requesting from the house. papers relative to the purchase of stationery; 85.
calling on the Milwaukee and Rock river canal company, for a statement relative to expendi- tures, &c.; 91.
authorizing secretary to employ persons to engross and enroll bills; 100.
relative to the board of canal commissioners, &c. and for the redemption of the canal lands sold for taxes; 103.
relative to the appropriation by congress for legisla- tive expenses, of 24th Dec. 1842; 103, 104. relative to a difficulty between A. Botkin and the
sergeant-at-arms; 108, 109.
relative to inviting a clergyman to open the sessions with prayer; 111, 114.
tendering thanks to Hon. Moses M. Strong; 127. relative to a law for the election of county officers; 128.
calling on the governor for information relative to canal bonds; 134.
relative to the refusal of the governor to receive a bill and joint resolution; 136. tendering the use of the council chamber to the democratic territorial convention; 156. relative to the county of St. Croix; 163. relative to certificates of travel and attendance of members; 172, 173, 261.
tendering thanks to the Hon. Morgan L. Martin; 176, 371.
continuing the organization of last session; 178. directing the secretary to inform the house of the organization of council and election of presi- dent; 178.
relative to a bill sent to the house by "mistake;" 182, 183.
relative to business referred to committees at the last session; 183.
calling on the governor for copies of his estimates for the support of the territorial' government; 194.
relative to measures for presenting a proper esti- mate to the treasury department; 198, 199. appointing John P. Sheldon secretary of the coun- cil; 201, 202.
relative to appropriation bills; 206.
granting the use of the council chamber to Rev. Mr. Mathews; 227, 228.
relative to a memorial to congress concerning the estimates for legislative expenses, &c.; 228. calling on governor for information relative to the share of Wisconsin in the proceeds of the pub- lic lands; 254, 262.
relative to attendance and pay of members; 261,
relative to commencement of daily sessions; 262. relative to the services of R. L. Ream; 263, 272.
RESOLUTIONS, (Joint, and requiring the concurrence of both houses.) of the joint committee to inquire as to the legality of the present session, accompanying the report of said committee, 25, 26, 27, 28, 30, 31, 32, 37, 38.
(C.) relative to a loan, by the commissioners of the Milwaukee and Rock river canal, 31, 32, 35, 36. (C.) relative to the election of commissioner of pub- lic buildings, 35.
(C.) relative to adjournment, 36, 37, 38.
(C.) relative to the session of the legislative assem- bly and the conduct of the executive, 46, 47, 48, 49.
(C.) relative to the adjournment of the legislative assembly to "the 6th day of March next," 52, 53, 54, 55, 56.
(C) relative to the north-west and south-west com- mittee rooms of the capitol, 66, 68.
(C.) relative to a committee to revise the system of town government, &c., 68, 71, 75, 82. (C.) relative to the north-western boundary, 74, 86, 91, 92, 93, 94.
(C.) to authorize the cancelling of certain canal bonds, 97, 99, 104, 108, 109, 114, 115, 121, 132-approved, 136.
(C.) relative to the present session of the assembly, &c., 117, 118, 119, 124.
(C.) relative to depositing the territorial revenue in the hands of responsible officers, 118 119. (C.) relative to asking an appropriation of land of congress for the establishment of asylums, 123, 124, 131, 133, 161, 219, 222, 223, 236-ap- proved.
(C.) providing for the destruction of certain canal bonds, 138, 139, 152.
(C.) relative to the adjournment of the session com- mencing on the 27th March, 1843, 158 to 161. (C.) for a joint committee, to settle with Daniel Bax- .ter, 167, 171.
(C.) relative to an appropriation bill, 187, 192. (C.) directing the superintendent of territorial pro-
perty not to receive certain stationery, 200, 204. (C.) relative to wood for the legislative assembly, 207, 298, 209, 218, 264, 268, 274, 281-ap- proved.
(C.) relative to the mode of levying and collecting territorial revenue, 212, 213.
(C.) for the distribution of American state papers, relating to lands; 212, 214, 221, 224, 239, 245, 314, 321, 368, 369.
(C.) authorizing the committee appointed to settle with Baxter to send for persons and papers; 220, 222, 223.
(C.) relative to the indebtedness of the territory on account of the Milwaukee and Rock river canal; 221, 258, 266, 269.
(C.) relative to the distributive share of Wisconsin in the net proceeds of the public lands; 226, 228, 257, 259, 266, 277, 287, 288, 295, 296, 313, 315, 319, 322, 359, 360, passed on re- consideration, 364.
(C.) authorizing librarian to subscribe for gazetteer;
(C.) relative to the completion of the capitol; 246, 247, 257, 258, 259, 260, 261.
(C.) to provide for receiving from the United States treasury certain moneys, and paying out the same; 246, 247, 257, 259.
(C.) relative to making a settlement with the Mil- waukee and Rock river canal company; 265, 270, 277, 278, 283, 297, 298.
(C,) limiting the introduction of bills in either house; 270, 279, 280..
(C.) relative to the election of a person to defend in a suit against the territory; 275, 286.
(C.) relative to wood for the office of clerk sup. ct.; 310, 311.
(C.) relative to printing laws, journals, &c.; 312, 315, 316, 361, 362, 364, 365, 366. (C.) calling on the secretary of the territory for a report, to be made at the next annual sestion; 356, 365.
(C.) authorizing a committee to examine into the condition of the Wisconsin Marine and Fire In- rance Company; 360, 361, 365, 366. (C.) relative to the American almanac; 363, 364, 368.
(H. of R.) relative to the appointment of a joint committee to inquire into the legality of the pre- sent session, 6, 7.
(H. of R.) relative to the appointment of a commit- tee to draft a memorial to the president for the removal of J. D. Doty, 28, 29.
(H. of R.) relative to a message to the executive 45.
(H. of R.) relative to a joint committee to wait on the governor, &c., 43, 44, 45, 57, 58, (of C.) 5, 178.
(H. of R.) relative to adjourning the present session, 49, 50, 51, 52--title amended so as to read, "Preamble and resolutions relative to the present session of the legislative assembly."
(H. of R.) authorizing the purchase of stationery, 64, 67, 70, 75, 85, 86.
(H. of R.) relative to revising the joint rules of the two houses, 5, 76, 77.
(H. of R.) limiting the time for the presentation of demands, 83, 88.
(H. of R.) concerning an estimate of the expenses of the present session. of the assembly, 84, 85, 88.
(H. of R.) relative to referring certain papers rela- ting to the capitol, to a joint committee, 96, 98, 105.
(H. of R.) relative to a committee to confer with the governor, 115, 116.
(H. of R.) to authorize a committee to administer oaths, 122.
(H. of R.) relative to the meeting of the two houses in convention, 166, 167, 169.
(H. of R.) relating to renting a certain room in the capitol to the county of Dane, 173, 174, 176, 239, 247, 256--approved.
(H. of R.) concerning the order of business, 178, 179.
(H. of R.) relative to the creation of new towns, &c.; 189.
(H. of R.) relative to wood for the governor's and secretary's offices, 204.
(H. of R.) relative to the bonds issued for the com- pletion of the capitol; 215, 224, 225, 239, 245, 258, 266, 279, 283, 286, 292.
(H. of R.) concerning the investigation of several matters therein named; 253, 275.
(H. of R.) to rescind a resolution providing an of- fice for the auditor and treasurer; 280, 293, 296,
(H. of R.) for a committee to cancel certain scrip; 320, 322, 323, 324.
(H. of R.) relative to the debts of the territory;
(H. of R.) concerning the purchase of stationery for next session; 368, 369; indefinitely postpo-
SEATS, within the bar of the Council-65, 69, 74, 75. SECRETARY OF COUNCIL, directed to inform the house of the or- ganization of the council, &c., 4, 5, 178. directed to transmit to the house, a copy of the report of commissioner of pub- lic buildings, 35, 36.
to inform the house that the council were ready to adjourn, 38, 175, 370. to inform the house that a quorum of the council was in attendance, &c., 42, 57.
authorized to emply persons to engross and enroll bills, 100. resigns his office, 201. John P. Sheldon appointed by resolu- tion, 201, 202.
SPEECH, of the president, (Mr. Strong,) on taking the chair, 10,
(Mr. Strong,) on resigning his place as president, 124, 125, 126.
STANDING COMMITTEES-32, 63, 80, 82, 138, 182.
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