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glass boxes, 6 pair of scissors, 10 sets of links and beads, a quantity of small books, a quantity of versed and perforated cards, and a number of sundry articles. The Misses Martha and Ann Johnson, 20 paper books, and 19 useful volumes. Mrs. Thomas Jones, 12 muslin aprons, 6 neck chains, 8 work bags, 2 silk purses, 18 thimbles, and 800 marbles. Mrs. Highton, 6 white muslin tippets, 2 silk bags, 30 pincushions, 3 velvet cases for scissors, 14 needle cases, and three white muslin aprons. Master Joseph Hiles, 6 fancy bags. Miss Sharpe, 34 pincushions, and 4 needle books. Miss Mary A. Best, 12 work bags, 24 cases of pins and needles, 24 bodkins, 12 thimbles, 24 reward books, and 6 Watt's Catechisms. Mrs. Bridson, 12 dresses, 12 tippets, 12 hoods, 12 bags, 12 pocket handkerchiefs, 12 bags with marbles, 12 tops and whips, 29 brushes, 28 combs, 6 ink stands, 244 pens, 5 boxes of pins, 12 sticks of sealing wax, 8 sets of copies, 96 books, 18 prints, and 18 pieces of india rubber. Miss Sarah Pooley, Picton, 12 bags, 23 pincushions, 4 huswifes, 11 needle cases, and 2 scent boxes. Mr. J. Rawlinson, 7 [useful volumes. A lover of little children, 12 boys' caps, 12 girls' hoods, 3 dresses, 6 aprons, 4 tippets, 21 pocket handkerchiefs, 19 work bags; 48 pincushions, 9 needle cases, 134 samplers, 6 pair of scissors, 4 watch pockets, a pincushion for Mrs. Pennock, a do. for Mrs. Baxter, 10 penknives, and sundries. Mr. Wm. Hacking, 12 useful volumes. Mrs. Baird, a parcel of articles not specified. Miss Amelia Dean, 8 fancy pincushions, 6 work bags, 4 dolls, 2 baskets, puzzle box, parcel of drawings and frames, parcel of lead pencils, set of tea service, and 17 toys. A Friend, 6 bags, 6 pair of scissors, 6 thimbles, 6 pincushions, and memorandum book. A Friend to Children, 18 bags, 18 needle-books, 18 pincushions, 3 fancy do., 12 penknives, 10 pen wipers, and 10 work boxes. Mr. John Clegg, a box of thimbles. Mrs. Hammet, a box of fancy articles. Edward Harper, a small parcel of books. Miss Cain, 6 bags and sundries. Miss Parkinson, 9 bags, 24 pincushions. Children of Pleasant Street Sunday School, 16 bags, 15 pincushions, 7 needle cases, 1 doll and house.

Cornwall.-A package of sundry articles from Miss Kitt, Miss Edge, and Mr. Swaffield a box with a variety of articles.--Liskeard,-A large box of various articles.--Darlington Circuit.-2 boxes filled with various articles.--Northwitch Circuit.-34 girls' dresses, 160 pincushions and needle cases, 34 bags, 9 slips and aprons, 20 pockets, 6 handerkerchiefs, 4 tippets, 2 baskets, 12 vol. Children's Magazine neatly bound.--Nantwitch.-Mrs. Edwards and a few friends, pair of shoes, 31 work bags, 14 aprons, 7 thread cases, 10 handkerchiefs, work box, 6 dolls, 34 needle books, 32 pincases, scarf, 3 belts, 2 collars, and 6 small books. Paddington. Misses Maria and Elizabeth Long, a box of fancy articles. Glasgow.-Miss Cochrane, 28 fancy bags and 6 needle cases.--Sheffield.-A quantity of cutlery, and a quantity of books.-Surry Street Sunday School: a quantity of books.-Whitby Circuit: 110 pincushions, 57 needle books and cases, 28 bags, and sundries.-Mr. Hacket, of Derby, 1750 needles, and 144 bodkins. Rochdale Circuit. Mr. and Mrs. Petrie and Family, a quantity of useful articles. Messrs. John and James Hoyle, a variety of useful articles. Sunday School Scholars, a quantity of articles.--London.-A large box of frocks, pinafores, bags, work boxes, pincushions, thimbles, scissors, needles, huswifes, children's under garments, and sundry other articles sent by Mesdames Boyce, Cropp, Cuthbertson, Eckett, and the Misses Recknell, Payne, and other friends. A little girl, who wishes her name concealed, sundry ornaments, and 2 kaleidscopes.



In communicating with you at the present time with respect to the affairs of the Mission, I having nothing of very particular interest to call your attention to; but, I am happy to say, that, upon the whole, matters are in a satisfactory state. The public services at the room are much better attended than I had reason to expect at this season of the year; and it is gratifying to add that the attention given by the congregations to the preaching of the word, is of that serious character which leads me to hope that sooner or later the result will be, on the part of some, a hearty reception of the truth as it is in Jesus. One circumstance gives me great pleasure: a short prayer meeting is invariably held after the evening service, at which nearly the whole of the people remain; on several instances not one has departed till the conclusion. I may remark here that more delightful meetings of the kind

I have never attended; the sweet, softening, hallowing influences of the Divine Spirit have been vouchsafed in such degree as to impress all hearts, leading the unconverted to think somewhat seriously of their spiritual interests, and causing God's children to determine upon a more complete dedication of themselves to the service of their heavenly Father. The Christian experience of the members generally is highly satisfactory; they are pressing forward, giving diligence, and unquestionably have attained to a state of spiritual enjoyment, to which hitherto, they have been strangers.

In the early part of the quarter, some good meetings were held in the harbour, the attendance being much better than for some time previons. At present the Bethel flag is occasionally hoisted on board of the "Produce" of Hull, which, with several other vessels, are frozen up.

As yet no answer has been received

from the Senate, in reference to opening the room at the Brook. It is to be hoped, however, that a favourable reply will ultimately be given to our request. We must persevere, trust


ing in God, and after all we may praise Him, in that His work prospers in our hand. W. S. WALker,

January, 17th. 1842.


I have the pleasure of remitting to you the account of our Welsh Mission.


We held our Quarterly Meeting in Hariod of the Liverpool and Wrexham circuit, on the 2nd and 3rd of January. On Sunday a prayer meeting was held at seven in the morning; preaching at ten, two, and six in the evening. congregations were good, and the brethren had liberty and power to proclaim the Word of Life. The Lord was truly present amongst us. Praise his holy name. On Monday, we held our meeting for business connected with the cause, We felt that the influence of the Holy Spirit rested upon us; we had not one jaring string, but all in tune, and the music was delightful. The cause in general wears a good aspect. We received six new local preachers on the plan, and, considering the badness and distress of trade generally, our financials were quite as well as could be expected: but we felt sorry that we could not answer the


calls from new places for want of funds. The Boddern and Tydyn Circuits have suffered through the sickness and death of our late missionary, Wm. Jones, 1st. To make up the breach we have sent our worthy missionary and faithful labourer, J. Griffiths, from the Liverpool and Wexham circuit to labour amongst them, and we have taken our faithful brother, Richard Richards out to labour as a missionary. We have work enough for six missionaries, had we the means to support them. I received a very encouraging letter from brother J. Griffiths this week. The cause seems to be on the increase, and the friends are determined to work for God. I believe that they are doing well in Aberystwyth. I have had no official account from them since I wrote to you last. We feel truly thankful to our English friends in general, and pray that our God out of his fulness may supply all their need, both temporal and spiritual both in time and eternity. Amen. THOMAS JONES.



Since my last communication, nothing of particular importance has occurred. wish it were in my power to inform you of an extensive enlargement of God's work in the breaking down and conversion of sinners, and the rapid progress of gospel truths taking deep root in the hearts of the sons of men.

Although we have to wage war with the powers of darkness ruling in those who have "evil hearts of unbelief," yet greater is he that is for us than all that can be against us. The weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds." If we may judge from appearances, the time is not remote when God's holy arm shall be made bare, and the truth as it is in Jesus prevail. The Lord has crowned our efforts with some success; a few have been added to the church such as I hope will be eternally saved, and the attendance on the means of grace never was so good as it is at present.

On the 16th ult., we held our public Missionary Service, and meeting. Our preaching room was neatly fitted up for the occasion, and tastefully decorated with evergreens and artificial flowers. Upwards of 200 persons sat down to tea; part of the members of the Harmonic Society in this town having kindly volunteered their services on the occasion, they added much both to the number and interest of the meeting. After tea, the proceedings of the meeting were commenced by singing and prayer; and a chairman having been appointed, the Rev. Mr. McAssey, Independant minister, Messrs. Foster, Pasley, Sibson, from Whitehaven, and myself addressed the meeting. I have since learned with much pleasure that all present were edified and blessed. It is pleasing to add that the amount realized was more than on any previous anniversary. To God be all the praise! JABEZ TIDSWELL.

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T. C. JOHNS, PRINTER, Red Lion Court, Fleet Street.




APRIL, 1842.



By Mr. William Coath.

THE subject of this short biographical notice was born at Plymouth, and brought up by affectionate parents: her pious mother's counsel, advice, and sincere prayers, for her welfare and salvation, were never entirely erased from her mind. Upon entering into the marriage life, she suffered her mind to be drawn off from divine things; yet the fear of the Lord never forsook her, and upon reflection she often felt the want of what the world could not afford the blessings of true religion. The Lord often called her to give her heart to him; but she disregarded these calls, till at length the Lord sent a bereaving Providence into her family, removing by death, both her parents, two brothers, and a beloved sister. Now it was that Ellen began to feel for her own safety, and to inquire what was to become of her. Upon her returning from London, where she had been to attend the funeral of her father, when on board a steam boat, with a mind overwhelmed with grief, and almost driven to despair, from the consideration of the serious losses she had sustained, being bereft of all that was dear to her in this life, except her beloved husband and only child, the Lord visited her by a vision in the night. The Lord appeared to be standing by her bedside, and pointing to the foot of the bed, said, 'There's a man that will be a father to you, and will tell you what you must do, and how you may be happy.' The person pointed out she had never before seen; but he appeared to be a minister. Awakening from her sleep she felt her mind greatly relieved, and encouraged to hope in the Lord. This was about the 3rd of September, 1835. In April 1836, she was invited to go to the Wesleyan Methodist Association chapel in Plymouth; she readily complied, and with her beloved husband went to the house of prayer. Immediately the minister stood up to commence the service, Ellen recognized in him the same person who was pointed out to her, as before mentioned, when on board the steam boat. She was most sensibly affected, and every word spoken appeared to be spoken to her,


and came home with sacred power to her heart. As soon as the service was concluded, she hastened home to pour out her soul in prayer to God, and to give vent to her feelings, which she could no longer contain. From this time she became a sincere seeker of salvation, gave up her heart at once to God, and said, "This people shall be my people, and their God my God." She received her note of admission on the 16th of June following, from which time she became truly diligent in seeking the welfare of her immortal soul; nor could she be satisfied until she obtained redemption in the blood of Christ, even the forgiveness of sins. It was not, however, until January 1837, that the Lord set her soul at glorious liberty, which took place at the Covenant service held in the chapel before referred to. While she was wrestling and agonizing with the Lord for deliverance, the Holy Spirit descended in a pre-eminent manner, and at once she felt all her load of guilt removed, fear and unbelief taken away, and her soul filled with peace and joy in the Holy Ghost. She was so overpowered by the joy she felt, that when attempting to partake of the emblem of the broken body of the ever blessed Jesus, she swooned, and was removed into the school room. The friends about her began to be alarmed, for she had not yet been able to tell what the Lord had done for her soul. He had not spoken by the thunders of Sinai, but by that still small voice of peace and love, which filled her soul with glory, and with God; even to overflowing. As soon as the service closed, I repaired to the school room, where I found her with her husband and a few friends. For some time she remained speechless, as one who had done with all below. At length I addressed her, saying, Is the Lord precious to you, my dear sister?' she replied immediately, 'Oh yes, Christ is precious indeed.' On beholding her beloved husband and child standing by, she exclaimed, Glory be to God, I have all I want, now I can read my title clear to heaven, my God is reconciled; the Lord is come, the Lord is come.' Being made happy, she began to seek the good of others; she joined our Benevolent Society, and became a very active and useful visiting member. She sincerely and faithfully warned the wicked; and was laborious in leading penitents to the Lamb of God that taketh away the sin of the world. In this blessed work and labour of love, she was zealously affected; for her advice, counsel, and prayers, many will have reason to bless God through eternity. She continued to labour, going about to do good, until a few days before her death.

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On Good Friday, the 9th of April, 1841, she was taken so ill, as to be prevented from attending the house of God. This was no small privation to her, as she always delighted to be present whenever the doors were open for divine service. During the following day she became worse, and on the Sabbath her symptoms became more alarming, so that fears were entertained of a fatal termination of her sickness. On Monday she was thought to be somewhat better; she sat up a few hours, and conversed freely respecting the state of her mind, the blessedness of religion, and of the glorious hope of heaven which she enjoyed through our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. On Tuesday morning, all hopes as to her recovery were blighted; the medical attendant stated that he had no hope whatever of her restoration. She received this

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information with perfect calmness and resignation to the Divine will, saying, "It is the Lord, let him do what seemeth him good." On Wednesday, I had a very blessed time with her; indeed, while speaking of what the Lord had already done for her, and stating that he would still continue to bless her, and be with her, she broke out in holy rapture, saying, Glory, glory be to God for ever, he has done great things for me, in saving such a wretch as I have been. But blessed be his sacred name, he has saved me, and given me a blessed hope of everlasting life." While we joined in prayer to Almighty God, beseeching him to give her strength and patience to bear all He in his goodness might lay upon her, her whole soul was engaged in fervent prayer. It was truly a good time, all felt the blessedness of the Divine presence, and could say, "Lo, God is here."

On Thursday morning, about five o'clock, on the 15th of last April, she became so ill that her medical attendant stated, that a few hours, at most, would terminate the mortal conflict. I hastened to the house immediately, and found her in the full possession of all her mental faculties, and still very happy in God. He that had been her friend in life, did not now desert her in death. I said, 'Is the Lord now precious to you?' Immediately she replied with strong confidence, 'Christ is all in all to me; glory be to God he is here, and fills my soul with peace, joy, and victory, and soon I shall be with him, where he is, and that to behold his glory.' Once more we met around her bed; her husband weeping, she admonished him to look unto the Lord, assuring him the Lord would be his friend, and bring him safe to glory, if he continued faithful unto death. This was a most affecting time indeed a weeping audience surrounding the bed of a dying saint. It was all but heaven to be there, to witness her victory over death, through the atonement of Christ, and the strength of soul with which she recommended the Redeemer, salvation, and heaven, to all present, was most astonishing. To one present she said, 'Will your religion enable you to rejoice in death as mine does?" The individual was deeply affected, and remained silent. Thus she continued preaching to all around her; recommending the Saviour with her latest breath. The triumphant car descended, about a quarter before five, in the afternoon, and her happy spirit, without a sigh or groan, took its leave of a suffering body, to dwell with Christ in heaven, where the inhabitants never say they are sick, and all that dwell therein have their iniquities forgiven.

So died our sister friend,
Through grace for glory meet;

And joins the songs that never end,
Around the mercy seat.

She has left an affectionate husband and a lovely daughter to mourn their loss, but to rejoice in her eternal gain. She was in her thirtysixth year.

Her death was improved on Sunday evening in the chapel, on the 25th of April, 1841, by the writer of this memoir, (who had been, under God, the humble instrument of her conversion,) to a crowded congre

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