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Che Traveller.


We extract, from the present Number of the Oriental Herald, the following account, by the Editor, of the residence, place, and manner of living of this celebrated lady: Not having visited the summer residence in the mountains, I am unable to speak of it with any degree of accuracy. I have understood, however, that it was on an levated part of Lebanon, about midway between the snit and the more woody belt of the middle region, combining a proximity to the snowy parts of the hollows excluded from the sun, and enjoying, at the same time, fiah air, abundant water, and agreeable shade. The winter residence, near the sea, was originally a Greek convent, dedicated to Saint Elias, from whence its name. Ibang no longer required for its original purpose, it was les, at a fixed yearly rent, for a residence, and occupied by Lair Hester Stanhope accordingly. In speaking even of tais, as it is entirely from recollection, not having made single note daring my stay there, I cannot attempt minute detail, but will endeavour to give a general idea as accurately as I am able. The convent stands on the brow of a hill, looking towards the sea, the whole of the way from it to the town of Seyda being on a descent, for a distance of about five or six miles. It consists of a umber of separate rooms in a quadrangular building, hat surrounds an inner court, made into a flower-garden, Ato which the doors of all these rooms open. The rooms e neither spacious nor elegant; but most of them being arnished, after the English manner, with carpets, tables, Baits, &c., offered an agreeable contrast to the rooms pecerally seen in the East; the whole furniture of which sts of a low range of cushions and pillows surrounding he skirting, and as it were fringing the junction between he wall and the floor. Nothing in the house appeared Bnecessary or expensive; but all that could conduce to omfort, and that was procurable in the country, was seen a clean and unostentatious simplicity. The proper numyer of out-offices, kitchen, stables, &c. were attached to he edifice, and there were spare rooms and beds enough accommodate any small party of travellers that might are occasion to remain here, for a short period, in the Jurse of their journey.

"The domestic establishment of her Ladyship consisted, this period, of an English physician, Dr. Meryon, who Lived in a separate house, at a distance of less than a mile; an English attendant, Miss Williams; and an English housekeeper, Mrs. Fry; a Levantine secretary, of French lescent, from Aleppo; and a small number of male and female servants of the country, for the ordinary purposes if labour. The fondness for beautiful horses, which this ady passionately entertained, was judiciously, but not stentatiously enjoyed, by the possession of a small stud of Arabs, of the purest and most celebrated racers; and on hese she occasionally took such exercise only as her health quired.

in conversation; and so powerful is my recollection, even
at this distant period, of the pleasure this afforded me,
that I could use no terms which would be too extravagant
in its praise. The early association with men eminent for
their talents as well as their power; the habit of intense
observation on all passing events; the abundant opportu-
nities afforded by years of travel, to apply these habits to
the utmost advantage: all these, added to a remarkable
union of frankness and dignity, gave a peculiar charm to
the conversation of this highly accomplished and amiable
woman; such, indeed, as to render it a matter of deep re-
gret that it should be so lost, by seclusion from the world,
to many whom it would instruct as well as delight: but
it is, perhaps, to this love of solitude that much of the
dignity of her feelings may be attributed; for it would be
almost impossible to preserve, uncontaminated, a true
greatness of mind, amidst the continual round of frivoli-
ties which dissipate the thoughts of half the fashionable
world in England. We seldom retired before midnight;
and these intellectual evenings never closed without fur-
nishing me matter of congratulation at the information
and pleasure afforded me, and regret at the impossibility
of their being more frequently enjoyed.

"In person, Lady Hester Stanhope is rather above the
usual standard of female height, with regular and deli-
cately formed features, a soft blue eye, fair and pale com-
plexion, an expression of habitual pensiveness aad tranquil
resignation, which was rarely disturbed, except when her
countenance now and then lighted up with the indighant
feelings that always followed the recital of some deed of
cruelty or oppression. Her early political associations had
not overcome those fine sensations which almost instinc-
tively impel the heart to resist the inroads of tyranny; but
which are never more powerful than when emanating from
a female breast. The names of those who rank among
the benefactors of mankind, were such as enjoyed her
highest veneration and esteem; and she never mentioned
those of tyrants and oppressors but with undisguised

which she is held, the affectionate terms in which she is continually spoken of, by those who live near and around her habitation, surpasses any thing I remember to have met with, in the course of a tolerably extensive peregrination through various countries of the globe. Coupled, indeed, with the humble gratitude, confined information, and general enthusiasm of feeling, which characterize the inhabitants of the country, it amounts almost to adoration; so that the real good which this lady does, and the undoubted respect paid to her by all classes, have been magnified by every successive narrator through whom the recital has passed, till it has at last assumed the shape of the miraculous, and surpassed even the extravagance of the Arabian tales. I remember some few instances of this, which I heard on my way over from Damascus to Seyda, which I was then too ill to enter in my notes, but which may, perhaps, be mentioned here.

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It was said that when the King's daughter (for by this name, Bint-cl-Melek, and Bint-el-Sultan, Lady Hester is generally spoken of here) paid her first visit to Damascus, all the people of the town rushed to the gates to welcome her approach-the men to pay homage to one whom they considered inspired, or insane, and therefore under the especial protection of God (this being the universal opinion as to the holy keeping of those who are deranged) and the women to look on her with an evil eye, and avert from their husbands the fascination which they believed would otherwise be exercised on them by the unveiled beauties of the fair infidel. The narrator (herself a Druse temale in the mountains of Lebanon, who recounted the tale to my muleteer as I lay ill on my carpet before the hearth) proceeded to say, that when she entered, all voices exclaimed, The city of Damascus, the great gate of pilgrimage, and the key to the tomb of the Prophet, is taken from us: her glory is fallen, her might cast down, and her people for ever subdued. An infidel has entered her gates on horseback, and rebellion has been subdued by her beauty." The people of Constantinople have a proverb that their city will fall, when a yellow infidel, meanIt has been made a subject of wonder, that an English ing a Russian, enters at a particular gate of the city; so lady of distinction should not only choose so remote and that especial pains are taken to prevent such an occurence. retired a spot for her residence, but that she should adopt At Jerusalem a singular tradition exists as to the recovery the costume of the country, and that too of the male sex; of that place by the Jews; and at Jedda the conviction is it being already universally known that Lady Hester so strong, that a Christian, discovered in attempting to pass Stanhope wears the dress of a Turkish effendi, or private through a certain gate of that place, leading to Mecca, gentleman. The wonder will cease, however, when the would undoubtedly be slain on the spot. The feeling here reasons which influenced the choice are explained. Had described by the Druse female, was perhaps founded on she retained the dress of an English lady, she could never some similar notion; and the fact undoubtedly was, that, have ventured into the open air, even for the purpose of when Lady Hester had once entered Damascus, every exercise, without attracting a crowd of the peasantry and thing seemed to have been granted to her, as a privileged others, to witness such a curiosity as any one so apparelled being, though it would be death for any other Christian could not fail to be considered in that country, and this perhaps even to ask it. She visited, among other places, the would be a perpetual impediment to all her movements great mosque, not only with the permission, but even under abroad. Had she adopted the dress of a Turkish lady, the protection of an escort from the Government; and she could never have ventured out, except enveloped in her intercourse with all the families of distinction of the the ample garments worn by these, which render it difficult city gave her such opportunities of observation as were to walk freely, and quite impossible to take any active certainly never enjoyed by any English female before, exercise, besides being veiled in such a manner as to im- not even by Lady Mary Wortley Montague, and such pede free breathing in this warm climate, and to interrupt as are perhaps not likely to be ever enjoyed again. But the pleasure of seeing clearly the surrounding objects of to return to the narration of the tale. The Druse feinterest in the way. The dress of an English gentleman male continued to say, When the King's daughter would be liable to still stronger objections, though of visited the Pacha in his divan, and was shown the seat another nature, so that the Turkish male costume appeared of honour on his right hand, every one except the Pacha the only one that could be adopted with delicacy and ad- stood up to receive her; and there went before her a mesvantage combined. Those who have ever seen the gar-serger, bearing presents of the most costly description from ments of a Turkish gentleman, must be aware that they all the distant countries of the Ind and Sind, with perconceal the whole figure and person of the wearer much fumes of the most delightful odour. But, when these had more effectually than even the English female dress, and been laid at the Pacha's feet, the fair infidel herself drew that nothing can be more consistent with the most femi- from beneath her robes a massive goblet of pure gold, nine delicacy than the ample and flowing robes of this sparkling with diamonds, rubies, and emeralds, and failed costume. These are, literally, the only robes in which to overflowing with the richest pearls, which were, howany person of respectability could go out in Syria, without ever, rivalled in beauty by the snowy whiteness of her attracting a crowd, and suffering perpetual interruption; hand.' The truth was, as I had afterwards reason to so that the choice was wise and prudent, and in every other believe, that, in accordance with the universal practice respect quite unexceptionable. of the country, which renders it imperative, on all who visit men in power, to evince, their respect by accompanying it with some present, Lady Hester Stanhope had presented the Pacha with some so all article of European manufacture, probably some piece of jewellery; and this simple fat, before it had got half across the mountains of Lebanon to the sea coast, had been wrought up to a tale that migh have better suited the most splendid romances in the day Caliphs.

The mode of life passed by Lady Hester Stanhope at convent had nothing peculiar in it, except, perhaps, at it was more rational than the mode observed by the ore fashionable of her own sex in particular at home. he rose generally about eight; walked in the flower-gar*, or read, undl ten; breakfasted on tea and coffee, in English manner, so much so, indeed, that there was no inction between her breakfast table and one in England, cept that finer and fresher fruits were often produced er than it is usual to see in London. An extensive corpondence, which her Ladyship appeared to maintain persons of distinction in all parts of Europe, and even aldia, generally occupied her pen, or that of her secretary, who wrote from dictation, for several hours in the middle of the day. This correspondence was, however, et enfined to mere interchange of sentiments with distant friends, agreeable as such an occupation undoubtedly but had often some object of great utility, in the countyself, to promote; and frequently led, as I had myself ccasion to know in more instances than one, to the inost happy results. The maintenance of this correspondence, timed on in four or five different languages, including the reading as well as writing of several letters in each day, was quite enough to occupy the largest portion of the writer's time; but with all this, a want of leisure was "In the admirable picture of Mr. Pickersgill, seen at never ploaded in excuse for attending to any applications Somerset House during the last year's exhibition, under the for relief that were perpetually made, from whatever quar- title of "The Oriental Love Letter," the dress of the Turkish lady in the Harem conveys an excellent iden of that worn by ter they might have come. A walk, or a ride on horse-Turkish gentlemen also; the variation between the male back, was generally indulged in before dinner, which was and female dress when within doors being very slight; but always served soon after sun-set, and was a happy medium dinering in toto when they go out; as the gentleman goes between frugality and abundance, such as a Prince might forth uncovered, and in the same manner as he sits at home; but the lady, over her in-door dress, is obliged to fold large partake, and yet such as the most temperate could not outer garments, veils, &c. so as almost to conceal entirely Complain of. The evening was almost invariably passed her person from sight."

If to be sincerely and generally beloved by those among whom we reside, to possess power and influence with those who govern, and to have abundant opportuni ties of exercising these for the benefit of the weak and helpless, be sources of delight (and that they are so, the universal sentiment of mankind seems to bear testimony), it may be safely concluded that Lady Hester Stanhope is one of the happiest of human beings. The veneration in


sidered e

van of pilo
for Mecca.

hould understand, that Damascus is conrates of pilgrimage, because the great carasembles here, and sets out from this place it consequence of this, no Frank or Christian is

allowed to enter Damascus on horseback, if he be known; and no person can ever walk with safety in its streets if dressed as an European. It is the most bigotted and intole rant of all the Mahomedan cities, Mecca alone excepted; and no European female was ever, perhaps, known to visit it before."

t "India within, and India beyond the Ganges."

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SIR,-I could scarce repress my indignation, upon perusing the article on the lamented Maturin, which you inserted in your last Tuesday's publication.

Tell me of the celebrated man, whose conduct, public or private, some malicious driveller might not turn to ridicule, and contort into the most absurd foolery.

While the peculiarities of poor Maturin are held up to public estimation as being contemptible or vicious, those of a celebrated contemporary, lately deceased, are garnished and enshrined as the divine attributes of genius and of greatness.

advising the adoption of the hints contained in the former in order that any impropriety of conduct might be prevented at the ensuing Charity Ball. In neither of these letter can we trace whether the parties complained of were dies or gentlemen; but the writer of the last letter, by means of a pun, glances at a particular family; and wa must now ask for further particulars. We must inform the writer, that two most respectable gentlemen positively deny the truth of the affair in question, and it is therefore Incumbent on him to give us his real address, in order that some explanation may be afforded. There evidently ap pears to be some mistake either as to the name or the family. At all events, the affair has been unequivocally denied on behalf of those supposed to be aimed at, and it is, of course, our duty to do the party every justice. It may be asked why the letter was inserted unless we were satisfied of its truth. Our only answer is, that we had heard some thing of the affair in so many places during the last two months, that we never doubted the fact. It often happens, however, that what is most generally rumoured is the most difficult to trace to its source; but as it is now denied, we are quite sure it is better for the parties that the fact should be stated in print and publicly contradicted, than that it should be circulated, unquestioned, in the con versation of the town.

SIR, I am happy to find that the Ashtonians do sometimes approach the temple of Apollo, and seek in the bowers of the Muses for that consolation which is not to be found in the Ashton Committee-room; for we had been given to understand here that the Ashtonians were behind us in the schools of logic and literature; but to answer your correspondent's query, as to the knotty point on the tapis of the circles of wit at Ashton, as well 26 I am able (for I am sorry it is not in abler hands) I should recommend those at Ashton, who delight in the "suaviter in modo," and the "fortiter in re," to adopt the rules of the polished Romans, rather than those of the barbarous feudists, in their selection and rejection of sub-standing the "damning" paragraph of "faint praise" scribers to those magnificent amusements, and not to for- bestowed upon his novels, published prior to his Bertram, get the motto adopted by the venerable Wykeham, the it is well known that those very novels had gone through founder of New College, Oxford, viz. "Manners make "editions," and were popular. the man," and placed over the public gates of that neat establishment; for, though "extraction," sounds high in the colleges of heraldry, yet it has little to do with fitting a man for the orgies of Momus, and the mazes of the quadrille: as to wealth, if a man pays his subscription up, I think that is all which wealth has to do with the matter. Hoping that this will have the effect of reconciling any unhappy differences which may exist among the Ashtonians and the Ashtonienses, whether they be or be not "men adapted for auditors in the schools of moral philosophy" (for so I translate Ashtonian's Latin) and so preserve the “spem gregis,”—I remain, Sir, yours, OBSERVATOR.

Mr. Maturin was a man of great talent; and, notwith-We have this moment heard, that the party complained


Chorley, December 4, 1824.

P.S. I believe that the heraldic motto at Stayley Bridge is τα αργυρίω υποτασσεται παντα ; but in that I admire their taste, good sense, and prudence. "Si sit prudentia," &c. Juvenal says, and this Ashtonian knows.

• Query:-Is it to be found in the card-room?

The invidious spirit which dictated the remark of "the effects of success on a mind like Maturin's," is but barely veiled not to exhibit its impertinence and envy. The remarks on his person and dress are served up in the same spirit, and meet with equal contempt and credit.

of were strangers in Liverpool. We hope that this is the case, and that the harmony of "the good old town" wil be as conspicuous as ever. It is our correspondent's duty, however, to come forward. We are extremely sorry, if m have given pain to any innocent party.

THE ALMANACK.-A Constant Reader inquires how it happened

that Holden's Almanack for January last contained a notice of three eclipses, viz, Jan. 1st, sun; Jan. 16th, moon; Jan. 27th, sun. The last mentioned is evidently an error. R

is not possible for two eclipses to happen in ten days. On referring to other almanacks, we find that the error mut have been merely typographical. It should have st June 26th.

You will, I hope, pardon the interest I feel for a man
of genius, whose memory, yet green, might early be
tainted by the gangrene of envious hearts to the injury of CHESS PLAYER-A correspondent who dates, post paid, from
its future glory.

Perhaps some of your numerous correspondents, better
qualified by their abilities and by local information than
I am, may oblige your readers with an impartial narrative
of the life of the Rev. Mr. Maturin.-Meantime, I am,
respectfully, yours, &c.



S1B,-When I before addressed you, upon this subject,

+ By the strumpet Fame: "Fama malum quo non." &c. I certainly had overlooked the recent and very important

you know the rest.

The aforesaid jade brings us various news.



Sia, I read with much satisfaction the pleasing extract you lately gave in the Kaleidoscope from the North Ame rican Review, & work which is quite equal to take its rank with the Edinburgh or Quarterly Reviews; and I am surprised reading-rooms, particularly in a place like Liverpool, which presents so many facilities for obtaining this valuable work. (I believe a few numbers have found their way, very irregularly, into the Lyceum.) That I am not singular in my appreciation of its merits, I will give you a quotation from Mr. Adam Hodgson's interesting Letters from North America: "This work (the North American Review) so creditable to the learning, talents, and spirit of its conductors, is acquir ing, I am happy to find, an extensive circulation in England. Some of its papers, no doubt, possess only a local interest, welfare of the human race, and is distinguished, as far as I have seen, by a spirit of moderation, candour, and liberality. I

it has not found its way into all our public libraries and

but it embraces in its plan every topic connected with the

trust the time is not far distant when it will be found in our book-societies and reading-rooms as commonly as the Edinburgh and the Quarterly Reviews."

I hope to learn that the committees of our different public literary institutions will afford their fellow-townsmen an opportunity of judging of the correctness of these remarks, by taking steps to introduce to their acquaintance a work which, at the same time that it does honour to its country, affords the most authentic record of passing events in North and South America, annually becoming more interesting to us, both in a political and commercial point of view. December 6, 1824. AN ENGLISHMAN.

statute of the 59th of the late King, chap. 50. In fact,
it was not until last week that I discovered, in the number
of Barn. and Cress. Reports, just published, page 847, a
case (Rex against the Parish of Ampthill, in the county
of Bedford) had been argued and decided upon this statute
in Easter Term. This decision it was my intention to
have communicated to you, by way of rider or supple-
ment to my former letter, had not your correspondent E.
anticipated me on the occasion. I am, nevertheless,
obliged to him for pointing out the error, and beg to as-
sure him, that had he been personally acquainted with
me, I should not now have had occasion to inform him,
that I experience a far different and opposite feeling to
that of offence towards those who are kind enough to cor-
rect any mistake I may have committed.

I am in hopes my error will be sufficently atoned for,
by introducing to the notice of your readers another cor-
respondent, in the legal department of your publication,
who, I trust, will not suffer the same number at once to
testify his entry and his exit.
Liverpool, Dec. 6, 1824.

To Correspondents.


THE LATE BALL-In the Mercury of the 1st October a letter
appeared, complaining of the assumed aristocratical airs of
some persons at the then recent ball, given for the bene-
fit of the Infirmary, and arguing very properly that such
conduct was calculated to hurt the feelings of those to-
wards whom it was directed, and to injure future similar
meetings. In the last Mercury another letter appeared,

Stewartstown, and who fancies he has detected an error in our chess tablet of the 23d ult. is himself mistaken, we shall show in our next.

CHRISTMAS CAROL AND MUSIC.—In that interesting and useful work called Time's Telescope, for 1825, there is a Christmas Carol, with new music, which we shall copy into the next Kaleidoscope, for the gratification of our friends in this country and Ireland, who love Christmas recollections and festivities.

The following are in course of publication, W. H. B.—Y. L on Translations, and on Drinking healths-0. R. on Natu ral History.-Juvenis—A Subscriber from Coventry.—ig to J. F. C.-Cuisa—Arintha-Lines to the memory of Mo dame Riego-Observator—Archimedes, jun. and Cantab. EDUCATION.-A correspondent whose signature we here su press for a reason which will hereafter be obvious, is in formed, that we shall next week address to him a note on the subject of his Essay, No. 1.

EULER.-The biographical sketch of this celebrated mathe
matician shall have a place as soon as possible.

CAPITAL PUNISHMENTS-The letters of our Lancaster corres
pondent, No. 1, on this important subject shall be imme
diately attended to: and we shall be glad to receive No 2.
ed with a copy of most interesting stanzas under the.
We shall have much pleasure in giving them a place be
next Kaleidoscope. In the meantime, however, we wish
be informed whether they are original or copied. If merely
transcribed, we shall feel obliged if the transcriber wri
name the source from which such a gem was selected, &fi
ought by courtesey and fair dealing to be specified.
RAIL-ROADS-We purpose next week appropriating the
cellent article on this subject, recommended by An Adventi
for Improvement.

LEARNED QUOTATIONS-We regret that previously to the re
ception of Quotator's letter on this subject, our arrange
ments for the week were completed; so as to render it ab
solutely necessary to defer the appearance of this commo
nication until next week. As it is a rejoinder we shoul
have preferred its immediate appearance.
THE LATE Mr. MATURIN. We thank M. for the biographies
sketch of this gentleman, to which we shall attend nex
week, if possible.

Printed, published, and sold, EVERY TUESDAY, by
E. SMITH & CO. 75, Lord-street, Liverpool.


Literary and Scientific Mirror.


Tals familiar Miscellany, from which religious and political matters are excluded, contains a variety of original and selected Articles: comprehending Literature, Criticism, Men and Manne! Amusement, Elegant Extracts, Poetry, Anecdotes, Biography, Meteorology, the Drama, Arts and Sciences, Wit and Satire, Fashions, Natural History, &c. &c. forming a handsome Annual Volume, with an Index and Title-page.—Its circulation renders it a most eligible medium for Literary and Fashionable Advertisements.-Regular supplies are forwarded weekly to the Agents.

No. 234.-VOL. V.

Natural History.



La legère couche de vie, qui fleurit à la surface du globe, ne coutre que des ruines. Paris: printed, 1824.

{Translated expressly for the Kaleidoscope from a recent French Work.]


I have quoted to you this passage, that I may be excased for having so far enlarged upon opinions merely hypothetical, in consideration of the importance attached to them by the illustrious author of the last theory of the earth which has met with any success in France. I shall conclude by laying before you his ideas on the successive formation of the seas and continents.

The elevated temperature of the terrestrial globe, whilst it was in a fluid state, and even long after it became solid, did not permit the water contained in the atmosphere to fall to its surface, but in the course of ages the poles began to grow cold, and continual rains, occasioned by the decreased temperature of those regions, formed around them immense seas.

In the same manner were collected on the summits of all the most elevated mountains, lakes or large pools, which have since flowed down to the low lands. As the earth gradually cooled, the polar seas extended themselves over its surface, whilst the lakes of the mountains formed basins, and small inland seas, in those parts of the globe which the great seas of the two poles had not yet reached. The rain continued to fall with still increasing abundance, until the atmosphere was entirely purified, and finally, the sea, first formed round the poles, extended themselves to the countries near the equator, and covered the whole surface of the globe to the height of 2,000 fathoms above the level of our present seas.

ately, immense caverns, which became the receptacles of the mass of waters above them, as soon as the thin layer of earth, by which they were separated from them, was broken by their weight. The level of the seas being thus lowered by the efflux of their waters into these caverns, which we may suppose as large as we please, the tracts of land, which we now inhabit, were left dry. All these continents have, as you see, been beds of the sea, as well in the opinion of Buffon, as in that of most authors, who have, before him, invented theories of the earth. But his system does not imply, like that of Maillet, that the sea still continues progressively to decrease, and that the whole surface of our planet will, at some future period, be left dry.

The systematic ideas of Buffon are, as I have already told you, the last which have met with a favourable reception in France. As for those promulgated by living authors, without venturing to give you my own opinion of them, I shall content myself with transcribing for you the brief exposition of them made by a naturalist (M. Cuvier) who seems to have acquired, by the success of his enlightened and laborious researches, an indisputable claim to pre-eminence in every branch of science.

"Men of more liberal opinions have, in our days, also chosen to employ their talents upon this important subject. Some writers have re-modelled and considerably amplified the ideas of Maillet. They affirm that all substances were originally in a fluid state; that this fluid first engendered animals of the most simple organization, such as monads, and other infusorial and microscopical species. These different races of animals having, in the course of time, gradually acquired certain distinctive and peculiar properties, became more complicated and diversified in their nature, till they at length presented the infinite variety we now behold in them. They, by degrees, converted the water of the sea into calcareous earth; vegetable productions, of whose origin and progressive transformation we are left in total ignorance, converted water into clay, and these two earths, after they were deprived of the characteristic qualities impressed on them by life, were finally resolved into flint; this is the reason why the most ancient mountains contain more silicious earth than any others. Consequently all the solid parts of the earth owe their origin to life; and without life the globe would still be in an entirely liquid state.

Other writers have preferred adopting the ideas of Kepler. Like this great astronomer, they attribute vital faculties to the globe itself; they maintain that a fluid circulates within it, and that an assimilation takes place there as well as in animated bodies. All its parts are

The whole earth was then under the dominion of the sea, except perhaps the summits of the primitive mountains, which were only temporarily inundated, as the waters collected upon these heights, during the first period of their fall, flowed from them to occupy the low lands, as soon as the latter had become sufficiently cool to receive them, without converting them into vapour. The summits of these mountains were the first places where organized nature was manifested, and it was there developed with great vigour. They were covered with large trees and plants, of every kind, which were soon afterwards precipitated into the waters, and carried away by thein. At the same period, all the seas were filled with inha-alive, even the most elementary molecules are endued with bitants, whose remains, together with those of the vegetable productions of the mountains, were buried at the bottom of the seas, which have since become our continents. You will, perhaps, ask me, Madam, how these continents have ever been freed from their superincumbent load of water. The difficulties involved in this question are, according to Buffon, easily solved. The earth, in becoming cool, had undergone a change, to which all bodies are subject, when they pass from a very high temperature to one less considerable. Not only was its surface varied by heights and hollows, but there existed immedi

an instinct and a will, and attract and repel each other by mutual antipathies and sympathies. Every sort of mineral has the power of imparting to other bodies the properties peculiar to its own nature, as we convert our food into flesh and blood. Mountains are the organs of respiration of the globe, and schists are its organs of secretion: by means of these it decomposes the water of the sea, so as to

1801, and page 169 of the second volume of Telliamed. See the Natural Philosophy of Prodies, page 106, Leipsic, M. de Lamarck is the author who has, in latter times, developed Hydrogeology, and in his Geological Philosophy. this system with most consistency and perspicuity in his

PRICE 340.

convert it into the substances thrown out in volcanic eruptions. Metallic veins are the carious parts, the abcesses of the mineral kingdom, and metals are the productions of decay and disease; this is the reason why most of them have so offensive a smell.*

It must, however, be acknowledged, that all geologists have not carried so far the boldness of their conceptions as those, whose systems have furnished us with the abovementioned examples of extravagant hypothesis; yet, how various and contradictory are the opinions even of those who have proceeded with the greatest caution, and who, in the prosecution of their inquiries, have confined themselves to the means afforded by a knowledge of natural philosophy and common chemistry.

One maintains, that all matter has been successively precipitated, and deposited nearly in the same order in which we now behold it, and that the waters of the ocean, which were once extended over the whole surface of the globe, have gradually diminished.+

Another is of opinion, that the masses which compose mountains, are incessantly and gradually carried away in the currents of rivers, and deposited in layers at the bottom of the sea, that the heat occasioned to them by the enormous pressure to which they are thus subjected, will one day cause them violently to explode.‡

A third supposes the liquid to have been originally divided into a multitude of lakes placed in the form of an amphitheatre, one above another, which, having deposited the beds of shells observed in different parts of the earth, have successively overflowed their banks; and that their waters have been finally embodied in the ocean.§

A fourth imagines that the matter at the bottom of the sea has, in the course of time, been carried away by tides of 7 or 800 fathoms in depth, and that it has gradually formed mountains and hills among the valleys, and on the primitive plains of the continent. ||

A fifth builds his system upon the supposition that the different fragments of which the earth is composed have successively fallen from the sky in the form of meteoric stones, and that they have received their elementary principles from the unknown substances, of whose remains they have been composed. T

A sixth places, in the central hollow of the globe, a nucleus of loadstone, which is periodically transported, by the attraction of comets, from one pole to the other, and, removing, by this change of its position, the centre of gravity, and, consequently, the mass of the ocean, alternately inundates the two hemispheres."

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M. Patrin has supported this system with much ingenuity in several articles of the New Dictionary of Natural History.

†M. Delamétherie admits crystallization to be the primary cause, in his geology.

Hutton and Playfair. See Illustrations of the Huttonian Theory of the Earth, &c. Dec. 1802.

§ Lamanon, in different parts of the Journal of Natural Philosophy. Dolomieu. Ibid.

M. M. de Marschall; see Inquiries respecting the Origin and Development of the present State of the World. Giesen, 1802. **M. Bertrand. See Periodical Renewal of the Terrestrial Continents. Hamburgh, 1779.

I shall here terminate, Madam, the task I have imposed | our holy religion, and more honourable to the human upon myself for to-day. Forgive me, if I have mis- race. How fainly would I leave a name to range with employed the leisure you are willing to devote to the pe- theirs; but, alas! though the field of exertion remains rusal of my letters, by laying before you a series of sys-wide, and there is much to do for those who are willing to tems so contradictory. It is true, that they may be con- labour, it more befits me to acknowledge their merits, sidered merely as fictions more or less ingenious; but and to recommend to public investigation a subject of so they may at least afford us the same sort of amusement as that we derive from reading a romance; and, perhaps, we may count among the number of gratifications thus procured us the self-satisfaction with which we console ourelves for our indolence, when we perceive how unavailing are the ambitious labours of the learned.

[To be continued.]

The Philanthropist.


NO. I.


much interest.

Literature, Criticism, &c.


"Stat magni nominis umbra."-Lucan.
"Lay on, Macduff, &c.-Shakspeare.


I first saw the essence of this accusation duly distinguis by its conspicuous italics, from the crowd of miner cumstances, I felt rather perturbed, (for to every denoma nation of this offence I entertain a most violent antipathy, and naturally waited with great anxiety to see what dence he intended to bring forward in support of sud a formidable charge. Finding, however, that it res merely upon his ipse dixit, (as I do not "hold him reverently,") my consternation was immediately cont into surprise that he should have ventured to mana such a position; when he must be aware that it is t more difficult to introduce an apt quotation, than to pose, in our own language, a sentence to the same effect From the tenor of your correspondent's previous can munications it was no more than I expected, when he last week assumed a more formidable position; and not contented with assailing the out-posts of ancient intera hold of its defenders, and threatened to ture, sounded the signal of assault upon the very strung

"Unload his great artillery and shake,

SIR,-Although the subject of the "little discourse" I now offer to your notice has been in danger of growing "stale, flat, and unprofitable," I shall, with all due apo. logies, take the liberty of trespassing once more upon your Nay, pulverize the walls they think defend them." indulgence, since I really could not quit the lists altogeOn the fate of Henry Fauntleroy every tongue is elo- ther without again lifting up my voice in defence of quence in lopping away the superfluous branches of the No longer would he exercise the keenness of his coquent, and every heart is touched with the awful severity learned quotations, and running another tilt (certainly not venerable tree, but would fain lay the axe of his wpsof his punishment. Many, in the humbler walks of life, at the champion elect of affectation) against their trucu-mentation to the root! This is really improving c whose offences have been far less aggravated, have suf- lent adversary, Anti-barbarus, junior, although that for the example of the fox, who, when accidentally dena fered the same, unheeded, unknown; but the strong sen-midable personage has manifested symptoms of being in- of the honours of his brush, endeavoured to demons sation which has been awakened on the present occasion, clined to carry the combat even à outrance. to his assembled brethren, in a luminous and energ will surely lead to a revision of that sanguinary code which But whatever may be the disposition of your correspon- harangue, the beauty, expediency, and necessity of the has lowered our country in the eyes of foreigners, and dent in this respect, I must, nevertheless, acknowledge my- tailless state. I presume that A. B. is in the same snawhich assuredly is inconsistent with that civilization we self extremely indebted to him, for the unexpected excess tion, and has a somewhat similar object in view, wher te pretend to. Our penal laws are on the system of intimi- of civility wherewith he has pointed out and amended seve- labours to convince his readers of the inutility of the air dation; death is inflicted more to deter others from offend-ral expressions of mine, which were weighed in the ba- of the classics. In pursuance of this desirable co ing, than as the just penalty of the crime itself. Of the lance of his judgment, and found wanting. Now, al- mation, he preludes his grand attack, by observing, success of this plan, let experience speak; of its propriety, though the extraordinary kindness of his intentions has the station occupied by "them of old," in chemistry, let Christianity decide. When men shall study the pre-induced me to make my grateful acknowledgments, I tronomy, natural philosophy, &c. &c. was very much be cepts of Him who taught his followers to say, "forgive would by no means have him believe that I bow with reus our trespasses as we forgive them that trespass against spect to the peremptory dictates issued from his self-con- in those sciences by the brilliant efforts of the moderas neath the high degree of perfection that has been attained us," they will learn to doubt the lawfulness of capital stituted tribunal, or salute him as "a second Daniel come punishment in any case. Having established these incontrovertible premises, te It may be long before it is en- to judgment." At the same time I must express my re- leads us, by dint of a most absolute "therefore," into the tirely abolished, but that it will, in our days, be restricetd gret that I cannot reward his politeness by a similar kindto murder, I confidently hope. Its opponents are gradu-ness; inasmuch as I have more pleasure in examining to take into consideration the utility of the study of an"lame and impotent conclusion," that it "behoves" us ally increasing, its impropriety is held established by the the arguments of my opponent, than in scrutinizing, with cient literature. Now, as "for you and other men" Mr. society of Friends, and they have exhibited to the world the searching glance of criticism, the expressions wherein Editor, I cannot answer, but " as for my single self,” ș a glorious example of penal legislation in the first seventy those arguments are conveyed. years of Pennsylvanian history. most certainly never was my ultimate aim, in the peruss of the Greek and Latin authors, to acquire from the pages a knowledge of chemistry, astronomy, or any other of the sciences he has so needlessly enumerated. W that actuate most men in this pursuit, it is not my were my motives, and I believe they are the same as the tention here to explain, although, in the language of your

A. B. junior (I hope your correspondent will not be wroth at this mutilation of the honours of his title) has, in the last Kaleidoscope, adopted a strain of triumph, and observed, with exultation, that a positive assertion of mine stands in downright contradiction to an equally positive one advanced by my coadjutor Y. Z. and then he "jumps

Let him who cannot dispense with "blood for blood," examine with how much of just detestation of crime is mingled a feeling of vindictive revenge, that would hurry the murderer after his victim without a moment's delay. Far be it from me to decry that indignation which follows the commission of an atrocious crime; it is a feeling ho- | into the conclusion," that our arguments do not rest upon correspondent, "I could say a great deal more, if such

was my pleasure."

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nourable to man; but, how few stop to examine the in- a very sure foundation. Now wherein this alleged concentives, the motives, the temptations, which lead to the tradiction consists, the most diligent perusal and collation offence, and lie, as it were, at the root of the evil. Soli- of the passages in question have not enabled me to deterSixthly, and to conclude." I am extremely happy tary confinement, and hard yet useful labour, offer a legitimine. It most certainly never was my intention to enu- direct instance of my gratitude than could be afforded by to have an opportunity of showing A. B. junior, & mate medium of punishment, and, moreover, an advan- merate, amongst our inducements to quote, an admiration tageous one, which, in my humble judgment, would of either the philosophy or morals of the ancients, neither a mere acknowledgment of my obligations to b prove quite as efficacious in preventing crime, as the in- of which, when compared to those of the present day, do be the more inclined to follow, as it is founded up mean to offer him a little friendly advice, which be fliction of death. It may be, the public is not prepared I profess to hold in excessive veneration. Neither was I observation of mine, to the justice of which he has exp for this doctrine. In more barbarous times; in less civil- at all aware that any one could possibly imagine, that beized countries, such as Turkey; wherever the gospel has cause the Greeks had treated, with the most scornful neg- it is incumbent upon an author to polish and refine whi sed a very ready assent. He perfectly agrees with me t not penetrated to the heart; the less it is known and prac-ligence, the literary productions of their predecessors, they tised, the lower has the value of human life been uni- should necessarily have looked upon all their other attain-he publishes; now I would most earnestly recommend formly estimated. In such times and countries the pu- ments in the same contemptuous point of view. But I that, when he feels disposed to enliven the wilderness is nishment of death has been constant. Let us hope that conceive there is very little necessity to argue any farther his performance, by a touch of the facetious, he wo the time is approaching when the finger of scorn shall be on this point, since few of the defenders of quotations, be pleased to introduce wit of rather a more polished ar more fearful than the gallows, and the fear of shame however influenced they might be in general by the au- refined description than that which graced the conclusion stronger than death, and the dread of disgrace shall tri-thority of antiquity, would seek to maintain their pro- of his epistle of November the 16th.-Yours, &c. umph over the love of life: then may the strong arm of priety, on the ground of their having been fashionable the law put down offenders and extinguish crime without some thousand years ago, when they might easily adduce shedding blood. numerous and brilliant instancss of their successful application from the works of the most eminent and popular authors of their own day.

Montesquieu, Montagu, Beccaria, and Roscoe, magnanimous advocates of a milder policy, though the latter alone remains in the land of the living, yet do they live alike in their works, and powerfully plead, the living and the dead, for a system of punishments more congenial to

I was somewhat surprised when A. B. in the course of his observations, proceeded to accuse the supporters of this unlucky practice of the sin of "sheer laziness." When

Dec. 5, 1824.



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The custom of pledging healths, still preserved among Englishmen, is said to be owing to the Saxons' mutual regard for each others' safety, and as a caution against the treacherous inhospitality of the Danes, when they came to live in peace with the natives."-Wise's Observations on White Horse, and other Antiquities, published 1742, Oxford, cited in Brand's Popular Customs.

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say, that the authority of a man of talents and integrity and in private classes; but I am inclined to think
should be rejected because his example may have been that this would not be the case in large establishments
praise-worthy in almost every instance except just that and our public schools. The author is somewhat he-
under consideration ?" This is the very reason why we terodox, as appears from his dedication to Mr. Hamilton,
should have recourse to the authority of a great man; be- whose new mode of teaching is making so much noise in
cause, as it is very easy for such a man, for instance Dr. the world, and with whom he is connected. His book,
Johnson, to speak on a thousand different subjects, we however, which consists partly of translations and partly
may just as correctly suppose a person to quote one of of originals, is amusing, and show sthat the most familiar
those thousand praise-worthy examples, as one of the few | subjects, as tales, songs, &c. may be turned into elegant
which are not praise-worthy : and, in reality, the chance | Latin verse. The following are some of the subjects:
against his quoting a wrong opinion will thus be nearly as Witch, Death caused by the Prick of a Needle, Tobacco,
1000 to 1.
Noah, Skaiting, Woollen Manufactures of England,
Translation of Atterbury's Epigram on a Fan, The False
Eye, Tavern Signs, Cudgel Playing, Description of a Sea
Fight, Wolsey, Old Parr, Whittington, Country Squire,
Vicar of Bray, &c.

Mr. Stratt says, The old manner of pledging each other when they drank was thus: the person who was going to drink asked any one of the company who sat next him whether he would pledge him; on which, an- I shall not trouble you, Sir, any more at present; but swering that he would, held up his knife or sword to guard I pledge myself to prove, in time for your next Kaleidosnim whilst he drank." But the custom is here said to cope, that there are passages which cannot be translated | ave first taken its rise from the death of young King from Latin to English correctly, without losing their force alward, called the martyr, who was, by the contrivance | and dignity; and this is the extent of my assertion, though E Elfrida, his step-mother, treacherously stabbed in the your correspondent, by raising up a phantom of his own, ack, as he was drinking. Strutt's authority is William of |and attacking it sword in hand, has endeavoured to perMalmesbury, and he observes, from the delineation he suade you and your readers that he has run my protegé gives us (and it must be noted, that his plates being copies | through the body. The phantom to which I allude is, his fancient illuminated MSS. are of unquestionable au- hitherto undisputed assertion, that "there are no untransaority) that it seems perfectly well to agree with the re-latable passages: but this, perhaps, does not stand so sesrted custom : the middle figure is addressing himself to cure as its author imagines.-Yours, &c. companion, who sems to tell him that he pledges Dec. 8, 1824. holding up his knife in token of his readiness to asand protect him.-Brand's Origin of Popular Cus

Dr. Henry, in his History of England, has the follow - If an Englishman presumed to drink in the preice of a Dane, without his express permission, it was semed so great a mark of disrespect, that nothing but instant death could expiate it. Nay, the English were timidated, that they would not venture to drink even chen they were invited, until the Danes had pledged their our for their safety, which introduced the custom of dging each other in drinking, of which some vestiges still remaining among the common people in the north ore England, where the Danes were most predominant." ee the first of these accounts, viz. that the custom of dging healths was occasioned by the treachery of the danes to the English, when the latter were drinking, is at is given in the Encyclopædia Britannica, in that of es, and in the Etymological Dictionary of Dr. JamieThe truth, then, of my assertion is evident from tof the above accounts, viz. that although the custom inking or pledging healths, barbarous in its origin, ot now necessary, yet that it once was necessary. And, the assertion of your correspondent, that it was never swary at all, proves only his ignorance of the fact.

do not know, Sir, how your correspondent makes Et that I thought the argument of "silently and andy bringing to our support the authority of a great I gave the sentence just as it 1e" a very grand one. now between the commas, without calling it grand, t, or any thing of the kind. But what is the refutahe gives to the argument of authority? That the test man is liable to errors, and may have been mista

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Y. Z.

From the nature of the work considerable tact was necessary to avoid extreme inelegance, which the author has, with few exceptions, effected. His Alcon, a pastoral, is his master-piece in this respect. It is I believe a translation, or rather an imitation, of an Italian poet of the 16th century; and, though the Latin is infinitely superior, yet, even in English, much of genuine poetry, according to Horace's definition of it, is manifest. Some pretty specimens in the epigrammatic style are to be found toward the end of the book. The author has given some P. S. I would not have it understood from the above, exercises in Sapphic and Alcaic verse, preceded by a few that I consider the opinion of a great man on speculative concise but invaluable canons for those noble metres, the subjects as decisive and positive proof not by any means ; | favourites of the inimitable Horace. About the year 1775, I go this far, when the opinion of a great man coincides | if I mistake not, Sir Win. Browne, Knt. M. D. directed with your own, it gives very great weight and authority to what you say, and in such cases it becomes one who is of a con rary opinion to well consider and argue his cause. But in matters of learning, and matters of fact, the testimony of a great and learned man is incontrovertible, unless it be opposed by authority equally great, or unless the falsity of his testimony be demonstrated.



SIR,-Having perceived, in your excellent miscellany,
some articles on classical literature, you may perhaps judge
the following worthy of a place in your pages.

Most people must have heard the satirical "Nos Gér-
mani non cúramus quantitatem syllabarum." Whether
the German classics ever merited, to the full extent, the
implied severity, I cannot take upon me to determine; but
certain it is, that the celebrated Heyne has justly incurred
the censure of late critics, for not comprehending the im-
portant branch of versification in his classical courses.
From what knowledge I have of the present state of
classical literature in Germany, I can state that, at the
sent time, the Germans are not liable to the charge. We
ourselves can now boast of a Bloomfield, a Monk, a Parr, a
Butler, a Kidd, a Barker, a Burgess, a Russell, &c. Ali the
above have shown, by their own example, that they esteem


three gold medals to be given-the first to him who writes the best Greek ode in imitation of Sappho, the second for the best Latin ode in imitation of Horace, the third for the best Greek and Latin epigrams; the former after the manner of the Anthologia, and the later after the model of Martial. Since that period the epigrammatic style, and the composition of Sapphic and Alcaic verse, has been much attended to in the higher forms of our public schools; nor is this to be wondered at when we find many of the heads of the above and first classics among the list of successful candidates. It is to be wished that Mr. U. had given tention to this suggestion before the publication of a second more examples in the lyrics; he will perhaps turn his atedition.

During the life of Porson, Perry's Morning Chronicle, and other periodicals were often adorned with Latin metrical emanations from his pen; and were this art to be cultivated in proportion to its utility and elegance, we should perhaps see the Kaleidoscope, and other similar publications, more frequently graced with elegant productions of this sort. If you approve of the present contribution, I shall be happy, at a future period, to forward my senti.

ments with regard to other branches of the ancient lan

guages.-Meantime, accept the good wishes of a


with regard to the very thing which we are examin- metrical knowledge of the greatest importance to the forma-lieve, not much known, that the eel, though it lives in an

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Also, "That his authority may have been praisethy in almost every instance except just that under sideration." Your correspondent, of course, then, does y at once with testimony and authority; for if we take hority at all, it certainly must be that of great men. when he takes away the testimony of great men, shakes the foundation of society. The authenticity ancient volumes, which are delivered down from age to and which depend solely on the authority of great good men, is destroyed at once. But I would have to know, that the testimony which gives authenticity a volume, may, by the same rule, be brought in suprt of an opinion; for many books depend solely for eir truth on the opinion of great men. But I forbear to yany more on a point which is attempted to be refuted ach ridiculous reasons: your correspondent argues zainst himself. Can any thing be more absurd than to

ton of the elegant classical scholar. Eton, and many of
our primary schools have cultivated the study for many
years, and it must be grateful to men of classical taste to
find that their example is becoming more generally imi-
tated in the respectable private establishments throughout
Britain. Scotland, hitherto notoriously negligent on this
head, seems to have become sensible of the utility of me-
trical compositions, as we find, from the speech of the
chaplain to the new Edinburgh school, that it is intended
to pursue the study of that art to an extent commensurate
with its importance.

I was led more immediately to the present remarks by
the perusal of a book entitled Studia Metrica, by a Mr.
Underwood, a gentleman who is, I believe, now resident
in this town. To Mr. U.'s mode of teaching versification,
as exhibited in the preface, I cannot subscribe. It may
answer, and possibly very well, with private tutors,

Curious Fact in Natural History.-It is a fact, we beelement that seems to place it beyond the reach of the winds. This is well known to the inhabitants of Linlithatmospheric changes, is yet singularly affected by high gow, who have an excellent opportunity of observing the habits of that animal, in the loch adjoining the town. The stream which flows out of that loch at the west end reservoir, from which it escapes by a number of holes in passes through a sluice, and falls into an artificial stone the sides and bottom. These holes are too small to let eels of a common size pass, and hence this reservoir answers the purposes of an eel-trap or cruive. The fish, however, are rarely found in it in calm weather; but when strong winds blow, especially from the west, these tenants hurry from their lodgings like rats from a conflagration. of the waters seem to be seized with a general panic, and At these times they rush through the outlet in crowds, and fall pell mell into the reservoir, from which they are During the late high winds, a cart-load was taken out of speedily transferred to the frying-pans of the burgesses. the reservoir every day, and in one day no less than two cart-loads !

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