It seem'd like me to want a mate, But was not half so desolate ; And it was come to love me when None lived to love me so again, And cheering from my dungeon's brink, Had brought me back to feel and think. 1 know not if it late were free, Or broke its... The works of ... lord Byron - Sida 20efter George Gordon N. Byron (6th baron.) - 1818Obegränsad förhandsgranskning - Om den här boken
 | 1817 - 506 sidor
...bird, with azure wings, And song that said a thousand things, And seem'd to say them all for me ! 270 I never saw its like before. I ne'er shall see desolate, And it was come to love me when None liv'd to love me so again. And cheering from my dnngeou's brink, Had brought me back to feel and thiuk.... | |
 | George Gordon N. Byron (6th baron.) - 1820 - 260 sidor
...lovely bird, with azure wings, And song that said a thousand things, And seem'd to say them all for me! I never saw its like before, I ne'er shall see feel and think. I know not if it late were free, But knowing well captivity, Sweet bird! I could not wish for thine! Or if it were, in winged guise,... | |
 | George Gordon Byron Baron Byron - 1821 - 294 sidor
...bird, with azure wings, And song that said a thousand things, And seem'd to say them all for me! 270 I never saw its like before, I ne'er shall see its...half so desolate, And it was come to love me when 275 None lived to love me so again, And cheering from my dungeon's brink, Had brought me back to feel... | |
 | George Gordon Byron Baron Byron - 1823 - 310 sidor
...bird, with azure wings, And song that said a thousand things, And seem'd to say them all for me ] 270 I never saw its like before, I ne'er shall see its likeness more : It seeni'd like me to want a mate, But was not half so desolate, And it was come to love me when None... | |
 | George Gordon N. Byron (6th baron.) - 1824 - 322 sidor that said a thousand things, And seem'd to say them all for me! I never saw its like hefore, T ne'er shall see its likeness more: It seem'd love me so again, And cheering from my dungeon's hrink, Had hrought me hack to feel and think. I know not if it late were free, Or hroke its cage to... | |
 | Louise Swanton-Belloc - 1824 - 400 sidor
...for me ! I nevcr saw its Hke before, I ne'er shall sce its likeness more : II seem'd like me to waut a mate, But was not half so desolate , And it was...None lived to love me so again , And cheering from my dungcou's brink , Had brought me back to fecl and think. I know not if it late were frec, Or broke... | |
 | George Gordon N. Byron (6th baron.) - 1825 - 1016 sidor
...lovely bird, with azure wings, And song that said a thousand things, And seem'd to say them all for me ! I never saw its like before, I ne'er shall see feel and think. I know not if it late were free, But knowing well captivity, Sweet bird! I could not wish for thine! Or if it were, in winged guise,... | |
 | George Gordon Byron Baron Byron - 1826 - 466 sidor
...lovely hird with azure wings, And soug that said a thousand things, And seem'd to say them all for me ! I never saw its like before, I ne'er shall see again, And cheering from my dungeon's brink, Had bronght me hack to feel and think. I know not if it late were free, Or broke its cage to pereh on mine,... | |
 | George Gordon N. Byron (6th baron.) - 1826 - 876 sidor
...lovely bird, with azure wings. And song that said a thousand things, And scem'd to say them all for me ! I never saw its like before, I ne'er shall see was come to love me when None lived to love me go again, And cheering from my dungeon's brink, Had brought me back to feel and think I know not if... | |
 | George Gordon Noël Byron - 1826 - 804 sidor
...lovely bird, with azure wings. And song that said a thousand things, And seem'd to gay them all for me ! I never saw its like before, I ne'er shall see its...It seem'd like me to want a mate, But was not half HO desolate, And it was come to love me when None lived to love me so again. And cheering from my dungeon's... | |
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