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ficiently evinces the neceflity of the work. In our opinion, no collection of books can be refpectable, whether formed by laymen or divines, without a copy of this Septuagint. We have nothing of any comparable value to mention with it.

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The Vindicia Ecclefiæ Anglicana, by Mr.Daubeny*, contains a very complete answer to Mr. Overton's Calvinif tical attack. Mr. D. appears to have anfwered in a way that is not very open to a reply. His proofs and arguments are mafterly; and the charges he brings" against his antagonist fuch as cannot easily be eluded. The three difcourfes of the fame author, entitled the Trial of the Spirits†, tend in fome measure to the same points; and ably caution the reader against the arts of fpiritual deluders. Other productions connected with this controverfy, and of very eminent merit, though lefs in fize, are the Reply to Academicus, by a friend of Dr. Kipling, and Mr. Archdeacon Pott's Confidera tions on the General Conditions of the Chriflian Covenant§. On both of these we have dwelt with fome attention. Mr. Faber's Thoughts on this Controverfy we did not find quite fo unexceptionable; though the defign of the tract is laudable, and in fome degree the execution. The most important difcourfes, though not the mot in number, in Profeffor Arthur's¶ pofthumous volume,? are theological. The fubjects are of confequence, and they are treated with ability. Among volumes of Sermons, thofe of Mr. E. Nares to Country Gongre gations, will hold, apparently, the place defigned for them by their author. They are clear, ufeful, and perfuafive. Thofe of Mr. E. Cooper are more elaborateft. They treat of the primary principles of the Christian Covenant, which the author labours to guard, on every fide, against mifreprefentation and error. The fecond volume of Selected Sermons, by

See vol. xxiii. p.

244. No. 11. p. 183.

++ No. 1V. p. 430.

591; and No. I. p. 24 of this. No. II. p. 1555

1 No. I. p. 47:


+ No. III. S. No. 11. p. 1948 ** No, HI. p. 279.

Mr. S. Clapham, is ftill better than the first, and contains fome original difcourfes of much merit.1750 v

On Mr. Bryant's Obfervations on fome Paffages of Scrip turet, we have only commenced our remarks, în the prefent volume. It will be fcen, however, that with the most unfeigned refpect for the author, we ftill find ourselves obliged to controvert fome, while we more willingly applaud others, of his opinions. Pro-" feffor Findlay, of Glasgow, has defended the divine In Jpiration of the Old Teftament, against the attacks of Dr. Geddes, with learning and ability. Among fmaller, tracts, the Letter of Mr. Dunfter to the Bishop of Londons fupports rather a new opinion, with very probable arguments, and a peculiar modefty of man

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The Principles of Chriflian Knowledge, by the prefent Bishop of St. David's, contain, in a catecheti cal form, doctrines nor ufually fo taught, but highly important to be learned; efpecially in times when fchifm is by too many thought innocent. They con vey also elementary principles, and neceffary explanations, in the cleareft and moft ufeful ftyle. Dr. Win hams, whole English title correfponds with the Latin one of Mr. Daubeny, bas, with particular care, replied to the current objections of Methodifts and Diffenters; while two other tracts, one entitled a Dialogue between a Methodist and a Churchman**, and the other Methodifm infpelledtt, by Dr. Hales, carry the attack into the territories of the opponent, and expofe the faults and weakneffes of his fyftem.

A few fingle Sermons, out of a multitude, demand our particular notice. Such, for instance, as that of Bibop Horley, on the Defcent into Hell a difcourfe, in which the learning and fagacity of the writer mutu-" ally illustrate each other. Another Sermon of preeminent ability is that of Bishop Watson, preached be

• No. V. p. 514. No.-I. p. 87.

+ No. VI. p. 665•&
No. H. p. 201.

Eftablished Church; No. IV. p. 442.
+ Na. VI. p. 688.

‡‡ No. I. p. 81.

+ No. III. p. 294 Vindication of the 4 ** No. V. p. 576.


fore the Society for the Suppreflion of Vice". The importance of falutary laws, and the neceffity of enforcing them, cannot be urged with more vigour, than in that eloquent exhortation. The Biflop of Meath is diftinguifhed by a mafculine eloquence, which gives. peculiar animation to his Sermon on the Ways of God‡.The Bifhops of Gloucester and St. David's have each produced a difcourfe for the Humane Society. The inverted order in which they were noticed in our vos lume was the effect of chance: the praises we bestowed on each, of thought and deliberation. Dry W. Jackson's Fast Sermon before the Houfe of Commons, was fuch as the dignity of the audience, and the cha racter of the preacher, required. In Dr. Law's Sermon at Cambridge, we praifed the wifdom of an experienced divine; in Mr. E. Whitby's Vifitation Sermon at Stafford, the clear method and luminous illuftration of a found, though young, preacher. On perufing Mr. Pearfon's Faft Sermon at Rempftone**, while we contemplate the ufual merits of that exemplary pastor, we lament the difficulties of his fituation, and the neceffity which he felt of employing the prefs, to admonith those who would not attend him in the Church. He will doubtlefs perfevere, and we truft also that he may prevail.


Moral and religious exhortation, though in a playful form, may be found in the Fashionable World difplayedtt, which is now the avowed production of the Rev. J. Owen; an author whofe more ferious works have formerly engaged our attention. A very different fpecies of attack upon impiety and immorality, is made in the Addreffes of the Society for the Suppreffion of Vices; but the Society have means more cogent than argument, for enforcing their good defigns...

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National hiftories are ufually allowed to take the lead, of those which record the progrefs of particular Arts or Sciences; but the Hiflory of Marine Architecta e*, by Mr. Charnock, a work of great labour and expence, is too important to be thrown into the back ground. Its immediate reference to the higheft fecular interefts of this country, ought to enfure it attention and patronage. Among political hiftories, that of Mr. Adolphust deferves to be diftinguished. The painter who delineates France, in the paroxyfms of the laft fourteen years, must have the art of making monsters picturefque, and commanding our attention to every thing that is naturally difgufting: The leffon is painful, but it is momentous. As an Epifode in the main hiftory, the cruel invafion and deftruction of Swifferland deferves particular attention; and the narrative of Mr. Zfchokke, lately tranflated into English, Jeems to have every claim to credit and circulation. Falfe, hood and malignity having been very bufy in mifre prefenting the Hiftory of our own Country for the prefent Reign, Dr. Biffet§ has added his efforts to thofe of Mr. Adolphus, to give truth a chance of being heard. He comes nearer to the prefent time than his predeceffor. We have in this volume noticed much that is valuable in his book; which we fhall have occafion again to mention in our next Preface.

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An excellent volume of the Archeologia¶ takes the lead, at prefent, in this clafs. We found the advantage of a claffified arrangement, in giving an account

No. TV. p. 345

Hiflory of France from the year 1790; No. IV. P. 370. No. II. p. 149. § No. V. P. 552. See our vol. xxi. p. 622, and xxii, 158. I The xivth; No. II.

P. 105; IV.




of its contents nor were any of the topics deficient in ufeful and instructive matter. Mr. King's great work, the Munimenta Antiqua continues to abound with the most curious and interesting refearches and The bird Volume, which we have to lately reviewed, only stimulates our withes for the fourth, whichpe understand, is foon to follow. Dr. Ledwich's antiquities of Ireland, in an improved and augmented edition, applies the befom of criticism to the cobwebs of fabulous hiftory; and gives us truth and fenfe, in the place of romance and abfurdity. The fingular cheapnefs of the work, owing to the difinterefted difpofition of the author, is no lefs remarkable than its intrinfic merit. The very extenfive plan of Mr. Nichols's Hiftory and Antiquities of Leicesterbire obliges him, not only to multiply his volumes, but to divide the volumes into parts. It will probably be, when concluded, the completeft collection of focal hiftory and antiquities that has ever yet been compiled. Mr. Warner's Hiftory of Bath is, like his tours, popular and amufing: but, in either of thefe, his pen is much more laudably exercifed, than in thofe theological attempts which he has lately undertaken. From the care of Mr. Park, Harrington's Nuga Antique|| have attained a new and more fatisfactory form. The articles are now arranged in chronological order, and feveral that are curious and valuable are now added, do do braml

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The most important Life noticed in the prefent volume is that of Sir William Jones, by Lord Teignmouth. As the friend of the perfon recorded, his Lordfhip has performed his talk with credit. Somewhat too much of the colouring of friendship, and rather too little of enquiry beyond the author's per

No. III. p. 246. + No. III. p. 252; IV. 396. No. V. § No. I. p. 53. No. II. p. 159. No. VI. p. 585


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