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of more Politeness, and more Salt; without any Change in the Subftance of the Poem: And tho' Lucilius put not together in the fame Satyr feveral Sorts of Verses, as Ennius did; yet he compos'd feveral Satyrs, of feveral Sorts of Verfes; and mingl'd them with Greek Verses: One Poem confifted only of Hexameters; and another was entirely of lambiques; a third of Trochaiques; as is vifible by the Fragments yet remaining of his Works, In fhort, if the Satyrs of Lucilius are therefore faid to be wholly different from those of Ennius, because he added much more of Beauty and Polishing to his own Poems, than are to be found in those before him; it will follow from hence, that the Satyrs of Horace are wholly different from those of Lucilius, becaufe Horace has not lefs furpafs'd Lucilius in the Elegancy of his Writing, than Lucilius furpafs'd Ennius in the Turn and Ornament of his. This Paffage of Diomedes has alfo drawn Doufa, the Son, into the fame Error of Cafaubon, which I fay, not to expose the little Failings of thofe judicious Men, but only to make it appear, with how much Diffidence and Caution we are to read their Works; when they treat a Subject of fo much Obfcurity, and fo very ancient, as is this of Satyr.

Having thus brought down the Hiftory of Satyr from its Original to the Times of Horace, and fhewn the feveral Changes of it; I fhould here difcover fome of those Graces which Horace added to it, but that I think it will be more proper to defer that Undertaking, 'till I make the Comparison betwixt him and Juvenal In the mean while, following the Order of Time, it will be necessary to fay fomewhat of another Kind of Satyr, which allo was defcended from the Ancients: "Tis that which we call the Varronian Satyr, but which Varro himself calls the Menippean; because Varro, the most learned of the Romans, was the first Author of it, who imitated, in his,

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Works, the Manner of Menippus the Gadarenian, who profefs'd the Philofophy of the Cyniques.

This Sort of Satyr was not only compos'd of feveral Sorts of Verfe, like thofe of Ennius, but was also mix'd with Profe; and Greck was fprinkled amongst the Latin. Quintilian, after he had fpoken of the Satyr of Lucilius, adds what follows; There is another and former kind of Satyr, compos'd by Terentius Varro, the most Learned of the Romans: In which he was not fatisfy'd alone with mingling in it feveral forts of Verfe. The only Difficulty of this Paffage is, that Quintilian, tells us, that this Satyr of Varro was of a former Kind. For how can we poffibly imagine this to be, fince Varro who was contemporary to Cicero, but must confequently be after Lucilius? Quintilian meant not, that the Satyr of Varro was in Order of Time before Lucilius; he would only give us to understand, that the Varrvonian Satyr, with mixture of feveral Sorts of Verfes, was more after the manner of Ennius and Pacuvius, than that of Lucilius, who was more fevere, and more correct; and gave himself lefs Liberty in the Mixture of his Verses, in the fame Poem.

We have nothing remaining of thofe Varronian Satyrs, excepting fome inconfiderable Fragments, and those for the most part much corrupted. The Titles of many of them are indeed preferv'd, and they are generally double: From whence at leaft, we may underftand, how many various Subjects were treated by that Author. Tully, in his Academicks, introduces Varro himself giving us fome light concerning the Scope and Defign of thofe Works. Wherein, after he had fhewn his Reasons why he did not ex profeffo write of Philofophy, he adds what follows. Notwithstanding, Jays he, that thofe Pieces of mine, wherein I have imitated Menippus, though I have not tranflated him, are fprinkled with a kind of Mirth and Gaiety: Yet many things are there inferted, which are drawn from the very intrails of Philofophy, and many things feverely

feverely argu'd: Which I have mingled with Pleafantries on purpose, that they may more eafily go down with the common fort of unlearn'd Readers. The rest of the Sentence is fo lame, that we can only make thus much out of it; that in the Compofition of his Satyrs, he fo temper'd Philology with Philofophy, that his Work was a Mixture of them both. And Tully himself confirms us in this Opinion; when a little after he addreffes himself to Varro in thefe Words. And you your felf have com pos'd a moft elegant and compleat Poem; you have begun Philofophy in many Places: Sufficient to incite us, though too little to inftruct us. Thus it appears, that Varro was one of those Writers whom they call'd mudoyenoïor, studious of Laughter; and that, as Learned as he was, his Bufinefs was more to divert his Reader, than to teach him. And he intitled his own Satyrs Menippean: Not that Menippus had written any Satyrs (for his were either Dialogues or Epiftles) but that Varro imitated his Style, his Manner, his Facetioufnefs. All that we know farther of Menippus and his Writings, which are wholly loft, is, that by fome he is esteemed, as, amongst the rest, by Varro: By others he is noted of Cynical Impudence, and Obscenity: That he was much given to thofe Parodies, which I have already mentione; that is, he often quoted the Verses of Homer and the Tragick Poets, and turn'd their serious Meaning into fomething that was Ridiculous; whereas Varro's Satyrs are by Tully call'd Abfolute, and most Elegant, and Various Poems. Lucian, who was emulous of this Menippus, feems to have imitated both his Manners and his Style in many of his Dialogues; where Menippus himself is often introduced as a Speaker in them, and as a perpetual Buffoon: Particularly his Character is exprefs'd in the Beginning of that Dialogue, which is call'd Nexvouarriz. But Varro, in imitating him, avoids his Impudence and Filthinets, and only expreffes his witty Pleasantry.



This we may believe for certain, That as his Subjects were various, fo moft of them were Tales or Stories of his own Invention. Which is alfo manifeft from Antiquity, by thofe Authors who are acknowledg'd to have written Varronian Satyrs, in Imitation of his: Of whom the Chief is Petronius Arbiter, whofe Satyr, they fay, is now printed in Holland, wholly recovered, and made compleat: When 'tis made publick,, it will easily be feen by any one Sentence, whether it be fuppofititious, or genuine. Many of Lucian's Dialogues may also properly be call'd Varronian Satyrs; particularly his True Hiftory: And confequently the Golden Afs of Apuleius, which is taken from him. Of the fame Stamp is the Mock Deification of Claudius, by Seneca: And the Symposium or Cæfars of Julian the Emperor. Amongst the Moderns we may reckon the Encomium Moria of Erafmus, Barclay's Euphormio, and a Volume of German Authors, which my ingenious Friend Mr. Charles Killigrew once lent me. In the English I remember none, which are mix'd with Profe, as Varro's were: but of the fame Kind is Mother Hubbard's Tale in Spencer; and (if it be not too vain to mention any thing of my own) the Poems of Abfalom and Mac Flecno.

This is what I have to fay in general of Satyr: Only as Dacier has obferv'd before me, we may take notice, That the Word Satyr is of a more general Signification in Latin, than in French, or English. For amongst the Romans it was not only us'd for thofe Difcourfes which decry'd Vice, or expos'd Folly; but for others alfo, where Virtue was recommended. But in our modern Languages we apply it only to the invective Poems, where the very Name of Satyr is formidable to thofe Perfons, who wou'd appear to the World, what they are not in themselves. For in English, to fay Satyr, is to mean Reflecton, as we use that Word in the worst Sense; or as the French call it, more properly, Medifance. In the Criticifm

Criticifm of Spelling, it ought to be with i, and not with y, to diftinguish its true Derivation from Satura, not from Satyrus. And if this be fo, then 'tis falfe fpell'd throughout this Book; for here 'tis written Satyr. Which having not confider'd at the first, I thought it not worth correcting afterwards. But the French are more nice, aud never spell it any other way than Satire.

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I am now arriv'd at the most difficult part of my Undertaking, which is, to compare Horace with Juvenal and Perfius, 'Tis obferv'd by Rigaltius, in his Preface before Juvenal, written to Thuanus, that these thres Poets have all their particular Partifans, and Favourers: Every Commentator, as he has taken Pains with any of them, thinks himself oblig'd to perfer his Author to the other two: To find out their Failings, and decry them, that he may make room for his own Darling. Such is the Partiality of Mankind, to fet up that Intereft which they have once efpous'd, tho' it be to the Prejudice of Truth, Morality, and common Juftice: And especially in the Productions of the Brain. As Authors generally think themselves the best Poets, because they cannot go out of themselves to judge fincerely of their Betters; so it is with Criticks, who, having first taken a Liking to one of thefe Poets, proceed to Comment on him, and to Illuftrate him: After which, they fall in Love with their own Labours, to that degree of blind Fondness, that at length they defend and exalt their Author, not fo much for his Sake as for their own. 'Tis a Folly of the fame Nature, with that of the Romans themfelves, in their Games of the Circus; the Spectators were divided in their Factions, betwixt the Veneti and the Prafini: Some were for the Charioteer in Blue, and fome for him in Green. The Colours themselves were but a Fancy; but when once a Man had taken Pains to fet out those of his Party, and had been at the trouble of procuring Voices for them, the Cafe was alter'd: He was concern'd for

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