Reliques of Ancient English Poetry ...J. Dodsley, 1823 |
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Sida 94
... Shee sate down by the bed side Shee laid a souter ( psaltry ) vpon her knee Theron shee plaid full lovesomelye . .... And her 2 maydens sweetlye sange . A similar passage occurs in Part IV . v . 94 NOTES ON THE.
... Shee sate down by the bed side Shee laid a souter ( psaltry ) vpon her knee Theron shee plaid full lovesomelye . .... And her 2 maydens sweetlye sange . A similar passage occurs in Part IV . v . 94 NOTES ON THE.
Sida 165
... shee held forthe her lilly - white hand Towards that knighte so free ; He gave to it one gentill kisse , His heart was brought from bale to blisse , The teares sterte from his ee . But keep my counsayl , Syr Cauline , Ne let no man it ...
... shee held forthe her lilly - white hand Towards that knighte so free ; He gave to it one gentill kisse , His heart was brought from bale to blisse , The teares sterte from his ee . But keep my counsayl , Syr Cauline , Ne let no man it ...
Sida 167
... shee droopeth in her minde , As nipt by an ungentle winde Doth some faire lillye flowre . And ever shee doth lament and weepe To tint her lover soe : Syr Cauline , thou little think'st on mee , But I will still be true . Manye a kinge ...
... shee droopeth in her minde , As nipt by an ungentle winde Doth some faire lillye flowre . And ever shee doth lament and weepe To tint her lover soe : Syr Cauline , thou little think'st on mee , But I will still be true . Manye a kinge ...
Sida 168
... shee wolde them nee . When manye a daye was past and gone , Ne comforte she colde finde , The kynge proclaimed a tourneament , To cheere his daughters mind : And there came lords , and there came knights , Fro manye a farre countryè ...
... shee wolde them nee . When manye a daye was past and gone , Ne comforte she colde finde , The kynge proclaimed a tourneament , To cheere his daughters mind : And there came lords , and there came knights , Fro manye a farre countryè ...
Sida 184
... Shee sent one after kyng Estmère In all the spede might bee , That he must either turne againe and fighte , Or goe home and loose his ladyè . One whyle then the page he went , Another while he ranne ; Till he had oretaken king Estmere ...
... Shee sent one after kyng Estmère In all the spede might bee , That he must either turne againe and fighte , Or goe home and loose his ladyè . One whyle then the page he went , Another while he ranne ; Till he had oretaken king Estmere ...
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Adam Bell agayne ancient Anglo-Saxon appears archars awaye ballad Bards baron Cædmon called Cange castle composed copy curious daughter daye Douglas Du Cange Earl Earl of Northumberland Edward Eldridge English Fair Emmeline fayre folio French Garland Geoffrey of Monmouth Gleemen hand harp Harper hart hath Henry Hist Ibid Joculator John King King's knighte kyng Estmere lady ladye lord Persè manuscript Menestrels mentioned Mimus Minstrels mither myght never noble Norman Conquest Northumberland Note Otterbourn passage Patrick Spence Percy play poem poet Poetry prince printed profession quoth reader Regis reign rhymes Robin Hood sayd saye Scots Scottish shee shold singing slayne song stanzas strels sworde syde Syr Cauline thee ther thou thow thre Tyll unto uppon Warton whan willow wold word writers wyfe wyll Wyllyam Wyth yemen yerely zour