Sidor som bilder


at it was generally allowed, that large and unwieldy socie-clusive to those who will trace physical effects to physical
Imanage their affairs badly; and it might, therefore, be
y assumed, considering the disadvantages which a so- "It now remains to make a few observations on the jour-
of this kind, formed in India, would labour under ney through Egypt. A great deal has been said on this head;
difficulty of assembling, and the uncertainty of the but as many difficulties are still considered, by some, to oppose
tinuance here of its members) that the proposed plan, us in this part of the proposed communication, we shall per-
ntrusted to the management of such a body here, would haps be pardoned for adding a few remarks on the subject.
badly carried into effect and badly managed. Any idea "With respect to the road from Suez to Cairo, it is a level
profit had been diselaimed; but, in point of fact, men plain, easily traversed by carriage and horses, and all difficulty
re all influenced, as Mr. Johnson had said of the Pasha of on that score therefore is merely visionary. A previous ar-
gpt, by selfish considerations: profit must therefore be rangement with the Pasha would always secure a guard to
nsidered as the only permanent motive to carry into ex-protect passengers against the attacks of wandering Arabs.
rution and conduct the proposed plan. Those who first "The plague, therefore, is the only serious obstacle: in
tarted it might, indeed, be actuated by higher and more this we think we shall be able to show, that there is nothing
isinterested views; but those who carried it on must inevi- to fear. We have consulted various authorities on the subject,
ably look to this result of their labours, or no reasonable hope and we gather from all of them, that the plague prevails in
ould be entertained, with reference to the known laws of Egypt only at one season of the year. Doctor Clarke says,
uman nature, that they would be cheerfully performed, or ' upon the retiring of the Nile, the country is one vast swamp.
ad to a successful issue. Now he did think that a commit- The atmosphere, impregnated with putrid and offensive ex-
e in this country were most unlikely so to conduct the halations, then stagnates like the filthy pools over which it
heme as to render it profitable, for reasons that had been broods. Then, too, the plague begins, nor ceases until the
ated, and which he thought must be almost obvious to all waters return again.' From this it would appear, that
: addressed. He was decidedly of opinion, therefore, that the visitations of the plague are periodical; and, con-
he offer of a premium to any individual, here or at home, to sequently, that at one season of the year, the objection
urry the scheme into effect, was the most likely to effect the founded on its prevalence does not exist. The expression,
ad proposed, in the best, the speediest, and the least expen- on the retiring of the Nile,' is certainly indefinite. We
ve manner. By the offer of a premium the undertaking was know, however, that the Nile commences rising on or about
rown open to the whole capital and ingenuity of India and the 18th of June, and is at its height in the middle of Septem-
eat Britain; whereas, by the appointment of a committee ber. Now the rising of the Nile constantly occasions the
re, the management of the business must be left to an agent disappearance of the Plague; but as it is at its height in the
England, a failure in the choice of whom might cause the middle of September, it of course immediately after, com-
ole scheme to end in loss and disappointment. By the mences retiring.'
er of a premium we throw the undertaking of the plan open
the competition of the men of genius of England; and, if
ey did not succeed, he was indeed at a loss where to look for
reess. Another reason against the appointment of a com-
ttee here was, that we wanted data to establish the amount
capital actually required. He, Mr. Mackenzie, had reason
believe that the expenses of building a steam-vessel of 400
would amount to upwards of £14,000. It is true that
s was the estimated price; but it was well known that es-
nates were apt to be very fallacious. Mr. Mackillop, he be-
ved, could speak from experience on the point, in reference,
the steam-vessel here.(A laugh.) The estimate of the ex-
hse of building that vessel, furnished, too, by a most intel-
fat and skilful individual, was 15,000 rupees; and she had
ntually cost, he understood, 32,000. It is evident, there
t, that estimates may be most deceptive and erroneous:
, if that furnished In this case be correct, the, premium
ered would secure us the supply of a vessel here within
eive months from this date. The next question was, could
raise £10,000? It was assumed that the scheme would
ve advantageous to the comforts of all, and profitable to
ay. Speaking for himself he could say that he should wil-
By aid in promoting the increase of these comforts. To
mercantile body the plan offered more weighty advan-
es than to others, inasmuch as speediness of intelligence
of more importance to them, than to any other class of
lety. It could not therefore be doubted, that the Indian
munity would subscribe to obtain these advantages.
Main Johnson, it was plain, acted on the supposition that
were to sit down quietly with a prospect of losing two laes
rupees, to obtain an object that might be effected without
such risk. He had no doubt that the community would
lingly contribute two lacs to promote the communication
as proposed to establish; but, if they gave two in that way,
as confident they would much more readily give one, as a
nium, in the way he had suggested.
Mr. Paton inquired whether the government would not
onize the undertaking?




SIR,-In the last Courier the Rev. Mr. Orré gives his reasons for not adopting the wonderful and unaccount able system presented with such assurance to the public." Presuming that he means the system on which I teach, I take the liberty to make a few remarks on his advertisement, disclaiming, with him, all unworthy motives of prejudice or jealousy, and wishing truth only to prevail. Mr. Orré assures that he teaches his pupils, and has taught during the last 30 years, in the same manner in which a long list of French authors, whom he names, were taught, and according to the system followed and prescribed by another list equally long; and he trusts, that the system observed in the education of the former, and prescribed by the latter, will not be put to the blush and consigned to oblivion by the above "wonderful one," which he assures is not new, but was proposed many years ago by a great literary character in France, and rejected. What motive Mr. Orré could have for making a secret of the name of this great literary character, I cannot guess; but supposing him to mean Mr. Dumarsais, I would beg leave to inform him, that Mr. D. only attempted to bring into use interlineary translation; for the Rev. Mr. Orré must know, that these translations had been used by Arius Montanus and others, long before Mr. Dumarsais; but interlineary translations form but a speck in the Hamiltonian system; besides, the translations used on this system are altogether different from those made by Arius Montanus, Dumarsais, or his numerous followers. Before the Hamiltonian system, no translation had ever been made in which each word was translated by a corresponding part of speech; none in which the grammatical analysis of the phrase was taught by the translation only; none in which words are (as a general rule) allowed to have but one meaning; none in which the idion of the language of the pupil was wholly sacrificed to the pupil's intelligence of the idiom of the language taught; above all, no translation, interlineary or other, was ever before used in the same inanner as they are used on the Hamiltonian system; none ever produced, or could rationally be supposed to produce, their uniform and certain result. The Hamiltonian system is therefore alto

"In December the Nile is very high; and that is the very
best season for navigating it. It is generally understood,
that the season of the plague commences in February or
March, and in that case, there are only four months in the
year during which it prevails, so that the objection, founded
on its existence, is, we repeat, of very partial application, and
cannot be considered as at all fatal to the plan of communi-
cation proposed to be established. But Pococke treats this
obstacle of the prevalence of the plague very lightly indeed.
He says the north wind is called Meltem, being what the
ancients called the Etesian Winds: this begins to blow in
May, some time before the Nile rises; it is a refreshing wind,
and makes the excessive heat in summer supportable; it
brings with it health and the happiness of Egypt, is thought
to be the cause of the overflow of the Nile, and continues blow-
ing till November, and without this wind they could not sail
up the Nile all the time that its current is so very rapid. Ir
breeds of itself, it generally begins in Egypt in February,
when the weather is coldest, and is thought to be occasioned
by a stoppage of perspiration; it rages and is very mortal
during the hot winds; but they have the plague very rarely in
Egypt, unless brought by infection to Alexandria, when it does not
commonly spread.
"In the passages quoted, two very remarkable facts are re-gether new; not one of either of the long lists of authors
corded: first, that the Etesian, or north wind, that begins to and grammarians mentioned by Mr. Orré knew any thing
blow in May, stops the plague; and, secondly, that this dread-about it, and therefore were not, certainly, blameable,
ful scourge, which is deemed by some an obstacle to any com- and ought not to be put to the blush" for not hav-
munication through Egypt, is of RARE OCCURRENCE. If
Pococke's authority is to be relied on, the plague, when it
does prevail, must be of very short duration; for it makes its
first appearance in February, and disappears in May; so that
it exists little more than three months in the year. But all
authorities agree, that the rising of the Nile disperses it; and
it can, therefore, at the most, prevail only during a few
months out of the twelve; therefore, the difficulty supposed
to be created by it, is removed; except when the plague ac-
tually prevails in Egypt, clean bills of health may be obtained
at Alexandria: and if this be the case, the vessel that obtained
one would be exempt from quarantine.”

Mr. H. Mackenzie replied, that he was not there on the
of the government, but simply as an individual addressing
fellow-citizens at a meeting of other individuals like him-
If he were, however, to express his opinion as to the
osition of the government towards this undertaking, he
uld have no hesitation in expressing his conviction, that
y would liberally support it. He would suggest, as an im- Whether considered in reference to commercial interests,
pement to Mr. Larkins's motion, that instead of offering kindred intercourse, or the general communion of man in
premium to individuals, it should run thus:--that a pre- his social character, the advantages of such an undertaking
im shall be offered to the first Company, that shall establish are incalculable. It brings the inhabitants of distant re-
mmunication between India and Great Britain by meansgions in frequent converse with each other; interchanges
team navigation.
the produce of those regions at repeated intervals; keeps
up a more constant correspondence between absent friends;
draws closer the bonds of affection between connexions
long separated; and in imagination curtails the extent of
space, whilst celerity anticipates the progress of time. It
were impossible to suppose, that an undertaking, fairly
promising to effect so much, should not meet with the
most liberal support of the British public; and I am the
more confident that it will meet with such support, when
consider that no object of real public utility is ever neg-
lected by British enterprise.
May, 1824.

From these extracts it will be seen how earnest is the
desire that exists in India, to see the plan carried into ex-
ecution, and, surely, it is quite as natural that a similar
feeling should prevail in England.

The resolutions were then moved, seconded, and carried."
The only remaining extract which I shall make, is one
the Calcutta Journal, vol. iii. No. 135, in which one
the principal objections to the plan, as it regards the
sage through Egypt, is scientifically inquired into, and
wn to be of no material importance.
The plague, which is known to prevail in Egypt, would
at first sight to prevent a determined impediment,
5. by proper precautions, the effects of it may always be
ided by Europeans, and its visitations guarded against.
e following remarks upon this point must appear con-



ing adopted or prescribed it. But it does not follow, that, because they did not prescribe it to others, or adopt it for themselves, that we who have experienced its efficacy, or have had ocular demonstration of its powers on others, should follow their example. A century ago, a spinningwheel with one spindle was the only way of making thread: would Mr. Orré advise us to burn our mule jenuies and return to this simple machine for fear of putting to the blush the modest spinsters of the eighteenth century? I speak now only of the grammarians whom Mr. Orré cites, and among whom he places Condillac; it is but a few weeks ago, I had to defend myself, in London, against a writer who affirmed that I had formed my system on the principles of Condillac! But Mr. Orré cites a num ber of great men who learned French by the method which he, Mr. Orré, pursues with his pupils. Mr. Orré does not say that it is with the same result. These men spoke French at six or seven years of age better than Mr. Orré has been able to make any man speak the language after as many years tuition. I must take the liberty of denying the fact altogether. Mr. Orré does not teach on the plan on which these gentlemen were taught. These gentlemen were taught on that "wonderful plan now presented with so much assurance to the public." They first learned the words of the language; that is to say, the easy, common, familiar words of it; the words, in short, of the Gospel of St. John, which are the words necessary to ex

[blocks in formation]



SIR,-You may have seen a trick occasionally intro- | ascertained by making the trial, first with the anvil in duced at the Circus, which never fails to produce thunders the hand, in which position a blow may be sustained of applause, and exclamations of astonishment, although from a hammer, which, if made without the intervention nothing can be much easier to accomplish. I allude to of the elastic metal anvil, would bruise and hurt the perthe feat of supporting an iron anvil on the body, whilst son holding it. After this digressive preface, I shall deone, and sometimes two persons, strike upon it with ham- scribe the gymnastic feat No. III. in performing which, mers, the person who sustains the anvil lying stretched the anvil is discarded as superfluous and vulgar. The out stiff, with his head (not shoulders) resting upon one figure represents a man with the back part of his head chair, and his heels upon another, and no support what- resting on one stout chair and his heels upon another: ever for the rest of his body. Any man of moderate a third chair, which ought to be of a lighter make, (a cane strength may perform this feat, by giving fair play to the one if it is to be had), is placed under him, as represented in powerful muscles of the neck, elevating his chest al ittle, the annexed sketch. He must then stiffen his body and and keeping the shoulders well down, when he will find limbs as much as possible, throwing up the chest and keephimself able to sustain a person of light weight sitting ing down the shoulders, and disingage the middle chair cross his body. As for the anvil and hammer, singular which he must carry round over his body until he deposits as the experiment may appear, the blows are quite harm-it again under him on the opposite or left side.

less, and indeed scarcely perceptible to the person upon whose breast or body the anvil rests: this will be readily

The late William Combe, Esq.-This excellent an life; at another (and that too in his declining years) hat no mean name in the world of literature as the author o many other amusing, instructive, and moral works. H the humorous and picturesque Tours of Dr. Syntax, an (all of the most moral and religious tendency) he pub lished a series of letters from Amelia, a young lady of brated periodical Repository, in which, among other essay was a considerable contributor to Mr. Ackermann's cele most just but most unacrimonious satire on the follie to her mother in the country. These abound with th fortune, come to London to be introduced into Life, and vices of "fashionable life," with which it is clea They are written in the most easy, flowing, and elegan from these letters, the author was well acquainted. style, and faithfully depict the heart of an amiable an sensible young lady, forming the justest estimate human life and character, and at the same time evincin having formed her mind free from vanity and prejudice and capable of avoiding all the snares that pleasure spread her gratitude to her beloved mother and to heaven fo for the young and unwary. In collecting these interest of this nation; and no parents that value the prosperity of their children here, or their well-being hereafter, wil Mr. Ackermann has done an eternal service to the youth ing letters into one small volume of very moderate price be long, we are persuaded, without the juvenile library being furnished with this compendium of all the moral and religious duties, inforced in the most soothing and winning way imaginable. But it is not alone to childrer that this little volume may be of benefit. Those of ma ture age, and of both sexes, may derive instruction and delight from the inculcations of the moralist, and from hi just and accurate pictures of human life.-See adv.

Pleasing Automaton Exhibition. We believe it wa Messrs. Maffey's intention to have left this town som weeks ago; but the liberal encouragement their exhibition has received, added to numerous invitations to prolong minature theatre is most respectable; and the ingenuity of their stay, induces them to sojourn amongst us some litu time longer. The company which nightly resorts to this larly the animated marine views) the opera, tight-rope and the general performances, the beautiful scenery (particu hornpipe dancers, &c. are assuredly worthy of this dis tinction.-See adv.

To Correspondents.

The communication of the correspondent to which is affixed
a Greek signature, shall have a place in our next. We shall
feel obliged if the writer will take the trouble either to put
us in possession of his address, or to send to our office any
day after Wednesday next, for a proof of his letter, which
we wish him to revise, as the manuscript in certain essen
tial parts is extremely difficult to decipher. A note in the
same hand-writing will find us at the office any day between
the hours of 12 and 2.

Our arangements have compelled us to postpone for one week
the appearance of Ginevra, which is prepared in the type.
THE LATE MR. WATTS.-The admirable speech of Mr. Jeffrey,
at the late meeting in honour of this great man, is in prepa

Communications in reserve for the next or the following
week: Continuation of L'Hermite en Italie Continuation
of the Chapel on the Adriatic-The Rev. Mr. Irving's ph
lippic against Lord Byron-An old Correspondent's Letter
on Puffing-X. Y. Z.-A Riddle, by Dr.
Pronunciation-Philo-Duryng--A Dialogue between
E.'s Letter en
ginti and Nonaginti, which we assure the writer was only
"laid by too carefully."

RIGHT OF ROAD.-W.'s able letter on this subject is also pre
pared. We trust that the writer will not object to its ap
pearance in the Mercury, for which it is particularly adapted
as the question which it tends to elucidate has been largely
treated of in that publication.

PRESERVATION FROM SHIPWRECK.-We have in store, for in mediate publication, some excellent plans of rafts, to be used in emergences at sea, illustrated by engravings. These are intended as a continuation of the series of papers on the same important subject, which appeared in the third y lume of the Kaleidoscope, pages 105, 341, 349, 373, 382, 30 399, 405, 424.

Quiz is mistaken. The individual to whom he alludes has no more control over any of our publications than the late King of the Sandwich Islands possessed.

Limericus is requested to furnish the solutions to his queries

Printed, published, and sold, EVERY TUESDAY, by E
SMITH and Co. 75, Lord-street, Liverpool.


Literary and Scientific Mirror.


This familiar Miscellany, from which religious and political matters are excluded, contains a variety of original and selected Articles; comprehending Literature, Criticism, Men and Manners, Amusement, Elegant Extracts, Poetry, Anecdotes, Biography, Meteorology, the Drama, Arts and Sciences, Wit and Satire, Fashions, Natural History, &c. &c. forming a handsome Annual Volume, with an Index and Title-page.—Its circulation renders it a most eligible medium for Literary and Fashionable Advertisements.—Regular supplies are forwarded weekly to the Agents.

No. 213.-VOL. V.

Men and Manners.



[Translated expressly for the Kaleidoscope.]

[blocks in formation]

against the Tuscans, without proceeding to retaliation, | ception, the principal festival in Spain, solemn ceremonies, and these furies were forced into admiration of the extra- to be performed in the sixteen churches, were mysteriously ordinary moderation of their enemies, which would not announced at Pisa, and I have been assured that such allow even to their persecuted partisans the pleasure of were concerted, and took place all over Tuscany, particurevenge. Naldini was nominated one of the judges of larly at Sienna. Nine days of devotion had preceded the FROM L'HERMITE EN ITALIE, THE LATEST WORK OF MR. JOUY. the criminal court of justice at Pisa. He and his col- celebration of this festival. The day of the Conception leagues gave a striking proof of the power of avarice was appointed for the massacre of the French; but the and ambition, by accepting judiciary and administrative first success of our arms, in the unjust war in Spain, so functions under the French. Fearless of future prosecu- much disconcerted the chiefs of these destructive plots, tions, they co-operated with their former victims in the that they were never put into execution. M. Ruschi, the re-establishment of the Napoleonists; still, however, fos- Mayor of Pisa, warned the Archbishop, a prelate of great tering their intention finally to destroy them, when time virtue and piety, not to permit his clergy to celebrate with and opportunity should allow them to combine their unusual pomp the festival of the Conception; and thus efforts. the French were saved. At the beginning of the invasion of Spain, while the success of the French appeared doubtful, the Tuscans hoped, by a general insurrection in Italy, to be freed from their yoke. Numbers of peasants from the neighbourhood of Sienna had already taken up arms, and the inhabitants of Arezzo were again among the first to place themselves at the head of an insurgent army.

The French had established a university at Pisa, where the youth acquired important knowledge in the different professions, among others in that of the French law. It was a custom among the young men, upon being received to the degree of licentiate, or doctor, to present a pair of white gloves to their professors, as well as to all those who were interested in the care of their education. There were then among the professors many partisans of the French. A young surgeon, of the name of Vacca, who enjoyed a great reputation in Tuscany, had the title of first surgeon to Elisa Bonaparte, who then governed the thirty-first division. He had been persecuted in 1799 as a partisan of the French when they evacuated Italy, and had filed by way of Genoa into France with his brother and other proscribed compatriots. The ancient Tuscan government was then re-established, and commissions instituted, empowered to prosecute the partisans of the French. These temporary and special magistrates were chosen from among those who had not been employed under the imperial regime. Carlo Naldini, one of the principal inquisitors of Pisa, although an inferior officer, as the confidence he obtained was proportioned to his abilities and to the services he performed, entered into a prosecution against all the inhabitants of Pisa who had given cause for suspicion by accepting places under the French, with how great moderation soever they had exercised the authority intrusted to them. Without inquir-spector of the university of Pisa. The barbarous inha-made prisoners, conducted to Florence, and delivered by

I learned many particulars of the vengeance exercised against the partisans of the French, immediately after the repulse sustained by the latter in 1799. At Sienna, the peasants of Arezzo, animated by the rich and powerful Tuscans, attacked the partisans of the French; but, either from fanaticism or hatred of usury, their rage was most particularly directed against the Jews. Sixteen of the supposed adherents of the French, among whom were two Jewish women, were burned upon an immense pile raised in the principal square of the town. The Bishop of Sienna sanctioned by his benediction the excesses of this incensed mob. Excited and directed by a crowd of ruined debtors, they seized, from the Jews, bills and bonds belonging to the inhabitants of Sienna and burned them. Good causes should be served only by good actions, and the people ought to defend their independence only by courage and magnanimity. I shall relate a trait of religion and humanity which does infinite honour to M. Santi, who resided at Pitigliano. He was the first Bishop of Sovana and the brother of M. Santi, professor and in

ing how far participation in the government established bitants of Arezzo had sworn to burn all the Jews, and had
by an invading power may be justified by the attempt to invaded Pitigliano, with the ferocious intention of deliver-
counteract the effects of oppression and tyranny, these ing to the flames all the Jewish families. M. Santi,
inquisitors considered it a crime to have had any share in having invested himself in his pontifical robes, stationed
the preceedings of the French, maintaining that it would himself with a crucifix in his hand at the entrance of
have been better to abandon Pisa and Tuscany to anarchy, Ghetto, the quarter inhabited by the Jews, and when the
than not to deprive their judges of causes, and their furious mon approached, began fearlessly to harangue
administrators of the produce of the contributions. The them, exhorting them to calmness and the exercise of
brother of Doctor Vacca, who was then, I think, a Colonel Christian charity. The enraged people insisted upon pro-
in the service of France, suffered sentence of death. The ceeding, and pressing closely round the pious bishop,
others were condemned to the pillory, to exile in the threw him down; but he, rising, and dauntlessly opposing
pestilential marshes of Tuscany, or to temporary or per- to them the symbol of our religion, exclaimed: "Before
petual confinement in the re-established convents. Doc-you proceed to murder the families of the Hebrews, whom
for Vacca was then at a distance from Tuscany, and his our Lord himself recommends to the mercy of his Heavenly
proscribed countrymen all suffered their punishment. Father, you must pass over my body, and trample under
They had inspired the inhabitants of the town with so your feet the Divine Cross." The fanatics, awed into sub-
deep a hatred, that the ladies of Pisa were seen to sur-mission by the display of so much piety and heroism,
round the stakes to which many of them were tied, and
with inflamed cheeks and flashing eyes to vent their rage
by throwing upon them apples, rotten oranges and lemons,
and even stones. These Tuscan women, whose habitual
deportment is singularly gentle and engaging, carried,
upon this occasion, their fury and cruelty to a degree that
made them forget the respect due to the defenceless situa-

tion of a condemned criminal.

The French did not long delay their return, but they The content to put a stop to the prosecutions carried on

The malcontent appeared at the gates of Sienna, which were shut by the French garrison; but whether it was that the chiefs of Arezzo and Tuscany were disconcerted by the establishment of a brother of Bonaparte upon the throne of Spain, or that it was thought necessary to employ, in the Peninsula, the forces that would have co-operated with them, their hostile efforts had no important results. General Menou, governor of Tuscany, after the installation of the Prince of Borghese at Turin, passed a decree, which rendered all the country of Arezzo and Tuscany, particularly the high and middle orders of the clergy, responsible for the consequences of the insurrection; and in order to enforce it, an army was directed against Sienna. The peasantry were routed; a hundred and fifty were the Governor to a military commission. Some of the chiefs were shot; the others received an amnesty, and the order established by the French was once more restored.

This apparent calm was disturbed by an event which took place shortly afterwards. In the beginning of the year 1809, Austria declared war against Napoleon, and upon the probable success of this war, the Italians built new hopes of seeing their oppressors removed from their country. The Tuscans, although peaceably inclined, had already evinced towards the French military and civil officers marks of moroseness and suspicion. Unfavourable reports of the success of the French arms, and accounts of the signal victories of Austria were industriously circulated at Pisa. Placards were pasted up of sinister import to Bonaparte, his family and ministers, who were individually named in them. The Attorney-general of the court of criminal justice, who had several times passed sentence of death, a punishment introduced by the French laws into a country which had, till then, like Placentia, followed the maxims of Beccaria, was to be burned alive, although he was a Genoese. The imperial attorney, whom I knew, having inflicted only the punishments of fines and im prisonment, was guilty of no other crime than that of being a Frenchman, and the people were contented with throwing him into the Arnino; thus uniting insult with barbarity, as Arnino is the diminutive of Arno, a river which bathes On the 8th of December, 1808, the day of the Con-Tuscany, and passes by Pisa. Lists of proscription were

were restrained from prosecuting their bloody purpose,
and the lives of the Jews were saved.

The abode of the French in Italy was frequently dis-
turbed by threats and demonstrations of hostility from the
inhabitants, and even by insurrections, which were only
finally suppressed by the victories won by the French.
The most alarming reports were frequently spread abroad,
and the French officers, both civil and military, found it
necessary to be continually upon their guard.

handed about, containing the names of such Tuscans as | troops, although deficient in numbers, were endeavouring ment, there remained still some wants to be provided fo had been employed under the French government. When to suppress the malcontents, the Tuscan Government which far exceeded the limited means of Louisa's mother the Austrians had penetrated as far as Padua, their parti- despatched orders to the military chiefs, the commandants Madame Wickenfeld, who was never at a loss for ex sans set no bounds to their joy, and openly proclaimed of towns, and the chiefs of the courts and tribunals: they pedients, thought it very foolish to be troubled by such their schemes of vengeance. It was impossible for the were even extended to the imperial attorneys. The judges, a trifle, under existing circumstances; she was convinced public ministry, with a handful of armed men, to arrest lawyers, attorneys, and bailiffs, were required to convert that no banker in town would scruple to advance the ne the malcontents; much less was it in their power to punish their robes into military uniforms, and, having drawn up cessary sum, and a few thousand dollars more or less could them. Their final subjection was destined to be the result their clamorous and disputative assemblages into silent and be no object to the Baron. The fond old lady was weak of the victories of the French armies. orderly regiments, to lead into the field such Tuscans as enough to follow this advice, and she contracted so many were supposed to be partisans of the French, against those debts, that her ruin was certain, in the case of any im decidedly in the interests of their country. Instructions pediment to the intended match. Even Louisa hersel were sent to the chambers of lawyers; and, although the did not always protest earnestly enough against the accu Our enemies in Tuscany and elsewhere were thunder-judges were not named in the letter of the commandant,mulation of jewels and trinkets, which were daily laid on struck, when they heard of the success of the French upon the Rhine, and of the retreat of the Austrians from Italy. There was then an end to placards and tarred shirts, and to bathing magistrates in the Arnino.

At Udina, the partisans of Austria burnt the master of a freemason's lodge, and at Leghorn, tarred shirts were prepared for the French and their adherents.

her toilet, for she was a woman; and, although it is said that love will outweigh every other passion, female vanity has been but seldom entirely subdued by it for any lengt of time.

The time in which Robert's answer ought to have com was now gone by, and some hints were thrown out abou it. Louisa made no reply; but she received more serious admonitions, and was obliged to ask for another, and again for another week. At last the long-wished and sighed for letter arrived; but it was addressed to Madame Wick enfeld alone, and contained the following words :-"Dear Friend, I regret the time and the paper which it has cost you, to remind me of a person whom I wish to have never

it was understood that they were meant to be included among the rest. It is said that some lawyers, and even one judge, fainted away, panic-struck by so novel a communication. In the answer, however, transmitted by the Father Pina, a carmelite, and an eloquent preacher of chamber, strong assurances were given that all the memPisa, received orders from the Governess Elisa to leave bers who composed it were ready to conform to the intenhis country, and to retire to Corsica. It was in vain that tions of the Government, for the advantage of their country he used all the interest he could procure to have this order and the support of public tranquillity. Several lawyers revoked, and that he even laid complaints before the ju-jeeringly observed that they ought first to be exercised and dicial authorities, and stated his suspicions that it was intended to murder him during the passage. All he could obtain was an assurance that his talents would cause his life to be respected, and that his exile would probably be of short duration. Nor was he deceived in this last ex-insurrection nor invasion ensued; and the panic terrors of seen; I feel as I ought, the honour which Miss De Dal pectation. At the end of a month he was permitted to a few lawyers subsided without the slightest accident.ling has reserved for me, but I find myself quite unworthy return to his country. The victory of Wagram dispersed all remaining gloom of it. Let her marry, in God's name, either Baron Frauthe insurgents, beaten and discouraged, were once more suppressed; and the gentlemen of the law tranquilly restored to their arm chairs.

taught to wield arms. Others maintained that they would
be content to form the rear guard, and take care of the
equipages of the judges, who should precede them.
All arrangements were satisfactorily made, but neither

enthal, or any other of her numerous admirers; I shall content myself with witnessing her happiness at a respect ful distance." Poor Louisa! she trembled during the It cannot be supposed that the French were influenced opening of the letter; but she laughed frantically whilst in their conduct, upon this occasion, by any preference of its contents were read; she tore the paper from the hands of the Austrians to the French. They merely acted upon the the reader, and refused to trust to the evidence of her own maxim contained in these two verses of the good La Fon-eyes, when she recognised the hand-writing-the night taine:


Notre ennemi, c'est notre maître,
Je vous le dis en bon Français.

A. W.


Translated expressly for the Kaleidoscope.

A young priest, who had made an anagram upon the name of Napoleon, implying threats of violence, was sent into confinement at Leghorn. Several other priests, who had taken exception against the title of altissimo, given by the governess to her brother Napoleon, in a proclamation, observing that that title belonged only to God, received severe reprimands. The Mayor of Montecarlo, a district of Pisa, who was a partisan of Bona›parte, received in the open day from a hired assassin, who Aimmediately disappeared, a stroke of a dagger on his head, which did not, however, prove fatal. The Grand Duchess, a title then assumed by Elisa, caused to be advertised all over Tuscany, a reward of eighty sequins, for any one ·who should procure his arrest. On the first of May, -1809, his mistress betrayed him, and discovered the place r of his retreat. I know not whether or not she received the promised reward. That was probably distributed among the gendarmes. He was tried by the criminal and special Louisa felt great repugnance against this arrangement, court sitting at Pisa, and although his judges, among which gave her all the appearance of one formally bewhom was M. Naldini, were themselves Tuscans, re-trothed; but when she considered, that her mother had eived sentence of death. The Mayor of Montecarlo shown herself willing to resign her hopes, if they could olicited his pardon, but his petition was rejected, and not be realized consistently with her own happiness, and the prisoner was executed. This event put all the that the old lady must be naturally anxious to enjoy the population of Pisa into commotion. As the atttorney-sweets of prosperity which were held out to her, she thought general could not procure a carriage to convey the herself in duty bound to make the sacrifice of her own ertminal to the scaffold, he was compelled to walk scruples to the welfare of her aged parent; and she found thither; an obligation cruelly imposed upon criminals considerable relief in the consideration of the motives that condemned to death in many towns of France, and induced her decision. The proposal was therefore acpanctioned there by custom. After his execution, the cepted; and Madame Wickenfeld vouchsafed to continue brethren of la Misericordia, who had been all day busted in raising subscriptions for him, caused his body to be laid in a chapel, where it was visited by crowds of

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Soon afterwards, in the month of June of the same year, a new insurrection broke out near Bologna, in the Appenines, which separate northern Italy from Tuscany. Troops of the line, partly French, and partly foreign, in the service of France, were sent against the insurgents, and defeated them. The latter returned with new reinforcements, and attacked Pistoia, a pretty town of Tussany, at eight or ten leagues from Florence. The Governess, who was passing the summer months at Poggio, a country-house near her capital, fed to Florence, to take refuge in the palace of Pitti, a building of great strength. Her husband, the Sovereign of Lucca, was merely a general under her command in Tuscany. They concerted together military measures. Whilst their

[Continued from our last.]

to her friends the pleasure of her company. The Baron
despatched an express to get every thing ready; and, on
the day of departure, he took a polite leave at the car-
riage-door, promising to follow on the first summons of
Madame De Dalling. The travellers found refreshments
and fresh horses at every stage, and no money was taken
at any; whilst the people on the road seemed to rival each
other in politeness. This manner of proceeding was ad-
mitted to be extremely gallant, and when also on the arri-
val in Prague, all their wants appeared to have been anti-
cipated and provided for, the effect could not but be
favourable to the intended bridegroom. The letters of
introduction, which he had provided, opened to the ladies
immediate access into the first circles, and they met with
the most distinguished reception: there was but one point
which caused some uneasiness, namely-the great expense
requisite for thesupport of so much splendour; for, although
most things in the mansion were furnished as by enchant

which she passed would baffle description. How childish
you are! said Madame Wickenfeld, and how little you
know of men; it is the first time that you are thus disap-
pointed, but to me it has happened more than once, and
there are none of my acquaintances who have not met
with something of the same kind. Louisa neither could
nor would defend the faithless man; but there was still
secret wish in her soul that she might be able to do it; she
found it impossible to hate him, and her wounded pride
itself would not have advanced the interest of the Baron
if her mother had not pointed to the heap of unpaid bills,
which must be settled before they could leave the town
This consideration prevailed over all others, and produced
her reluctant consent to the marriage. Word was sent to
the Baron, and he arrived himself by way of answer. la
less than a week after he dragged his prey to the altar
his eyes sparkling with joy, whilst those of the bride s
in tears: the old lady felt very happy, and the officiou
widow put no restraint upon the joy.

Louisa was now a rich lady; she could lengthen her e by half an inch with brilliants, relieve the snowy white ness of her bosom with yellow lace; she could, as ofte as she pleased, call for a brilliant equipage, adorn b

rooms and anti-rooms with flowers in the midst of winter
in short, she could enjoy all the advantages which are
apt to excite the envy of those who cannot attain thera
without conferring happiness on those who possess them
and Louisa was soon made to feel that she belonged to th
latter. Her husband showed himself, immediately aft
marriage, as jealous as a tiger, or rather as a man w
knows that he is nearly thirty years older than his hand
some wife. The noble confidence which had been shown
him, by not keeping the affair with Robert a secret, becam
now an inexhaustible source of misery to the fair suffere
He mocked and upbraided her daily, sometimes with bitte
jokes, and at other moments with unfriendly earnestne
If ever she seemed to indulge in the slightest reverie,
that her first love was
remarked with a satirical sneer,
object of her musings. If ever a strange officer happened
to pass, he maintained, obstinately, that she followed bi


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with longing glances; and if the uniform happened to be red, he seemed to be enraged to madness. In this melancholy situation, Louisa derived her only comfort from the atisfaction of her mother, from whom she carefully contealed her distress, and who seemed to have only eyes and cars for the advantageous part of the connexion. Madame Wickenfeld appeared to take no notice of either good or evil beyond her own concerns. She continued to rail at the fickleness of men, and to avenge her own sex by invectives against every individual of the other that came within her sphere of action. Towards the approach of the Carnival, the Baron conducted his ladies to Vienna; chiefly for the sake of grauifying his vanity, by exhibiting his handsome wife to the inhabitants of the metropolis. They visited all the public places, and frequented every fashionable assembly and amusement. Once at a masked ball, Louisa bad retired behind some ladies, when a Domino came to speak to one of them, and in doing so took off his mask: the Baroness had, accidentally, cast a glance upon the stranger, and recognized Robert; she screamed out, and fell into a swoon. When she recovered, she found herself in her own room, with her mother sitting near her in tears, her friend watching at the window, and her husband walking to and fro in a rage; cursing, swearing, gnashing bis teeth, and clenching his fists. He murmured something about his being dishonoured, and his having become the sport of every fop, the laughing-stock of every fool. Yet it was not so. When the event took place, the crowd of the curious became, indeed, so thick, that the Baron found it difficult to get through it: but nobody thought that there was any thing extraordinary in the circumstance; and it was merely attributed to the great heat and dust; for there were none but ladies on the spot. Robert had immediately withdrawn, but not unperceived by Madame Wickenfeld: it was she who had given to the Baron the news of his being in town; and if she had added Do thing to this intelligence, she also forbore to contradict the surmise that the lovers must have spoken to each other. The furious husband wanted now to know what had been said on the occasion; and required to be satisfied on this point in a harsh and authoritative tone: the accused fair one replied, faintly, and mildly, that he had no cause for suspicion; and he left the room in a phrenzy, uttering imprecations and vows of revenge Louisa neither wept nor complained: she calmly requested to be left alone, and wrote a note to her husband; in which she entreated him to send her to a convent. He laughed like a fiend when the waiting-woman brought him the billet, and bid her to tell her mistress that she should soon enjoy the most complete solitude.

The Baroness felt comforted on the receipt of this answer, and waited quietly for a visit from her mother, in order to communicate to her the resolution which she had taken; but noon and evening approached without any interruption of her privacy, and when she, at last, prepared to wait herself upon her parent, the chambermaid sold her, with unfeigned affliction, that they were both prisoners, and could not leave the room. Louisa folded ber bands and sank upon her sofa. Towards midnight she heard the key of the anti-room turn, and saw her husband come in. He affected the coolness of a judge, and mazed her arm without saying more than "Come, Madam:" the followed him in silence, and he conducted her down the back stairs to a side-opening of the yard, where a post-chaise was in waiting; the Baron opened the door, lifted her in, and wished her a happy journey; whilst the driver took his seat and set off. The night was dark, and wing as the chaise drove upon the pavement, the Baroness believed herself alone in it, but when the road became moother, she thought that she heard somebody breathe; the startled, and asked "is any body with me?" "Yes," wered a hoarse female voice, which she recognised for that of old Brigitta, a woman of very equivocal character, whom she had found among her female domestics, and The pemntemanes had always appeared to her particularly


repulsive; indeed, the other servants maintained, that she had lately sat to a painter as the witch of Endor. "What is your business with me?" asked the Baroness again. I shall have the honour of serving your Ladyship," replied the hag. "In the place to which I am going I shall need no chambermaid." No answer was given to this remark; and they proceeded in silence on their journey until the horses were changed: after this had been done three times, the Baroness inquired whether the convent was yet far off? "The convent !" exclaimed her companion: "it would be great pity, indeed, to bring so fine a lady into a convent; no, no! master knows better; great passions do not last for ever; there are moments of tenderness which are sure to have their turn, but which would be of no avail against the walls of convent." "My God! whither then am I to be dragged?" “Dragged! O no, we drive in a fine carriage, on a good road, and in perfect safety; your ladyship needs only to have a little confidence in your humble servant, and all may yet be well." The old pimp gave then, not imperceptibly to understand, that she had no great objection to cheat her employer, provided it was made worth her trouble: she conceived herself to have been rather slighted of late, and the honourable employment of Duenna or goal-keeper did not altogether reconcile her to the Baron. The baseness of the woman produced, however, no other effect upon Louisa but that of increasing her abhorrence; she bid her to hold her tongue, and resigned herself to her fate; bewailing, only, the abrupt separation from her mother, and feeling more anxiety on her account than about her own fate.

[To be continued.]

Scientific Records.

venient curve; P, P are two pieces of silver wire twisted to the former at the extremities PP. The other ends of the silver wires are bent downwards at ss; and descend into the metallic cell F E, which contains pure made quite sharp and smooth at the points. These points quicksilver, with which the points communicate. A descending point c, soldered to the platinum wire, forms the pivot on which the moveable part of the machine turns. in the point of the magnet for the purpose of containing A small concavity, well polished at the bottom, is made a small globule of mercury, and likewise for the rotating pivot to work in.

The point c being amalgamated, when it is placed in this globule of mercury, forms a communication with the magnet; and the other part of the magnet which passes cell; and the points of the silver wires being immersed through the cell communicates with the mercury in that in this mercury, the metallic circuit is thus rendered com plete; first, through the platinum wire from P to e; thence through the pivot to the top of the magnet, and along that part of the magnet from the top to the quickfrom the points to the extremity of P, where it joins the silver in the cell F E: and, lastly, along the silver wire platinum.

The other part of the wire machine being on the same principle as that described, the platinum arms of this apparatus, when heated by a spirit lamp or otherwise at the extremities P P, are in every respect assimilated to the fluid is transmitted in the same direction through both arms of the rotating cylinder of Ampere; for the electrie arms of the apparatus; and hence the rotating tendency is constant round a central magnet; and not impulsive, as in other rotations with an external magnet.

The moveable part of this machine (which is the platinum and silver wires only) will rotate with a facility proportioned to the delicacy of the suspension, the difference of temperature of the parts P and c of each arm, the power of the magnet, and the dexterity of the experimenter. And I must here warn the reader, that this last requisite is not the least to ensure success in the experiment; for had I not been satisfied that the apparatus was sin-constructed upon principle, I probably might not have persevered sufficiently to attain my object. However, a slight modification of the apparatus considerably facilitates the experiment, and renders it more permanent and beautiful. A circle of lamps are placed on a stage of the same fi gure, in such a manner that may coincide with the periphery of the circle described by the points PP of the wire part of the machine, so that the latter may constantly be kept at nearly the same temperature in every part of their revolution, and the shoulder of those arms, or that part of the platinum wire to which the pivot c is soldered, is kept at as low a temperature as possible, by means of ether or other cooling liquid.

[Comprehending Notices of new Discoveries or Improvements in Science or Art; including, occasionally, gular Medical Cases: Astronomical, Mechanical, Philosophical, Botanical, Meteorological, and Mineralogical Phenomena, or singular Facts in Natural History; Vegetation, &c.; Antiquities, &c.; List of Patents;to be continued in a series through the Volume.] DESCRIPTION OF A ROTATIVE THERMOMAGNETICAL EXPERIMENT.


[From the Philosophical Magazine and Journal.} Having promised in a former paper to communicate to your readers the method I have adopted for rotating a thermo-combination by the influence of a central magnet, the following description of the apparatus I have constructed and employ for exhibiting the experiment, with an explanation of its management, will, I h mbly hope, be sufficiently plain to be understood.

[blocks in formation]

If, instead of lamps, a circular flame of ignited hydrogen be substituted, and regulated by a stop-cock, this part of the apparatus may perhaps be considered as its acme of perfection.

from the pivot e to the metallic cell F E, in the same Another improvement is by having a conducting wire manner as the conducting wire of the copper part of M. Ampere's rotating cylinders; through the upper part of this conducting wire passes a screw with a milled head, made into the form of a cup. The pivot c runs in this cup, at the bottom of which is a small globule of mercury, for the better insuring the contact. The cup is then filled up with ether, and may be supplied during the experiment in proportion to the evaporation.

The lower end of this screw rests in the hole in the top of the magnet; and by turning the milled head to the Pright or left, the points as of the silver wires may be heightened or lowered at pleasure; and consequently their contact with the mercury in the cell F E may be regulated to the greatest nicety; the attainment of which was the only embarrassment I had to encounter with the original apparatus. However, by means of this improvement, my anticipations were soon agreeably realized by witnessing the first thermo-rotation ever produced by the influence of a central magnet.

sinum wire bent into the form of a semicircle or other conNS, in the figure, is the magnet; PcP a piece of pla

I must here beg leave to observe, that the only attempt I ever heard of (and the only one perhaps on record) was with the apparatus of Professor Cumming, and a similar attempt by Professor Barlow with a combination upon the same principles.

The latter gentleman, however, has candidly confessed the failure of the experiment, and sufficiently accounted its construction." for the inefficacy of the apparatus upon the principle of

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