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Scientific Records. [Comprehending Notices of new Discoveries or Improvements in Science or Art; including, occasionally, singular Medical Cases; Astronomical, Mechanical, PhiFosophical, Botanical, Meteorological, and Mineralogical Phenomena, or singular Facts in Natural History; Vegetation, &c.; Antiquities, &c.; List of Patents;To be continued in a series through the Volume.]



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yards from the former. On this other stand is fixed a musical tablet, corresponding with that below. The connection between the two music books, is made by means of 24 stationary wires, being the number of the tunes in each book. The musicians are directed to keep their eyes fixed upon the tablet in the orchestre, until, at Mr. Charles's command, an electrical shock passes from the lower to the upper music book, illuminating the tune which had been secretly selected. The musicians, at this strange signal, forthwith proceed to play this illuminated air, to the great astonishment of the audience. There can be no doubt that most rapid telegraphs might Amongst the numerous, pleasing, and ingenious philo-be constructed on this principle; especially to convey inphical recreations, exhibited by Mr. Charles, at the telligence in the night. We will imagine a case which is Theatre of Magic, is the following beautiful electrical ex-perfectly practicable; although the trouble and expense eriment:-Mr. Charles presents to any of the company a attending the project would outbalance all its advantages. Basical tablet, containing 24 popular tunes; any lady or gentleman then privately selects one tune, which is arked with a silver bodkin. The book or tablet is closed, without having been seen by Mr. Charles. It is then placed near the stage on a music stand, which comunicates with another stand stationed in the orchestre above, at the very extremity of the room, at least thirty

If by means of pipes under ground a communication were formed between Liverpool and London, and thoughout the length of this tube, twenty-four metal wires stretched, supported at intervals by non-conducting substances; one of each of the wires communicating with a letter of the alphabet, formed of metal, stationed at each extremity: if this were done, and it is quite practicable, we

have little doubt that an express might be sent from Liverpool to London, and vice versa, in a minute, or, perhaps, less. It would be necessary to have good chronometers, in order that the parties might be on the look out at the precise time, or nearly so. The communication on this plan would be letter by letter. The person sending the message would merely have to touch the metallic letters in succession with the electric fluid; which would instantly pass along the wire to the other extremity, where it would illuminate the corresponding letter. The communication would thus be made as fast as the operator could impart the shock.


our neighbours.-An attempt has been made to impose on Last year we had our mermaid: it is now the turn of the public credulity at Paris, by the exhibition of the pretended fossil remains of an ante-diluvian man and horse. M. Barruel, one of the dupes by whom it was at first sanctioned, now keeps silence, and neither defends nor disaquestions arising from the inspection of these stony masses, vows his original opinion. M. Huot has discussed the in a pamphlet, intitled " Notice géologique sur le pretendu fossile humain, trouvé près de Moret, au lieu dit le LongRocher (Seine et Marne.")

Literature, Criticism, &c.



tion; whereas the other (Moore's) bears all the spirit of to tell, during composition, whether such and such phrases an original. Again:


"Love shall serve my goblet round.”


"Young Love shall be my goblet boy."

army of the

SIR,-I generally read your Kaleidoscope, and in the last number but one (dated Sept. 28) I observed your just remarks upon an attempt now making by one styling himself Playfair, to prove Mr. Moore (in his version of Anacreon) a plagiarist. If there are not more "damning proofs" against him, than the instances adduced by you eyes." If Moore may be said to have borrowed from in that publication, I should prophecy that the poet's as- Ogle, the brilliancy of touch, which he gives to these passailants will meet with no very great success. This pam-sages (quite his own) in my opinion excuses him: Ogle's are more or less dull.

phlet, it seems, is dedicated to the Editor of the Edinburgh Review. Had Moore been essentially a plagiarist in any one of his productions, would not those hawk-eyed reviewers have discovered it long since?

But to proceed, how is it possible for two or more persons sitting down to translate the same work, each with an intention to give a faithful version, to avoid occasionally using, in the same place, the same words, phrases, expressions, and even now and then to have the run of a whole line assimilating? To render the original correctly, you not unfrequently have no choice left; you must use certain words in your version, both singly, and where phrases occur, and at times are confined to the particular rendering of whole lines. It is the spirit which is infused into the translation which constitutes its chief beauty and merit. These I offer as general remarks. I will now select some of the parallels of Ogle and Moore, taking first those which savour most of plagiarism. I may first mention that I have by me a translation of Anacreon, by Doctor Girdlestone, who wrote after Moore.


" Tell me, pray, my pretty dove."


"Tell me, why, my pretty dove."

Now certainly Moore's line would appear to be a copy of
Ogle's. But let us consider, Anacreon, whose prime cha-

are his own, or whether he may have seen them somewhere? Can any memory be so retentive? But admit that every word, phrase, or even line in Lord Byron is borrowed, what then? The very great portion of his merit still remains: for it is the marvellous manner in

Once more you remark a general similarity; but how which they are strung together, so as to produce the intense
spirited and poet-like is the condensation of serve my effect they do, which constitutes the noble bard's chief
goblet round" into "be my goblet boy!" as in another excellence. So, in due degree, will Moore.
instance, "arms but those of eyes," into "
The unmanly, malicious, and silly attempt to affix
plagiarism to Lord Byron, died away amid the scorn and
derision of all unprejudiced minds; and the same fate will
attend on the present attempt to lower Moore; at least, I
think so. It wont do, Mr. Editor; it is too late to attempt


Dismissing the passages the most akin to plagiarism, Ito tear the bays from the brow of honest Tommy-I an, will select one or two others of a different degree, and Sir, your obedient servant, examine how far in them the similarity which occurs could possibly be avoided.


"Winged serpent, let me see,
That the rustics name a bee."

"A bee it was, for once, I know,

I heard a rustic call it so."

Camden-street, October 6, 1824.



SIR,-A writer in the Kaleidoscope having lately sent you a paper against "learned quotations," and having, in his decided condemnation of them, that he may not re a manner, thrown down the gauntlet to any combatant, by tire without opposition, I now venture to transmit you a few plain words in favour of quotations.

Cupid is telling Venus that he has been stung by a bee; he knows it to be a bee, for he had heard it once so called by a rustic, or country-fellow. Now, how is it possible for translators to be therein dissimilar? Can you omit the bee, the reason why Cupid knows it to be such, because Your correspondent ushers in his subject by telling us, he had heard a rustic call the little animal so? Yet, intain literary pieces on account of quotations in them from "that the Editor of a London magazine had rejected cer the above lines, there is no similarity whatever in the the dead languages." It appears to me, that if these que modes of expression; the lines have no affinity save in tations were in a language well known, such as the Latin, the main sense; and, I would ask, can this be avoided in that the editor's rejection of them, so far from arguing a fairly faithful translation? Moore's couplet appears to against learned quotations, merely argues a want of me me in garb as much superior as possible to Ogle's; an derate and liberal education in his readers. admirable ease and simplicity runs through it diametrically opposed to the stiffness of his predecessor's version. Girdleston gives us the couplet thus:

[blocks in formation]

racteristic is simplicity, is addressing the dove. Is not the Why not, Mr. Editor, attack the Doctor for plagiarism? lively wit; because the former act requires judgment and most natural mode of rendering the happy bard, to apply his couplet savours much of Ogle; and in the course of taste, whilst flashes of wit are mostly involuntary. But the equally familiar and similar terms of your own lan- his translation many of Girdlestone's phrases are very si./are quotations to be called "Gothic and barbarous" be guage? But you are therein forestalled; a prior transla-milar to Moore's, and, occasionally, lines run the same; come with much more force from the tongue of a Roman cause they are written in a dead language? This would ating them, if they appear to you the most eligible? What yet this elegant translator saw his work go through two or against the English language, than from an Englishman Moore or others to blast his well-earned reputation.-lish, compared to a poem in Latin, as a palace built of brick three editions undisturbed by any attempt on the part of against the Latin. Addison considered a poem in Eng Again:

tor has used them: yet wherefore be debarred appropri

is there so exclusively new in the phrase "Tell me," that
I am to be prohibited using it, because one preceding me
has fixed upon it? But then, there's the "
pretty dove."
What of that? Girdlestone has it "lovely dove," and
you must have either "pretty," "lovely," "beautiful,”
or some similar epithet; and "pretty," in all probability,
would strike two skilful first-rate translators, who were
unknown to each other, as the most appropriate word.

The "dove" you cannot possibly omit. But the run of
the line assimilates, Moore's accusers may say. Well,
grant it; what then? Why, he has seen and copied Ogle!
Well, and what does this copying amount to, Mr. Editor?
Why, that Moore thinking no better phraseology and flow
of line could be adopted, has abided by the version of Ogle,
giving, however (which is a very material circumstance),
his own, and a far more easy and elegant inflection to the
interrogation, by substituting the word "why" for "pray."
"Tell me, pray," is formal, quite unlike the simplicity of
the Teian, and more becoming a dandyish fellow dressed

out in full fig for the drawing-room; whereas, Moore's "Tell me, why," renders the question at once easy and natural. Again:

[blocks in formation]

"Fare thee well-for now I know
The rain has not relax'd my bow."

As in the preceding couplet, so in these, there is no simi-
larity in the terms of the language. They are arrayed
quite differently. The rhyme, to be sure, of both jingles
on the same words!--what of that? Then for the sense-
Cupid having successfully sped a dart (or arrow) into the
bosom of his host, says, "Oh, now I see my bow is uninjured
by the rain-good bye." How can translators omit or
pervert this the sparkling finish of the ode? But Ogle
has lugged in a dart, which has no business there: more
over, "safe," as applied to "bow," is quite inappropri
"Safe" means "secure from danger;" whereas
Cupid merely says his bowstring is no worse for the rain,
or, as Moore gives it with Anacreontic elegance and sim-
plicity, "The rain has not relax'd my bow."


But I am trespassing, Sir, on your columns, your time, and your patience. A few words more and I have done. An attempt, somewhat similar to the present, was made some time ago to run down Lord Byron as a plagiarist. Lord Byron a plagiarist! Oh, rare! Oh, rare!-one of the most original writers that ever lived. And how, forsooth, was this to be accomplished? By adducing a long list of others' phrases, and of a few whole lines which were to be found scattered in his Lordship's works. Now, how is it possible for an author of extensive reading to be able

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' Apparent rari nantes in gurgite vasto.”—VIROID One here and there floats on the vast abyss. Or, to come nearer our own times, the expressive c tion by Lord Byron, when mentioning, in a postscript a well known satire, the rage and resentment of the Edi burgh Reviewers:

Byron, I think, could not have written any thing of h own that would convey his satire with so much expression and force. But, I suppose, because two thousand year Virgil sung," it is now become Gothic or barbarous or more have elapsed since "Homer swept the lyre, quote them; and because written in Latin,

"Tantæne animis celestibus iræ.-VIRGIL

"An epic scarce ten centuries could claim, While awe-struck nations bail'd the magic name,"

must now be completely concealed from the gaze of the common people, and be read only by pedantic stude and profound linguists.

But those who disapprove of learned quotations grant that they might be tolerated from such elegant scholars a the authors of the Rambler and Spectator, though from

[blocks in formation]


In copying the following article from the Examiner, we disclaim any participation whatever in the sweeping condemnation of the whole body of the master bakers, on the testimony of a man who, by his own confession, has been a ready instrument in promoting a villanous system, which he now denounces, from what motive we are not informed.

nother argument assumed by your correspondent tas a very high position, when it affirms, that a writer is much bound to avoid using any language that would be unintelligible to any one of his readers, as the polite ntleman is bound to speak in a language understood by his company: even granting this, still the knowledge o the Latin is now so generally diffused, that if a person cannot understand it himself, he may have recourse to-Edits. Kal. same kind friend. The fair sex, of course, would be

the scholar to translate it for her.

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(From the French of De Jouy.)

I know a man who has written a large volume of comments on the 24th Ode of Anacreon (which consists only of four verses) in order to prove to those who do not understand Greek, that he himself is a great proficient in that language. This commentary is quite a masterpiece in its way; and the author shows himself a very learned man : it is a great pity that he should be so deficient in common


states that eleven of the twelve matches were solemnized.

Matrimonial Lottery.-A recent traveller in the United States gives an account of a matrimonial lottery, which was formed there with beneficial effects. At a wedding in South Carolina, a young lawyer moved, That one man in the company should be selected as president; that "An astounding exposure of the poisonous and fraudu- this president should be duly sworn to keep entirely secret all the communications that should be forwarded to him obliged to do this; but the reader of such a paper as the lent contrivances of the mealmen and bakers, has just ap-in his official department that night; that each unmarried peared in the shape of a shilling pamphlet, enticed the Kaleidoscope might always, I think, meet with such a Tricks of Bakers Unmasked; a letter to the Lord Mayor gentleman and lady should write his or her name on a piece friend. Two parties are thus pleased: the scholar reads of London. The author, James Maton, is himself a jour-of paper, and under it place the name of the person they the quotation in its native beauty, and the fair lady requests neyman baker; the story of the various employments he wish to marry; then hand it to the president for inspec has filled, is in fact one continued history of atrocious tion; and if any gentleman and lady had reciprocally But again: "The Greeks never quoted, and the Romans frauds. During his whole career, he met with one honest chosen each other, the president was to inform each of the master; all the others whom he served dabbled more or result; and those who had not been reciprocal in their only quoted Greek to their friends; they were not so fool-less in the various secrets of the trade-making bread with choice, kept entirely secret." After the appointment of ish as to make their quotations in public." I grant it. inferior or damaged corn, with a scandalous portion of the president, communications were accordingly handed Greece had the meanness to steal from the East her morals potatoes, alum, composition-yeast, sea-water, &c.-robbing up to the chair, and it was found twelve young gentlemen and her philosophy, and then to brand her as barbarian.all baked meats at the rate (usually) of two ounces in the and ladies had made reciprocal choices; and the traveller Bit had the Romans or Greeks possessed the means of pour d- burying dead men' (i. e.) charging loaves never publishing a Spectator or a Kaleidoscope, we know not deception of the private tradesman is a trifling matter comdelivered) at the houses of the rich or the careless. But the Female Heroism.-Juana Maria Pola, of Santa Fé de bat THEY also might have quoted. pared to the wholesale villany of the army-contract baker. Bogota, was a woman whose husband, and brothers, and Maton was employed a good deal in the contracting esta- sons, were deeply engaged in the patriot cause. When blishments which supplied French prisoners of war and Santa Fé was taken from the royalists, after the barracks tem of under-letting and re-letting the contracts, by which paused to collect numbers sufficient to attack the artillery English garrison-regiments. He unmasks the whole sys- of the infantry and cavalry had been seized, the patriots the person who actually supplied the bread did it at a price and then was that interval when "the boldest held his that would have ruined him, unless he had used the foul-breath for a time." Juana Maria found her sons among est wholesale adulterations! The consequence was, that the troops who were awaiting the rest. "What do you do the soldiers were incessantly complaining, and the hospitals here ?" said she. "I expect, each moment, to fight for were filled with men ill from eating the vile composition. La Patria." "Kneel down, then, and take a mother's authorities: some inquiry was made; the truth of his alle- and, over our bodies you shall march and take yonder James Maton denounced this wickedness to the military blessing. We women will go and receive the first fire; gations was established; yet so extensive was the corrup- cannon, and save your country." She blessed her sons, tion, that nothing efficient was done, and Maton was got and rushed on with the foremost, and the day was theirs. rid of by being sent out to Malta as army-baker. There From that day she held a captain's pay and rank. But he was inconveniently strict in his inspection, and the local the royalists retook Santa Fé, and Juana Maria Pola was authorities (Maitland was then governor) very speedily reone of their first victims. She was led to the market place shipped him to England, where he was left to get his bread and shot.-Mrs. Graham's Journal of a Residence in Chile. as well as he could, in the teeth of a combination of master-bakers against him. The pamphlet is illiterate, but A lady of high fashion having once given out that she written with good sense and apparent simplicity, and con- wanted a female attendant, one of a very promising aptains a mass of very curious matter. We happen to know pearance presented herself. Being asked whether she un-as the early readers of The Examiner may remember-derstood combing the hair and arranging the head-dress, something of the poisonous stuff which common soldiers were compelled to eat by a system of collusive jobbing; and therefore James Maton's particulars, however frightful, seem to us quite consistent with probability.-Nor do we see reason to doubt the details he gives of the frauds and adulterations of common bakers; which indeed is a matter that every body may be satisfied about by very little examination and trouble. We do hope the time is coming, when the public will think it worth while to guard against the cheating and unwholesome adulterations of an article which most people put into their stomachs at least three times a-day."

After all, I am not so fond of looking down the stream as to refuse also to look up; but when I see a person who thus refuses to look down the stream, who thus rejects the ancients, an old anecdote always occurs to my recollection. An Irishman in company happening to make what be thought a very bright remark, a gentleman stopped his lf-gratulation by observing, that he had read the same thought twenty years before in one of the ancients." D-n these ancients, exclaimed the 'rishman, they are always robbing us of our original ideas." October 14, 1824. Y. Z. Dr. Collyer's Lecture on Ethics, Kaleidoscope, No. 196.


The Beauties of Chess.

“ Ludimus effigiem belli” ................................ Vida.



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It used to be the custom among the herdsmen of Switzerland to watch the setting of the sun. When he had already left the valleys, and was only visible on the top of the snow-capt mountains, 'the inhabitant of the cottage, which was in the most elevated situation, seized his horn, and, using it like a speaking-trumpet, he turned towards his next neighbours, and called out "Praise ye the Lord!" The neighbours imitated him in their turn, and thus the words were repeated from Alp to Alp, and the name of the Lord was proclaimed and re-echoed for a whole quarter of an hour. A deep and solemn silence then ensued, until the last trace of the splendid luminary had entirely disappeared, when the first herdsman said again, "Good night," which was repeated, as before, from all the rocky walls of hill and 'dale, until every one had withdrawn to his resting-place.

the new candidate replied, that was precisely what she principally excelled in, as she only required five minutes to comb and arrange the largest head of hair. "You may go," said the lady, heaving a deep sigh; "what! comb a lady's hair in five minutes; and pray how am I to pass the rest of my morning ?"

A Baker's Way of Growing a Shoulder of Mutton. Mr. Crust first buys the smallest shoulder of mutton which he can find; perhaps it may weigh about four pounds. When his Sunday's dishes come in, (which, if he be in any thing of a trade, will be pretty numerous,) he changes this four pound-shoulder of mutton for a fivepounder; then he removes the five-pound shoulder to the place of a six; then substitutes a seven, and so on to eight, nine, and ten! Thus he makes a clear gain of six pounds of mutton, and changes his four pounds of carrion for prime meat! Puddings are done differently.-The Economist.

Interesting Experiment.-The following discovery has been announced at Munich :-Lieutenant Hebenstreit has invented a process by which he makes a species of caterpillar spin a kind of wadding, which is of a fine white colour, and water-proof. He made a balloon of this stuff, and raised it by means of a chafing dish with spirits of wine, in the large warehouse where he keeps his caterpillars at work. He makes them trace ciphers and figures in the wadding. He accomplishes this by moistening outlines of figures or letters with spirits of wine. The caterpillars avoid these tracings, and spin their web around them. Thus any fine figure which has been drawn is represented in the stuff. A piece of wadding, seven feet square, perfectly pure, and as brilliant as taffeta, was made by about fifty caterpillars, between the 5th and 26th of June.




SIR,-As one of your correspondents lately expressed a wish that a biographical sketch of the late Mr. M Kenzie, author of the Man of Feeling, should have a place in the Kaleidoscope, I take this opportunity of informing him that that gentleman is still in the land of the living. Mr. Putnam, the lecturer on elocution, who is now in Liver

pool, lately informed me that he had recently seen him; and I have now before me the report of the proceedings at the opening of the New Academy in Edinburgh, which states that Mr. Henry M'Kenzie rose and addressed the meeting, but in so faint a voice that he was scarcely audible." I believe this to be the identical author of the Man of Feeling, whose posthumous memoirs your corre

spondent recommends to your notice. I am, Sir, yours, &c.


Mr. Putnam -The name of this gentleman reminds us this evening (Tuesday) for the last time. He is an intelligent and impressive declaimer; and we take the liberty to recom

that his interesting readings and recitations will be repeated

mend him to those of our readers who have not yet had the

pleasure to hear him.-See adv.


some difficulty in determining on what to tax him as a
fault: for we verily believe he has scarcely more than one.
He is, however, too ingenuously communicative.
he to array himself in more mystery, talk gibberish in lieu
of common sense, invoke the aid of "dark spirits and grey,"
and intimate his acquaintance with "unutterable things,"
as all his predecessors have done, he would excite more as-
tonishment, as well, probably, as increase his emolument.
Mr. Charles is too honest, we fear, ever to become weal-
thy; his simplicity may and does fascinate an audience,
but we question whether or not it will greatly enrich



repeated for the last time.
Admission, 3s.

Tickets may be had of the Booksellers, and of Mr.

10, Clarence-street.-The Doors to be open at SE VER. PITVAM,
Readings commence at Half-past Seven o'clock precise.
Just published, by G. Thomson, 90, Bold-street, and to be
had at all the principal Music Shops,

dicated with permission to H. MOLLEVO, Esq.
G. T. has always on Sale an extensive Assortment of Hori
zontal grand, Cabinet, Cottage Cabinet, and Square Piano
Fortes, by the best London makers, chiefly selected by Mr.
KALKBRENNER, and which he offers on moderate terms.
N. B. New publications received weekly from London.
Music Warehouse, 90, Bold-street, opposite the Rotunda.
October 18, 1824.

and every Evening during the Week, Mr. CHARLES
the VENTRILOQUIST, will EXHIBIT his popular END.


The performance will be in three parts-EXPERIMENTS in ELECTRICITY, GALVANISM, MAGNETISM. PHILOS QUISM. Between the first and second part will be shown, the EXHILARATING GAS, or LAUGHING GAS, which will lea ministered to several persons, on some of whom it will duce immoderate fits of laughter, dancing, whistling, of sag


ing, &c. &c.

Boxes 3s. Pit 28. Gallery 1s. Children half-price. Doors open at Half-past Seven-Performance commences

Eight o'clock.

Mr. Macready has quitted us in sullen majesty, displeased with the management, the public, and every body, save THE New TERPSICHORE QUADRILLES, deire, because, forsooth, they had too much sense, and were himself. The managers have excited his most puissant too independent to submit to the insolent dictation of this metropolitan Sir Vapour. With the public he parts in anger, for that they are so tasteless. Mr. Macready has reason to thank, instead of revile, the managers, for not permitting him to play Richard and Othello; a truism he must surely have discovered, after the experiment of Macbeth. He performed all three when last in Liverpool; MR. CHARLES. This present Evening (MONDAY) and, judging from the theatrical chit-chat of the town, we are confident that few, except ourselves, would care to witness a repetition of any of them: relative to Mac-TAINMENTS at the LARGE ROOM, GOLDEN-LION, DALEbeth, in particular, the question was decided on Monday evening, and we really think the managers were very considerate towards Mr. Macready, when, by opposing his wishes, they so kindly averted the mortification he seems to have sought with such avidity. The truth is, that cir-wonderful and astonishing effects of the NITROUS CATE cumstances have contributed more to exalt Mr. Macready than his own innate merit. During the temporary sus SIR,-Having seen your critique on Still Life, and a pension of Mr Young's labours at Covent garden, Mr. Portrait by E. Williams, I am happy to have it in my nality, and the qualifications of a liberal education, pre- at Macready, possessing, to a certain extent, genius, origi. power to state to you, from very good authority, that they sented himself as Mr. Young's successor. The managers are the first attempts of this young artist in original oil had no alternative; Mr. Macready was the only performer painting, and for both of which he received the two first available, and it consequently became their mutual insilver medals in each class, by the Society of Arts, interest to make the most of him; and this they succeeded in London, which were presented to him at the Opera-house, and the Swiss of the press in London. Virginius introdoing through the instrumentality of Mr. Sheridan Knowles by his Royal Highness the Duke of Sussex. I understand duced Mr. Macready to us in the hey-day of his newly he has only studied two years and a half. The portrait of acquired popularity. We then, though in another form, himself is an excellent likeness.-I remain, Mr. Connois- promulgated precisely the same opinion of his general style of acting, as we now hold; an opinion founded on a seur, very respectfully, NO CONNOISSEUR. careful examination of his various performances at that time, and confirmed by those of subsequent periods here, as well as by having occasionally seen him in London; and an opinion, too, very generally entertained by the playgoing portion of Liverpool. Without, therefore, entering into an elaborate analysis of Mr. Macready's performances, or descending to minute or verbal criticism on them, for which we have less space than inclination, we hesitate not to express our decided conviction, that until he discard for ever those peculiarities in his acting, which at present mar, nay, disgrace it, Mr. Macready must be content to rank chief of melo-dramatic actors, with the conscious certainty of never becoming a great tragedian. He must aspire to something beyond Virginius, which has no longer novelty to recommend it; he must aim at infinitely higher quarry than Rob Roy, now "stale, flat, and unprofitable" or it will assuredly be said of him,

The Drama.


"May I be bold

To think these spirits?

Spirits, which, by mine art,

I have, from their confines call'd to enact
My present fancies."

"I ara weary of this moon; would he would change! It appears by his small light of discretion, that he is in the wane; but yet, in courtesy, in all reason, we must stay the


It was a maxim of Lord Chesterfield to see every thing, and well, a practice to which we have hitherto adhered with all possible exactness. Exhibitions, more especially of theatrical nomenclature, infallibly sway us to become spectators; and it will not, therefore, appear so wondrous that we should have visited the Theatre of Magic in Dalestreet. We have supped there on Mustard generated by electricity, and drank copiously at the fountain-not of It is but just towards Mr. Macready, however, at Hippocrene, but of Nitrous Oxide; a libation procured not parting, to make honourable mention of his Leontes, by the kick of a modern Pegasus, but from a little metalic in the Winter's Tale; which was a very chaste and ener gasometer, constructed by Mr. Charles, in order that he, ingetic effort, with but a moderate use of the corporeal airhis turn, may laugh as well as be laughed at. Mr. Charles is pump, so much in vogue with this gentleman. It is due not a mere conjuror, inflated with himself, and existing but also to ourselves to put on record our unqualified disapprobation of Mr. Macready's Coriolanus, which was in the mystic" pomp and circumstance" of his art. In indeed, exclusively, Mr. Macready's. No such thing, his deportment he is unassuming; his manners evince we are sure, ever did, or ever will, exist in history, "in good breeding; and in his routine of performances pleasure heaven above, on the earth beneath, or in the water under and instruction contend for the mastery. Prudery's self may the earth;" nor had it previously entered into the heart sit and witness his entertaining feats in sleight of hand, and of man to conceive" of such a thing. How a scholar of Mr. Macready's reputed reading could so palpably misconceive the young in science will not fail to profit much by Mr. any character, much less such a one as Coriolanus, is, to Charles's experimental illustrations of vairious galvanic us, astonishing: a failure more obviously perfect in all its and electrical phenomena. In the way of trick, we do bearing we never witnessed, and we assert, moreover, such not remember having seen any thing surpassing this gen- another was never before witnessed in Liverpool. Our limited space and leisure do not admit of essaying a lengthtleman's very clever transmigration of three cards, from ened enumeration, or any illustrative detail of this most box deposited in the safe custody of a fair gaoler among extraordinary assumption of character. Suffice it, therehis auditory, to a small bureau on the stage; if we ex- fore, to say, that though we cannot speak more fully of what cept, perhaps, his discharging a lady's wedding ring from Mr. Macready did, we can very readily communicate to a pistol through the window, and subsequently producing our readers that which he did not do-Mr. Macready did it, together with a bird, from an egg. But Mr. Charles not represent Coriolanus. is not faultless, though we must acknowledge having had 18th October.



THIS EVENING (Monday) the 18th instant, an
Saturday. Performance will begin with a comic Piese,
the Public, and will continue every day in the week, bat


tire new series of Performances will be submitted



Or, The Ninety-nine (99) Victims, A burlesco, tragico, comedia, diabolico Fairy-piece; a Parody on the Grand Opera of the Danaides. With Songs, new Deco

rations, Dances, Ballets, Metamorphoses, Scenery, Dresses, be, and a variety of amusements, to be announced in the bills of the day.

Doors to be opened at half-past Seven, and the performance to commence at half-past Eight precisely.

To Correspondents.

respondent recommends for insertion in the Kali
a series of interesting notices of the proceedings of this
ciety, which have lately been introduced into the Mant
Gazette (late Cowdroy's.) We have perused these paper
they appeared, and shall have pleasure in copying them
the Kaleidoscope. We hope that the intelligent proprietor
the Manchester Gazette, who has recently made such obvi
changes for the better in the conduct of that journal,
continue to favour the public with the interesting reporta
the Manchester Philosophical Society.

The communication bearing this signature is too la
too diffuse for the subject.

THE SPANISH LANGUAGE. The letter of Observater, while
had been mislaid, has re-appeared, and shall be pund
in our next. We trust the writer will accept this ap
for the delay.

ASTRONOMY.-The second communication of Newtonic r
ed us after our arrangements for the week had been final
made. We shall resume the subject next week.
Little B.'s communication has amused us not a little.
should be glad to see a specimen of the articles to which


The lines of T. P. of Clithero shall appear in our next. GEOLOGY AND WORLD MAKING. We intend next week to before our scientific readers an entertaining and admira paper on this subject, which appeared in the last number the North American Review.

Printed, published, and sold, EVERY TUESDAY,
E. SMITH & Co. 75, Lord-street, Liverpool.


Literary and Scientific Mirror.


Tals familiar Miscellany, from which religious and political matters are excluded, contains a variety of original and selected Articles; comprehending Literature, Criticism, Men and Manner. Amusement, Elegant Extracts, Poetry, Anecdotes, Biography, Meteorology, the Drama, Arts and Sciences, Wit and Satire, Fashions, Natural History, &c. &c. forming a handsome Annu. Volume, with an Index and Title-page.-Its circulation renders it a most eligible medium for Literary and Fashionable Advertisements.-Regular supplies are forwarded weekly to the Agents.

No. 226.-VOL. V.

Literary Notice.


Every circumstance relating even remotely to this extraordinary and eccentric genius, is sought after with such interest by the public, that we shall not offer any apology for devoting a considerable portion of this day's Kaleidoscope to the subject. The article from which we are now bour to offer some selections, is transcribed by the Literary Tazette, from a new work, entitled the Attic Miscellany. We have not seen the work itself, and we shall therefore ake the selections as we find them, interspersed with the ditor's comments, which will be readily distinguished by

averted commas.-Edit. Kal.



curious-in justice towards our original, we only quote | she was volatile: she liked me as a younger brother, and
portions of what will be found at full length in the Mis-treated and laughed at me as a boy. She, however, gave
me her picture, and that was son ething to make verses
upon. During the last years that I was at Harrow, all
my thoughts were occupied with this love affair.

"Our honey-moon was not all sunshine. It had its clouds; and Hobhouse has some letters which would serve to explain the rise and fall in the barometer; but it was never down to zero. You tell me the world says I married Miss Milbanke for her fortune, because she was a great heiress. All I have ever received, or am likely to receive, was £10,000. My own income at this period was small, and somewhat bespoke. Newstead was a very unprofitable estate, and brought me in a bare £1500 a-year. The Lancashire property was hampered with a law suit, which has cost me £14,000, and is not yet finished. We had a house in town, gave dinner parties, had separate carriages, and launched into every sort of extravagance With respect to the selections whence we select the This could not last long. My wife's £10,000 soon melted allowing parts, the Editor of the Attic Miscellany says. away. I was beset by duns, and at length an execution "We have taken but little from a large mass of matter was levied, and the bailiffs put in possession of the very ill equally interesting, and which treats largely of Lord beds we had to sleep upon. This was no very agreeable Byron's opinions of many of his friends and acquaintance; state of affairs, no very pleasant scene for Lady Byron to many anecdotes regarding him hitherto unknown; some witness; and it was agreed she should pay her father a riginal verses; and many of his thoughts on politics, re-visit till the storm had blown over, and some arrangements igion, and literature. Our chief object in taking enough been made with my creditors. You may suppose on what > enrich our own work, was to give the public a specimen terms we parted, fron the style of a letter she wrote me of the ample treat which they will so shortly be able to on the road. You will think it begun ridiculously enough. enjoy." 'Dear Duck,' &c. Imagine my astonishment to receive In the account of his Lordship's addresses to Miss Mil-immediately on her arrival, a few lines from her father of banke it is related that she rejected them; but his Lordship adds

a very unlike and very unaffectionate nature, beginning,
'Sir,' and ending with saying, that his daughter should
never see me again. In my reply, I disclaimed his au-
thority as a parent over my wife; and told him I was
convinced the sentiments expressed were his, not hers.
Another post, however, brought me a confirmation, under
her own hand and seal, of her father's sentence."
"There can be no doubt that the influence of her ene-

**Her refusal was couched in terms that could not of-
end me. I was besides persuaded, that in declining my
ffer, she was governed by the influence of her mother;
nd was the more confirmed in this opinion, by her re-
iring the correspondence herself twelve months after.
he tenor of the letter was, that although she could not
ove me, she desired my friendship. Friendship is a dan-mies prevailed over her affection for me. You ask me if
gerous word for young ladies. It is love full-fledged, and
waiting for a fine day to fly.

"Had I married Miss C. perhaps the whole tenor of my life would have been different. She jilted me, however; but her marriage proved any thing but a happy one. She was at length separated from Mr. M. and proposed an interview with me, but by the advice of my sister, I de

clined it."

Oh, fie! Lord B. it is a poor trait in your character, to betray ladies' secrets. Kiss and tell' is a sore reproach as well as a great weakness; and we are sorry to see a still more unmanly example of this breach of confidence in these very extracts. It relates to a lady of rank with whom his Lordship formed a connexion, as it appears of extreme romance and violence, at least on her part. He calls himself her Patito, and exposes the follies and indiscretions into which her attachment to him betrayed her. This is cruel and unmanly; but the bitterness with which he reviles her is still more so. She had written on one of his books "Remember me!" which fond expression was requited by these stanzas written under it:

Remember thee-remember thee!

Till Lethe quench life's burning stream;
Remorse and shame shall cling to thee,
And haunt thee like a feverish dream.
Remember thee !-aye, doubt it not-
Thy ***** too shall think of thee:
By neither shalt thou be forgot-

Thou **** to him-thou **** to me!

We pass over the very interesting paragraph relating to Lord B.'s daughters, Ada. by Lady B. and Allegra, apparently an illegitimate child, left at Ravenna. The next is more of a literary character.

"His early Poems.-When I first saw the review of Hours of Idleness,' I was furious-in such a rage as I have never been in since. I dined that day with Scrope Davies, and drank three bottles of claret to drown it, but it only boiled the more. That critique was a master-piece of low wit-a tissue of scurrilous abuse. I remember there was a great deal of vulgar trash in it, that was meant for humour, about people being thankful for what they could get,' 'looking a gift horse in the mouth,' and other such stable expressions. The severity of the Quar

no cause was assigned for this sudden resolution; if I formed no conjecture about the cause. I will tell you, I **It had been predicted by Mrs. Williams, that 27 was have prejudices about women, I do not like to see them o be a dangerous age to me. The fortune-telling witch eat. Rosseau makes Julie un peu gourmande, but that is as right. It was destined to prove so. I shall never for- not at all according to my taste. I do not like to be intit. Lady Byron (Burn he pronounced it) was the only terrupted when I am writing. Lady Byron did not atconcerned person present. Lady Noel, her mother, tend to these whims of mine. The only harsh thing I fied. I trembled like a leaf-made the wrong responses, ever remember saying to her, was one evening shortly beand after the ceremony called her Miss Milbanke. Therefore our parting. I was standing before the fire, rumina-terly killed poor Keats; and neglect, Kirke White. But sa singular history attached to the ring. The very day ting upon the embarrassments of my affairs and other an- I was made of different stuff-of tougher materials. So the match was concluded, a ring of my mother's, that had noyances, when Lady Byron came up to me, and said, een lost, was dug up by the gardener at Newstead. I Byron, am I in your way?' to which I replied, "Damnahought it had been sent on purpose for the wedding: but bly.' I was afterwards sorry, and reproached myself for ay mother's marriage had not been a fortunate one, and the expression, but it escaped me unconsciously, involunhis ring was doomed to be the seal of an unhappier union tarily; I hardly knew what I said.”


**After the ordeal was over, we set off for a country seat f Sir Ralph's, and I was surprised at the arrangements jot the journey; and somewhat out of humour to find a Lady's maid stuck between me and my bride. It was ther too early to assume the husband, and I was forced submit, but with a very bad grace. Put yourself in my tuation, and tell me whether I had not some reason to in the sulks."

But the details of his final separation are still more

In a succeeding paragraph is contained his Lordship's story of his first love, the object of which was a Miss Mary C, the daughter of a gentleman whose estate joined to Newstead. He says he never wrote any poetry worth mentioning till this passion inspired him, at an age little exceeding twelve years; and he drolly observes

"She was several years older than myself; but at my age, boys like something older than themselves, as they do younger, later in life.

"But the ardour was all on my side. I was serious

far from bullying me, or deterring me from writing, ¡I
was bent on falsifying their raven predictions, and deter-
mined to show them, croak as they would, that it was not
the last time they should hear from me. I set to work
immediately, and in good earnest, and produced in a year
The English Bards and Scotch Reviewers.'
grounds to believe that Jeffrey (though perhaps really re-
I had good
sponsible for whatever appears in the Edinburgh, as Gif-
ford is for the Quarterly, as editor) was not the author of
that article-was not guilty of it. He disowned it, and
though he would not give up the aggressor, he said he
would convince me, if ever I came to Scotland, who the
person was. I have every reason to believe it was a
certain lawyer, who hated me for something I once said of

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