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boiling them, and caufing them to ferment, an ardent fpirit may be drawn from them, more wholesome than brandy dittilled from rye.

M. L. ABBE MELOGRANI has invented a new Blow-pipe: it confifts of two hollow glafs globes, of a fize proportioned to the effect required, which are united by two metallic tubes placed one again the other; each of thefe pipes has a valve attached at each of its extremities: a third pipe placed horizontally, and at right angles with the two firit, is hermes tically fixed to the pipes which unite the two globes. This horizontal pipe, befides ferving to direct the air upon the Blame of the lamp, likewife forms a fupport and axis on which the globes turn. When the lower globe, which is half filled with water, has, in changing its pofition, become uppermost, the water will run out into the other, and will form, by the preffure, a current of air in the pipe, which being ftopped by the valve at the extremity of the fame pipe, will be forced to pass through the horizontal pipe; the mouth of which being directed towards the flame, will produce the effect defired: when the water has defcended into the lower ball, the pofition must be changed, and the action of the machine will re


M. THEODORE PIERRE BERTIN has invented a new fyphon, capable of raising water thirty feet high without human help. This inftrument is, we are told, applicable to different purposes: As a fyphon, it may be used to raise water above its fource, in any fituation; as a pump, it may ferve as a pneumatic chemical apparatus, by the help of which may be made acidulated waters. The effects of this pump are in proportion to the fuperior length of the defcending limb over that of the afceuding one: it is therefore convenient for conveying perfumed air, fuch as that of an orangeing, for example, into rooms: it may alfo be rendered useful for mild fuctions, and might be employed in furgical operations where the fucking-pump is employed.

M. de BEAUVOIS has begun to publifh an account of the Infects which he collected on the African and American coafts, Two fpecies of bears at prefent unknown, have been four by M. Cot VIER, buried with tygers, hyenas, and other carnivorous animals, in a great number of caverns in the mountains of Hungary and Germany

M. SEGUIN, from the remarkable quan tity of albunen found in vegetable juices which ferment without yeast, and afford a vinous liquor, has been led to enquire whether the albumen might not be of effential confequence to this intestine motion. Having deprived thefe juices of albumen, they became incapable of fermenting; and then having fupplied this principle, fuch as white of egg to faccharine matter, the fermentation took place, and a matter fimilar to yeaft was depofited, which appeared to be only the albumen, which was fo altered as to be nearly infoluble, without having lot its fermentefcible action. Hence he concludes, that albumen, whether animal of vegetable, is the true ferment.

M. OLIVER has lately prefented to the National Inftitute an account of the Topography of Perfia; in which he has defcribed the chains of mountains, the courfes of streams, and the productions peculiar to climate. The great and prevailing drought is the caute why not more than a twentieth part of that vaft empire is cultivated. Entire provinces have not a fingle tree which is not planted and watered by the hands of man. This evil is conftantly increating, by the deftruction of thofe canals by which the water from the mountains was formerly conducted to the lands.

M. DESMARETS, from an examination of fome ancient garments, found in a tomb of the abbey of St. Germain, has determined that moft of the proceffes of weaving, at prefent ufod, were known in the tenth century; and he has thrown fome new light upon the articles of Pliny refpećting the ancient fabrics,

SEGUIN has found, from a variety of experiments, that coffee confifts of albumen, oil, a bitter principle, and a green matter, which is a combination of this laft and albumen.

M. LACEPEDE, by examining what is at prefent known of Africa; by comparing the volume of the rivers which arrive at the fea, with the extent of the regions upon which the rains of the torrid zone fall, and the quantity of evaporation to be obferved; and lattly, af lifting the judgment by the number and direction of the chains of inland mountains, as defcribed by travellers, has offered fome conjectures refpecting the physical difpofition of the countries fill unknown in the centre of that quarter of the globe, and more particularly the feas


and great lakes which he thinks muft there exit. He has, in a memoir prefented to the National Inftitute, indicated the courfes which appear to him to be proper for the moft fpeedily exploring thofe countries which till remain to be difcovered.

COUNT RUMFORD (now at Paris) has afcertained that light lofes little of its intenfity by pailing through ground glafs; he recommends, therefore, the prefer ence of ground glaffes for Argand's lamp, as a means of preventing the glare, to offenfive to the eye.

BOUILLON LA GRANGE has examined with great attention tannin, the chas rafter of which is to form an infoluble compound with gelatine; and he has found that it has an affinity for the alkalies, the earths, and the metallic oxides, and the faculty of becoming converted into gallic acid by abforbing oxygen.

M. BUCHOLZ has, from various experiments upon the feeds of lycopodium, found, 1, that they contain a fixteenth part of a fat oil of brownish yellow, and folable in alcohol; 2, a portion of real fugar; 3, a viscous extract of a brownifh yellow, and an infipid tafte; 4, the refidue, after being treated with alcohol and water, may be regarded as a peculiar product of the vegetable kingdom; 5, the yellowish afpect of the feed in this latter ftate, indicates the union of a fpecies of pigment with the firft principle of the feed, or, at least, a very intimate, union of the conftituent parts of this feed; 6, the oily part which enters into the compofition of this feed occafions its lively combuftion, and its conftant fepa

ration from water.

M. FREYLINO has extracted a large quantity of faccharine matter from the black mulberry tree, which may be obtained in a fate of fyrup or concrete fugar. The fyrup may be had by extract ng the juice, clarifying it with the whites of eggs, and afterwards evaporating it to a proper confilience.

M. GoGo has obtained from the common hazel-nut a fweet and agreeable oil. M. DE BEAUVOIS has begun to publifh an account of the infects which he collected on the African and American

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and they found that the common glue of the joiners cured intermittents. A great many Italian phyficians have tried this remedy, and found it fafe and effectual. They tried it in the febris tertiana duplicata, fome alfo in the quartan, which had not yielded to bark, &c. likewife in the quotidian remittents. Several patients were reftored even by the fimple jelly of beef. They obferved that the thenical intermittents cured by the glue went over into a febris continua, and even in atthenical ones; but this continuity lafted at most only one or two days. The glue is to be given a fhort time before the paroxyfin. Its principal effect confifts in taking away the atony of the ftomach and the fkin, When that is done, it is advisable to give fome dofes at feveral other hours of the day. It ought not to be diluted too much with water. When the folution, made from cleven or twelve drachins of glue in two ounces of water, coagu lates and thickens again, it may easily be made potable, by putting the glafs on hot aflies. Others gave the dofes every quarter, or every half hour, with equally good effect, The patient should not drink much after having taken the medicine, and efpecially no acid beverage, Two or three hours after he may drink or eat. The glue operates at the fame time as a fudorific. The patient ought to remain two days in bed after the fever has ceafed, and to avoid the air (efpecially if it be cold and moist) for four or five days. At Berlin these cures have been reiterated in the Cha rité, and found of indubitable effect.

Dr. DE SACCo, at Milan, has made experiments, which prove that the lymph of the malanders, or rather the greafe of horfes (Italian Giardoni, German Mauke, French Eaux aux jambes), has the fame effect, when inoculated, as the vaccine virus. Thefe experiments have been repeated feveral times at Berlin, by Dr. and Counfellor Bremer, who got re-produced lymph from Vienna. Île tranfplanted the lymph by four generations, and it remained effective. Ail neceffary means have been employed to afcertain that true cow-pock was produced. Every child inoculated with this matter was re-inoculated with the na tural finall-pox, but did not take it,

from fresh bones, beef, &c. would produce. Gluten, prepared in a Papinian digeftor, the fame effect, be equally cheap, and with out the naufeous tate of the joiners gla

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7th. That after a long drought and great heat, and when the difeafe had become more general and more mortal than usual, a confiderable rain (and the air temperate), or a froft, reftores health.

8th. That there is no inftance where a patient labouring under the difeafe and carried into the country communicated infection.

9th. That a perfon in perfect health going from the country into the parts of a town afflicted with the difeafe, may contract the complaint, and feel its effects, immediately, or a ter he has returned to the country, although he has not feen a perfon under

28. That the diforder begins on flat the fever grounds near docks.

3d. That the upper and back parts of the towns, not thickly fettled, are feldom


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They confider the Yellow Fever as the moft violent kind of bilious fevers, which difcate they fuppofe to be divided into four grades, viz. the intermittent, the remittent, the true bilious, and the yellow fever. Yellow fever then is a

bilious fever of a higher degree, and is produced by the faine caufe as other bilious fevers exiting in an increnfed quantity, or by its being of a more deleterious quality than what is required to produce the lower degrees of bilious fever.

MONTHLY RETROSPECT OF THE FINE ARTS. The Ufe of all New Prints, and Communications of Articles of Intelligence are requefied.

valuable collection which he lately pur

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when we have room, we mean to give
fome account.

Sir Samuel Hood, K.B. K.S.F. M.P. for the
City of Waminfer. Dounman, Ä.R.A.
pinxt. C. Turner, sculpt. published for G.
Andrews, Charing-Crefs, Nov. 1806.

tion; to enter into the caufes that have Contributed to this is not neceflary, but it has long been a fubject of regret, both to foreigners and natives who are fond of the fine arts, that thefe pictures have been fo generally fcattered over the face of the Ifland, at the different manfions of our If in the characteriflic traits of an nobility, or difperfed through the metro- Englith Admiral, there are any marks of polis, in many cafes, in finall collections. energy, or that national hardhood which that they were not more easily acceffible. fo eminently diflinguales that valuable The latter of thefe evils, the generous clafs of the community, it has been uftal conduct of the gentlemen who began for any artit of good tafle, who paints his the plan of the British Inftitution in Pall-portrait, to make it as far as he can conMall, for exhibiting old pictures etc, pronifes to remove; and the noble, and we must add patriotic example of the Marqus of Stafford, is an admirable beginning for the removal of the other. We have been told, and hope it is well founded,

that Lord Grofveuor intends to add a gallery, fimilar to that of the Marquis, to the manfion his Lordship purchafed from the Duke of Glocefter. To this he will - move the collection which was in the Juletion of the late Earl.-The pictures which were at his own houfe in Weftminder, before he attained his prefent title, and, abuse all, the very admirable and

fitiently with the necellary attention to
the refcinblance, perceptible in his pic-
ture. This portrait of Sir Samuel Hood
may poibly be deemed a likeness; but it
is, if we may be permitted fo to exprefs
it, a feeble likeness.

The Right Honourable Henry Lord Holland, the
Right Honourable Charles James Fox, died
September 23, 1806. A pair of Prints. J.
R. Smith pinset. S. W. Reynolds fsculpt.
Published by S. W. R. 47, Poland-freet,

0er 13, 1806.

Thele two prints are refemblances, and charnéterfuc refemblances of the noble perton, who at prefent does honour

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to the title of Holland; and of that great and enlightened itatefiman, who being now lot to his country and his friends, has a chance of juftice being done to his character, in fome particulars, which, by the violent animolity of political partiality, were almoft invariably tinged with the over-charged hue of party prejudice. Both the portraits are executed with the nfual ability and fuperior taste of the artifts, whole names are annexed.

Henry Mages, and Mr. Nicole. J. R. Smith pixt. W. Ward fculpt. Publifhed by W. Ward, Backingham-freet, Fitzroy-jquare. The picture from which this print is engraved, was in the latt exhibition at the Royal Academy. It reprefents an elderly gentleman, liftening to a young gentleman who is reading to hin, and is a very respectable and well compofed picture in every refpect but one, which was unpleafantly obvious in the painting, but in the print, is difagreeably obtrusive; we mean the green fpectacles, which in the engraving are neceffarily black. From this little circumftance, the united talents of panter and engraver, confeffedly great, fink beneath the task of rendering this in any degree an agreeable print, which, in a production from Mr. Raphael Smith, is what a late celebrated auctioneer would call a unique circumstance.

The Weary Traveller. The Harweft-man. W Artaud pinet. Dunkarton, sculpt. A pair prints, engraved in Mezzotinto, and pubbed for H. Macklin, Fleet-frect.

In these two pleafing defigns, the artist does-not feem to have aimed at more than making a pair of refpectable furni ture prints; and he has fully attained his purpose. Examined with that regard, they are entitled to a confiderable portion of praife. The firft, we think, is the beft defign; and both of them are well


Earl Camden, Knight of the moft Noble Order of the Garter, Hoppner Rit. pinxt. W. Ward, (culpt Published by W. Ward, Buckingban-friet, Fiteroy fquare.

This print is finely engraved in mezzoTito, and in point of defign, comes into a very retpectable clafs among the por i traits of the prefent day.

Mr. Ackerman has now published, prire us, the twelve prints to illuftrate the new and popular publication of, The Mifers of Human Life. This molt terrific title, would lead a native of any other country but England, to expect a heart reading tale of accumulated woe. A Frenchman, it has been obferved, in one

of our Journals, would prepare to shake his head, and thrug up his fhoulders at the unobferved calamities of fome love-tick heroine; a German would infiantly feel his heart expand with all the fenfitivenefs of philanthropy; and the tear would be ready to fiart from his eye, at the thought of beholding all the hopclefs errors, and unallayed niferies of man, feelingly depicted by the nervous band of fentimental philofophy. But to a true-bred Briton, the word MISERY does by no means convey an idea of fuch extreme difcom fort. He feels the fatisfaction of grumbling over his misfortunes, to be ou many occafions fo much greater than the pain of enduring them, that he will beg, borrow, fteal, or even manufacture calamity, fooner then futfer any unufual fcarcity of difcontent. He feels that miferies are neceffary to happiness, and though perhaps not quite to pleafant at the moment, as his other indifpenfable enjoyments of beef and beer, would, if taken away, leave a great craving in his appetite," &c, &c. but we have not room for more quotation. Indeed, Sterne had faid long ago, that Mr. Shandy ufed to confider an affliction which gave him an opportunity of a fiart repartee, or an eloquent difcitation, as fully compenfated by the exquifite delight of intellectual difplay.

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The prints are defigned and engraved with attention to the idea of the work, and well coloured, and may, we think, be a pleafant and whimsical addition to the amufement of those who love to laugh, and to laugh has ufes, that it is not necellary to enumerate.

Specimens of Polyautography, No. 1 price 10s 6d. published by J. Vollsweiler, No. 9, Buckingham-fireet, Fitzroy fquare.

In this number, as in thofe that preceded it, there are fix, and the major part of them are entitled to high praife: indeed on the whole, we think that hitherto each tucceeding number has been better than the former.

The firft defign by Mr. H. Singleton, reprefents an old man reading, and is in a bold and good ftyle. The next is a landfeape by Mr. W. II. Pyne, in an eminent degree delicate and picturefque: the hero, on a caparifoned horfe, is, by Mr. E. V. Utterfan, and muft be contidered as the production of an amateur, but would in many points do honour to a regular artist. By Mr. T. Barker, there is a very eafy and natural drawing of brick-makers, &c. and by Mr. Raphael Welt, the old tree in the foreft, which we have feen in more than one or two of his


former productions: in this mode it has a fingularly good effect. By Mr. W. Havell, we have a rural scene with trees, a female figure, &c. &c.

On the whole, we think that this very curious and novel invention, promifes to come into much greater request, and be more attended to and admired as it is better known. Indeed taken in every point of view, it must be very acceptable to the artifts and the lovers of drawing, as they may themselves multiply their own defigns without any knowledge of the art of engraving; the ftone being prepared fo as to admit of being drawn upon with the fame facility as paper.

A picturesque View of the principal Mountains of the World, in their actual proportions of beight above the level of the Sea, with a Seale of altitudes applicable to the Picture; defigned and painted by R A. Riddell, Efq. accompanied by a Geographical and Phyfical account of Mountains, their Mineral Compofition, &c. &c. in three quarto Volumes, by jeph Wilfon, Efq.

This very fingular print, which we men

tioned as in preparation fome months ago, is now engraved, and the descriptive volumes which accompany it, will be ready in a month or two, when the whole will be publifhed. To give the Analyfis of fo very fingular a work, would far exceed our limits. Suffice it to fay, that it is the largest print ever engraved on a fingle plate, (being 4 feet 6 inches, by 8 feet, exclufive of margins, for which the paper and preffes have been exprefsly made.) The bafe of the picture is fup pofed to be the level of the fea, from which the elevation of all the mountains are measured.

The price to fubfcribers for plain copies is ten guineas; imprettions printed in colours, fimilar in effect to the original picture, thirty guineas. One half to be paid at the time of fubfcription. Subfcriptions are taken in by Meffrs. G. and W. Nicol. Meffrs. Thomas Coutt's and Co. bankers, Strand, &c. &c. and at Mr. Riddell's, No. 9, Bennet-treet, St.



Select Pieces for the Organ or Piano-forte, by the late Mr. Jonathan Battifbill. Dedicated. to Dr. Callcott, and feleted from M.SS. in the Poffeffion of the Honourable George Pomeroy, by Joon Page, Vicar-Choral of St. Paul's Cathedral. 5s.

IIIS felection consists of an Overture, Nine Pieces for the organ or Piano Forte, an Introductory Leffon for the latter Inftrument, Six fhort Leffons for Juvenile Performers, and the Air of "God fave the King," harmonized by the above admired compofer. The ap pearance of thefe remains of fo ingenious and justly celebrated a matter as the late Mr. Battifhill, will not fail to be interefting to the lovers of original and found compofition. In every piece we difcover the high talents and profound fcience from which it emanates, and trace the good old fchool to which the compofer was indebted, for the pure and claffical ftyle of his compofitions. The work is brought out with accuracy and neatnefs, and the public, we are confident, will join us in thanking Mr. Page for his laudable attention and affiduity. The Pofthumous Songs of Mr. Battifhill, the fpecdy publication of which has been announced in a former number, are to appear in the beginning of March next.

A New Glee for Three Voices.

The Words

tranflated from the 27tb Ode of Anacreon, by Thomas Moore, Efq. Compofed and dedicated to the Tranflator, by Samuel Wesley, Efq. 2s. 6d.

We find in this glee fo much genius and fcience, as to lament our not having heard its performance by the Society of Harmonifts, at one of their late meetings. The movements are judiciously varied, and the expreffion is given with energy. But the moft profound may be betrayed into an accidental lapfe; and we fubmit it to Mr. Wesley, whether he has not, in effect, two confecutive octaves in the fame direction in the first bar of his third' page.

Delaffement Militaire. Compofé et dedié à Dr. Busby, par J. Jay. 55.

This piece is pleasingly fancied; the paffages are natural, cafy, and connected; and the whole prefents an effect highly creditable to the compofer's tafte and talents. The fubject of the Paftorale is particularly attractive, and the repetition of the first movement in an accele rated time, is well judged. A word of compliment is due to Mr. Lavenu, for the neatnefs and accuracy with which the piece is printed.

A Re

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