Reliques of Ancient English Poetry ...J. Dodsley, 1823 |
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Sida 146
... sworde was scharpe and sore can byte , I tell yow in sertayne ; To the harte , he cowde hym smyte , Thus was the Dowglas slayne . The stonderds stode styll on eke syde , With many a grevous grone ; Ther the fowght the day , and all the ...
... sworde was scharpe and sore can byte , I tell yow in sertayne ; To the harte , he cowde hym smyte , Thus was the Dowglas slayne . The stonderds stode styll on eke syde , With many a grevous grone ; Ther the fowght the day , and all the ...
Sida 164
... sworde , As hard as any flint : And he tooke off those ringès five , As bright as fyre and brent . Home then pricked Syr Cauline As light as leafe on tree : I - wys he neither stint ne blanne , Till he hiş ladye see . Then downe he ...
... sworde , As hard as any flint : And he tooke off those ringès five , As bright as fyre and brent . Home then pricked Syr Cauline As light as leafe on tree : I - wys he neither stint ne blanne , Till he hiş ladye see . Then downe he ...
Sida 170
... sworde , That lyeth within thy bowre , I truste in Christe for to slay this fiende Thoughe he be stiff in stowre . Go fetche him downe the Eldridge sworde , The kinge 170 SIR CAULINE .
... sworde , That lyeth within thy bowre , I truste in Christe for to slay this fiende Thoughe he be stiff in stowre . Go fetche him downe the Eldridge sworde , The kinge 170 SIR CAULINE .
Sida 171
Thomas Percy. Go fetche him downe the Eldridge sworde , The kinge he cryde , with speede : Nowe heaven assist thee , courteous knighte ; My daughter is thy meede . The gyaunt he stepped into the lists , / And sayd , Awaye , awaye : I ...
Thomas Percy. Go fetche him downe the Eldridge sworde , The kinge he cryde , with speede : Nowe heaven assist thee , courteous knighte ; My daughter is thy meede . The gyaunt he stepped into the lists , / And sayd , Awaye , awaye : I ...
Sida 172
... sworde with mayne and mighte , And spying a secrette part , He drave it into the soldan's syde , And pierced him to the heart . Then all the people gave a shoute , Whan they sawe the soldan falle : The ladye wept , and thanked Christ ...
... sworde with mayne and mighte , And spying a secrette part , He drave it into the soldan's syde , And pierced him to the heart . Then all the people gave a shoute , Whan they sawe the soldan falle : The ladye wept , and thanked Christ ...
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Adam Bell agayne ancient Anglo-Saxon appears archars awaye ballad Bards baron Cædmon called Cange castle composed copy curious daughter daye Douglas Du Cange Earl Earl of Northumberland Edward Eldridge English Fair Emmeline fayre folio French Garland Geoffrey of Monmouth Gleemen hand harp Harper hart hath Henry Hist Ibid Joculator John King King's knighte kyng Estmere lady ladye lord Persè manuscript Menestrels mentioned Mimus Minstrels mither myght never noble Norman Conquest Northumberland Note Otterbourn passage Patrick Spence Percy play poem poet Poetry prince printed profession quoth reader Regis reign rhymes Robin Hood sayd saye Scots Scottish shee shold singing slayne song stanzas strels sworde syde Syr Cauline thee ther thou thow thre Tyll unto uppon Warton whan willow wold word writers wyfe wyll Wyllyam Wyth yemen yerely zour