are such then as a person does unjustly, not for the sake of the end which is adapted to that particular injus tice, of which the action is performed, but for the sake of some other end, whe 4 M


ther it be good or base; and though, according to this, he acts unjustly, nevertheless he is not unjust. For a physician may deceive without being a deceiver, since it is not his end to deceive, but to preserve his patient. In like manner also person stealing a sword from a maniac, does not seek to receive the more for himself, and to gain secretly from his neighbour, as a thief would do; but the end he has in view is the preservation of the maniac. Every action, however, receives its form and definition from the end, and through this also its name; since a name is a concise definition. For we do not say that a general, who frequently prepares helepolides, or other warlike engines, for the purpose of besieging a town, is an architect or a carpenter: he performs the works indeed of the architect and the carpenter, and is aid to build; but because he has not the end of an architect in view, but that of a general, he is not an architect, but a general, and is called by that name. Thus also he who violates his neighbour's bed, but does not deliberately intend to do so through intemperance, but through a love of money, is not an adulterer, but a lover of riches. It is possible, therefore, for a man to act unjustly, and yet not to be unjust according to that particular injustice of which he does the deed; but he is either not at all unjust in the same manner as the physician abovementioned, or he acts unjustly according to a different species of injustice, in the same manner as the adulterer: and how this happens has been already explained. It is also possible, in another manner, for a man to act unjustly; as for instance, a man in the night not knowing a thief, and killing some other person, acts unjustly indeed, but nevertheless is not unjust."

With respect to the translation, it appears to have been faithfully executed; and retains much of the manner as well as the matter of the original. Our Retrospect is, from its nature, confined; or we should have gladly given a more extended account of the Paraphrase on the Nicomachean Ethics.

The value of Dr. Adam's work on Roman Antiquities has been so long acknowledged, that we feel a pleasure in announcing a companion to it in Mr. ROBINSON'S "Archeologia Græca." In the Preface, Mr. Robinson confesses himself very much indebted to the well known work of Archbishop Potter, which bekas, indeed, made the basis of his own;

divesting it of the historical and mythlogical digressions, and of the long que tations from the classics, with which it is encumbered. He has also made great use of the Travels of Anacharsis, by the Abbé Barthelemy, of the Antiquitates Græcorum Sacræ of Lakemacher, and of the Antiquitates Græca of Lambertss Bos, enriched with the notes of Frederic Geisner; and he has occasionally con sulted the Dissertations on the Greeks, by De Pauw. The second book, however, on the Civil Government of Sparta, appears to have been chiefly compiled from Cragius's work de Republica Lacedæmoniorum. At first, Mr. Robinson says, it was his intention to have extended his enquiries to the manners and custons of the several states of Greece, and especially to those of Athens, Sparta, Thebes, Rhodes, and Macedon. But the difficulty of obtaining the necessary materials, obliged him to relinquish a part of his design, and to limit himself chiefly to Athens and Sparta. There is, bonever, perhaps, no great reason for regretting this abandonment of a part of his original plan. The Athenians and Lacedæmonians were, properly speaking, the only original nations in Greece; and all the others could only be considered as shades, partaking, more or less of these two principal colours. The inhabitants of Crete, Rhodes, Megaris, Messen, and some parts of Peloponnesus, imitated the customs of Sparta; while the other Greeks of Europe adopted in general the modes and civil institutions of Athens, unless where local circumstances occasioned some deviation, too trifling to excite a general interest. An account of the manners and customs of Spart is certainly necessary in a work of this nature; and it affords matter of surpre, that Potter, Bos, and other writers who have treated on Grecian Antiquities, should have scarcely noticed those of so considerable and peculiar a state as Lacedæmon. As preliminary sulgects, we have a brief History of the Grecian States; followed by Biographical Sketches of the principal Greek Authors, with short comments on their writings. The work itself is divided into five books; the first relating to the Civil Govenmert of the Athenians; the second to the Cvil Government of the Spartans; the third book treats generally of the Rel gion of the Greeks; the fourth concerns their Military affairs; and the fifth their private Life. As a specimen, we shall quote the twenty-second chapter of the

third book, relating to the Pythiun Games.

"The Pythian games were celebrated in honor of Apollo, near Delphi (Pind. Python. Od. VI.), and are supposed by some to have been instituted by Amphictyon, the son of Deucalion, or by the council of the Amphictyons. Some refer the institution of them to Agamemnon (Phavorin.); and some to Diomedes (Pausan, Corinth.). But the most common opinion is, that Apollo himself was the author of them, after he had overcome the python, which was a serpent (Ovid. Met. 1. 445); and hence these games were sometimes called wahyugis pews (Clem. Aler.). At first they were celebrated once every ninth year (Plut. Quæst. Græc.), and hence that period was denominated wear; but, afterwards, they were observed every fifth year, which period was called witze


The rewards were certain apples consecrated to Apollo (Lucian, de Gym.), and garlands of laurel (Pausan. Phocic.; Elian, Var. Hist. III., 1; Pind. Pyth. Od. VIII., v. 28). At the first institution of these games, the victors were crowned with garlands of palm (Plut. Sympos, VIII, probl. 4), or of beech (Ovid. Met, I., 7. 449). Some say, that, in the first Pythian solemnity, the gods contended in horse-races, running, throwing the quoit, boxing, wrestling, &c. and that Apollo honoured them with crowns of laurel; but others affirm (Strab. lib. XI.; Pausan. Phocic.), that at first there was only a musical contention (xidagad), in which he who best sung the praises of Apollo, obtained the prize, which was either gold or silver, but which was afterwards changed into a garland. If the prize was money, the games were called y gyugira; if only a garland, ἀγῶνες σεφανίται, φυλλίναι, &c,

"There was also another song called Πυθικός νόμος, to which a dance was performed. It consisted of these five parts, in which the contest of Apollo and Python was represented (Strab. lib. IX.; Poll. IV. 10, seq. 84): 1. Avázos, which contained the preparation to battle; 2. "Apipa, the first essays towards it; 3. Karaxiλsvouds, the action itself, and the god's exhortation to himself to be courageous; 4. "Iaμfor xai daxuño, the insulting sarcasms of Apollo over the vanquished Python; 5. Zupypos or

y, the hiss of the serpent as he died. Some divide this song into the six parts following: 1. Ipa, the preparation; 2.

Iaußos, in which Apollo dared Python to engage by invectives; 3. Δάκτυλος, which was sung in honour of Bacchus ; 4. Kfarixòs, in honour of Jupiter; 5. M 7, in honour of Mother Earth; 6. Ev pypos, the hissing of the serpent. But by others, it is thus described: 1. Пupa, the preparation; 2. Karanevoμos, the challenge; 3 Iauixos, the fight. 4 Ermordetos, the celebration of victory, from σwerden, to offer a libation; 5. Karaxópst, the dancing of Apollo after the victory (Poll. Onom. lib. IV., cap. 10).

"In the third year of the forty-eighth Olympiad, flutes (ava@dia), which had not till that time been used in this solemnity, were introduced by the Amphictyons, who were presidents of these games (Strab. lib. IX.; Pausan. Phoc.; Plut. Sympos. V., probl.2); but, because they appeared more proper for funereal songs, they were soon laid aside. The Amphictyons also added all the gymnastical exercises used in the Olympian games (Pausan. Phocic.;· Schol. Pind.); and they enacted a law, that none but boys should contend in Yunning. Afterwards, horse and chariot races (Pausan. ibid.; Schol. Pind.), and contests in poetry and the fine arts (Plut. Sympos. V. probl. 2; Plin. lib. VII., cap. 37) were introduced. The laurel, with which the victors were crowned, was brought from Thessaly (Lucan, VI. 409).

"These games were celebrated on the sixth (Plut. Sympos. VIII, 1; Quæst. Græc.), or, as others say, on the se-. venth day (Schol. Pind.) of the Delphic month Bugos, which corresponds with the Athenian Dapyniwy; but whether they continued more days than one, is uncertain.”

Such is Mr. Robinson's Archeologia Graca. It is accompanied by a map of ancient Greece: an index of remarkable things and an Index of Greek words and phrases.

The last work we have to notice in this class, is formed by the smaller works of Ruhnkenius, which have been collected by Mr. KIDD, and deserve attention, both from the scholar and the critic.


The seventh and eighth Portions of Mr. BRITTON'S " Architectural Antiquities," beside the concluding part of Malmsbury, contain a Sequel to the Essay on Round Churches, in the History of that of Little Maplested, in Essex: followed by an Essay on the History and Description of Colchester Custle. "The church of Maplested, (Mr. 4 M 2 Britton

Brit ton says, is singular in shape; and con stituting one of the round class is extre nely interesting, as displaying a differ ent and later style of architecture than er her of the structures previously deSribed. With a circular portion at the T rest, and a semicircular east end, the plan of the building is unique; and therefore deserving particular illustration. Its exterior character, internal peculiarity, ground-plan, and entrance-doorway, are correctly displayed in three plates: judging by the peculiarity of its members, which furnish the only clue in the absence of document, Mr. Britton refers its erection to some period between or during the reigns of King John and Henry the Third. The whole length of the church, internally, is sixty feet. The circular area twenty-six feet in diameter.

"Colchester Castle stands upon an elevated spot of ground, near the northeast corner of the station supposed by most writers to have been the ancient Camalodunum of the Romans: and was formerly encompassed with a foss and vallum. The remains consist mostly of the shell, or exterior walls of what appears to have been the Keep. The walls are extremely thick, and of vast solidity. They are constructed with a mixture of clay-stone, flint, Roman tiles, &c. the whole combined and strongly held together, by a proper quantity of lime-ccment poured into all the interstices. Yet strange as it may seem, after an account of such materials, the structure itself is not deemed of a remoter date than the Norman conquest. Caen stones and Kentish rag are so much mixed with the masonry, that an earlier period cannot be assigned it.

The doorway of the church of "South Okendon in Essex," is another subject illustrated it is a delicate specimen of what is called the Anglo-Norman style.

were all equally of Celtic extraction. The usual derivation of Scotti from Scuith, a wanderer from Scythia, he deems absurd; deriving it rather from the Celtic Scaoth, a swarm, or multitude. An anecdote toward the close tends very much to derogate from the high antiquity attributed to the Erse poems by Macpher

These complete the first volume of Mr. Britton's work: which, it appears, will now be confined to four volumes. Hitherto we have had no specimens of the earlier Saxon ftyle: but the subjects announced convince us that neither pains nor expence will be spared to make the Architectural Antiquities not only a beautiful and an unique work, but a complete one. We fhall continue to report its progress.

DR. COUPER'S "Notes and Observations on the early Part of the Hiftory of the British Isles," relate chiefly to the etymoJogies of the names of nations and tribes; and he labours with no little success, through sixty-six pages, to prove that they



LORD ORFORD'S "Catalogue of the Royal and Noble Authors of England, Scotland, and Ireland," first appeared nearly half a century ago. The extended edition of it, however, by Mr. PARK, accompanied by a series of portraits, is almost a new work. It is in five volumes octavo. Lord Orford's plan of giving a catalogue only of titled authors has been enlarged upon, and short specimens of their performances added, somewhat af ter the manner of Cibber's Lives of the Poets. Among the new Authors in the Royal List, we find Richard II., Henry VI., Anne Boleyn, the Princess Elizabeth Queen of Bohemia, Charles II. und Frederick Prince of Wales, father to his present Majesty. Lord Orford's appendix to the posthumous edition of his Noble Authors could not be transferred to the present, on account of purchased copyright; so that with that edition Mr. Park's but little interferes, except in the correction of inadvertences, or the insertion of casual omissions. In regard to the sum of his labours, Mr. Park observes, that what personal health has permitted, and family cares have allowed; what a love of literature partly incited to attempt, and what plodding perseverance has enabled him to accomplish, is submitted with deference to the award of candour; not without some apprehension of being blained both for deficiencies and redundancies, for having done too little or too much, according to individual bias for particular characters. Mr. Park com mences his annotations with the preface to Mr. Walpole's first edition, and cont nues them throughout the whole of the work.

The new edition of Mr. CUMBERLAND'S "Memoirs," in two volumes octavo, ♣ accompanied by a Supplement; dated Feb. 19th, 1808. Among other articles of entertainment which occur in its contents, we have a few comments on the Reviewers. "The friends (says Mr. Cumberland), who knew with what befitation I yielded to their advice, and w dertook this task, can witness that I did not expect to make my own immediate


Memoirs entertaining to the public; yet
every reviewer, who has condescended to
notice them, (those of Edinburgh ex-
cepted) have had the charity to make me
think they had read me with complacen-
cy. But they were my countrymen;
they could feel for my motives, they
could allow for my difficulties; they had
too much manliness of nature to en-
deavour at depressing me, and forbore
for a time to be critics for the gratitica-
tion of exhibiting themselves in the more
amiable character of gentlemen.

"I understand that these acrimonious
Northern Britons are young men; I re-
joice to hear it, not only for the honour
of old age, but in the hope that they will
live long enough to discover the error of
their ambition, the misapplication of
their talents, and that the combination
they have formed to mortify their con-
temporaries, is in fact a conspiracy to
undo themselves.". In these additions,
however, we do not find many anecdotes
of primary importance. A copious Index
which now accompanies the work will
be found extreinely useful.

In the "Public Characters" of 1807, we announce the ninth volume of a work which has experienced a degree of circulation almost unprecedented. To give a complete analysis of its contents, here, would be impossible, as it would occasion us to enter too much into detail. It may be sufficient to enumerate the more remarkable persons whose characters are drawn. The first and most prominent is Mr. Whitbread: the next is Mr. Hobhouse. Among those who follow: Lord Redesdale, Lord Sonerville; Mr. Mitford, the historian of Greece; the Earl of Elgin, Mr. Sergeant Ilill, and Sir William Scott, may be mentioned as the principal.

Connected also with Biography is, "The Child's Welfare," by Mr. HOLLOWAY, of Reading. It forms the substance of a Funeral Sermon, and is stated to contain the Experience of Miss Louisa Fuller; who died at the age of little more than eleven years. The preacher's own experience we should suppose might have supplied him with more useful materials for an exhortation to his hearers than any thing, however, altered, in the correspondence of a child. At any rate to have preached such a sermon was enough.

Mr. BARROW, in the "Account," which he has given "of the public Life of the Earl of Macartney," appears rigidly to have confined himself to those general events and transactions of the

times in which the subject of his narrative bore a conspicuous part. A fairer portrait of an honest statesman will hardly any where be found. The Life itself does not occupy the whole even of the first volume. George Macartney, it appears, was born the 14th of May 1737, at the family mansion of Lissanoure. At the age of thirteen, he was admitted a fellow-commoner of Trinity College, Dublin, where he proceeded M.A. 1759. From Dublin he came to London, and was entered of the Society of the Middle Temple, where he formed an intimacy with several characters who were rising into eminence: but not intending to study the law with a view to practice in that profession, he only remained there till he had completed his arrangements for making the tour of Europe. In the course of his Travels he became acquainted with the late Lord Holland, of whose family, on his return to England, he became an inmate; and soon afterwards a representative in Parliament for the borough of Midhurst. About this time the affairs of Russia having assumed an interesting aspect for Europe, an alliance with that power appeared desirable to England, on many considerations, and particularly in a commercial point of view. A treaty of commerce had for some years before engaged the attention of the British government; but none of its diplomatic agents had either skill or weight enough to make any progress with the Russian cabinet. Under these circumstances, Mr. Macartney's abilities were employed by Lord Sandwich, and on August 22, 1764, he was appointed envoy extraordinary to the empress. On this occasion he received from his Majesty the honour of knighthood. Having laid the solid foundation of a good understanding with Count Panin, who was then at the head of the Russian affairs, he ventured to open the grand object of his mission, and, after a close negociation of four months, the treaty of commerce was brought to a conclusion. Owing to an ambiguity in one of its clauses, however, it was not ratified by the English court. But, a second treaty being signed, the great object of his mission was obtained; and Sir George Macartney returned to England. On February 1, 1768, he was married to Lady Jane Stuart, second daughter of John Earl of Bute, and in the following year was appointed chief secretary of Ireland, under the administration of Lord Townshend. In 1772, he relinquished this situation; being nominated about the same time a

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