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Which was read the first and second time.

On motion of Mr. Crocker,

The council resolved itself into a committee of the whole for the consideration of the joint resolution from the house of representatives;

Mr. Newland in the chair.

The committee rose and reported the resolution back to the council without amendment; thereupon,

On motion of Mr. Crocker,

A call of the council was made, and the following named persons were found to be absent, viz: Messrs. Dewey, Martin and Rountree;

Whereupon the sergeant-at-arms was despatched for the absent members, who, after a short time reported them present, and further proceedings under the call were suspended.

The resolution was then read a third time.

The question then recurring on the passage of the resolution, and the ayes and noes being called for, the result was as follows: Those who voted in the affirmative, are

Messrs. Baker, Barber, Crocker, Dewey, La Chapelle, Martin, Newland, Rountree, White, Whiton and Strong (Pres't)-11. No member voted in the negative.

So the resolution was unanimously adopted.

The president appointed Messrs. Whiton, Barber and Rountree, as a committee on the part of the council under the resolution just passed.

On motion of Mr. Baker,

The council adjourned until nine o'clock to-morrow morning.

FRIDAY, December 9, 1842.

The journal of the previous day having been read,

The following message from the house of representatives, was

delivered by the clerk thereof, viz:

"Mr. President: I am directed to inform you that Messrs. Hamilton, Hopkins and Walker, have been appointed of the committee on the part of the house of representatives, under the resolution to appoint a joint committee of the two houses, to draft a memorial to the president of the United States, praying for the removal of his excellency, James D. Doty, from the office of governor of Wisconsin, and that the house of representatives have concurred in joint resolutions of this house, reported by the joint committee, relative to the present session of the legislative assembly, with amendments, in which your concurrence is requested."

On motion of Mr. Whiton,

Ordered, That the standing rules of the council in relation to the order of business be suspended so far as concerns the consideration of the resolutions reported by the joint committee, relative to the present session of the legislative assembly; and,

On motion of Mr. Whiton,

The message from the house of representatives, in relation to the resolutions reported by the joint committee, relative to the present session of the legislative assembly, was taken up and considered.

The amendments to said resolutions having been read,
On motion of Mr. Dewey,

They were considered separately.

The question was put on the first amendment, which was, that the words "there can be a session of the legislature," occurring in the seventh line of the second resolution, be stricken out, and the words, "any law can be enacted," inserted in lieu thereof; And the amendment was disagreed to.

The question was then put on the second amendment of the house, which was to strike out all after the word "expedient," and insert the words "when the legislature adjourns, that it adjourn until the last Monday in January, 1843, in order to enable the president or congress of the United States to take some action with a view of relieving the embarrassed situation of the country;"" And the amendment was concurred in.

The question was then put on the third amendment of the house, which was to strike out all after the words "preventing all legislation," and insert "attempting to concentrate;"

And the amendment was concurred in.

The question was then put on the fourth amendment of the house, which was, to insert after the word "resolutions," in the second line, the following, "together with a transcript of the ayes and noes of both houses upon the passage of the resolutions;" And the amendment was concurred in.

On motion of Mr. Newland,

Leave was granted Mr. Barber to change his vote as given yesterday, on the passage of the resolutions reported from the joint committee, relative to the present session of the legislative assembly.

Mr. Newland, by leave, presented the following resolutions: Resolved, by the council and house of representatives, that the commissioners of the Milwaukee and Rock river canal be requested to procure, by loan or otherwise, at a rate of interest not to exceed per cent., a sum sufficient to redeem such canal lands under mortgage to the territory, as were sold for taxes for the year 1840, and will be forfeited under the laws of the territory, on the 21st instant.

Resolved, That the legislature will provide by law at the adjourned session thereof, to reimburse said commissioners for the sum so loaned.

Resolved, That copies of these resolutions be forthwith transmitted to said commissioners.

Which were read the first and second time.

On motion of Newland, it was

Ordered, That so much of the 29th rule of the council, as requires the printing of joint resolutions previous to being considered in committee of the whole, be suspended in relation to the resolutions under consideration.

The council then resolved itself into committee of the whole, for consideration of said resolutions;

Mr. White in the chair.

After a short time the committee rose and reported the resolutions to the council with an amendment, which was concurred in. The following message from the house of representatives was delivered by the clerk thereof, viz:

"Mr. President: I am directed to inform the council, that the

house of representatives have insisted on their first amendment to the joint resolutions relative to the present session of the legislative assembly."

On motion of Mr. Rountree,

The council insisted on its non-concurrence with the first amendment to the joint resolutions relative to the present session of the legislative assembly.

On motion of Mr. Crocker,

A joint committee of conference was appointed on the disagreeing vote of the two houses on said amendment;

And Messrs. Crocker and Baker were appointed said committee on the part of the council.

Mr. Baker moved to amend the resolutions before the council, in reference to the Milwaukee and Rock river canal lands, by striking out the word "commissioners," whenever it occurs, and inserting in lieu thereof, the words "register and receiver."

Which amendment was agreed to.

On motion of Mr. Newland,

Ordered, that the resolutions be engrossed and read the third time.

The president announced the following standing committees. On engrossed bills

Messrs, Dewey, Baker, and La Chapelle.

On enrolled bills

Messrs. Whiton and Crocker.

The following message from the house of representatives was delivered by the clerk thereof, viz:

"Mr. President: The house of representatives have appointed Messrs. Hamilton and Walker of the committee of conference on their part, to confer with the committee appointed on the part of the council, to which it is proposed to refer the disagreement of the two houses, concerning certain joint resolutions relative to the present session of the legislative assembly."

The committee on engrossed bills, reported the resolutions of this day, relative to the Milwaukee and Rock river canal lands, as correctly engrossed.

The said resolutions were then read the third time, and the question being on the final passage of the resolutions, it was decided in the affirmative; and so the resolution passed the council.

On motion,

The council adjourned until 2 o'clock, P. M.


Mr. Crocker, from the joint committee of conference, to whom was referred the disagreeing vote of the two houses upon the second of the several joint resolutions relative to the present session of the legislative assembly, submitted the following report:

The committee of conference to which the disagreement of the two houses was referred, concerning certain joint resolutions relative to the present session of the legislative assembly, recommend to strike out all after the word "resolved," in the second resolution, and insert the following words:

"That while we entertain the opinion, that there can be no objection to continue the present session of the legislature, by reason of no appropriation having been made to defray its expenses, or any other legal disability; yet, inasmuch as doubts are entertained as to the expediency of proceeding with business at the present time, because the governor refuses to act with us, we deem it prudent that the legislative assembly adjourn their session until the last Monday in January, 1843;"

In which they ask the concurrence of the council. The question was then put-"Will the council concur in the report?"

Which was agreed to.

On motion of Mr. Newland,

The special report of the commissioners of the Milwaukee and Rock river canal company was taken up, and transmitted to the house of representatives.

The following message from the house of representatives, was delivered by the clerk thereof, viz:

"Mr. President: The house of representatives have adopted the joint report of the committee of conference, to which was referred the disagreement of the two houses, concerning certain joint resolutions, relative to the present session of the legislative assembly."

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