Sidor som bilder


multitude of products, and some of them of the very sible of raw and manufactured goods, that they may be ported in different ages, and naturalized in our English pr greatest utility, which cannot possibly be raised except in enabled to procure for themselves the conveniences and dens; and that they would all degenerate and fall away particular situations. Were it not for commercial inter- luxuries of other climates; and the merchant, finding the the trash of our own country, if they were wholly neglected course we should not be able to obtain the smallest supply wants and demands of his customers increase, will be en- by the planter, and left to the mercy of our sun and of tea, sugar, raw cotton, raw silk, gold bullion, and a couraged to import a larger quantity of the products of Nor has traffic more enriched our vegetable world, than it thousand other equally usefu! and valuable commodities. foreign countries. Thus, by gratifying the vanity and am- has improved the whole face of nature among us. Our ships Providence, by giving different soils, climates, and natural bition of his customers, he cherishes that taste for foreign are laden with the harvest of every climate. Our tables a productions, to different countries, has evidently provided commodities which some shallow moralists have been ig-stored with spices, and oils, and wines. Our rooms are filiet for their mutual intercourse and civilization. By permit- norant enough to condemn, but which, nevertheless, con- with pyramids of China, and adorned with the workmas ting the people of each to employ their capital and labour tribute more, perhaps, than any thing else, to advance the ship of Japan. Our morning's draught comes to us from ⚫ in those departments in which their geographical situation, glory and prosperity of a nation. The acquired wants of the remotest corners of the earth. We repair our bodies by the physical capacities of their soil, their national character a people are much more insatiable than their physical ne- the drugs of America, and repose ourselves under Indian c and habits fit them to excel, foreign commerce has a won cessities; and the passion for foreign luxuries and conve-nopies. The vineyards of France are our gardens; the spice derful effect in multiplying the productions of art and in-niences, when once generated, is perfectly uncontrolable. islands our hot-beds; the Persians our silk-weavers, and the dustry. When the freedom of commerce is not restricted, You have, then, only to place these articles within the Chinese our potters. Nature indeed furnishes us with the each country necessarily devotes itself to such employments reach of mankind, and you will infallibly banish the apa- bare necessaries of life, but traffic gives us a great variety of as are most beneficial to each. This pursuit of individual thy and languor of savage life, and substitute in their what is useful, and at the same time supplies us with every advantage is admirably connected with the good of the stead, a spirit of activity and industry. Whatever Mr. thing that is convenient and ornamental. Nor is it the least whole. By stimulating industry, by rewarding ingenuity, Locke and his followers may say to the contrary, you may part of this our happiness, that whilst we enjoy the remotest and by using most efficaciously the particular powers be- depend upon it that no country can ever become wealthy, products of the north and south, we are free from those ex stowed by nature, commerce distributes labour most effec- or industrious, or civilized, or inventive, without com-tremities of weather which give them birth; that our eyes tively and most economically; while, by increasing the merce to stimulate the exertions of its inhabitants. are refreshed with the green fields of Britain, at the same general mass of necessary and useful products, it diffuses Dr. Paley had a very clear perception of this doctrine. time that our palates are feasted with fruits that rise between general opulence, and binds together the universal society Flourishing cities," he says, "have been established the tropics. "For these reasons there are not more useful members) of nations by the common and powerful ties of mutual in- through the manufacture of some single commodity, and terest and reciprocal obligation. Commerce has enabled populous towns have sprung into existence through the commonwealth than merchants. They knit mankind toge each particular state to profit by the inventions and disco-effects of commerce. A watch is a very unnecessary appen-ther in a mutual intercourse of good offices, distribute veries of every other state. It has given us new tastes and dage to an agricultural labourer; but, if he is induced to gifts of nature, find work for the poor, add wealth to the new appetites, and it has also given us the means of grati- till the ground in order that he may be enabled to procure verts the tin of his own country into gold, and exchange fying them. It has armed the patient hand of industry one, the purposes of commerce are answered: and when with zeal to undertake, and perseverance to accomplish, the watchmaker is polishing the case, or filing the wheels wool for rubies. The Mahometans are clothed in our Enth the most arduous and difficult tasks. Commerce has either of his ingenious machine, he is contributing to the produc- with the fleeces of our sheep. manufacture, and the Inhabitants of the frozen zone wangel entirely removed, or greatly weakened, a host of the most tion of corn, as efficaciously, though not quite so directly, unworthy prejudices. It has united the whole world into as the husbandman himself. Tobacco is acknowledged to one vast empire, the different kingdoms of which may be be a useless article of consumption; but, if the fisherman regarded as the provinces; and the same beautiful train of is induced to ply his nets, and the mariner to bring home consequences which is produced in kingdoms by the opera- rice from Carolina or Hindostan, in the hopes that, by tion of that territorial division of labour which has con- doing so, they may be enabled to procure it, this article, ferred incalculable benefits on the human race, is observ- which has apparently no other use than that of gratifying able in the world at large. a vitiated palate, becomes the means of supplying mankind with two very useful articles of food." Deprive us of our foreign commerce, and reflect what a horror-striking diminution would be made from the sum total of our comforts and enjoyments. Instead of breakfasting on the produce of China and the West Indies, we should be obliged to content ourselves with the humble porridge of our ancestors. When our crops exceeded the quantity required for the consumption of the population, the redundancy would be useless; and, when they fell short of this quantity, we should be reduced to the extremity of famine. Our maritime greatness would fall with our commerce, and, from occupying the very highest place in the first rank of nations, we should fall to the lowest place in the fourth or fifth rank.

England, for example, from the quality of her wool, the abundance of her coals, the skill of her workmen, and the excellence of her machinery, is enabled to manufacture cloth much cheaper and better than can be done by Portugal; while the Portuguese, from the facilities which the mildness of their climate and the fertility of their soil afford to the growth and cultivation of the grape, are enabled to produce wine with infinitely less expense, and in much larger quantities, than can be done by the English. Thus, if England were to confine herself to the manufacture of cloth, for which she has natural advantages, and if Portugal were to employ herself exclusively in the cultivation of the grape, in which occupation the peculiar productive powers of the soil enable her to excel, each country would be able to obtain larger and better supplies of both cloth and wine than if they were to engage in occupations in with, of the advantages of commerce, is to be found in But, perhaps, the best summary any where to be met which the advantage was on the side of another. one of the early papers of the Spectator, written by AdBut, perhaps, the indirect advantages of foreign com-dison, and which derives additional interest from the cirmerce, in rousing mankind from sloth and indolence, and cumstance of its being one of the first essays which in stimulating them to activity and industry, are even more appeared in support of the benefits resulting from trade. important than its direct advantages, and yet they are so Nothing can be better conceived, or better expressed, and often overlooked that I hope to be excused for dwelling on it is rather extraordinary that it has not attracted the attention of any of our commercial writers.


and magnificence to the great. Our English merchant

"When I have been upon the 'Change, I have often fande

one of our old kings standing in person where he is reg course of people with which that place is every day filed sented in effigy, and looking down upon the wealthy co this case, how would he be surprised to hear all the langues of Europe spoken in this little spot of his former dominion and to see so many private men, who in his time would ha

princes for greater sums of money than were formerly to been the vassals of some powerful baron, negociating met with in the royal treasury! Trade, without enlargoj the British territories, has given us a kind of additional empin It has multiplied the number of the rich, made our landed estates inanitely more valuable than they were formerty, added to them an accession of other estates as valuie sa the lands themselves.

all the benefits which commerce bestows upon us.
But, great as these advantages are, even they are t
Addison beautifully expresses it, but it also distribus
merce not only distributes the gifts of nature, as N
the gifts of science and of art. It enables the inhabitan
of each country to profit not only by the discoveries of the
by Mr. Samuel Hicks, of the United States, for separat
natives of its different provinces, but by those of the
habitants of every other country. The machine invent
cotton wool from the pod, is not less beneficial to us
and Arkwright, by reducing the cost of our manufact
to the Americans; and the beautiful machinery of Wa
has been productive of as great advantages to our fore
customers as to ourselves. The effect of commer
this respect is, indeed, surprising, inasmuch that
cess discovered in Calcutta, or New Orleans, will gentl
be found to be adopted, a few months afterwards
Rouen or Manchester.

like mistaken ideas of religion, have frequently
It must be confessed that mistaken views of commsa
wars and bloodshed. But when the principles do
merce come to be rightly understood, it will be
no commercial war can ever attain its end. The s

country, or over reluctant and rebellious subjects, Providence has declared that it is by industry alone individuals, and, consequently, nations can become walk thy, powerful, or refined.

That man is naturally inactive and indolent no one will "Nature (says Mr. Addison) seems to have taken a particular attempt to deny. The highest luxury of which savage life care to disseminate her blessings among the different reseems to be susceptible is, to have nothing to do. The mem-gions of the world, with an eye to mutual intercourse and bers of uncivilized communities confine their labour to traffic among mankind, that the natives of the several parts merely supplying themselves with the coarsest materials of of the globe might have a kind of dependence upon one anofood, and providing themselves with clumsy defences ther, and be united together by their common interest. Alagainst the inclemency of the weather. Their industry is most every degree produces something peculiar to it. The only in proportion to the extent of the necessities which food often grows in one country, and the sauce in another. prompt it, and those nations which experience the greatest The fruits of Portugal are corrected by the products of Bar-may, indeed, extend a dominion over a barren and difficulty in supplying their necessities are in general the badoes, and the infusion of a China plant is sweetened with most industrious. Mr. Hume, Sir William Temple, and the pith of an Indian cane. The Phillipic islands give a flaother inquirers into the progress of society, have observed, vour to our European bowls. The single dress of a woman that the inhabitants of those countries which possess the of quality is often the product of an hundred climates. The greatest natural disadvantages are always the most active muff and the fan come together from the different ends of and industrious; and, in conformity to the principle now the earth. The scarf is sent from the torrid zone, and the laid down, we should expect this to be the case. But tippet from beneath the pole. The brocade petticoat rises out in civilized societies, when commerce begins to extend it- of the mines of Peru, and the diamond necklace out of the self, however great may be the natural advantages of the bowels of Indostan. country, the inhabitants are never contented with the productions of their own soil and climate, but they eagerly grasp at those foreign commodities and luxuries which commerce brings within their reach. If an individual has obtained a sufficient quantity of corn, cloth, and beer, and if these are the only commodities which his industry can procure for him, he will cease to labour; but, when the productions of other countries are placed within his reach, he will increase his exertions that he may be enabled to obtain them. The agriculturist and manufacturer will endeavour to produce as great a quantity as pos

When Mr. Pitt, in 1786, laid before the House of C mons the commercial treaty which he had entered with France, for the purpose of removing the exista restrictions on the trade between the two countrie delivered his sentiments in a speech as remarkable for■ "If we consider our own country in its natural prospect, point and cloquence as for the sound, manly, and without any of the benefits and advantages of commerce, stitutional principles which it enforced. In reply what a barren uncomfortable spot of earth falls to our share! argument inculcating constant jealousy of France, Natural historians tell us, that no fruit grows originally Pitt inquired, whether, by the term "jealousy," among us, besides hips and haws, acorns and pig-nuts, with meant that species of jealousy which was either mad other delicacies of the like nature; that our climate of itself, blind,-which would either madly throw away the and without the assistance of art, can make no further advantages within its reach, or blindly grasp at what vances towards a plum than to a sloe, and carries an apple to could never obtain, and which, if obtained, would no greater a perfection than a crab: that our melons, our in their total ruin? Was the necessity of a continu peaches, our figs, our apricots and cherries [and Mr. Addison war with France so evident and pressing, or was a might have added, our potatoes] are strangers among us, im- intercourse with that country so odious, that we

forego all the commercial advantages which would result from a friendly and amicable treaty? To say that two countries must, from their nature, for ever remain at enmity, was a libel on the constitution of nations, and supposed diabolical malice in the constitution of man.

Bruges, in the Netherlands, where manufactures were | nal festal scenes. The neighbouring gentry not at all established and commerce carried on. Here the Lom- liking the appellation of "mutum et turpe pecus," conbards brought the spices and delicacies of the East, and ceive that there may have been a conspiracy for any. exchanged them for the coarser but not less useful commodities of the North. thing they know against wit and learning; or it might Those nations which enjoyed the most extensive com- The commerce of England increased with the increase have been a question, whether philosophy and dancing merce have always been found to make the most rapid of the commerce of her neighbours. It is remarkable are consistent; or perhaps there exists in the minds progress in wealth and civilization. Dr. Smith has that there is a clause in Magna Charta which stipulates of some a fear lest something should be introduced shrewdly remarked, that the learning and riches of ancient that foreign merchants shall have full liberty to come into the ball-room quite irrelevant to the customary Egypt were owing to the facilities of commercial inter-into, and depart out of, the kingdom, and to buy and sell course between the different districts of the country, wherever they shall think proper. In the reign of Ed- rules of education; or that some encroachment might afforded by the navigation of the Nile;-and the same ward III. a law was passed, abolishing the disgraceful be made upon their very language, and either Greek, great authority has observed that the comparative civili- practice, which had formerly existed, of making one alien Latin, or French spouted instead of good old Engzation of the nations bordering on the Red Sea and the liable for the debt of another. But the reign of Edward lish; this, however, is certain, though the secrets of Mediterranean was owing to their maritime situation. III. is chiefly memorable from its being the period of the the committee-room are not known, that where a gentleThe prophet Ezekiel has left a beautiful and splendid introduction of the woollen manufacture into England. description of the wealth and commerce of the Tyrians. In 1831, Edward, taking advantage of the discontents man possesses, and at all times attends to the very essence This people took advantage of their situation at the east which prevailed amongst the Flemish, invited a number of Chesterfield's politeness, and, as Observator says, pays of the Mediterranean to purchase from the Idumeans, of the inhabitants of Flanders to come over and settle in his subscription up, he is undoubtedly an acquisition to and the other nations inhabiting the shores of the Red Sea England. These people accepted Edward's invitation, and any ball-room, provided he can dance as well as philosoand the Persian Gulf, tea, raw coffee, raw silk, and other it was by them that the English were initiated in the art phize; but, mind you, let the "gall'd jade wince," if any native productions, which they afterwards disposed of to of manufacturing wool. Since this period, the commerce the Greeks and Gauls, and the nations on the north and of England has advanced with rapid strides, accompanied, such scholar, philosopher, or dancer, finds an amiable rewest of the Mediterranean. This they were the more hand in hand, by wealth, civilization, and power. ception in the card-room, easily enabled to do from the circumstance of the Medi- Brief and imperfect as this sketch of the early history terranean and Red Seas having no tides, and consequently of commerce must necessarily be, I cannot close it without no waves except such as were caused by the influence of noticing the discovery of the mariner's compass,an the wind,-which, in times when the compass was un- event which has contributed more, perhaps, than any non, and when navigators were unwilling to venture other to increase the comforts, conveniences, and luxuries ir from the land, must have facilitated their commerce of mankind. The Italians claim the merit of its discovery ja wonderful degree. for Flavia Gioio, a citizen of Amalphi, who, they say, made the discovery somewhere, about the middle of the fourteenth century. Dr. Robertson has adopted this view of the subject; but passages are to be found in French writers, nearly two centuries before the above period, which speak of the polarity of the magnet in the most unequivocal terms. be due, it must be acknowledged that the era of the disBut to whomsoever the merit may covery of the compass is the most important period in the history of commerce and navigation. It has extended the former to the most distant shores of the habitable globe, and has multiplied its operations to an extent which had never been contemplated by preceding ages. It has rendered the latter comparatively safe and expeditious, by enabling the navigator to launch boldly out into the deep, without fear of rocks or shoals. It was by its assistance, that, in 1887, the Portuguese, under Vasco de Gama, were enabled to double the Cape of Good Hope. and arrive at the East Indies, and that the persevering and enterprising spirit of Columbus was rewarded by the discovery of a new world. It has united all mankind into one vast commercial commonwealth, and has enabled each separate state to profit by the discoveries and inventious of the whole. It has brought individuals together from the most distant corners of the world;-it has made mankind friends instead of enemies;-it has obliterated ancient prejudices, and has contributed to the advancement of wealth, literature, and refinement.

But commerce not only diffused over Gaul and Italy a ste for foreign commodities, but it dispelled, in a great leasure, the darkness and ignorance which had hitherto reserved undisturbed the sovereignty of the dominion of od in Europe. The Phenicians instructed the inructors of western Europe, and it is to them that we are debted for the most valuable of all discoveries, the gift letters. Those nations which enjoyed an extensive mmerce were enabled to found colonies in different tions, which added much to the importance and magficence of their mother countries, insomuch that Carage, the most powerful of these colonies, eclipsed even yre in wealth and grandeur, and was enabled for ninein years to wage a bloody and doubtful war with Rome rself for the sovereignty of the world.

When Tyre was destroyed by Alexander of Macedon, e traffic which she had carried on was transferred to lexandria, which, from her situation on the shore of the Mediterranean, and near the head of the Red Sea, soon ecame the grand emporium for the interchange of Eupean and Asiatic commodities.

At the period of the decline of the Roman Empire, ben the different provinces of Italy became a prey to the cursions of the Goths and Vandals, commerce was best wholly suppresed. A number of individuals from malphi and the neighbouring districts, fleeing from the amy and oppression of these barbarians, took refuge in huster of small islands near the head of the Adriatic It was here that Venice, rising from the surface the deep, beheld, undisturbed, for many centuries, the and fall of empires, the revolutions of states, the infal of tyrants, and the change of dynasties;-till, ength, this last surviving witness of antiquity, and the emaining link which connected ancient and modern rope, is herself experiencing the decline to which all are is subject, and is fast sinking into the bosom of Waves whence she rose.

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After the decline of commerce in the middle ages, the it of commercial enterprise was first awakened in the cities of Italy. During the twelfth and thirteenth turies, the commerce of Europe was almost exclufely in the hands of the Italians, better known by the e of Lombards. Numbers of them were established very country, the greatest facilities were given to operations, and the ancient laws against foreigners e repealed with regard to them.

"Hic segetes, illic veniunt felicius uvæ;
Arborei foetus alibi, atque injussa virescunt
Gramina.-Nonne vides, croceos ut Tinolus odores,
India mittit ebur, molles sua tura Sabæi ?
At Chalybes nudi ferrum, virosaque Pontus
Castorea, Eliadum palmas Epirus equarum?
Continuo bas leges æternaque foedera certis
Imposuit natura locis."-George.



Jacob, the scourge of grammar, mark with awe,
Nor less revere him, blunderbuss of law.
Pope's Dunciad, b. 3, 150.
Cogite consilium et pacem laudate sedentes.



ing of the spes gregis on this occasion, for they are aware The Ashtonienses cannot but participate with the feelthat their brethren, the Ashtonians, are a stubborn race, having a good deal of the Gothic in their composition, and not so familiar as the spes gregis with the. Grecian and Roman graces; and we, the neighbouring Gentiles and scribes, agree perfectly with the spes gregis, in his exhibiting the "head and front of his offending," considering the character of a gentleman an interesting subject of discussion, disclaiming all party plus ultra" of perfection in the fashionable, as well feeling. If the said spes gregis has attained the "ne as the philosophic world, he is an object of the greatest commiseration if he is not allowed to show such warrantable qualifications in the ball-room, at least if not in the card-room, of these most select and accomplished assemblies Ashtonian, however, will not forget that the old adage, "Amantium iræ," &c. is in danger of being applicable in this case.-Yours, &c. Stayley Bridge, December 15, 1824.




SIR,-If, after the last war, of nearly thirty years' continuance, it were required, for the good of mankind, to designate, in terms the least liable to objection, what, formidable foe still stalks abroad; and, disregarding the decrees of monarchs, the recurrence of seasons, hurricanes, or earthquakes, with resistless operation, in these regions, renders human existence distressing in its course, and short in its duration;-it might be replied, catarrh, or common cold. Colds, certainly, are the heralds of innumerous diseases; and it is impossible to state the extent of their destructive effects; but I wish, at this period, to have it recorded, that the only, total, and exclusive cause of their having such effects, is, ignorance of the animal economy, and consequent exterior filth.

What medicine, forced into the stomach, would remove either one or the other of those causes, it is useless to inquire; but it is twenty-five years since I was in that manner afflicted; and the dreadful sufferings I underwent, during twenty years antecedent to that period, and the care and security, in those respects I have since experienced, are contrasts not to be regarded with indifference: desiring, therefore, to make myself amenable to the tribunal of public observation, I hereby declare and determine, that, though my avocations impose upon me close confinement to small rooms, and alternate exposure to every state and transition of the atmosphere, I will not, during the remainder of my existence, be troubled with catarrh or cold. I am, Sir,

But the spirit of commercial industry, which was thus
led in the south of Europe, was not long of commu-
ating itself to the north. In 1241, the free city of
bec entered into a confederacy with the neighbouring SIR,-Your correspondent Observator, of Chorley, has
tes for mutual protection against the pirates who in- not, in his notice of Ashtonian's letter, quite extricated
ted the Baltic Sea. The advantage of this measure
on manifested itself, and other cities acceded to the the spem gregis of the Ashton assembly from the woful
nfederation, so that in a short time eighty of the most dilemma in which the Ashtonians and Ashtonienses have
siderable cities, between the Baltic and Lyons-on-the-placed an elegant scholar and philosopher. However, as
joined in the famous Hanseatic League, which Gravissima est probi hominis iracundia" the Ashtoni-
ane so formidable that its alliance was courted, and
ennity dreaded, by the most powerful Princes in Eu-enses, "iram deponere," notwithstanding feel a little cha-
Their commercial operations were regulated by grined that their brethren do not attempt "servare gregis,"
sassed in a common assembly of that body; and cer- and collect together the "elegantes elegantiorum" of the 14, Concert-street, Liverpool,
towns were fixed upon, the principal of which was town, to trip the light fantastic toe, and adorn their hiber-

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8th December, 1824.

Your humble servant,


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To Correspondents.

CHRISTMAS DAY.-The intervention of this welcome day, ba this week made some change in our arrangements; and the present Kaleidoscope is not found to contain som variety as usual, our readers will be so indulgent as to be in mind, that on the Saturday, which is usually the d for arranging our subjects, all our printers were singing "Holly and Joy," and thinking of any thing except wer The anticipation of Christmas Day induced us, early in the week, to prepare two articles of more than usual lengt viz. the report of Mr. M'Culloch's Lecture on Commer and the singular article from the Scotsman, on what we the new mechanical paradox. They are both, howe valuable documents, for which we hope no apology le necessary to any class of our readers. The reason we h just assigned, will, we trust, be a satisfactory apol our merely stating, that we have been favoured wit communications from the following correspondents: des -N.-W. P-4 Constant Reader-Scepticus-210trum-X. L.-W. P.-A. A. W.

DEATH WATCHES.-We shall attend to the inquiry of 48

seriber, probably next week; and shall take an early opp tunity of publishing a paper on this subject, which have had in reserve for some time.

The communication of J. H. Jun. of Lichfield-the Essa the lines of 4. S. on Madame Riego-0. R.'s lines on a vourite Dog, and his essay on Animal Appetite-and the essay of L. L. shall on no account be delayed beyond next week. Their present insertion has been rendered impos ble, by the length of the article on the Mechanical Parado and Mr. M'Culloch's Lecture.

THE HAMILTONIAN SYSTEM.We have just been favoured with a very humorous letter on this subject, from an telligent and witty correspondent, at Blackburn, 15 perusal will make even Mr. Hamilton himself laugh.

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No, 236.-VOL. V.

Natural History.

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The southern side of the Pyrenean mountains is liable | flamed gas often escaped from the fissures produced by to concussions, so frequent that M. Ramond has enume- the shocks; but the truth of this fact is not confirmed by rated sixty earthquakes that have taken place at Bagneres di Bigorre. Very evident traces of volcanic eruptions, some of which are not supposed to have happened earlier La agère couche de vie, qui fleurit à la surface du globe, ne than the fourteenth century, are remarked in all parts of

[blocks in formation]

these mountains. Besides, it must not be forgotten that thermal springs invariably abound in countries subject to [Translated expressly for the Kaleidoscope from a recent French earthquakes, where there are no volcanoes.



As the foci of all volcanoes appear to be situated at very considerable depths, and even beneath the primitive oil, it may be presumed that the cause which produces their eruptions is very near the internal mass, if it be not the internal mass itself, as there is every reason to believe. I ought now, in pursuance of the order which I have prescribed for myself, to speak to you of volcanoes; but, is these eruptions are so frequently accompanied by arthquakes, I shall first give you some account of the renature of those phenomena, although, perhaps, I have little to say on the subject that will be new to you.


Earthquakes do not take place only upon land; they often agitate the bottom of the sea, and the whole mass fita waters, so violently that the shock is communicated vessels sailing upon its surface. When Captain Osmen as, in 1660, navigating the South Sea, his vessel received veral concussions, which occasioned great terror to the ew. It was found, upon throwing out the anchor, that vessel was in very deep water. Lemaire experienced milar concussions in the strait which bears his name. farnous earthquake which destroyed Lisbon, on the of November, 1755, appears to have extended to an mense distance; and the same day, an extraordinary ration of the waters, unaccompanied by any perceptible tion of the land, was observed in different parts of agland.

The shocks of earthquakes differ, in duration, from some seconds to more than two minutes; neither are they less various in their nature; sometimes they give to the earth a motion that may be compared to the rocking of a vessel upon the waves; sometimes they seem to be the result of a violent percussion, proceeding perpendicularly from the interior of the earth to the exterior; very frequently the soil affected by them appears to move in a circular direction, so perceptibly as to occasion giddiness.

The intensity of the shocks is not less variable than their duration and their nature; they are sometimes so weak, that even when they happen in the middle of the night, they are rendered perceptible only, by the rattling of moveable furniture, and by the ringing of bells, [set in motion by the agitation of the walls which support them. In other cases, and unfortunately too often, earthquakes are terrible phenomena, which occasion incalculable disasters, and entirely ruin the countries where they take place. Such was that which, in 1755, destroyed more than forty thousand persons at Lisbon and in the neighbourhood; such also was that which ravaged Sicily in 1693, and whose effects were felt in so frightful a manner in Jamaica. You must have read, Madam, lately in the public journals, accounts of the earthquakes which have just destroyed Aleppo, and compelled the wretched surviving inhabitants to abandon their town, and seek safety under tents, in the midst of the desert.

any observation in the accounts of those that have taken place more recently. The violent conflagrations by which earthquakes have sometimes been attended, as was the case in that of Lisbon, have been occasioned by domestic fires, as this has never happened except in inhabited places.

You will easily understand, Madam, that the phenomena of which I have just been speaking to you, must be the result of the great inequalities produced in the soil by the shocks of earthquakes.

If, in fact, one part of the bed of a river is raised, it will necessarily remain dry, and there will be formed a new declivity in a contrary direction to that, favourable to the course of the river, which must thence return towards its source, within a certain space. This retrograde motion occasions an accumulation of water, and consequent inundations near the point of division between the new and the old declivity. The obstructions which produce these inundations, are for the most part formed by the overthrow of some neighbouring mountains, whose wrecks, falling into the bed of the river, suddenly arrest its course. the time of the terrible earthquake, which took place at Jamaica in 1792, two mountains, by their fall into the Sixteen-mile-walk river, so completely changed its course, that during several days, the whole mass of its waters seemed to have been precipitated into the earth. The dead fish which remained in the bed of the river, proved, it is said, a source of great relief to the wretched inhabitants, threatened with famine.


Inundations of the sea are occasioned by the sudden elevation of some part of its bed, in consequence of which it is abundantly poured down upon the coasts; and any apparent decrease of its waters is caused by the sudden depression of some part of the soil which it covers, at a greater or less distance from the coast.

Not only do these terrible earthquakes destroy men and The formation of fissures is easily accounted for; they The effects of earthquakes are sometimes confined to their habitations, but they are sometimes so violent as en- are the necessary result of great concussions of the soil, y narrow limits; they are sometimes felt at very con- tirely to change the face of the countries affected by them. by which the equality of its surface is destroyed, and conrable distances; some have been known to agitate the They precipitate enormous masses of rock from the sum-siderable parts of it amassed in irregular heaps. il to an extent of several hundred leagues, and, in this mits of the highest mountains; they even overturn whole In order to form a just idea of earthquakes, it is imse, they have never failed to be followed by volcanic mountains, when their upper layers are placed in a move-portant to remember, that they hardly ever consist merely uptions. able soil, and cover with their wrecks the surrounding of one shock, more or less prolonged, but that all the conThe countries which border upon burning volcanoes plains. The course of rivers is often suspended by earth-cussions which happen during the course of several days e incontestably the most exposed to earthquakes; yet quakes, and lakes are suddenly dried up, whilst consider- are attributed to the same phenomenon, even where their ere are some regions, as, for instance, the coast of Bar-able springs of water gush out in new places. They some-number amounts to several hundreds. Some earthquakes ty, and the country of Morocco, which are agitated by quent concussions, although not subject to the ravages volcanoes. One remarkable circumstance, however, is, at, in the countries where this phenomenon is remarked, ere are found indubitable traces of extinguished volMoe. This seems to me, Madam, to prove clearly ouh, that the cause of earthquakes is always analagous that which produces eruptions; and that, when they we felt without being accompanied or followed by those henomena, it is because the inflamed matter in the inerion of the earth does not explode with sufficient violence o break the mineral crust.

times cause the sea rapidly to retire, and leave its shores
dry, or occasion so unusual a swell of its waters as to in-
undate the wretched countries around, for whose destruc-
tion all nature seems conspired. In 1586, an earthquake,
which agitated the country near Lima to the extent of a
hundred and sixty-two leagues, caused the sea to rise four-
teen fathoms. The island of Formosa was, during twelve
hours, entirely covered by the sea, in consequence of an
earthquake; and immediately after the first shock of that
which took place at Lisbon, the city was inundated by a
sudden rise of the waters of the Tagus.

have lasted for several months, and even for whole years; those which have taken place in South America have been particularly remarkable for the length of their duration. Earthquakes, consisting only of a single shock, are mere local phenomena of little importance. Those on the contrary, whose effects are widely extended, produce very perceptible modifications in the composition of the mineral crust of the globe: the shocks are, in this case, very rapidly communicated from one place to another, and they sometimes traverse the space of a hundred leagues in less than half an hour; their progress, however, is, for the

In the earthquakes of former times, it appears that in- most part, much slower.

The direction in which the shocks are continued gene- | rally depends upon the disposition of the soil, and may, in most cases, be accurately ascertained; but, if other proofs were wanting, the knowledge of the time at which the shocks are felt at different places would remove all doubts upon this point. The noise produced upon these occasions has always been compared to that which would proceed from a number of heavily laden waggons, drawn rapidly along a paved road.

You, perhaps, imagine, Madam, that thunder and lightning are the natural accompaniments of these terrible phenomena; this, however, is not the case. The most violent concussions generally happen during the calmest weather, and do not appear to have any influence upon the state of the atmosphere. The rapid and irregular variations of the magnetic needle, known by the name of affolements, within the period of their duration, are merely a mechanical result of the shock.

The return of earthquakes is not periodical in any country, and they bear no relation to the tides.

The frequency of earthquakes is very considerable. If we reflect upon the numerous accounts of these phenomena, which have been handed down to us within the last fifteen or twenty centuries; on the still greater number of those which took place at more remote periods, and of which no historical records remain to us; if, besides, we consider that several of these earthquakes have extended over a large part of our continents, we shall be convinced that there is no part of the mineral crust of our globe which has not, several times, been convulsed and shattered by these terrible phenomena. This consideration will serve to explain to us the sate in which we shall find the most superficial part of the terrestrial spheroid.

I perceive, Madam, with regret, that the length of this letter will not permit me to speak to you of volcanoes, of which I at first intended to give you some account. They will be the subject of my next letter, but to indemnify you for this omission, I send you the descriptions of two famous earthquakes, written upon the spot by men who had the happiness to escape the general disaster. The particulars contained in them, for which we are indebted to the observation of enlightened witnesses, will serve better to give you an exact idea of these great calamities, than all that I have been able to say to you.

Literature, Criticism, &c.


"Latè ferreus hastis

Horret ager, campique armis sublimibus ardent.”—Virgil. "Erected spears cover the plain with iron to a great dis

respondent; but so long as I cannot come to a good under- | It is not for me to say what Quotator intended to enustanding with him, I would rather not meet him at the merate amongst our inducements to quote; it was his bo social board. siness to state it; for, since the point is to be argued, a

He advises me to read poets in his own way; but I can not enough that he should himself understand what he not oblige him in that. If I had wished to select a pas-means; he must also convince others of his being correct sage from Virgil, it should certainly not have been that in his views:-(Scire suum nihil est, nisi eum scire hoc sca which he was pleased to choose; the less so, as there is one alter.) He does not admire either the philosophy or the of the same author which expresses the same idea in a morals of the ancients; but what does he admire? is it, much more delicate manner than the turpe dictum which perhaps, their mythology? We really cannot know it he has brought forward :-to extract gold from, is without his deigning to tell us. One thing seems to be neither more natural nor more poetical than-to produce certain, and that is an essential one, namely, the Greeks grapes from briars :-(Incultisque rubens pendebit sentibus became clever, not only without using quotations, but uva.)-Eclogue 4. even without any inducements to use them.

The gentleman then tells me, that he will always be ready to oppose me, whenever I shall attack any of his favourite positions; and, in consequence of this resolution, he now chooses the Drinking of Healths as his chief object; and he displays an energy on the occasion which clearly proves him to be greatly attached to that good old custom: he seems to have made a slight alteration from Juvenal, and to have taken for his motto, "Drinking promotes the welfare of body and soul:”—(Bibendum est, ut sit mens sana in corpore sano.) If I were inclined to throw away much labour on this favourite position of his, I might, perhaps, find records in which the custom would be traced much further back than to the invasion of the Danes: but I do not like to give importance to trifles, (nugis addere pondus,) and he is extremely welcome to laugh at my deplorable ignorance in drinking matters. In the meantime, the habit of letting one man drink before another, (to show that the wine has not been poisoned) or protecting a drinker against surprise, whilst he empties his goblet, may both have given origin to the drinking of healths: but Y. Z. had only spoken of the latter, and he had not said a word about pledging, when I told him, that the drinking of one man could do no good to another, and that our good wishes, in that act, were a mere matter of form.

With regard to what he says about the testimony of great men, I intended to make a long reply; but I find that he has saved me that trouble by his postscript. Thus qualified, and with that rider upon it, I admit the justness of his statement on that point, and it would be unhandsome not to do so; for there is really nothing to be said against it, and I perfectly agree with him, so far as that goes.

Quototor says that he does not hold me very reverently, and this I shall bear with considerable fortitude; because there are people (and such I know) who like nobody bunt themselves:-(Dantur quibus nemo præter ipar placeat,) If the gentleman wishes to convince me, that inter to compose a good sentence in our own language, than to introduce an apt quotation, he must learn to correct his own style, which, for the present, approaches very near to what the French call le style ténébreux. When a man bas spent the greatest part of his life in reading and stu the ancient authors, his memory must, indeed, be weak, if it will not furnish him with quotations: bu would rather have every one to think for himself, express himself in his own manner :-(Sua cuiqué til : 5tatio, colorque privus.)

I do not understand what Quotator means by former communications; and I am also at a loss to d out the aptness of his allusion to the fox. He certa presumes when he fancies that it will come home: even supposing that I had not enjoyed a classical cation, what would that have to do with my argume I never said that a man was the worse for his being v read in the ancients; and I highly respect those who mak a good use of their acquirements. I only protest agains the affectation of pedants, who want to brow-best every one of whom they fancy that he has not had what they call a liberal education, although their superiority crista no where but in the imagination which they cherish:-p sibi somnia fingunt.) Yet, how many of these little do I not remember!-(Homunculi quanti sunt, cùmy cogito!) Quotator himself must have read a certa prospectus, in which one of them advances that he me to unfold the composition and the idiomatical expres of the French language, so little understood even by tat who profess to teach it. He does not state on grounds he makes such a sweeping assertion again other professors, natives and foreigners; but he g the most lamentable proofs of his being deficien: a the vernacular tongue. His prospectus is a comp mass of faults, from the beginning to the end; arte faults are all of such a nature that they cannot per I shall be, at all events, very happy to hear from Y. Z. be excused. They are neither slips of the pen De again; for he really improves upon nearer acquaintance; of the press; for both can only occur in hasty and it is but justice to acknowledge, that the more he is tions, which one has not the time to revise and to hit, the more he shows his good qualities: striking at him consequently, the author must be possessed of no sa is like forcing sparks from a good flint :-(Silicis venis ab-gree of assurance when he pretends to teach in a t strusum excudĕre ignem.)

What he means to say about translations will be, of course, as shall hereafter appear: but I hope that, in order to spare unnecessary labour, he will not forget the observation which I made in No. 224, namely, "There may be, now and then, a passage that cannot be translated with the same brevity and neatness which it has

tance, and the fields seem to be on fire with the splendour of in the original; but the meaning of it must be transferra



SIR, When I look at the splendid muster of my adversaries, whose productions cover nearly two pages of this day's Kaleidoscope, my heart is almost ready to sink within me; yet, when I consider, that even a defeat could not be disgraceful under such circumstances, I boldly advance, once more in the arena, confiding in the justice of my cause, and the impartiality of a discerning public. I had intended to withdraw, because I was afraid of wearing out your patience; but since you do not seem to wish for an end of the contest, I have no objection to its continuance. My first, most formidable, and most respectable antagonist, is Mr. Y. Z. to whom I owe an answer upon two of his communications. In the first he tells me that he cannot invite me to a rump and a dozen, and for this I am not sorry at all; because I am (thank God!) neither a glutton nor a drunkard, and mere eating and drinking will never direct me in my visits. I even prefer good company without wine, to wine without good company :(Malo hominem qui vino egeat, quam vinum quod homine., I do not mean this as a personal reflection on your cor

ble in some shape or other," and so on.

With Mr. Quotator the case is very different; he shows nothing but his vexation, which he vainly attempts to conceal under over-strained politeness and affected jocularity. He, too, is palpably hit; but we see no emission of sparks from him. I had not set up for a second Daniel; I had only pointed out some of his numerous misconceptions, and the ipse dixit of a writer is of no consequence when the affair is submitted to the public: the exceptions which I took belonged to my argument; because they proved that Quotator had neglected the study of his own language, whilst he pretended to be skilled in tongues which are not so indispensible. I do not sit in judgment myself; I leave the decision to your readers; and, unless Professor Philotheorus should come forth in the cause, I do not apprehend that there will be many dissenting voices.

language what he does not understand in bis own; may be that his long studies have done some injury t faculties, and that he is sometimes a little absent or so:-( compos mentis.) I should like to have Quotator's opi on the subject; for it certainly appears to me that the pa man has lost the fruits of his precious education:-(0) et laborem perdidit.)

I have often remarked that people who cannot mas their own affairs are always the most forward in g their advice to others; and Mr. Quotator exemplifies it. favouring me with his : but he quite forgets that the c noxious passage had been introduced by another pers and that I had protested against its propriety. I new ceive that both my antagonists insist on my having dona in a witty manner; but I had not claimed that merit know too well that self-praise is always unbecoming (Propria laus sordet.)

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