Reliques of Ancient English Poetry: Consisting of Old Heroic Ballads, Songs, and Other Pieces of Our Earlier Poets, Together with Some Few of Later Date, Volym 2Samuel Richards and Company Grocer's Hall Court, Poultry, 1866 |
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Reliques of Ancient English Poetry: Consisting of Old Heroic ..., Volym 2 Thomas Percy Obegränsad förhandsgranskning - 1866 |
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ancient awaye ballad Bannatyne's banyshed beggar cæsura comelye copy cowe-hide dame daye death Deo gratias doth Dub a dub Earl earl marshall Earl of Surrey edition Editor Editor's folio Edward England English entitled faire father fight gallant George Gascoigne Godstow gold grace grene wode go Hardyknute hart hath heart heire of Linne Henrye King Henry King of Scots knight kynge lady ladye land lazar little John live Lord Vaux luve Makyne mankynde I love Mary Ambree metre mynde never noble Percy poem poets pray pretty Bessee prince printed Prol queene quoth Robin Rosamond sayd sayes Scotland Scots Scottish shee sholde sir Aldingar Sir Andrew song sorrow stanza sweet sword Synge tanner tell thay thee ther Therfore Thomas thou art unto verse wele wold writer written wyll wyth