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For the expenses of the legislaive assembly, to wit :

For pay of one clerk and one assistant

clerk for each house, and one clerk for

the executive office, each $3 per day $1,155 00

For a doorkeeper, messenger, and fire

man, for each house, each $3 per day, 1,350 00

For printing for the house, council, and

[blocks in formation]

Estimate of the expenses of the legislative assembly of Wiscon

sin, referred to in the accompanying report :Mileage of members,

$1,050 00

Pay of 39 members, $3 per day, 75 days,

8,775 00


Clerks and assistant clerks, sergeant-at-arms,

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In the estimate of the governor for the half fiscal year ending 30th June, 1843, is found the sum of $2,000 for furniture for the legislative halls and executive room, which is omitted in the above estimate of the committee.

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In compliance with the law defining the duties of the territorial treasurer, I herewith submit to your honorable body the annexed statement, showing the balance in the treasury, together with a summary of the receipts and payments of the treasury during the preceding year.

Very respectfully,





Jan'y 10, For amount paid charges and expenses going to Muscoday land office after cash specie received on draft No. 6855, on treasury warrant No. 10,090,

April 28, Amount paid charges and expenses going to Muscoday land office after the balance cash due on draft No. 6855, on treasury warrant No. 10,090,


April 1, Amount cash paid for fifteen territorial bonas issued to
Daniel Baxter, agreeable to an act of the legislative
assembly, to provide for the completion of the capitol,
approved Feb. 19, A. D. 1841, as follows, to wit :
For territorial bond numbered 1, issued to Daniel Bax-
ter for the sum of

Two years interest on same, 7 per cent.
Territorial bond No. 13, issued to Daniel Baxter for
the sum of

Two years interest on same, 7 per cent.

Territorial bond No. 37, issued to Daniel Baxter for
the sum of

Two years interest on same, 7 per cent.

Territorial bond No. 38, issued to Daniel Baxter for
the sum of

Two years interest on same, 7 per cent.

Territorial bond No. 39, issued to Daniel Baxter for
the sum of

Two years interest on same, 7 per cent.

Territorial bond No. 40, issued to Daniel Baxter for
the sum of

Two years interest on same, 7 per cent.

Territorial bond No. 41, issued to Daniel Baxter for
the sum of

Two years interest on same, 7 per cent.

Territorial bond No. 42, issued to Daniel Baxter for
the sum of

Two years interest on same, 7 per cent.

Territorial bond No. 43, issued to Daniel Baxter for
the sum of

Two years interest on same, 7 per cent.

Territorial bond No. 44, issued to Daniel Baxter for
the sum of

Two years interest on same, 7 per cent.

Territorial bond No. 45, issued to Daniel Baxter for
the sum of

Two years interest on same, 7 per cent.

Territorial bond No. 46, issued to Daniel Baxter for

the sum of

Two years interest on same, 7 per cent.

Territorial bond No. 57, issued to Daniel Baxter for
the sum of

Two years interest on same, 7 per cent.

Territorial bond No. 58, issued to Daniel Baxter for
the sum of

Two years interest on same, 7 per cent.

Amount carried forward,

$22 50

19 50

100 00

14 00

100 00


100 00

14 00

100 00


100 00


100 00

14 00

100 00

14 00

100 00

14 00

100 00

14 00

100 00


100 00

14 00

100 00


100 00

14 00

100 00

14 00

$1,538 00


1843, April 1,


Amount brought forward,

Territorial bond No. 59, issued to Daniel Baxter for

the sum of

Two years interest on same, 7 per cent,
Balance on hand, specie,

Do. in ten territorial bonds, $100 each,

$1538 28

100 00 1400

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