Sidor som bilder

have any thing to communicate. The state of feeling, with which she calculated the probable time of Robert's return, may easily be imagined: she had her eyes almost incessantly fixed on the spot whence she expected the gal, until she actually perceived it. It was early in the Morning, and she could have wished to set off forthwith; but she had to wait for the usual hour, and time had never bung more heavily upon her: the signal both comforted and alarmed her; because she feared that it might be perceived by the old woman as well as herself: she was unusually friendly towards her, and she even engaged her in a conversation, for the sake of occupying her attention, and preventing her from approaching the window. At Blast, the longed-for hour struck, and she left her prison for the last time: with a beating heart she descended the Er steps; and as soon as she had passed the threshold of the mansion her feet seemed scarcely to touch the ground; she reached the cottage in a few moments, and sank breathless into the arms of her lover. She was long before she could so far recover, as even to hear what he said: he urged the necessity of their immediate departure, and stated that all was in readiness: she made an effort to fol

the first periodical work of a literary nature in this in- | In some instances, indeed, the description of petty tyranny,
creasing town; and to you, therefore, I am desirous of which was exercised over their talented dependants, by
paying the tribute of whatever my humble labours may men who merely professed a taste for letters to gain them-
have produced, as to a benefactor to the well-informed selves credit in an age when it was deemed an essential
part of the community, with the hope, also, of inducing requisite to the character of every nobleman, or main-
others to contribute their more powerful efforts in the tained, or at least countenanced, a number of poor ge
same line; and thus to give your miscellany a character niuses, for the gratification of their own ostentation, was
of permanent value, that may place it upon a footing with of a nature too galling for any one to endure who was not
the Spectators and Ramblers of a former century.
restrained from resenting it by the consciousness that his
Should the present inclosure prove acceptable, I will only hope of public support and favour depended upon the
send similar ones weekly: and if you think them worth will of his capricious patron. And I think that the effects
printing, please to allow them to appear regularly, as any of this may be observed in several of the works of the au-
other arrangement would defeat my principal object, thors of that age; in which, although they contain proofs
which is, as I have already mentioned, to improve the pe- of deep learning and brilliant wit, the fancy of the writer
riodical publications of the day; and this motive, I trust, seems, as it were, oppressed and chained down by the fear
will plead my excuse for this trouble from
of unwittingly offending the prejudices of the person on
whom he depended.

July 16, 1824.

"Librorum inopiam quæreris,

Yours, &c.


Non refert quám multos habeas sed quam bonos :
The changes since the last hundred years, in the pur-

It is the boast of the present day that we have a decided superiority over our ancestors in the comparative independence of our authors. It is to this superiority, supposed or real, that we owe the immense number of works, of all classes and descriptions, with which the press teems. The

low him-when, suddenly, the door burst open, and the suits and character of English writers generally, have been public now, almost universally, reads and judges for itself,

Baron appeared with pistols in his hand. Robert grasped

his sword: but a shot fell, and Louisa sank to the ground, When she recovered it was night; but the glimmering of a dim lamp showed her where she was; the fishing utensils, on the wall, reminded her of what had preceded her fit; she looked on the ground, and Robert lay at her feet, with a fractured skull: her garments were covered with

his blood.

A cry of horror escaped her; but only one: she ran

mechanically towards the door; but it was locked.

The fisherman had not liked her empty letter; but, knowing the haunts of the drunken footman in Ragusa, he had offered to sell his secret for a reasonable compensation; and all was betrayed to the Baron. The letter was sealed again, and forwarded to Robert's address; whilst the Baron concealed himself in the neighbourhood until his arrival: the meeting of the lovers was announced to him by the double-dealing wretch, upon whom they had relied; and the young man became the victim of his enemy. The latter had already cocked the second pistol, to destroy also the unfortunate female; when it struck him, that that punishment would be too lenient, and that a slow death answered his revengeful purpose much better. He withdrew with the grin of satisfied malice; and his expectation was not disappointed. After three hours of agony, the sufferer was, prematurely, delivered of a lifeless child; and she expired on the body of its murdered

father, whom she embraced even in death.

The Baron was attacked by a frightful malady some years afterwards, and it was only then that he thought of re-opening the fatal hut: the bodies were buried, and a chapel was erected on the spot, in which masses were celebrated for the souls of the departed. This is the chapel with the gilded cross, on the passage from Milete to


Literature, Criticism, &c.


TO THE EDITOR. SIE,-I submit the short essay which accompanies these lines to your adoption or refusal, for the Kaleidoscope. If you consider it worth insertion, I mean to furnish you with similar ones on different subjects for sometime. My motive for sending you this "opusculum," does tarise from any consciousness of its merit, but from a desire to turn the attention of wiser heads than mine to this branch of literature, on which our ancestors so usefully and successfully exerted their talents, and which I have often lamented to observe so much neglected in the present day.

It is to your honour, Mr. Editor, to have established

without watching for the sanction of any noble literati ;

so material that they merit our particular observation; and and, whatever be the nature of a publication, it stands a
clusively upon the exertions of this class, a few remarks according to its intrinsic merits or demerits; and, unless
as the literary character of the nation depends almost ex-fair chance of enjoying general estimation or otherwise,
upon these changes may not prove uninteresting.
it embrace subjects of a political or theological nature, I
The tone which the literature of a country assumes, is think, pretty commonly, is judged of impartially.
produced by two distinct combinations;-viz. the cha-
racters of those who supply the reading public, and the
description and numbers of those who constitute this
reading public.

In the former class, the almost total change which may
now be remarked is, I think, unfavourable to the general
understood to speak generally,) who, though their num-
character of the writers of the present day, (I am to be
bers are almost trebled, will suffer much if compared with
the authors of a century ago. At that period, the "mak-
ing of a book" was a work of a more formidable nature
than it is at present; the greater scarcity of publications
rendered any one who appeared in this manner before the
world more exposed to observation and censure; and it is
to this cause that we are to refer the preparations of study,
and observation of human nature, which were then
thought necessary to qualify a man for commencing this
then comparatively arduous undertaking. Every one who
wrote in those days (with very few exceptions) made writ-
ing his profession; and no one dared to assume it without
having previously completed a course of study, similar to
that which is now thought only necessary to one who is
about to embrace one of those called, as it were "par emi-
nence," learned professions. At the same time the aspirants
for this description of literary fame were mostly young
men of narrow circumstances, who looked forward to a
permanent subsistence, as well as to the enjoyment of ho-
nour and reputation, from their literary labours; which
consideration induced them to pay attention not only to
the severer pursuits of learning, but also to general topics,
and which formed them at once men of the world and
men of letters. This class of persons was, at that time,
particularly designated by the term of "wits:" it is now
extinct, and we may seek, in vain, for a body of men
capable of supplying the hiatus in the world of letters
which its extinction has occasioned.

But, at the period which I have mentioned, the public, in general, was not a reading body; and the reception of any new work depended, in a great measure, upon the support of some distinguished personage, who frequently performed the part of a Mecenas to several men of talent, and this state of things, although it reflected the highest possible honour upon the patrons, and gave to their pursuits a tone far higher than that of the generality of our present noblemen, yet, in some degree, cramped the energies of the writers themselves, by restricting them to subjects which were likely to gratify their noble patrons.

This universality (if I may so term it) of reading, operates visibly on the character of those who furnish materials for it: the number of books written diminishes, in the eyes of the public, as well as in those of the authors themselves, the previously-supposed magnitude of the undertaking; and now no great preparation is considered formerly the very comparative scarcity of publications necessary for a man who becomes an author. But, as made an author, who was once successful, celebrated for life, and thus increased the number of those who selected the path of writing as a profession, in the hope of acquiring such fame, with the addition of the more solid advantages arising from it; so the number of the books now written has a decidedly contrary tendency.


The business of bookmaking" is not, by any means, exclusively followed as a profession, except in a few solitary instances; and, instead of authors," métier," we have writers in every class of life, noblemen, soldiers, sailors, clergymen, carpenters, merchants, and mechanics (not to mention shepherds, and shoemakers' apprentices) all "wield their little sickles ;" and all seem to expect that, however small the pains they have taken, they shall reap the rich harvest of fame, which should only fall into the lap of those who have merited it by their unwea ried and strenuous exertions," in ludo literario."

Of these works, by far the greater part are, as they deserve to be, only of an ephemeral duration; others occupy the public attention for a short time; and but few, like productions of the authors of the last century, continue to be valued more as they grow better known; whose existence is coeval with the English language, and, to have written which, insures an immortality of renown to the author which envy cannot obscure, and to which the lapse of succeeding ages will only add increased brilliancy.


Rob Roy.-Ever desirous to cherish literary inquiries on the part of our correspondents, we give place to the following extract, even at the expense of a yawn to some Scots Novel of Rob Roy, the pedigree of the English of our readers:-"Long before the publication of the poet, David Mallet, who died in 1765, is thus traced by Dr. Johnson, in his Lives of the Poets. Mallet was by his original, one of the Macgregors, a clan that became, about sixty years ago, under the conduct of Robin Roy that the name was annulled by a legal abolition; and so formidable and so infamous for violence and robbery, when they were all to denominate themselves anew, the father, I suppose, of this author, called himself Malloch."

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Firm is the accent of Tyranny's speech,
Firm is the hold of the blood-thirsty leech,
Firm is the rock which you ocean defies,

When dashing around it the billows arise;

But firmer than all, whilst my heart's blood shall flow,
Is the love that to thee, dearest country, I owe.

Noble the lion o'er beasts of the field,
Noble the glory that honour may yield,
Noble the cause for which warriors contend,
When they fight, blessed Liberty's cause to defend;
But nobler, and firmer, and stronger must be
The heart, dearest land, all-devoted to thee.


White to move and give checkmate in five moves, with out moving his own king.

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almost preclude the hope of ever being able fully to accom- Jupiter passes from Gemini into Cancer. The eclipses plish this desirable purpose. In 1763, several experiments of his Satellites are not visible to us this month. were made in a "marine chair," invented by Mr. Irwin, Saturn is in the head of the Bull, near t, or right eye, which excited ardent expectations that observations on and will be in conjunction Taurus on the 5th day, at the celestial phenomena might be taken at sea with equal 4 hours. Its appearance throughout the month will be Eclipses of the Moon afford another excellent opportu- steadiness and facility as if the observer were upon land. very interesting. nity for determining the longitude, according to the time This chair was suspended or moved in such a manner as The Georgian is still in the head of Sagittarius, and the in which they are observed differing from the first or fixed to yield in every way to the rolling of the vessel. Two occultation, which takes place on the 6th day, will be meridian. Thus: suppose an eclipse (by previous calcu- of these chairs, differently constructed, but acting upon found particularly interesting to those who are in posseslation) to commence at Greenwich at 9 hours, or 9 o'clock the same principle, were tried on board the Princess Louisa, sion of a powerful telescope. The Moon will have passed in the evening, and the same appearence is witnessed at under the directions of Admiral Tyrrell, and observations the meridian but a few minutes previously. The Georgian two other places, one at 7 hours and the other at 11 hours: taken together were found to correspondend with con- will immerge 9h. 57 m. and emerge at 11h. 94m. There the difference of the time for the first being less by two siderable accuracy. Partial success, however, was the will be several small stars near and above the planet, but hours than the time at Greenwich, the longitude of the only result of that and many other inventions; and the they may be distinguished from it by their twinkling light. place of observation is 30° W.; and on the contrary, the simple method of finding the longitude by a time-keeper, At the commencement of the month, at 10h. 30m. the difference of the last being two hours later than Greenwich and by what is termed lunar observations (of which we constellations on the meridian will be Antinous, from 30° time, the longitude will be 30° E.; for as the Earth in its shall speak next month) have deterred others from making diurnal motion revolves on its axis from West to East, similar trials, though it is much to be regretted that me. so all places to the eastward must have the Sun's light chanical science has not been more devoted to the accomfirst, and consequently the noon, or mid-day, from which plishment of this object. the hours are reckoned: therefore, when the time is greater Mercury passes from the constellation on Cancer through than Greenwich the longitude will be East, and when Leo into Virgo; Venus passes from Cancer into Leo. less the longitude will be West. Eclipses of the Moon, They are both too near the Sun for any accurate observahowever, happen so unfrequently, that they are of but tion to be made. very little advantage to the mariner. Occultations of Phases of the Moon. the planetary bodies and the Moon with the fixed Stars may likewise be used for ascertaining the longitude. The eclipses of Jupiter's Satellites, from their constant recurrence, would afford the readiest and best mode for finding the longitude at sea; but the quick motion of a ship, and the smallness of the objects requiring a powerful glass,

D First Quarter...
O Full Moon
(Last Quarter

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New Moon .....
D First Quarter...



1d. 9b. 54m.
7 32
8 31
.24 2 27
.30 20 42

to 40° above the horizon. Over this are Aquila, Sagitta, Ansor et Vulpecula, the head and left wing of Cygnus, and part of Draco. Below Antinous is Capricornus, and near Aquila is Delphinus, both advancing to the meridian; Pleiades rising NEE., Perseus and Medusa's Head NE.; above which are Cassiopeia and Cepheus, Aurigo NNE E., Aries EbNEN. A few minutes afterward Fomalhaut a Piscis Australis will rise SES. On the 25th, at 10 hours, Capricornus, Delphinus, and Cygnus will be on the meridian; Fomalhaut SSE E. about 5° above the horizon. At 10h. 80m. Aldebaran will rise NEbEE. the head and fore paws of Ursa Major at the lowest depression North. The stars in the right hand of Perseus will present a beautiful telescopic object when the evenings are clear.

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Scientific Records.

it is obvious in the operation of the instrument, that when an expansion of air takes place in it, a portion is driven {Comprehending Notices of new Discoveries or Improve-out, and a pressure must consequently be made, on the ments in Science or Art; including, occasionally, sin surface of the liquid in the middle bulb, and displaces a gular Medical Cases; Astronomical, Mechanical, Phi- portion of it equal to the rate or degree of expansion it losophical, Botanical, Meteorological, and Mineralogical suffers. When the fluid is pressed out of the middle bulb Phenomena, or singular Facts in Natural History; by this expansion, it will be driven by the capillary tube Vegetation, &c.; Antiquities, &c.; and List of Patents. to a point which will indicate the quantity displaced; and consequently, the degree of expansion produced in the A DESCRIPTIVE ACCOUNT OF TWO THERMO- lower bulb, will be correctly known, and the temperature MICROMETERS, accurately read off by the graduated scale attached to the upper leg of the instrument.

Invented by Goldsworthy Gurney, Esq. [FROM NO. I. OF THE METROPOLITAN LITERARY JOURNAL.]

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لسل السلسل

اللسان سريال سيلينا
اسيا سياسسلسل نسل
النفيلي لسلسيلسا


If by accident or intention the expansion is made so great as to drive all the fluid out of the middle bulb and up the tube, the upper bulb is provided to prevent its being driven over and lost. The principle on which it acts will be directly seen by an inspection of the engravingthe bulb being larger than sufficient for containing the whole of the liquid used in the instrument, the fluid, from its specific gravity, will act like a valve when it is driven into this bulb, and will here allow any air to escape, by bubbling through it into the atmosphere, and at the same time will prevent its return, without first pressing the fluid back again to the middle bulb, from whence it has previously been displaced. This middle bulb is also more than sufficiently large for containing the whole of the fluid employed in the instrument, consequently, on the same principle as the upper one, it will here act as a valve, though in an opposite direction. It will allow any air to pass into the lower or principal bulb of the thermometer, so as to effect a balance of atmospheric pressure, whenever condensation takes place. It will be observed, that this balance will be effected, let the condensation in the lower bulb be the greatest that can possibly be produced. By this arrangement of two bulbs the fluid can neither be driven over nor lost, on the one hand; nor can it be drawn into the lower bulb, and affect the delicacy of the instru

ment on the other.

To John Leigh Bradbury, of Manchester, Lancashire for his mode of twisting, spinning, or throwing silk, cot ton, wool, linnen or other threads or fibrous substances 3d July.-2 months.

To Philip Taylor, of the City Road, Middlesex, engi neer, for certain improvements on steam-engines July.-6 months.

To John Lane Higgins, of Oxford-street, Middlesex, esquire, for certain improvements in the construction of the masts, yards, sails, and rigging of ships and smaller res sels, and in the tackle used for working or navigating the same.-7th July.-6 months.

To William Hirst and John Wood, both of Leeds Yorkshire, manufacturers, for certain improvements i machinery for raising or dressing of cloth-7th July 6 months.

To Joseph Clisild Daniell, of Stoke, Wiltshire, clothier for his improved method of weaving woollen cloth July.-2 months.

To Charles Phillips, of Repnor, in the parish of Frende bury, Kent, esquire, for certain improvements on tille and steering wheels of vessels of various denominations 13th July.-6 months.

MR. SADLER'S ASCENT FROM DUBLIN. § In the annals of aërostation, perhaps there never was a more successful or satisfactory display of the art than Mr. Sadler, in the Cobourg-gardens, Dublin. The day was peculiarly fine, the situation delightful, and the pro menade of beauty and fashion crowded and elegant.

The inflation of the balloon commenced at eight o'clock in the morning, and before twelve was completed with very great ease. The gas was supplied by the Hibernian Gas Company. At eleven o'clock a small pilot balloon liberated, which took a N. W. direction, but the wind was remarkably variable all through. At twelve a second pilot veered to the east, and another, a short time before Mr. G., calculating on the comparative expansibility of the ascent, to the north. The bolloon, when inflated aëriform bodies by heat, (which are found to expand ge-appeared very beautiful in alternate stripes of brown and nerally in the ratio of their respective densities) filled the green, with a corresponding zone; its diameter 84 feet, lower or principal bulb of the thermometer with hydrogen and 48 feet in height. At two o'clock, the car being at gas; he found it to be considerably more sensible than tached, and the philosophical and other instruments ar common air, and has thus been enabled to detect changes | ranged, Mr. Sadler, whose cool intrepidity was remarkof temperature which would otherwise not even be sus- able, seated himself therein, and his old companion, Mr. pected; many of which are interesting both in science and Livingstone, accompanied him, when Lady Manners, led the arts. The delicacy of the thermometer, when thus by the Right Hon. the Lord Mayor, presented a flag to constructed, is truly astonishing: in fact, it will indicate Mr. Sadler, and addressed him audibly in the following The above wood cut represents two thermometers lately the thousandth part of a degree of Fahrenheit with the words: constructed by Mr. Gurney, which possess an almost in- greatest accuracy. This being the case, the fluid must conceivable delicacy in detecting small changes of tempe- consequently pass through a long range of tube in order rature Mr. Gurney having engaged in some researches | to measure a few degrees of heat. Mr. G. has, therefore, on animal heat, found great inconvenience and difficulty found it necessary, in the most delicate instrument of the obtaining accurate results from the want of an instru- kind, which he calls the Thermo-micrometer, to employ a ment which would measure sudden and delicate changes tube four feet long in its construction. As this length of of temperature. He found that the most delicate spirit tube would be exceedingly inconvenient in the labaratory, thermometers were too sluggish in their action for his pur- if continued in a straight line, he has bent it in a serpenpose, and thus the most interesting results of many of his tine direction, as represented above the bulb in fig. 2, by experiments were lost. He found, also, that no kind of which means the whole length is conveniently placed air thermometer hitherto constructed could be employed against a scale in a small compass, without any disadvanin his researches, because the experiments required that tage to the use of the instrument; the graduated scale is the temperature of liquid bodies should be correctly mea- made to follow the serpentine form of the tube, and the sured, and for this, it is well known, the air thermometer temperature indicated by the rise of the fluid, may be cannot be used. Mr. Gurney, therefore, directed his at- read off with the same facility as if it rose perpendicularly. tention to the construction of a new thermometer. Every bend of the tube should be a little elevated from the other, so as to form a slight inclined plane upwards in every straight portion of the tube, that any moisture which may adhere to, or condense on the inside surface of the tube, may more easily find its way to the fluid below. [To be continued.]

Professor Leslie employed air in all his experiments for measuring delicate changes of temperature; and other philosophers have since established the fact, that air is more sensibly affected by heat than any other body. This consideration induced Mr. Gurney to attempt an alteration in the air thermometer, so that it may be employed with success in these delicate experiments.

Either of the instruments exhibited in the cut, may be immersed in a fluid in a perpendicular direction like the


To John Hobbins, of Walsall, Staffordshire, ironmon

ger, for his improvements in gas apparatus.Dated 22d
June, 1824.-2 months allowed to enrol specification.

To Humphrey Austin, of Alderley Mills, Gloucester-
shire, manufacturer, for certain improvements on shear-
ing machines.-22d June.-6 months.

spirit thermometer. Fig. 1, consists of a tube of glass
bent twice in a semi-circle in opposite directions, like the
reversed letter S, having a bulb blown between the turns
of the tube, into which the capillary bore of the tube has
a free opening, both above and below the bulb. The tube
after being carried round from the upper side of this bulb, To John Beuton Higgon, of Gravel-lane, Houndsditch,
terminates in another bulb or globe which is blown very Middlesex, gentleman, for his improvement or addition
thin at its extremity, the bore of the tube having, of to carving-knives and other edged tools.-22d June.-2
course, a free communication between them. The mid-months.
dle bulb is the most useful part of the instrument. It is
capable of containing a sufficient quantity of coloured
spirit, to fill the whole of the tube up to the open extre-
mity, when the air in the lower one is expanded by heat.
It also prevents any part of the fluid from running into
the lower bulb under any circumstances of condensation,
as will be presently described.

As the lower or principal bulb of the thermometer has a communication through the bent tube to the middle one,

To William Busk, of Broad-street, in the city of London, merchant, for certain improvements in the means or method of propelling ships, boats, or other floating bodies. 29th June.-6 months.

To William Pontifex the younger, of Shoe-lane, London, coppersmith and engineer, for his improved mode of adjusting or equalizing the pressure of fluids or spirits in pipes or tubes, and also an improved mode of measuring the said fluids or liquids.—1st July.-6 months.

"Mr. Sadler, I have the honour of presenting thes colours to you; and I sincerely hope you will have a safe pleasant, and prosperous excursion; and I shall be ver glad, indeed, if the example of your enterprising spir shall be productive hereafter of advantages to your cour try by leading to some useful discovery."

Lady Combermere presented a second flag, "heart wishing him safety and success in this and all his honou able undertakings." All being now ready, Mr. Sadle gave the word to "let go," when at five minutes aft two he ascended in the most majestic style imaginabl amidst the enthusiastic applause and admiration of t multitude; the balloon took a northern direction & ascended rapidly, the aëronauts waving their flags, answering the cheers by repeated bows. The rays of sun glistening on the balloon in its altitude, had a beau ful effect; at this time it passed directly over the city. fifteen minutes after two, it changed its course more to N. E.; it remained in view about half an hour, u diminished to a speck."

The balloon descended in perfect safety, at about o'clock, in a potato field, between Rush and Skerrie The aeronauts were hospitably entertained by Rich Sharpe, Esq., at whose house it was deposited. In evening Messrs. Sadler and Livingstone returned to to

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of Carabine-proof, with prime, powder and fire-lock, unLoverable in a stranger's hand.


How to light a fire and a candle at what hour of the night one awaketh, without rising or putting one's hand at of the bed. And the same thing becomes a serviceable pistol at pleasure; yet by a stranger, not knowing the kel, seemeth but a dextrous tinder-box.


How to make an artificial bird to fly which way and as long as one pleaseth, by or against the wind, sometimes chirping, other times hovering, still tending the way it is designed for.


To make a ball of any metal, which thrown into a pool or pail of water shall presently rise from the bottom, and constantly shew by the superficies of the water the hour of the day or night, never rising more out of the water then just to the minute it sheweth of each quarter of the hour; and if by force kept under water, yet the time is not lost, but recovered as soon as it is permitted to rise to the superficies of the water.

48. A SCRUED ASCENT OF STAIRS. A serued ascent, instead of stairs, with fit landing places to the best chambers of each story, with back stairs within the noell of it, convenient for servants to pass up and down to the inward rooms of them unseen and private.

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water may be cold; in two or three hours they will blow as in the meridian of summer, retaining all their fragrance.


HE following Resolutions are extracted from the

printed Annual Report of a Meeting of Gentlemen, admirers and receivers of the Theological Writings of the 1824. Honourable Emanuel Swedenborg, held at Warwick, 7th July,

Resolved,-1. That the doctrine concerning the human soul, or spirit, and especially concerning the source of its life and energies, is of vital importance to every human being, to plunge him into unspeakable disorders and mischiefs. whilst a correct and scriptural idea cannot fail to conduct the humble and sincere believer to the temple of wisdom,

since erroneous ideas on the subject have a manifest tendency

purity, and peace.

logical writings of the late Honourable Emanuel Swedenborg 11. That on this high ground, the philosophical and theoclaim the devout attention of every reader, because in those

Love at First Sight.-At the English Opera-house, last summer, a gentleman fell suddenly in love with a young lady, who sat with her mother and sister a few seats from him; tearing a blank leaf out of his pocket-book, he wrote with a pencil, May I inquire if your affections are engaged ?" and handed it to her, which she showed to her mother. Shortly afterwards she wrote underneath his question, I believe I may venture to say they are not; but why do you ask?" and returned him the paper. The gentleman then wrote on another leaf-"I love you dearly, I am single, I have £1000 a year, I am not in debt, I have a good house, and I only want a good wife to make me completely happy. Will you be mine? If you will, I promise (and with every intention of keeping my word) to be an affectionate, indulgent, and faithful husband to you, and what more can I say?" The young lady was so much pleased with this declaration, that they immediately became acquainted, and, in the course of four months afterwards, he led her, with the consent of her parents, to the hymeneal altar.—Morning paper. writings we are not only taught what the human soul, or spirit, is not, but also what it is, and thus, whilst we are Lord Byron's Grecian Orphan.-Any subject materially guarded against all the dangers of mistaken apprehension, connected with the character or actions of the late Lord we are initiated, at the same time, into all the sublime and Byron, whose earthly remains were lately removed from cdifying mysteries of the most luminous and consolatory our metropolis to their last resting-place, must be now pe psychology. III. That these beneficial effects, as derived from the above culiarly interesting. The massacre of the Greeks by the writings, are the results of the following simple, yet most Turks at Scio will stand an imperishable record of Ma- viz: that it is not a mere breath, phantom, or vapour, as some full and satisfactory definition of the human soul, or spirit, hommedan barbarity. During that carnage a Greek boy, imagine it to be, to which is superadded a thinking principle, and about eight years of age, whose parents and kindred were which contains in itself an independent life of its own, but that, on savagely butchered by the infidels, crept instinctively into the contrary, it is a real spiritual form and substance, distinct from an oven of his paternal home, to escape from the general from its GREAT CREATOR, and thus, notwithstanding the ne matter, created to receive life continually, in the way of influx, slaughter. He remained there two days without any nu-cessary appearance that it possesses independent life, yet the real triment whatever; when, at the close of the second day, truth is, that it is merely a receptive and re-active form of life, and he was providentially discovered, senseless and exhausted! this momentarily. The late Lord Byron, having been fully informed of those singular facts, immediately received the orphan boy under his protection. The extraordinary history of his preservation, and the sad havoc of his race, endeared the child more closely to his sympathy and affection. He was constantly with his Lordship to the last moment of his existence. Soon after that lamentable event, which deprived Greece of her most steadfast champion, Liberty of her How to signify words and a perfect discourse by jang- best guardian, and Poesy of her brightest son, the HoTang of bells of any parish-church, or by any musical in-nourable Leicester Stanhope sent the boy to England for trument within hearing, in a seeming way of tuning it; the advancement of his education, and recommended him O of an unskilful beginner. to the care and protection of the Earl of Harrington. On his arrival in this country, the Duke and Duchess of Leinster were so much delighted with the nobleness of his deportment, and amenity of his manners, at so youthful an age, that they have adopted him as their protege. He resides in London, with the Leinster family. He is a perfect Grecian warrior in miniature. His eastern costume is most imposing, as he wears a turban, gelick, &c.; and on the right side of his belt are a pair of pistols, on his left a dagger. He was in the first carriage that followed the hearse of his magnanimous patron.


A portable engine, in way of a tobacco-tongs, whereby a man may get over a wall, or get up again, being come down, finding the coast proving unsecure unto him.


A complete light portable ladder, which taken out of ones pocket, may be by himself fastened an hundred foot high, to get up by from the ground.


A rule of gradation, which with ease and method redanceth all things to a private correspondence, most useful for secret intelligence.



A way how to make hollow and cover a water-scrue as big and as long as one pleaseth, in an easy and cheap way.


How to make a water-scrue tighte, and yet transparent, and free from breaking; but so clear, that one may pal. pably see the water or any heavy thing how and why it is mounted by turning.


A double water-scrue, the innermost to mount the water, and the outermost for it to descend more in number of threds, and consequently in quantity of water, hough much shorter then the innermost scrue, by which he water ascendeth, a most extraordinary help for the burning of the scrue to make the water rise.

55-AN ADVANTAGEOUS CHANGE OF CENTRES. To provide and make that all the weights of the descending side of a wheel shall be perpetually further from the centre, then those of the mounting side, and yet equal in number and heft to the one side as the other. A most redible thing, if not seen, but tried before the late King (of blessed memory) in the Tower, by my direcons, two extraordinary Embassadors accompanying his jesty, and the Duke of Richmond and Duke Hamil. , with most of the court, attending him. The wheel fourteen foot over, and forty weights of fifty pounds piece. Sir William Balfour, then Lieutenant of the Tower, can justifie it, with several others. They all saw, that no sooner these great weights passed the diameterline of the lower side, but they hung a foot further from the centre, nor no sooner passed the diameter-line of the upper side, but they hung a foot nearer. Be pleased to judge the consequence.

[To be continued.]


English Language.-Two foreigners walking up and a coffee-room, one proposed to the other to show company that they were not totally ignorant of the glish language. The latter agreeing, addressed the pany in a loud tone of voice, and inquired, "did it to-morrow?" The other very appropriately replied, guit vas." The latter turned to the company, and "he askt vat, and I told him yas."

[blocks in formation]

the most perfect accord both with sound reason and the
IV. That this definition of the human soul, or spirit, is in
truth of revelation, since sound reason teaches, that, as the
body derives its existence from the soul, or spirit, therefore
we are authorised to conclude, that it derives also its
form from the same source, and whereas, the form of the
body is confessedly a human form, therefore the form of
the soul, or spirit, also is of the same description. Sound
reason again teaches that no creature, whether animal
asmuch as life itself is not creatable, and consequently
or vegetable,
every creature, whether animal or vegetable, is merely a
can possibly possess independent life, in-
form receptive of life, and receptive in proportion to the
greater or lesser perfection of its form, whilst man alone is
its DIVINE SOURCE. The truth of revelation likewise speaks
also a re-active form, and thus capable of referring his life to
the same interesting language, because by revelation we are
instructed, in the first place, that angelic beings, and also the
departed spirits of men, are in human forms, as is evident from
where we find it recorded that Moses and Elias were seen by
what is related in the history of the LORD's transfiguration,
the Apostles talking with Him, from which testimony it is
plain that they were seen as men, consequently they were in
human forms. [Luke ix. 30. Matt. xvii. 3. Mark ix. 4.] and
at the LORD's resurrection, and who is called a young man
further, from what is recorded of the angel who appeared
[Mark xvi. 5. see also Luke xxiv. 4,23.] and again, from the
angel who appeared to the Apostle John in his Apocalyptic
Vision, and who, when the Apostle was about to worship
him, testifies concerning himself, saying, "I am thy fellow-
servant; and of thy bretheren that have the testimony of JESUS,
[Rev. xix. 10.] from which words it is manifest that, although
he was an angel, yet he had once been a man, and therefore
it is reasonable to conclude, that the human form, in which
he now appeared to the Apostle, was the proper form of his
spirit when it was clothed with a body of flesh. Revelation
teaches, in the second place, that GoD, at creation, breathed
into man's nostrils the breath of life [or lives] and that thus man
became a living soul [Gen. ii. 7.] which sublime idea is after-

emphetically "THE LIFE," [John xi. 25. xiv. 6.] and who
taught also that the connection of man with Himself is
like that of a vine and its branches [John xv. 5.] consequently
the life which he derives from the PARENT STOCK.
that man, as a branch, possesses no independent life, but only

tice among confectioners to colour their comfits by means
Test for Copper in Sweatmeats.—It is said to be a prac-wards confirmed by the INCARNATE GOD, who calls Himself
of copper; and lately, a gentleman published a letter,
mentioning that one of his children and a nurse had been
made unwell by eating such comfits. To detect the
presence of copper, pour over the comfits liquid ammonia
(hartshorn) which, if copper be present, speedily acquires
a blue colour.-The Chemist.

Sealy, of New York, has announced that the steam of
To destroy Bugs.-The Chemist states, that a Mr.
boiling water will effectually destroy this noxious insect:
it kills the eggs as well as the vermin.

To preserve Roses till Christmas.--When roses are
budding and blooming is the time to lay by a treat for
Christmas. Select from your rose-trees such buds as are
just ready to blow; tie a piece of thin thread round the
stalk of each; do not handle the bud or the stalk; cut it
from the tree with the stalk two or three inches in length;
stalk; the wax should be only so warm as to be ductile;
melt sealing wax, and quickly apply it to the end of the
form a piece of paper into a cone-like shape, wherein place
the rose; screw it up so as to exclude the air; do so by
each; put them into a box, and the box into a drawer, all
which is intended to keep them free from air. On Christ-
mas-day, or on any other day in winter, take them out,
cut off the ends of the stalks, place them in a flower pot or
bottle, with lukewarm water, or if in a heated room, the

momentous to every human being, not only in a speculative,

V. That this grand rational and evangelical truth is most but also in a practical view, since, if man once suffers himself to be betrayed into the delusive notion, that his life is his telligence, his joys, his words and works, and even his virtues, and necessary result, that he will conceive his talents, his inown and independent, it will presently follow, as a natural to be his own and independent also, and will thus be in danger

of separating both himself and them from their DIVINE
SOURCE, and by that separation plunging himself into the
dreadful abyss of a vain and infernal selfishness; whereas, from
by regarding it as a stream in perpetual connection with a
the moment that he begins to refer his life to its true origin,
DIVINE FOUNTAIN, rather than as a separated and stagnant
pool, in that same moment he begins to arise out of all the
mire and clay of a defiled self-love, and to worship GOD in spirit
blessed habit of referring all his faculties, whether voluntary
and in truth, because in that same moment he comes into the
all their exercises, sensations, joys, and products, to that
or intellectual, whether of mind or of body, together with
SUPREME ALMIGHTY FATHER, in whom, as the Apostle ex-
presseth it, we live, and move, and have our being."
piness, and the duty, of every human being to live, think,
VI. That therefore it is at once both the wisdom, the hap-
and act, under the continual devout acknowledgment that
out such freedom his life would be under perpetual constraint,
his life is from GOD, yet, at the same time to live, think, and
act freely, as if his life was his own, and independent, since with-
and consequently deprived of all its joys.

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