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" This pencil take' (she said), 'whose colours clear Richly paint the vernal year: Thine, too, these golden keys, immortal Boy! This can unlock the gates of joy; Of horror that, and thrilling fears, Or ope the sacred source of sympathetic tears. "
The Dramatick Writings of Will. Shakspere: With the Notes of All the Various ... - Sida 556
efter William Shakespeare - 1788
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Monthly Review; Or Literary Journal Enlarged, Volym 17

Ralph Griffiths, George Edward Griffiths - 1757 - 636 sidor
...When Latium had her lofty fpirit loft, They fought, oh Albion ! next thy fca-encirc!ed coaft. III. 2. In thy green lap was Nature's darling laid, What time, where lucid Avon ftray'd, To him the mighty mother did unveil Her awful face : The dauntlefs child Stretch'd forth his...
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A Collection of Poems in Six Volumes. By Several Hands, Volym 6

Robert Dodsley - 1765 - 412 sidor
...loft, They fought, oh Albion ! next, thy fea-encircled coaft. III. i. Far from the fun and fummer-gale, In thy green lap was Nature's Darling laid, What time, where lucid Avon ftray'd, , To Him the mighty mother did unveil Her aweful face : The dauntlefs Child Stretch'd forth...
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A collection of poems, by several hands [ed. by R. Dodsley]. [2 ..., Volym 6

Collection - 1765 - 416 sidor
...loft, They fought, oh Albion ! next, thy fea-encircled coaft. III. i. Far from the fun and fummer-gale, In thy green lap was Nature's Darling laid, What time, where lucid Avon ftray'd, To Him the mighty mother did unveil Her aweful face : The dauntlefs Child Stretch'd forth...
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Poems by Mr. Gray

Thomas Gray - 1768 - 200 sidor
...fpirit loft, They fought, oh Albion ! next thy fea-encircled coaft. III. i. Far from the fun and fummer gale, In thy green lap was Nature's * Darling laid, What time, where lucid Avon ftray'd, To Him the mighty Mother did unveil Her Shakefpeare. Her aweful face : The dauntlefs Child...
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Poems by Mr. Gray

Thomas Gray - 1768 - 140 sidor
...loft, They fought, oh Albion ! next thy fea-encircled coafl. ,111. i. Far from the fun and fummer-gale, In thy green lap was Nature's ' Darling laid, What time, where lucid Avon ftray'd, To Him the mighty Mother did unveil Her aweful face : The dauntlefs Child Etrctch'd forth...
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Poems, Volym 1

Thomas Gray - 1768 - 142 sidor
...loft, They fought, oh Albion ! next thy fea-encircled III. i. [coaft. Far from the fun and fummer-gale, In thy green lap was Nature's * Darling laid» What time, where lucid Avon flray'd, To Him the mighty Mother did unveil Her aweful face: The dauntlefs Child Stretch'd forth his...
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The Plays of William Shakespeare in Ten Volumes: Prefaces. The tempest. The ...

William Shakespeare - 1778 - 748 sidor
...yifionary band, And fternly fhakes his fceptre, dropping blood. By the fame1;' Far from the furl and fummer gale, . . In thy green lap was Nature's darling laid, What time, where lucid Avon ftray'd, To him the mighty mother did unveil Her awful face : The dauntlefs child Stretch'd forth his...
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Thomas Gray - 1778 - 182 sidor
...loft, They fought, oh Albion ! next thy fea-encircled coaft III. i. Far from the fun and fummer-gale, In thy green lap was Nature's darling * laid, What time, where lucid Avon ftray'd, To him the mighty mother did unveil Her awful face : the dauntlefs child . Stretch'd forth...
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The Works of the English Poets: With Prefaces, Biographical and ..., Volym 56

Samuel Johnson - 1779 - 454 sidor
...loft, They fought, oh Albion! next thy fea-encircled coalf. III. i. Far from the fun and fummer-gale, In thy green lap was Nature's * darling laid, What time, where lucid Avon ftray'd, To hi hi the mighty mother did unveil Her awful face i The dauntlefs child Stretch'd forth...
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The Works of the English Poets: Lyttelton; West; Gray

Samuel Johnson - 1779 - 390 sidor
...They fough^, oh Albion! next thy fea-encircledcoaft. III. i. . Far from the fun and fummer-gale, lu thy green lap was Nature's * darling laid, What time, where lucid Avon ftray'd, To him the mighty mother did unveil Her awful face i The dauntlefs child Stretch'd forth his...
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