Sidor som bilder


'I had been shut up in a dark street in London, writing (I think he said) the Siege of Corinth-p. 55.


then the area of the two pistons sure on both 11-7ths p do.

11-7ths da, and the pres

At the time here alluded to, Lord Byron lived at No. 13, While the piston moves through, the carriage moves Piccadilly, looking into the through the semicircumference of the wheel which equals Green Park. The conversa-11-7ths D; but the power of traction is to the pressure on tion writer calls this a DARK the piston, as the velocity of the latter to the velocity of the former; or T: 11-7ths p da :: 7 : 11-7ths D.: Therefore T = p dal D

MR. MEDWIN makes LORD BY- street.
RON say,

"I was abused in the public Lord Byron was never hissrints; made the common ed as he went to the House of alk of private companies; Lords; nor insulted in the issed as I went to the House streets. of Lords; insulted in the streets,' &c. p. 62.

[To be continued.]

with the same velocity as before, the weight must be eight times as great; for it will then draw the boat with only four times the power. This is exactly the case of a steam-boat. The piston ou ht only to move with a certain velocity, and a certain pressure; and therefore, to produce twice the velocity, the steam area of the piston must be eight times as great. To make the question still more clear, let us inquire what is the greatest speed at which a locomotive engine can move without any additional weight. For this purpose, we have Y = and DP dal; therefore V = np dal Let n=

n D 28



28 T

The rule expressed in words is as follows:
Multiply the square of the diameter of the piston by the
length of the stroke in feet, and by the effective pressure of 45, p=10lb. d=9 inches, 2 feet, and T = 1001b; then
the steam in pounds upon each square inch, and divide by the
26 miles per hour nearly. A single wheel
diameter of the wheel in feet.

Example. What is the power of traction of a locomotive engine with two cylinders, of which the internal diameter is ten inches; the length of the stroke being 2 feet, the pressure of the steam 91b. and the height of the wheel 3 feet?-Answer,

The effective pressure is different from the real pressure;

Scientific Records. Comprehending Notices of new Discoveries or Improve-6001b. ments in Science or Art; including, occasionally, singular Medical Cases; Astronomical, Mechanical, Phifosophical, Botanical, Meteorological, and Mineralogical Phenomena, or singular Facts in Natural History; Vegetation, &c.; Antiquities, &c.; List of Patents; to be continued in a series through the Volume.] RAIL-ROADS, AND NEW MECHANICAL PARADOX.

TO THE EDITOR. IR,—As the nature of steam power does not yet apt to be fully understood even by so sensible a writer as rcorrespondent A. B. C., it may perhaps be desirable to er into a fuller explanation. It is true, that while the 1- is so strong as to blow out at the safety-valve, it exa constant force, similar to that of gravity, that is, it faces equal increments of velocity in equal times; but the piston has acquired a certain speed, the steam ceases pe, and every subsequent increase of the velocity dishes the power; in this, which is its ordinary mode of , it is no longer a constant force, but rather resembles power of the wind than the force of gravity. When a 1's first put in motion, the wind acts upon the sails with all force, and the resistance being very small, the motion celerated; but as the velocity increases, not only the fance increases, but the power also of the wind decreases, last the two forces balance each other, and the motion Pes uniform. It still more nearly resembles a carriage on a rail-road, in which case the resistance would not se with the velocity, but the power only of the wind ld be diminished. Such a carriage could never move so As the wind, however long its impulse might be contiIn like manner in a steam-engine, the fire, which is rime mover, can only produce steam of a limited power yelocity, beyond which the motion of the piston can be accelerated.

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ar correspondent principally combats a doctrine that was advanced. A crank does not alter the nature, but

for the latter has to overcome the friction of the piston itself, which is usually estimated at 31b. and the pressure of the atmosphere, which is 15lb. The whole pressure is therefore about 271b.

It is of no practical utility to estimate the time in which be of any importance. The following rules will be found of

the engine will obtain its uniform speed, as it is too short to

[blocks in formation]

To find the velocity of the carriage in miles per hour: The circumference of the wheel equal 22-7ths D; n X 60 minutes 22 n D X therefore V = 5280 feet 28 Rule.-Multiply the number of strokes in a minute by the height of the wheel in feet, and divide by 28. Ex. If the engine be making 42 strokes on a wheel of 4 feet diameter, how fast is it going?—Answ. Six miles an hour. To find the horse-power of a locomotive engine with two cylinders:

Rule. Divide the square of the diameter of the piston in

inches by 10.

Ex. What is the horse-power of an engine with two teninch cylinders?-Answ. A ten-horse power. So two nine-inch cylinders are equal to eight horses, and

two eleven-inch cylinders to twelve.

adopted. For a single cylinder the divisor is 20. This is a very useful rule, and ought to be generally

To find the power of traction a carriage will require:

Find the proportion between the weight and the friction


could not be constructed of a sufficient size, but the speed might be given by a cog-wheel and pinion. It is clear, therefore, that no finite steam power can give an infinite velocity, where the resistance is a constant force.-Yours, &c.

A. B. T.

of Arts, on Wednesday se'nnight, Dr. Fyfe took an opBrown's Pneumatic Engine.-At the Edinburgh School portunity of describing Brown's gas vacuum engine. The object of this engine is to obtain power by means of a vacuum created during the cumbustion of inflammable gas; for which purpose a gas-burner is lighted within the cylinder, and allowed to consume the internal air, part of which being condensed into water, while another part is thrown off by the sudden combustion, the valve instantly closes, and produces the vacuum. Dr. Fyfe gave a decided opinion in favour of this new discovery. It is considered as one of the grandest combinations of chymical and mechanical science ever introduced to public notice. Several persons had condemned the engine as useless, but those individuals seemed to be unacquainted with the principle upon which the vacuum was produced. They argued and made their calculations upon the theory, that combustion is effected in a close vessel; while the whole principle of the engine is, that the combustion is carried on in an open one. In point of economy, other writers have fallen into error by estimating the expense much too high. By actual experiment, it had been ascertained, that during the consumption of one foot of gas, 300 gallons of water would be raised to the height of about 20 feet-the cost of which must be trifling, compared to that of mainby Mr. Brown, the mercury gage stood at from 24 to 26 taining a steam-engine. In the engine already constructed inches-thus giving a pressure of from 12 to 13lbs. to the square inch, while the common steam-engine had not ready been given for the patent for Scotland, and nine more than 7 or 8lbs. Twenty thousand pounds had al to the propelling of private carriages and carts in England. thousand pounds for the right of applying this discovery The patent had also been sold for the West Indies; and yidual, not a citizen of the United States, in whose favour it is a remarkable fact, that Mr. Brown is the only indi

he mode of action, of a power; and the mean resulting in one instance by experiment, and it will be nearly the same the American government had ever granted a patent.

for all other weights under similar circumstances. On the

#ill be either constant or variable, according to the naNewcastle rail-roads the friction is said to be the 170th part of the original power. In a recent publication, it is eously supposed, that when a power acts through the of the weight. To the friction so found, add the weight diim of a crank, the effect is as the sum of the sines,vided by the inclination in going up hill, and subtract in

mistake arises from the omission to take into conption the times during which the several forces act. brees will be as the sines, and the times as the arcs the bed. Now the sines and the incremental arcs are as Mius and the incremental versed sines; whence the matical reader will easily deduce the true result that forcrements of velocity are as the spaces described by the Le which conclusion is confirmed by the consideration, le expenditure of steam is in the same proportion. The therefore, does not form an exception to the general Thich applies to all mechanical powers, namely, that In equilibrium, they are inversely as their velocities. addition of- in the same passage of the publication 2

to is quite erroneous, and therefore the tables deduced the expressions are wholly incorrect. The principle wrong, it is unnecessary, and would be invidious, to ut errors in detail.

going down.

51,000 300

Ex. What power will it require to draw 51,000lb. up a Newcastle rail-road, where the inclination is one in three hundred? 51,000 = 300, and 170. Answer, 470lb. 170 Down the same hill it would only require 1301b. To find the best inclination, where more goods go in one direction than the other:

Rule.-As the sum of the weights is to the difference, so is the friction to the required inclination. Ex. What should be the inclination, where the descending weights are three times as great as the ascending? Answ. 4 : 2 ::

1.1 the inclination required.

170 340

To resume the consideration of the expression T=P it appears that where the pressure and the steam cylinder Locomotive engine, as constructed by Mr. Stephenson, remain the same, the power of traction is inversely as the yo steam cylinders, which drive the wheels round by diameter of the wheel; or, in other words, the weight must of pins fixed to the spokes. The wheels are connected be diminished in proportion to the speed. This is consonant h a manner, that when one piston is at the top of its with all experience; and any expression which does not prothe other is in the middle. To find the power of trac-duce this consequence must necessarily be erroneous. The f such an engine, observations of the writer in the Scotsman are quite true, the effective pressure in pounds upon each square when the moving power is a weight; because, however fast inch; the weight be falling, the force of gravity will still produce equal accelerations in equal times. Hence it is, that four times the weight will move a boat twice as fast through

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SIR,-In the Kaleidoscope of Dec. 7, 1824, is a paragraph concerning De Foe, the author of Robinson Crusoe. The following extract from Watson's History of Halifax may interest some of your readers:-" Daniel De Foe being forced to abscond, on account of his political writings, resided some time at Halifax, in Yorkshire, at the sign of the Rose and Crown, in the Back-lane; being known to

Dr. Nettleton, the Physician, and the Rev. Mr. Priestley, Dissenting Minister. He here employed himself in writing his De Jure Divino, among other things; but in particular he is here said to have composed the Adventures of Robinson Crusoe; the subject of which was taken from the papers of Alexander Selkirk, who had been left some time on an uninhabited island of Juan de Fernandez, and had given his memoirs to De Foe to methodise, who, instead of doing as desired, struck out this entertaining novel; depriving Selkirk of making advantage of his adventures."-WATSON, p. 470. Yours, &c.




swers to the queries of an Amateur of Newry, contained
in your Kaleidoscope of the 18th instant.

To the first query, “Can there be a succession of disSIR,-As the musical queries contained in the last num- cords," I answer yes; and in support of the assertion, I ber but one of the Kaleidoscope remain unanswered, I pre-refer your correspondent to the well known sequences of 7 sume to send you a few opinions on the subject, which you and 2, with all their modifications and inversions. are at liberty to use, should you consider them of sufficient importance. Yours, &c.

AN AMATEUR.-Liverpool.

To the second query, “Can F✯ be used for Gb," I also answer yes; because, taking itgra for nted that your correspondent is correct in assigning "Bb" as the fundaThe first is, "Can there, in any composition, be a suc- mental bass of the passage quoted, "Gb A and C" form cession of discords ?" an appoggiatural chord, resolving itself respectively into Most certainly; and I trust immediately to prove this," FA and D" of the chord succeeding, where, if "G" if any proof be necessary. For this purpose, I have selec- be the appoggiatural note proper to "F," it follows, that ted a passage from Bishop's ballad, "He is all the world to Bbb (not A) is the appoggiatural note proper to "A;" me," which, with respect to the points in question, very but, if A (on account of its less remote affinity to the key closely resembles the example given: and, to show this of E) may be taken as the appoggiatural note to "A" resemblance more clearly, I have transposed it into the it follows that F✯ may be taken also as the appoggiatural same key. It is as follows: note to "F," as the relations between themselves and the passages they form are parallel. Besides, as "F" had been used in the chord next but one preceding that in which the "Gb" occurs, and in the same part of the harmony, I should prefer its use to that of "Gb," because the eye and the ear are thus prepared for the note, which must, for effect, be the same in pitch, however it may be written.


The only essential difference in these two examples is, that, in that by Bishop, the B in the bass is continued until the final close on the tonic, thereby making the chord of the dominant complete; while in the other example, the want of this, renders the harmony weak and inaccurate. Should Amateur still entertain any doubts as to the propriety of using successive discords, it is hoped the authority of Hadyn will remove them. The following is an extract from his celebrated canzonet" Lubin is away."

Amateur then says, "There is a succession of discords here, as B is the fundamental bass note." The latter would certainly have become a discord, by having B for its bass; but the other is a discord independently, admitting of B, not as a fundamental, but as a pedal bass.

He next asks, "Could the author have substituted FX for Gb?" This is a point on which I think theorists will be found to differ, some considering it allowable, and others, denying that it can be done. That Gb is better, will hardly, I humbly conceive, be doubted; for, as such, it may appear as part of the chord of the subdominant, and, consequently, bear a much nearer affinity to the key than it otherwise would. This, I am aware is not the only light in which it may be considered as G b; it may retain the same character if we call the chord F.


SIR,-May I trouble you to insert the following, as an

I am of opinion that the FUNDAMENTAL BASS of
the two chords quoted is formed of F dominant of Bb,
succeeded by Bb dominant of the key-note; and
that Bb, which ought, for the sake of correctness in
writing, to have continued throughout the bar, is merely
a PEDAL BASS. With this view then of the bass, there
is no doubt of G being the correct note; but I am not
sure that such writers as Haydn would not use "
its substitute, for the reasons given in the preceding para-
F*" as
graph, or for that which led Haydn to write A and B
in the same chord, in different parts of his score of "The
heavens are telling the glory of God."

[blocks in formation]

29. It is Pallas (Palace.)

30. Because he is a quadrangular (quod wrangler) that
is, a wrangler in quod or prison!!!

[Since we published the solution to the 22d conundrum
in the last Kaleidoscope, we have been favoured with another
solution, which is much better, although the author we
suspect is a wag. The question asked "Why is a lady
curling her hair like a housebreaker ?"-to which our
new correspondent replies, "Because she disturbs the

31. Why is a crooked nail, driven fast into a wall, like
one of our excellent public charities?
32. Why are prisoners working in the tread-wheel like
disinterested patriots?

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After which the Farce of


OR, HIGH LIfe above stAIRS.

The Part of Sir John Trotly, by Ma RILET. No. 10, Basnet-street, corner of Williams-are: at the Tickets to be had of Mr. Ryley, at Mr. Goore's Lodgings, Waterloo Hotel, York Hotel, Saddle Inn, Turf Tavern, Stai speare Tavern, and Red Lion, Mersey-street. A plan of the Boxes may be seen at Mrs. Goore's, Straw-bonnet Stop, corner of Williamson-square.

To Correspondents.

RESERVE COMMUNICATIONS.-The following are in tera


our next:-A Musical Piece-Letter II. from
Devotee, on Capital Punishment-Letter II on the Battle
tonian System-Letter on the newly-advanced mechanist
paradox, connected with locomotive machines, and u
graving, the communication of T. H. T. of Fairfiel-Da
translation of Eruditionis Amator-Notices of Liverpo
former times-Lines by Cestriensis, of Chester-Lines by
Y. Z.-Lines by Medicius-Lines by J. Land the ca
nication of R. of Newry.

ERRATUM-In the lines on "Heaven," in the last vi
leidoscope, page 248, fifth stanza, line sixth, ir "We"|
blindly, &c. read "Man" blindly, &c.
MUSIC. In consequence of our intimation in a late
we have been favoured from several quarters with di
a copy of the song, "When I heard the roaring oce
We feel obliged to the gentlemen who have thus exp
their readiness to oblige us. We shall not fall to eval
selves in due time of their politeness; although we
immediately call upon them to furnish us with a copy
have several musical pieces in reserve, which claim pr
of insertion. The song which we inquired after it
good, and as it is out of print, it appears to us to beling
that class of musical pieces which we can revive wh
vantage to our musical readers, without injury to the
ers in printed music, with whose fair profits we have ma
tention to interfere. There are very many beautiful
and other pieces which, although they are out of pris
infinitely superior in merit to many of the popular
of the day. Some of these it is our intention to re
and the song to which we have alluded is one of the

T. F. of Gloucester-street, will please to accept our tha

the loan of some books.

The Swiss Music is pleasing; but we understand th
original contains more parts, which we hope to o
M. N. of Stoke Newington, London, is informed that
shall insert the proffered communication, if we ca
in deciphering the whole of the manuscript, d
we have, however, some doubts at present, especia
criss-cross passage.

note, addressed to S. N.-W. SS. S.-G. S.
Newry, explaining our views respecting the s

music which we shall introduce into the Kalcid arrangements have rendered it necessary to within note; but we shall next week resume the subject. The letter of Detector, on Mr. Greaves's report, respecting

roads, will be given in the Mercury.

SHAKSPEARE AND LORD BYRON.-The interesting article
specting the original editor of Shakspeare; and that the
the Westminster Review, respecting Lord Byron, have
us to withdraw several communications we had prep
and which shall appear next week.
The Song by S. S. of Manchester, is very acceptable.
SAYINGS AND DOINGS.-We may probably, in our next
some extracts from, and remarks upon this work.
FIRE.-We shall next week lay before our readers the
suggestion of C. on this important subject.
The verses of Jerry shall not be deferred beyond next

Printed, published, and sold, EVERY TUESDAY,
E. SMITH & CO. 75, Lord-street, Liverpool


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Literary and Scientific Mirror.


faralliar Miscellany, from which religious and political matters are excluded, contains a variety of original and selected Articles; comprehending Literature, Criticism, Men and Manners usement, Elegant Extracts, Poetry, Anecdotes, Biography, Meteorology, the Drama, Arts and Sciences, Wit and Satire, Fashions, Natural History, &c. &c. forming a handsome Annua Aume, with an Index and Title-page.—Its circulation renders it a most eligible medium for Literary and Fashionable Advertisements.—Regular supplies are forwarded weekly to the Agents.

D. 241,—VOL. V.






part of the town, it would have occasioned great destruc- | the height of the walls; in some places, they had even tion among the common houses. But its fury being appeased, on the 4th of May, it continued to flow only in small currents, which were principally directed towards Na legère couche de vie, qui fleurit à la surface du globe, ne the sea. It has demolished, in the upper country, about sere que des ruines.

می ترید

Paris: printed, 1824.

fourteen towns and villages, some of which were not in-
considerable, and contained three or four thousand in-

ranslated expressly for the Kaleidoscope from a recent French habitants: it has also extended to a pleasant and fertile



Melarticulars given by some English merchants, extracted


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from the Philosophical Transactions.)

country, never before laid waste by an eruption. No
traces remain of the existence of these towns, except a
church and a steeple, which stood upon a small eminence,
separate from the other buildings.

We ascended, at two or three o'clock in the afternoon, to a high tower, at Catana, which commanded a view of the crater of the volcano: the mass of fire issuing from it was a terrible spectacle. The following morning we wished to visit this crater; but we dared not approach nearer than to the distance of a furlong from it, lest by a change of wind we should be enveloped in some portion of the immense column of ashes, which rose from it, and which appeared to us, twice as thick as the steeple of St. Paul's, in London, and of an infinitely greater height. The atmosphere around was entirely filled with the most subtile parts of these ashes; and, from the beginning of the eruption to the end (during fifty-four days) neither sun nor stars were visible, in any part of the country, adjacent to the mountain.

The matter, thrown out in this eruption, is composed of different species of minerals, liquified in the entrails of the earth, by the action of the fire; it bubbles and foams like the source of a great river. When the liquid mass The sky appeared black during eighteen days before has flowed over the space of a stone-throw or more, its eruption; there were frequent concussions of the extremity begins to grow solid, and to be covered with a h, accompanied by thunder and lightning, of which crust, which when it is cold, forms those hard and porous most alarming accounts were diffused by the people. stones, called by the inhabitants, sciarri. It then assumes We not, however, heard that these shocks overturned the form of a collection of enormous burning coals, slowly edifice, except a small village called Nicolasi, situated rolled over one another; when it meets any obstacle, it bout half a mile's distance from the new crater, and a ascends by collecting itself in a heap, overturning by its small houses in the villages to which the fire after-weight, edifices of an ordinary size, and consuming all Is extended. It had been remarked that the ancient combustible substances. The torrent generally moved er, on the summit of Etna, had discharged more flames forwards, without deviating from a direct line; but it also ausual during the three or four preceding months; extended laterally, as water does, when it flows over level se emitted at Volcan and Stromboli, twe burning ground, and formed different branches, or tongues, as they ads, situated to the west of Etna, had also been ob- are called in this country. red considerably to augment, and it was perceived that summit of Etna had sunk into its ancient crater. In all who have before seen this mountain, agree that elevation is much diminished at this period. "he first eruption took place on the 11th of March, 9, two hours before sunset, on the south eastern deity of the mountain, about twenty miles below the ent crater, and ten miles from Catana. It was at reported, that the current of burning lava traversed ee miles in twenty-four hours; but having, on the 5th April, visited a place within a mile's distance from tana, we perceived that it advanced hardly a furlong a day: it continued to move with the same degree of acity during fifteen or twenty days, passing near the ds of Catana, and penetrating to a considerable disce into the sea. But, towards the end of this month, at the beginning of May, whether it was, that the a resisted the further progress of the matter, or that the slcano discharged a larger quantity of it, it turned its e towards the town; and, having been heaped up to e height of the walls, formed a passage over them, in veral places. Its fury fell chiefly upon a very pretty invent of Bernardino, ornamented with spacious gardens, d other grounds, between the house and the wall of the wn. The burning lava, having filled up this space, dicted all its force against the edifice; it experienced a restance which it caused to ascend very high, a consequence at always ensued, whenever its passage was interrupted Fany obstacle. Some parts of the building entirely gave ay, and sunk nearly a foot, as it appeared by the prosction of the bricks towards the middle of the wall, and y the bending of the pieces of iron fastened across it. It certain, that if this torrent had fallen upon any other


A quantity of stones, of moderate size, fell from the sides of this column; we could not distinguish whether or not they were burning, neither was it possible for us to see the source of the torrent of fire, on account of a large bank of ashes immediately in front of us. A noise, like distant thunder, or like the roaring of the waves when they are dashed against the rocks, proceeded from the orifice, whence issued the fire and ashes. This sound has, more than once, reached me when I have been at Messina, which is sixty miles distant, and situated at the foot of a chain of high mountains. It has even been heard a hundred miles north of the volcano, in Calabria, where ashes have also been seen to fall. Some of our seamen have related, that the decks of their vessels were covered with them, although, probably, the layer was not very thick.

passed over them. The first night of our arrival, a new current of fire issued from among some sciarri, upon which we had been walking an hour or two before, and which were level with the height of the walls; it flowed into the town, forming a small stream of fire, about three feet broad, and nine feet long, and consolidating itself into sciarri at its extremities. This current was extinct the next morning, although it had covered with sciarri a wide space before vacant. The following evening, a much stronger current was discovered, precipitating itself from another part of the wall into the ditch of the castle. We learned that this stream continued to flow during several days after our departure. There were, at the same time, other currents of lava, which bent their course towards the sea.

Having passed two days near Catana, we returned towards the crater, where there was no longer any danger to be apprehended from the fire, or ashes; we thence clearly discovered the ancient and new channels of lava, and the enormous heap of ashes which had been discharged in the course of the eruption. We saw a triangular space, of about two leagues in extent, which appeared to be the ancient bed or channel of fire; the bot tom of it was covered with sciarri, and the surface incrustated with sulphur; it was bordered on each side by a large bank of ashes, and the new summit rose behind it. It seems that the fire had passed between these two banks. In the upper corner, upon a small elevation of sciarri, there was a hole, about six feet broad, whence it is probable that the fire issued; there must have been several of these holes, which have since been incrustated over, or filled up with ashes. The fire was seen to flow at the bottom of this hole; and, lower down we discovered, through a cleft in the bed of sciarri, the burning metal flowing beneath it. The surface of this current appeared to be about a fathom broad, though it was probably broader below, as the channel was widened towards the bottom. We could not measure its breadth, because it was impenetrable to instruments of iron. We were desirous of procuring some of this matter at the source, but it was impossible to make any incision in it: perhaps there were some currents, consisting of a softer substance. A sulphurous smoke, by which some persons of our company narrowly escaped being suffocated, issued from this channel, particularly from the large hole above. A column of smoke or ashes arose, every quarter of an hour, from the centre of the new summit; but it was, by no means, equal in magnitude to that already mentioned.

The last time that we were at Catana, the inhabitants

were occupied in barricading certain streets and passages, through which it was presumed that the fire would pass : they demolished for that purpose the old houses in the neighbourhood, and heaped up the dry loose stones in the form of a wall, supposing that they resisted the fire better when there was no lime amongst them.

It is said that the lava has advanced a mile into the sea, and that it is at least a mile in breadth at its extremity: it was much less extensive when we were there. The scaTowards the middle of May, we returned to Catana. shore declines with a gradual slope; the water is about The appearance of things was then much changed: five fathoms in depth at the extremity of the sciarri, which sciarri were amassed round three-fourths of the town, to rise about two fathoms and a half above it.


The surface of the water was so warm at the distance of more than twenty feet from these currents of fire, that it was impossible to hold the hand in it; it was, however, much cooler lower down. The sciarri preserved their heat under the water, as we perceived at the ebb of the The general appearance of these sciarri is like that presented by flakes of ice amassed upon a river, during a hard frost in some places they resemble a rugged heap of flocks of wool; but their colour is quite different: they are, for the most part, of a deep blue, and inclose large stones and rocks, which are closely united with them.

But, notwithstanding their roughness, and the fire that we saw shining through the clefts, we ventured to cross a Large part of them. It is said that this has often been done during the greatest violence of the eruption; for whilst the burning and moving part of these sciarri, or currents of fire, is so hard and impenetrable that they support the greatest weights, their surface is so cold, that when it is touched, the fire within is not perceptible, unless, indeed, the intervening part be not sufficiently thick. It was curious to observe the slow motion of this great river : when it approached a house, there was time not only to carry away the furniture, but even to remove the tiles, beams, and all other moveable parts of the building. I shall add, that all the country, to the distance of twenty miles from Catana, is covered with the sciarri ejected in former eruptions, though no one remembers any eruption so violent as the last, or which took place in so low a part of the mountain. Notwithstanding that, the country is well cultivated, and very populous, whether it be that time has softened the old sciarri, or that they have been covered by a lighter soil. There still remain many districts which, most probably, will never be made productive.

The current of burning lava is now nearly seventeen miles in length, and about three miles in breadth.

Literature, Criticism, &c.



dern Greek gamma and chi. Perhaps they are latent in
other sounds, like fire in flint, or aqua fortis in saltpetre;
or they may, possibly, have been congealed in some great
frost, like the conversation of Sir John Mandeville's crew
at Nova Zembla. However, if Mr. Hamilton can make
out English representatives for those aliens, and about as
many more with which I can furnish him from the He-
brew, Arabic, and Persian, I for one shall rejoice at his
success, for I am very partial to my native tongue, and
shall be truly happy to learn that it is possessed of powers
and comprehensiveness which I never dreamt of. It would
be frivolous and unprofitable to debate whether our th is
a simple sound or not. I think it would rather surprise a
Spaniard to hear that his soft c and z are not simple, but
compound sounds. These are, however, in most provinces,
pronounced exactly like our th, and I could tell Mr. Ha-
milton of six or seven other languages wherein this sound
is expressed by a single letter of the alphabet. I do not
clearly understand what is meant by saying, that the
French and Germans do not pronounce the above sounds,
"because they are not taught." It is not surprising that
their mothers and nurses do not teach them, seeing that
they cannot utter it themselves; but how comes it that we
Englishmen find it so difficult to help them over this
stumbling-block? Perhaps it is because we do not set
about it on Hamiltonian principles.

It would be heresy to question Mr. H.'s perfect acquaint.
ance with ancient classical literature; but it seems there
are many things relating to it which he does not kn
In return for what he has taught me, I will communica
a little piece of news to him, namely, that many gramman
and lexicons, written by the authors to whom I alluded, are
still extant, and well known to the critics. When Mr. H.
next goes to examine his Cambridge classes, he may find
the college libraries a Greek grammar bylApollonius Dy
colus, a whole collection of ancient Latin ones edited by
Putschius, a Lexicon Homericun of Apollonius, another
lexicon by Julius Pollux-cum multus aliis, which I would
civilly request him to examine, and then to favour us
with his opinion of their contents. I fear he would disco-
ver that the authors were totally ignorant of the merits of
the Hamiltonian system, and that their productions are
not a whit better than the "trash" which is crammed
down our throats by their successors of the present day.
4. If I rightly understand Mr. H.'s explanation of the
dishonesty and deceit of giving a word two meanings-one
of which is right-it seems to shew that a thing may be
true and false at the same moment; and that if a man
who owes me a shilling pays me two, one good and the
other bad, I ought indignantly to reject them both. Last
any one deficient in " sagacity or candour” should be
startled at this doctrine (which to me is at least as dar
2. "Cato and Cicero never saw a grammar; first, be- that" il y a" are not three words, but one), we will try
cause none existed, and secondly, because if they did ex- to confirm it by a familiar illustration :-Suppose one of
ist, grammars are not the place in which they would have Mr. H.'s Liverpool pupils were to set out for Warrington,
studied it." (what?) We may here observe, that Mr. and to find, after passing through Prescot, two roads-ger
Hamilton says nothing about glossaries or the right, and another to the left-he night, acording
If no such things existed in Cato's time, I suppose he was to this new system of logic, reason thus,—“ Onlyard
enabled to talk of them, and call them by their names by these can be the proper road to Warrington, the
a spirit of prophecy, or some faculty analogous to the se- both equally deceive; for though one may pa
cond sight of the Highlanders. Whether Cicero ever saw right, yet, with regard to my proposed journey, mak
any thing constructed like our Eton and Westminster to be so, because there is another adjoining to it which i
grammars, or not, is a point that I will not contend for; wrong. I will, therefore, carefully avoid both, and p
but I think it may be proved that he saw, read, and ap- back to Liverpool." A conclusion truly Hamiltonia
proved of certain grammatical treatises of nearly the same and if our traveller acted upon it, it is clear that he
tendency. In my former letter I alluded to two books, get to the end of his journey as infallibly, as he wa
"de Analogia," written by Julius Cæsar (we are not in-acquire a perfect knowledge of Greek, in fifty lessons,
formed whether he was Grand Master of the Templars or
not.) Now, as Mr. Hamilton undertakes to make his

pupils perfect in Latin, it would be absurd to suppose
that he himself has not repeatedly read over all the Latin
authors. As, however, their works are pretty voluminous,
it may possibly have escaped his recollection that Cicero,
Brutus," mentions the above
in his dialogue entitled "
work of Cæsar with great distinction, and, moreover, in-

an hour each.

5. As Mr. Hamilton seems mightily out of hum SIR,-Allow me, through the medium of your valuable with the French sentence about the loaves and fida (which I fancied to be things quite to his taste) miscellany, to thank Mr. Hamilton for condescending to happy to inform him that it is not of my own mand notice my humble tribute to the merits of his system. As from some marks of spleen displayed in his letter, I fear ture, but copied, verbatim et literate, from a French tament, printed at Geneva in the year 1653. I can that he regards me as nothing better than an enemy in disguise, I hasten to correct this unfavourable impression, forms us, that it was dedicated or addressed to himself the obnoxious phrase "qu'est ce DE cela" in old W over assure him, that he may find numerous instanc by the assurance that I look upon him as a gentleman not of common sagacity and attainments, and his method of Many fragments of this work are still extant, and I do not especially those of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuris teaching as a most extraordinary system. He has not, in- know whether pity or disdain will predominate in Mr. Mr. Hamilton, however, says it is not French, and In deed, gratified my curiosity on all points, particularly Hamilton's breast, when he is informed, that the illus-pose we must take his word for it,-Rabelais, Most about the Monks, whom he now seems somewhat shy of trious author took the frivolous pains to teach his readers and all their contemporaries, to the contrary, b introducing. This I rather regret, for the truly dramatic how to decline pollen, pollinis, Samnis, Samnitis, &c.; in standing. I think itis pretty obvious, that my re representation which he gave us of the manner in which short, that it actually consisted of rules for declensions, the passage was not meant to be good sense, or gadg those worthy gentlemen were led to invent vocabularies genders, and conjugations, or, in other words, was com-lish, but only according to Hamiltonian prisjak and grammars, was certainly one of the most striking fea-posed of much the same materials as our Accidence, Protures of his lecture, and I should be sorry if any thing pria quæ maribus, and As in præsenti! Shame upon that I have said should induce him to omit it for the fu. Cæsar for writing, and on Cicero and Quintilian for ture. However, though he maintains an oracular silence commending, such “trash” as this! on this topic, I feel duly thankful for the novel and important information he has furnished upon others. Some doubts still remain upon my mind, which I will propound in the order suggested by Mr. H.'s letter, and I question not that he, or some of his friends, will be able to furnish a candid and satisfactory solution.

1, "The simple sounds of all languages are the same,"

was, in fact, made in humble imitation of M

rendering of "les ténébres ne l'ont point reçue"
one of his papers is translated, "the darknesse
not received it." I freely admit that Mr. H
is, upon the whole, better than mine, because the
less of it.

3. “Grammarians then taught elocution, correct and elegant speaking, rhetoric, philosophy." So they fre quently did. But they also taught the inflexions, governIn conclusion, I cannot but commend Mr. B. ment, and construction of words, and were so far gramma-dence in keeping out of the kitchen, where he aught ha rians in our sense of the term, just as an apothecary is not got into hot water, or burnt his fingers. I leave hi less an apothecary because he also practises as accoucheur justify his contempt of cookery to Dr. Kitchiner and and surgeon. Any body, who doubts whether they con- editor of L'Almanac des Gourmands as well as he ca It follows, I suppose, from this, that all the simple sounds descended so far, may find ample proof of it in Quintilian, but I hope he will excuse my thinking, that a m and the Nocles Attice of Aulus Gellius. What Apollonius Dyscolus and his fifty brethren were, or were not, is not a point to be decided by Mr. H.'s assertions-ness of the word peoples, I can satisfy Mr. H. that there (though they undoubtedly go very far")—but by evidence. is a precedent for using it. Rev. x. 11, "Thou must prep again before many peoples." Compare chap. xvi. 15 Mr. H. produce equally respectable authority for b

of all other languages exist in our own. Now, I must confess, that after all my researches, I cannot discover any English equivalents for at least half a score sounds in other European languages, among which may be mentioned, the French u, the Portuguese nasal n, and m, the Spanish j anda, the German g, gutteral, and the mo

* Some captious people may perhaps think that they occa

sionally go rather too far.

Without meaning to vindicate the elegance or s



MR. MEDWIN'S LORD BYRON. 'My love for it (Scotland) however was at one time much shaken by the critique in the Edinburgh Review on the Hours of Idleness, and I transferred a portion of my dislike to the country.'

THE FACT. The review on the Hours of Idleness appeared in 1808-9. The Curse of Minerva was written and printed in 1812. The occasion of this poem was the mutilation of the Parthenon, which Lord Byron had • Mr. Medwin adds this note himself seen, and which, but 'He wrote about this time not a dislike to Scotland, gave the Curse of Minerva, in which birth to the Curse of Minerva. he seems very closely to have followed Churchill.'-p. 77, 78.

'I afterwards established at

Knowledge of the French terms of the art would be of some little use to a traveller in France, who might otherwise be in danger of getting boiled meat for roast, or a mutton-chop instead of a beefsteak.• Should a debate hereafter arise between any Hamiltonian and his French cook, or restaurateur-the former maintaining that cimicr means only a crest, and the latter that it more properly denotes a rump, I recommend that rather than appeal to the dictionary they should settle the matter by tossing up for heads or tails. Mr. Hamilton triumphantly appeals to the effects produced by his system, as a convincing This story was told in a proof of its excellence. Heaven forbid that I should the Abbey a new order. The magazine or newspaper of the question their reality, particularly when so many respect- members consisted of twelve, day, on some slight foundaable gentleman sign testimonials, declaring that they are and I elected myself grand tion-but the details here put wish master, or abbot of the skull, into Lord Byron's mouth are perfectly satisfied with him and themselves. As a grand heraldic title. A set all untrue. Lord Byron did to part from a gentleman who has given me so many new of black gowns, mine distin- not establish the order, or ideas on terms of perfect civility and good humour, Iguished from the rest, was or- ever call himself abbot of the hope Mr. H. will allow me also to bear my humble tes-dered, and from time to time, skull-they were not twelve mony to the real merits of his system with this unequiocal declaration (which I request you will put in capitals for the sake of greater emphasis)—that I believe every thing which has been said of its intrinsic excellence, certainty, and wonderful effects, TO BE AS TRUE AS IF MR. GULLIVER HIMSELF HAD SPOKEN IT.-I reain, Sir, yours, most respectfully, Preston, January 24, 1825.


* The utility of this knowledge may be illustrated by the Following story:—A friend of mine who was resident in Paris In the year 1816, happened to meet with a fashionable young Englishman, who was making a short tour in France, in comany with his sister. The young gentleman being asked How he liked France," replied, "So well, that I shall be Feartily glad to leave it." "Perhaps (said my friend) you are -ot familiar with the language." "No, faith; nor shall I take he trouble to learn it." "But how do you manage to get long without it?" "Why, my sister Bess professes to act as terpreter: but though she pretends to feel an enthusiastic Imiration for French literature, and talks a great deal about le beauties of Racine, I suspect that she does not know much ore about the matter than myself. We were dining the ther day at a restaurateur's, and I desired Bess to inquire if re could have a dish of rump steaks; but the deuce a bit could Gre he make them comprehend about rump steaks--except by paninime!"

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Mr. MEDWIN in his own person.

when a particular hard day or indeed any regularly-named
was expected, a chapter was members of any order-some
held; the crane was filled with dresses were sent from a mas-
claret, and, in imitation of the querade warehouse, but not
Goths of old, passed about to black no chapter was held or
the gods of the consistory, talked of the dresses were
whilst many a prime joke was never put on more than once
cut at its expense.'-pp. 88, 89. or twice-and many a primetioned, and after he had praised
joke was not cut at the ex-
pense of the skull.

'An order was issued at Za

[blocks in formation]

The truth has been already 'I afterwards had reason to discovered respecting this ode think that the ode was Lord on the death of Sir John Byron's; that he was piqued Moore, and those who knew at none of his own being men- Lord Byron will appreciate the vulgar speculation as to the the verses so highly, could not reason of his concealing his being the author of the poem. own them."* pp. 167, 168.


'Murray published a letter

Those who knew Lord Byron will detect at once the Mr. MEDWIN'S LORD BYRON vulgarisins of the pretended conversation. The story, as dressed up for sale, is a fiction. A long circumstantial story nina by its sanguinary Rajah, is here told by the pretended Lord Byron, which is detected that, &cp. 119. at once by one word. The real Lord Byron could never have talked of the Rajah of Zanina (Joannina.) In Hindostan a Rajah is a prince, in European Turkey a rayah is a tributary subject. Those indeed, acquainted with Lord Byron's style of conversation, would, without this silly blunder, defect the imposition at



I wrote to him from Venice,
which might have seemed an
idle display of vanity; but the
object of my writing it was,
to contradict what Turner
had asserted, about the impos
sibility of crossing the Helles
pont from the Abydos to the
Sestos side, in consequence of
the tide. One is as easy as the
other; we did both.'-pp. 168,

"We were to have under-
taken this feat some time be-
fore, but put it off in eonse-
quence of the coldness of the

"When I was at Athens, This story immediately fol-water.'-p. 170. there was an edict in force si- lows the other, and is got up milar to that of Ali's, except with similar accuracy; that the mode of punishment other contradiction is neceswas different; it was necessary than to mention, that the sary therefore that all love girl whose life Lord Byron affairs should be carried on saved at Athens was not an with the greatest privacy. I object of his Lordship's attachwas very fond at that time of a ment-but of that of his Lord. Turkish girl-ay, fond of her ship's Turkish servant. as I have been of few women.'

"The severest fever I ever Lord Byron left Fletcher at had was at Patras; I had left Athens, and not at ConstantiFletcher at Constantinople, nople. convalscent, but unable to move through weakness,' &c.

The Examiner was not the-pp. 121, 122. only paper that defended Lord Byron. The Morning Chronicle was a zealous advocate of his Lordship; and Mr. Perry, the editor, had a personal altercation with Sir R. Noel on the subject.

This is altogether contrary to the fact, as those who witnessed the deed of separation between Lord and Lady Byron

can testify.

Lord Byron was born in January, 1788, and his father died in August, 1791; so that Lord Byron was only three years and a half old when his father died.

Mrs. Malaprop's words are very different; and Lord Byron was singularly accurate as well as apposite in his quotations. The pretended conversation makes him neither one nor the other.

Lord Byron's father did not married or ran away with run out three fortunes, nor marry or run away with three

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My real Vampyre I gave at The conversation said to the end of Mazeppa, some- have been held at Diodati is thing in the same way that I fictitous. With the exception told it one night at Diodati, of Mr. Lewis, no one told a when Monk Lewis and Shelley tale, and Mrs. Shelley never and his wife were present. saw the late Mr. Lewis in her The latter sketched on that life. The Preface to Frankenoccasion the outline of her stein shows that that story Pygmalion story, the modern was invented before Lord By. ron's and Mr. Shelley's tour on Prometheus.—p. 149.

[blocks in formation]

Lord Byron did not do both, he only swam from the Sestos to the Abydos side.

Lord Byron and Mr. Ekenhead did undertake this feat some time before they did not "put it off" in consequence of the coldness of the waterthey gave it up in eonsequence of the coldness of the water, when about half over the strait.

[To be concinded in our next.]

I am corroborated in this opinion lately by a lady, whose brother received them many years ago from Lord Byron, in his own hand-writing.

The Housewife.

"Housekeeping and husbandry, if it be good, Must love one another as cousins in blood: The wife, too, must husband as well as the man, Or farewel thy husbandry, do what thou can." Food and Physic.-If you have a severe cold, and are very hoarse, have some water-gruel prepared in the or-> dinary way-(if you are ignorant how to make it, ask any old woman)-when nearly ready, slice in two or three good onions; simmer it again for twenty minutes; pour it out; put in a lump of butter, with pepper and salt, and eat it (with bread if you are hungry) go to bed soon after: the next morning, if you are not quite well, you will be much improved, and willing to try a second dose, which will certainly effect a cure.-Economist.

Breakfast for Consumptive Patients.-Those of a spare habit, and disposed towards affections of the lungs, should breakfast on the following:-Boil a dessert spoonful of ground coffee in a pint of milk, a quarter of an hour; then put into it a shaving or two of isinglass, and clear it let it boil a few minutes, and set it on the side of the fire to fine, sweetened with sugar.

Cure for Chilblains.-Prick the part affected, and squeeze out the blood at that period when the flesh is much inflamed, and feels more solid than usual. It is necessary to make an incission in every inch of the sore. Chilblains are first caused by the blood congealing, and, consequently, as soon as it is evacuated, a cure is effected. By this easy remedy, I have cured both my hands and feet when they have been much swollen.-Correspondent.

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