Sidor som bilder
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8TH YEAR. Love of Lancelot and Queen becomes guilty; Vivien leaves court of King Mark; Balin and Balan slay each other?

Geraint and Enid?

Balin and Balan ?

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Addison, Joseph, 151, 200.
Aengus, 13. See also Merlin.
Airem, 7. See also Arthur.
Alamanni, Luigi, Arthurian romance
and, 116 seq.; Antigone, 116;
Gyrone il Cortese, 116; L'Avar-
chide, 117; La Coltivazione, 116.
Alexander, as hero of romance, 48,
49; and Arthur, 50, 51.
Amadis, 195, 200.

Amfortas, 76, 79, 239 seq.
Ancient Welsh Bards, Specimens of,
Evans, 168.

Annales Cambria, 23.
Arawn, 9.

✓ Ariosto, 48, 196; Orlando Furioso,
61, 132; Orlando Innamorato,
48, 61.

Arnold, Matthew, 4, 55, 247; Ar-
thurian legend and, 253, 256;
Study of Celtic Literature, 4, 55;
Tristram and Iseult, 253 seq.
Arthur, etymology of name, 7; in
Celtic myth, 7 seq., 15, 17 seq., 80,
316; in chronicles, as British hero,
21 seq., 28, 30 seq., 49 seq.; as
hero of chivalry in early romance,
29, 50 seq., 59 seq., 69, 80 seq.; in
Morte Darthur, 90, 94 seq.; in
later literature, 117 seq., 121 seq.,
129 seq., 136, 153 seq., 159, 173,
176, 191 seq., 217, 252, 266, 315;
in Idylls, 97, 312 seq., 342 seq.,
353; his significance in Idylls,
310, 323 seq., 345 seq., 401 seq.,
409 seq.; coming of, 336 seq., 403;
passing of, 30, 339, 411 seq.;
return of, 28, 34, 176; poems on,
see Blackmore, Dryden, Heber,
Hertz, Hughes, Lytton, Morris.

Arthur's Knights, 269.
Arthurian Legend, Celtic element in,
1, 6, 16 seq., 53, 57, 58; Breton
influence on, 16, 24, 28, 29 seq.,
52, 60, 65; historical legends and,
21 sey., 28, 58; classical influence
on, 50, 51, 118 seq., 128; metrical
romances, 58, 60, 63; prose ro-
mances, 60, 61; foreign collective
romances, 61, 62; English col-
lective romances, 62; English
Arthurian ballads, 63, 101, 106;
drama and, 124 seq.; translations
and, 168 seq.; Pre-raphaelite
school and, 258 seq.; social
conditions and, 89, 114 seq.,
116, 128, 143, 146, 148, 160,
169, 290 seq.; geographical
identifications and, 19, 20, 134,
202 seq.

Avilion, Isle of, (Avalon, Avallon),
16, 26, 27, 30, 34, 35. See also
275 seq.

Bacon, Francis, 120.
Balan, 368 seq., 373.
Balin, 366 seq., 371 seq.
Balin and Balan, 300, 318, 319, 332
seq., 367 seq., 373 seq., 380, 382,
404, 420, 421.

Ballads, see Arthurian legend.
Ballads and Songs of Brittany, T.
Taylor, 28.

Bedivere, in Morte Darthur, 97; in
Idylls, 97, 98, 106, 336, 339, 35,
408, 412, 413.
Be Find, 7.

Bellicent, 337 seq., 346, 350, 407.
Beroul, 69.

Birth of Merlin. 124 seq.

Blackmore, Richard, 148, 149; Ar-
thurian legend and, 148 seq., 414
seq.; The Creation, 150, 417 sey.;
King Arthur, 149 seq., 154, 415
seq.; Prince Arthur, 149 seq.,
154, 414 seq.
Bleys, 338, 339.

Boccaccio, 37; De Casibus Virorum
Illustrum, 37.
Boiardo, 60.

Bors, 84, 391 seq., 394.
Bouterwek, 166 seq.

Brân the Blessed (Bron), 10, II.
Brooke, Lord, 120.

Camelot, 135, 340; meaning of, in
Idylls, 325 seq.
Camlan, Battle of, 23.
Carbonek, 10, 393.
Carlisle (Carduel), 20, 90.

Carlyle on Idylls of the King, 312.
Celts of Brittany, 24.

Celtic Literature, 34, 53, 55 seq.
Chansons de Geste, 48.

Chanson de Roland, 47, 53.
Chap Books and Arthurian legend,

Charlemagne, as ecclesiastical hero,
46; Arthur and, 50. See also

Chatterton, T., 168.

Chaucer, his reference to Arthurian
legend, 87, 88, 89, 165; Nonne
Prestes' Tale, 88; Sir Thopas,
88; Squire's Tale, 88; Wife of
Bath's Tale, 88.

Chivalry, 40 seq.; Romance and,
40, 51; relation of, to feudalism,
41 seq., 74; to monasticism, 41
seq., 74; principle of Honour in,
44; Service of Love, 44, 56; in-
adequacy of, 49, 85, 95.
Chrestien de Troyes, 59, 69, 70, 71,
73, 74, 196; Holy Grail and, 74
seq.; Erec, 69, 70, 73; Lancelot
or Knight of the Cart, 71, 101;
Yvain or the Knight of the Lion,

Chronicle of Glastonbury, 177.
Clélie, 57.

Coleridge, S. T., 209.
Colombière, Sieur de la, 141, 175;
Vray Théâtre d'Honneur et de
Chevalerie, 141, 175.

Coming of Arthur, 317, 318, 324,
325, 327, 328, 331, 335 seq., 340,

[blocks in formation]

Eddas, The, 14.
Elaine, 303, 308, 318.
Ellis, George, 170.
Enid, 70, 71, 362 seq.
Enid, 308, 309.
Enoch Arden, 309.
Epic, The, 306, 307.
Epinogras, 18.

Erec, 60, 70, 71, 73. See also Geraint.
Erec of Destregales, 52.
Ettarre, 397, 405.

Evans, S., Arthur's Knighting, 419.
Eve of Morte Arthur, 420.
Excalibur, 104, 105, 108, 132, 135,
311, 413; significance of, in Idylls,

324, 342.

[blocks in formation]

Galahad (Galahaut), 80, 83 seq.,
94, 117, 213, 261, 267, 376, 384,
386 seq., 390, 394; poems on, see

Ganora (Ganore), 190 seq., 271 seq.
See also Guinevere.
Gareth, 259, 327, 337, 340, 346, 349,
355; significance of, in Idylls,
356 seq., 362, 365.
Gareth and Lynette, 290, 317, 326,
327, 331, 332, 336, 338, 341, 343,

344, 347, 349, 593 seq., 372, 401,
404, 406, 420. 355
Gawain (Gawayne), 12, 24; in early
romance, 26 seq., 33, 52, 63, 72,
78, 83 seq., 102 seq; in later
literature, 114, 174, 192 seq., 213,
242, 259, 274 seq.; in Idylls, 395,
398 seq., 406.
Geoffrey of Monmouth, 5, 23, 24,
29, 31, 36, 96, 118, 125, 131, 134,
141, 142, 148, 153, 211; Arthur
and, 8, 25 seq., 50, 51, 53, 69;
influence of, 35, 37 seq., 58;
History of the Kings of Britain,

[blocks in formation]

Golther, Sage von Tristan und
Isolde, 65.
Gorloïs, 12, 24.

Gower, and Arthurian legend, 88.
Grand Cyrus, The, 57.
Grand, Le, d'Aussy, 169 seq.
Griseldis, Halm, 238.

Gray, Thomas, 168. The Bard, 168.
Guinevere (Ganora, Ganore, Guan-
humara, Gwenhwyvar), 7, 25, 26;
in early romance, 27, 33, 71, 72,
260; in later literature, 121 seq.,
190 seq., 204 seq., 241, 252, 259 seq.;
in Idylls, 328 seq., 332 seq., 366
seq., 371, 379 seq., 400, 404 seq.;
significance of, in Idylls, 329, 371;
poems on, see Lancelot, and Sim-


Guinevere, 304, 308, 330, 333 seq.,
338, 342, 344, 348, 349, 351 seq.,
370, 405 seq., 422.

Hades, in Celtic mythology, 7, 8,
27; early conceptions of, 8;
cauldron of, 9 seq.

Hamilton, Anthony, 165; Contes,
Hawker, R. S., 253, 262 seq.; Tenny-
son and, 268; Poetical Works of,
268; Quest of the Sangraal, 253,

Heber, Reginald, 187, 188; Arthurian
romance and, 189 seq., 195; Morte
Arthur, 189 seq., 193, 251; Masque
of Gwendolen, 192 seq.; Palestine,

[blocks in formation]

Historia Rerum Anglicarum,
William of Newbury, 36.
Hoel of Brittany, 25, 27.
Holy Grail, 61; origin of, 10 seq.,
74; in early romance, 11 seq., 74,
76 seq., 80; in Morte Arthur, 94;
in later literature, 197 seq., 226
seq., 238 seq., 265 seq.; in Idylls,
316; Round Table and, 80 seq.,
83, 382 seq., 394; its medieval
significance, 74 seq., 84; its signi-
ficance in the Idylls, 382 seq.;
poems on, see Chrestien, Hawker,
Hertz, Pope.

Holy Grail, The, 316, 326, 327,
336, 346 seq., 350, 376, 383,
384, 386 seq., 396, 405, 422,
Hughes, Thomas, 120 seq., 129;
Misfortunes of Arthur, 119, 120

Huon of Bordeaux, 46.
Idylls of the King, 2, 246, 278, 284,
300; and Morte D'Arthur, 97
seq., 279, 289, 309; order of, 100,
308, 317; as epical, 289, 307 seq.;
as idyllic, 308 seq.; earlier and
later versions of, 311, 317 seq.,
322; meaning of, 321 seq.; as a
series, 355 seq.; time occupied by,
419 seq.

Igerne, (Ierne, Igraine), 24, 25, 94,

Immermann, Karl Leberecht, 216,
223, 237, 245; his conception of
Merlin, 225 seq.; Holy Grail and,
226 seq.; Tristram and, 229 seq.;
Die Epigonen, 223; Merlin, Eine
Mythe, 216, 223 seq., 245.
In Memoriam, 292, 295 seq.
Isolt (Iseult, Isolde), 65, III, 171,
231, 233 seq., 235 seq., 283; Isolt
of Brittany, 112, 232, 235, 254 seq.;
Isolt of Ireland, 66, 67, 112, 254,
257 seq., 270, 402.
Itinerarium Cambria, 36.

Johnson, Dr., 149, 151, 166.

Kay, Sir, 71.

Knowles, J. On Tennyson, 298,
308, 310.

Kulhwch and Olwen, 7, 17, 23, 53.
Kurz, 241.

Lady of the Lake, 8, 13, 135, 191,
413; significance of, in Idylls,
See also Liban.

341 seq.
Lady of Shalott, 213, 248, 251, 259,
293, 302 seq., 307, 319. See also

Lancelot, 61; origin of name, 53;

in early romance, 71 seq., 80, 83
seq.; in Morte Darthur, 91, 94;
in later literature, 86, 114, 117,
190 seq., 213, 241, 252, 259 seq.,
267, 271 seq.; in Idylls, 271, 318,
331, 361, 366 seq., 378 seq., 400,
404 seq., 419, 422; as symbol of
imagination, 335, 380; poems on,
see Chrestien, Hertz, Morris.
Lancelot and Elaine, 272, 318,
331, 332, 351, 378 seq., 381, 395,
396, 401, 409.

Langtoft, Peter, 37.

Last Tournament, The, 279, 317,
339, 350, 353, 372, 378, 399 seq.,

Layamon, his treatment of Arthurian

romance, 31, 32, 33, 35; Brut,
31, 35.

Leyden, John, 179 seq., 202; Scenes
of Infancy, 179 seq.
Liban (Llion), 8. See also Lady of

the Lake.

Lludd, see Lot.

Locksley Hall, 293, 314.
Lohengrin, legend of, 223, 226.

Lot (Lludd, Lud, Lothus), 14, 15.

Lotos-Eaters, The, 293.
Lucius, 217.

Lydgate, 37; Falls of Princes, 37.
Lynette, 358 seq.

Lyonesse, its place in Celtic mytho-
logy, 8.

Lytton, Arthurian romance and,
248 seq.; King Arthur, 248 seq.

Mabinogi of Branwen, 10.
Mabinogion, Lady Charlotte Guest,
3, 4, 100, 169, 309.
Macpherson, 168.

Maid of Astolat, 100, 103, 303, 319,
379 seq.

Malory, Sir Thomas, 11, 12, 62, 89,

94, 142, 148;_characteristics of,
90, 93, 161; Tennyson and, 96
seq.; Morte Darthur, 11, 12, 89
seq., 95, 96 seq., 118, 190, 199, 201,
252; and Idylls, 96 seq., 246.
Margg, 12.

Marhaus, 12.

Mark, 12, 65 seq., 230, 233 seq., 369,
371 seq., 402.

Marriage of Geraint, 362 seq., 366,


Master-singers, 109 seq.
Maud, 297 seq., 314, 381.
May Queen, The, 293.
Medrawd, see Modred.

Meleaguant (Mewas, Meleaguanz,
Mellyagraunce), 71, 72, 204 seq.
Melvas (Melwas), 7, 204 seq.
also Meleaguant.


Mephistopheles, and Satan of
Quinet, 219 seq.
Mercurius Artaius, 6.

Mercury, 16; relation of, to Arthur,
7, 15.

Merlin (Myrddin), 13, 22, 24, 61; in
early romance, 30; in later litera-
ture, 124 seq., 131, 135, 157, 159,
191 seq., 216 seq., 223 seq., 256
seq., 282, 284 seq.; in Idylls. 313,
335 seq., 372; significance of, in
Idylls, 336, 375 seq.; poems on,
see Birth of Merlin, Immermann,
Quinet, Veitch.

Merlin and The Gleam, 248, 288,

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