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t mean to adduce any of the reported and appa- tated subject, of bad habit of body, has occasioned death well-authenticated cases of persons who have been ascribed to hydrophobia;-that, in many instances, Tetaed into sickness upon being told how ill they looked nus has been mistaken for hydrophobia;-that the canine by many persons in succession, and apparently not acting madness, where it really exists, has often been brought on preconcertedly, to produce such result; neither shall we by the very means used as precautions against the contavel upon such cases as those so humorously burlesqued gion; and that, in a great majority of instances, dogs in the farce of "Frightened to Death." We shall confine have been most wantonly and cruelly condemned and butourse-Ives to one instance of which we had occular evidence, chered, upon the most vague and unsatisfactory evidence; proving clearly that credulous persons, or persons predis--that, although it may sometimes be deemed necessary posed to believe in any system or theory, however ridicu- to prohibit the public appearance of dogs in the streets, lous or visionary, may suffer their imaginations to persuade there is reason to believe that the close confinement of therm of the reality of symptoms which have no existence such animals, and the inhuman treatment they experience, except in their own credulity or superstition. if they happen to escape, is calculated to bring on the In order that our readers may ascertain what dependence canine madness; and, lastly, that many precautionary - is to be placed upon the inference we mean to deduce from modes, in case of alarm, might be adopted, much more the fact we are about to relate, we deem it only fair to pre-merciful and effectual than that now enforced in Liverpool. mise, that we have no faith whatever in animal magnetism ourselves, and that we do not address our reasoning to those who entertain any belief in the wonders ascribed to its agency. With this preamble we shall proceed with our narrative.

Upwards of twenty years ago, when Dr. Willink was in Liverpool, we passed an evening with him at our own house. He had recently arrived from Germany, deeply learned in the metaphysics of Kant and the subtilties of Mesmer; after he had set half the company asleep, with a long-winded dissertation on the merits of the former, in order to avoid nodding ourselves, which would have been unpardonable at our own table, we proposed to change the subject to animal magnetism, as the lesser bore of the two. The Doctor kindly complied, and read us a long lecture on the



strangers, but still respects his master, his head and tail always hang down, and he walks in a state of stupor. At length he pants, without previous exertion, tongue always out, and mouth continually open and discharging froth: he now forgets his master, snaps at every thing he meets, runs suddenly forward, then stops; the eyes become of a dull red, he gets weaker, often falls, and, finally, strong convulsions seize him, which soon put a stop to his ex. istence. There is no doubt that many a dog is sacrificed that is merely a little indisposed: but the above are unequivocal symptoms of madness; and, in whatever animal they appear, such should be immediately destroyed.

The symptoms, that are suffered from the bite of a rabid animal on man, are often months after the healing of the wound before they make their appearance. A slight pain is occasionally felt in the part bitten, heaviness, and disturbed sleep, with frightful dreams, restlessness, sudden startings, wandering pains, from the part affected to the throat, great anxiety, sighing, and a love for solitude: at length a tightness and sensation of choaking come on, with a horror or dread at the sight and noise of water. These symptoms leave the nature of the malady beyond a doubt: SIR, It was with heartfelt satisfaction I read, in the intense fever, with bilious vomiting takes place; hoarsecolumns of the Mercury, your remarks upon this dreadfulness of the voice, and discharge of viscid saliva, accompamalady. You have done a public good, by bringing upon nied with strong convulsions, which bear a resemblance to the tapis the discussion of a subject like this; and the Tetanus. The sufferer, between the fits, converses ra cause well accords with your motto, "Salus populi lex su tionally with his friends, and he appears to sink from exprema." If my opinions on this subject had entirely corresponded with your own, I had no need of this letter; and, as nothing tends so much towards the developement of an obscure subject as free discussion, I trust you will give place to sentiments that may be totally opposite your



The CURE of this disorder has, hitherto, been an insurmountable barrier to medical science. Dr. Cullen, who has written the most splendid work on the practice of physic, has arranged it under the class Newroses, and orrationale of this occult science. As far as we can now der, Spasmi, considering it to be a purely nervous affecrecollect of the matter, he stated that the nervous system Hydrophobia is certainly one of the most distressing tion. But subsequent practice has proved that the system of one person might be brought to act upon that of an- and incurable maladies that can affect the human race; of the blood is as much affected as the nervous system; other, producing motion or rest, provided the magnetiser and is by no means incidental to summer, for there are for every anti-spasmodic medicine has been tried, in vain, was more powerful than the person magnetised: the fornumerous instances of its occurrence in winter. 'Tis for its cure. Dr. Majendie, Physician to the Hospital of mer being plus and the latter minus. We asked for an unfortunate for the canine race that the origin of hydro- Hotel Dieu, in Paris, states, that he cured a case of hydroexperimental proof on the spot; and, after some shyness phobia is attributed to them, for it is alike generated in phobia by drawing away a quantity of blood, and injecting a which we thought we perceived on the part of the learned the cat, the fox, the wolf, and many other animals, domes- quantity of warm water in its stead into the vein. It had a professor, he consented to oblige us. He desired all the tic as well as wild. I must beg to observe that this disor-slight shock upon the action of the heart; but, however, persons in the room to place their hands and arms on the der can never supervene upon violent inflammations, or completely allayed every symptom of hydrophobia. Mr. table, resting on the elbow and the points of the fingers, hysteric fits; and shall be obliged if you will point out a Wynn, a surgeon, of Shrewsbury, states a case of this the palm of the hand being very near the table. He case on record. Neither can it be confounded with Teta- nature, where he succeeded in the cure by copious and rehen proceeded to magnetise, or rather to claw us, with the nus, which, I am sorry to say, is a malady equally dread-peated bleedings; but, I am sorry to say, the same means ngers of both his hands, not omitting to apprize us of ful; but which is generally brought on by a prick or punc-have been repeatedly tried without similar results. The e symptoms which would immediately precede the crisis. ture in some irritable part of the body, or a gun-shot excision of the salivary glands as alluded to above, is worhis symptom was described to be a subtile stream of air, wound; and many a brave officer and soldier,, which thy of consideration in the medical world; and, in my hich would be perceptible on the palm of the hand, when French valour could not subdue, were obliged to yield to humble opinion, no means should be left untried to ace hand and arm would involuntarily rise from the table, Tetanus, as the army surgeons can testify. The very complish the cure of so dreadful a disease. When a perwh the elbow would still remain in its place. The exname of hydrophobia, (derived from two Greek words) son is bitten by an animal known to be mad, he should periment was tried in succession upon several gentlemen implies a dread of water, and liquids generally; and, with have the part directly cut out, or lunar caustic, oil of tot success; and the explanation of the professor was, out this great characteristic feature, hydrophobia cannot vitriol, or spirits of salts, instantly applied: any of these that such persons belonged to the plus class, with relation be present. The CAUSE of this disorder still remains in remedies will effectually prevent the absorption of the poi whimself, the agent; and that he could not, therefore, utter darkness, whether in the human or the brute race; son into the body, if quickly used. We then selected a very delicate young and, the instance of its occurring from the bite of a man, Mill-street, Aug. 1824. dy, who, by common consent, was pronounced to be at Batavia, is, I think, the only one on record. The poiwith reference to the Doctor. Still the experiment son is evidently conveyed with the saliva, during the bite; ; as the young lady declared she felt none of the and, it appears, can be formed by animals when they are ed symptoms. At last, a very stout German gentle- highly excited or enraged. The Greeks have a method, a remarkable for his predilection for the marvellous, in cases of this kind, of cutting out a little substance from essed a wish to have the experiment tried upon him under the tongue, which substance I conceive must be the a learned countryman. This last essay was more sublingual glands; and this operation, they say, effects a esful than the former efforts, as the Doctor had not cure. Now, if they cut out one pair of salivary glands, avea him many seconds, when the patient declared he they must cut out the whole, which must include the stream of air against his hand, and that his fingers parotid, before the bottom of the ear, and the submaxilered to be raised from the table by some invisible agent.lary, immediately under the jaw; for these are the very We have scarcely room to state the inferences which we duse from the facts we have related, and must for the Part confine ourselves, in conclusion, to a brief enumeof our own convictions on this subject, which are, That, in many cases, where death has been oceasioned by Gebite of dogs, the dogs have not been mad;-that not dog out of a thousand killed, on suspicion of the canine The SYMPTOMS of hydrophobia that first appear in the Madness, has really had that disorder;-that, in a great dog are, a loss of its usual vivacity, a lurking in secret cases, mere apprehension, acting upon a debili- | places, seldom barking, refusing meat and drink, flies at

en them.

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glands which secrete the poison of hydrophobia.. This
operation must be dangerous, from the contiguity of these
glands to the external and internal branches of the carotid
artery. However, if I could procure a dog suffering under
this malady, I would not hesitate to try the experiment
and watch its result.

J. E.

Scientific Records. [Comprehending Notices of new Discoveries or Improvements in Science or Art; including, occasionally, singular Medical Cases; Astronomical, Mechanical, Philosophical, Botanical, Meteorological, and Mineralogical Phenomena, or singular Facts in Natural History; Vegetation, &c.; Antiquities, &c.; List of Patents:to be contuued in a series through the Volume.]


An important measure past parliament, last session, intitled "an Act for ascertaining and establishing uniformity of weights and measures, in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland." The following is an account of the


After 1st May 1825, a measure, referred to as being in the

custody of the Clerk of the House of Commons, is declared to

be the "Imperial standard yard," and shail be the only standard measure of extension in the three kingdoms, by which

all other measures of extension, whether lineal, superficial, or solid, shall be computed and ascertained; one-third part of said standard yard shall be a foot, the twelfth part of said foot an inch; 5 such yards a pole or perch, 220 such yards a. furlong, and 1760 such yards a mile. Superficial measure shall be computed from the said yard, the rood of land to

contain 1210 square yards, the acre 4840 yards, being 160

square perches, poles, or rods.

After 1st May, 1825, a brass weight, also referred to as being in the custody of the Clerk of the House of Commons, is de

clared to be the "Imperial standard Troy pound," from which all other weights shall be derived, computed and ascertained: one-twelfth thereof shall be an ounce, one twentieth of such ounce shall be a pennyweight, and one twenty-fourth part of such pennyweight shall be a grain, and 5760, such

grains a pound Troy: 7000 such grains to be a pound avoirdupois, 1-16th of said pound an ounce, and 1-16th of such

ounce shall be a dram avoirdupois weight.

After 1st May, 1825, a brass measure to be made under the direction of the Treasury, and to contain 10lb. avoirdupois weight of distilled water, weighed in air at the temperature of 62° Fahrenheit, is declared to be the "Imperial standard gallon," and shall be the only standard measure of capacity, as well for liquids as for dry goods not measured by heaped measure, and from which all other measures of capacity shall be computed and ascertained; one-fourth part of said gallon being a quart, one-eighth a pint, and two such gallons a peck, eight such gallons a bushel, and eight such bushels a quarter of corn or other dry goods not measured by heaped measure. The standard measure of capacity for coals, lime, potatoes,

and other goods commonly sold by heaped measure, shall be

the aforesaid bushel, containing 801b. avoirdupois of water as aforesaid, the same being made round, with an even bottom, and being 191 inches from outside to outside; and in

using such bushel for heaped measure, the goods shall be duly heaped in the form of a cone not less than six inches in

height, and the outside of the bushel shall be the extremity of the base of such cone; 3 bushels to be a sack, and 12 sacks

a chaldron.

Copies and models of the standards of length, weight, and

measure are to be made and verified, under direction of the

Treasury, and the Justices of the Peace for counties, and the

magistrates of royal burghs shall, within six months from the passing of the Act (17th June, 1824) purchase for their respective counties and burghs, a model and copy of each of the aforesaid standards, and of each of the parts and multiples thereof; which models and copies shall be placed for safe eustody and inspection with such persons and in such places

as the justices and magistrates may appoint, to be produced at any time and place within the county or burgh as any

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[From the Literary Gazette.]

In our last number we briefly alluded to this machine, which, though not an entirely new invention, has now come to be applied in such a manner as fairly to promise to rival steam in its importance. Patents have, we believe, been taken out both in England and Scotland; and the following is the "Descriptive outline of THAT, for raising water, impelling machinery, &c. &c. invented by Mr. Samuel Brown, of Printing-house-square, London, with an enumeration of some of the advantages to be derived from its application."

This invention (as described in the specification of the patent) consists of a combination which is thus formed:Inflammable gas is introduced along a pipe into an open cylinder or vessel, whilst a flame, placed on the outside of and near the cylinder, is constantly kept burning, and at the proper times comes in contact with, and ignites the gas therein; the cylinder is then closed airtight, and the flame prevented from entering it. The gas continues to flow into the cylinder for a short space of time, and then is stopped off; during that time it acts, by its combustion, upon the air within the cylinder, and at the same time a part of the rarified air escapes through vessel or cylinder being kept cool by water. On the same one or more valves, and thus a vacuum is effected; the principle the vacuum may be effected in one, two, or more cylinders or vessels.


fact, that, after deducting the friction arising from the use of the air and cold water pumps, &c. &c. the general available power of the condensing steam-engine is from seven to eight pounds per square inch.

as constructed for raising water; it is therefore peculiary "The cost of the machine will be moderate, particularly adapted for draining fens, &c. or supplying reservoirs the expense of wear and tear will also be considerably less than that of the steam-engine, and, when occasionally out of order, it may be repaired at a trifling cost, and with but little delay.

"The simplicity of the construction of this vacuum engine, which has been approved by several eminent scien tific men, and the certainty of its principle, combined render it eminently valuable to the public. with the advantages above enumerated, will, it is presumed


Sheathing Ships' Bottoms.-On Sir Humphrey Darr last visit to Portsmouth, two boats were ordered to be cop pered in the dock-yard, for the purpose of ascertaining the extent of benefit to be derived from the new mode sheathing ships' bottoms. It was expected that the ap plication of iron in coppering would produce every desirabl affect in counteracting the galvanic action of salt water; but, from totally unforeseen results, it is yet uncertain how far it will answer. The boats were placed in quiet water, and were suffered to remain unused the whole time ap pointed for the experiment. One of them was sheathed on the old plan, the other on the new. On taking them out on Friday, the 11th ult. for the inspection of Sir Hum phrey, the former was found slightly covered with a muddy deposit, and to appearance muchas when launched but the entire coppering of the latter was hidden by sma live animals, which lie apparently in millions amongst a thick slime, and on which a sea grass, six inches in length had grown in abundance. This effect was unlooked fa practice, as it must have been impossible to calculate t its theory, and excited much surprise. Whether the elec trical sensation is a gratifying one to the animals which a seems to have gathered, or it possesses an unavoida power of attraction on such small objects, it is difficult t say, and it will probably excite much discussion amongs those who are interested in the result. If this product o the new mode be inevitable, the service of the copper 23 assisting the passage of vessels through the water must destroyed; but it is more than probable that use and motion will prevent all such accumulation, and then the superiority of Sir H. Davy's invention, or rather applica tion, is evident; for on weighing the copper very se curately on each boat, the unprepared metal was foun cost of coal-gas (deducting the value of the coke) being destruction by the contact of salt water. On Wednesda inconsiderable. The expense of working a marine engine se'nnight the boats were again hauled up, in the prese will certainly be greater, as the gas used for that purpose of Commissioner Boyle, the master shipwright, and severa must be extracted from oil, pitch, tar, or some other sub- naval and other officers, when it appeared that on one s stance equally portable, yet even in this case it will not of the boat which had been sheathed with the protec equal the cost of the fuel required to propel a steam-boat; metal, from which the grass and animalcule had be and, as a few butts of oil will be sufficient for a long voy-rubbed off on the 11th ult. a fresh accumulation of a age, vessels of the largest tonnage may be propelled to the malcula had already taken place in the short space of most distant parts of the world." days.-Southampton Chronicle.

"A vacuum being effected by the above combination, it will, by its application to machinery, produce powers in several ways; and, in the specification, the inventor describes some of the different kinds of machinery by which water may be raised from a pond, river, &c. an overshot water wheel turned; and pistons worked which give rotatory motion to a fly-wheel. "The ways being therefore explained, in which, by the pressure of the air, the vacuum produced (and continued) is applied to useful purposes, Mr. Brown claims to be the inventor of the combination above described, for effecting a vacuum, however much it may be varied by the mechanical means with which it may be used, and also the inventor of applying a vacuum produced by the combustion of inflaminable gas, to raising water, and to the production of motion in machinery by the pressure of the atmosphere.

"The advantages to be derived from this engine are, "1stly, The quantity of gas consumed being very small, the expense of working the engine is moderate. In its

person by a writing under his hand shall require, he paying application on land the saving will be extremely great, the to have diminished, and the prepared to have suffered s

the reasonable charges of the same. The expense of purchasing these models is to be assessed with the land-tax on counties and burghs.

Where reference cannot easily be had to standards, the act favours country magistrates with the following easy practicar rule for ascertaining the measures of capacity:-In that case,

it shall be lawful to any magistrate, when the correctness of any measure of capacity is disputed, "to ascertain the correctness of such measure by direct reference to the weight of pure or rain water, which such measure is capable of containing; 10lb. avoirdupois weight of such water, at the temperature of 62°, Fahrenheit's thermometer being the standard gallon ascertained by this act, the same being in bulk equal to 277 cubic inches and 274-1000th parts of a cubic inch, and so in

proportion for all parts or multiples of a gallon."

After 1st May, 1825, all contracts for sale, &c. by weight or measure, shall be holden to relate to the said standards, unless the contrary is specified; and, if any agreement shall make a reference to any local weight or measure, it shalt be null and void unless the agreement shall specify the ratio or proportion which such local weight or measure shall bear to the Imperial standard weights or measures.

The Act makes provision for restoring the standard yard, if it should be lost or injured, by reference to the length of a pendulum vibrating seconds at London; and for restoring

the standard pound, if lost, &e. by reference to the weight of a cubic inch of water in certain circumstances. All the

old Acts of the English and Irish Parliaments respecting

weights and measures are expressly repealed.

There are other regulations, relative to rents and stipends in Scotland, in which our readers cannot be interested.

After the 1st May, 1825, no new weights or measures shall be made, except in conformity with the said standards; but persons may use the existing weights and measures in their

possession, provided that the ratio or proportion which such

existing weights and measures bear to the standards be painted or marked on the said existing weights and measures. The regula

tions and penalties of former aets respecting weights and


"2dly, The engine is light and portable in its construction, the average weight being less than one-fifth the weight of a steam-engine (and boiler) of the same power; it also occupies a much smaller space, and does not require the erection of so strong a building, nor is a lofty chimney requisite. In vessels the saving of tonnage will be highly advantageous, both in the smaller comparative weight and size of the engine, and in the very reduced space required for fuel.

3dly, This engine is entirely free from danger. No boiler being used, explosion cannot take place, and, as the quantity of gas consumed is so small (being only about a hundredth part of the cubical contents of the cylinder) and the only pressure that of the atmosphere, it is impossible that the cylinder can burst, or the accidents in

cidental to steam-boats occur.

mospheric pressure of nine pounds and upwards to the "The power of the engine, being derived from the atsquare inch, may be increased, with the dimensions of the cylinders, to any extent, and always ascertained by the application of a mercurial gauge.

It is scarcely necessary to allude to the well known

Dr. Brewster, in his Edinburgh Journal of Science, noticing this machine under the appellation of Explosive Engine, notice, of the ingenious invention of the Rev. Mr. Cecil, by which the power is obtained by taking advantage of the vacuum created by the explosion of a mixture of hydrogen

Spinning Machines.-Two improved spinning machin have been recently introduced into America. One vented by a Mr. Wilkes Hyde, is called the Vertical Sp ner; and it is said, that a girl, by means of it, may p as much in one day as any other person can, with oth wheels, spin in four days; by the other, which is the vention of a Mr. Gilbert Brewster, the spinning, even the finest wools, is so facilitated, that the expense is duced to one cent per pound.-Mechanics' Magazine.

By a calculation ingeniously made by some, it is four that, were the inhabited known world divided into the parts, nineteen of them are still possessed by Pagans. by Jews and Mahometans, two by Christians of the Gr of Rome and Protestant communion. If this calculat and Eastern Churches, and three by those of the Ch be accurate, Christianity, taken in its largest latitu bears no greater proportion to the other religions than to twenty-five, or one to five. If we regard the num of inhabitants on the face of the globe, the proportion Christians to other religionists is not much greater: according to a calculation made in a pamphlet, publis originally in America, and republished in London in 18 the inhabitants of the world amount to about 800,000.0 and its Christian population to only 200,000,000; VIZ Asia, 2,000,000; Africa, 2,000,000; Europe, 177,000,0 America, 18,000,000; 1. e. the Greek and East

measures are declared to apply to the new act for enforcing expansive force of the explosion might also be employed; Churches, 30,000,000; the Roman Catholics, 100,000,

observanoe to it.

and common air, Mr. Cecil suggested in his paper that the but his machine was not founded on this principle."

the Protestants 70,000,000.-Scotsman.

The Drama.


"The very head and front of our offending Hath this extent, no more."

cured from nature; science and good taste may improve,
but they cannot create it.

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Now, gentlemen, sages of the Kaleidoscope, an' it please ye, we would somewhat more immediately with you. For that ye are so much aloof from us, we are infinitely your debtors; the poverty of our unfeigned thanks will It hath been objected to us that we are "partial;" so not suffice, we fear, to cancel so great an obligation. re are, to good acting. "Extreme severity" has like. How, indeed, can we wipe away the recollection of so ise been asserted to appertain unto our remarks. Was kind an act, as the assurance that we had no feeling in rer criminal yet condemned that did not accuse his judge common with those who could discover in Mr. Hunt's if cradty? though honestly acquitting him of injustice."action appropriate grace!" Remember, reader, this Then, our knowledge of music is superficial; very likely: was not uttered by us, who possess nor taste, judgwe happen, notwithstanding, to know just enough of ment," nor kind feeling" but emanated from the wise song, to distinguish what constitutes the difference between ones of the Kaleidoscope, whom we now know to be monohe hoarse croaking of a raven, and the clear warbling of polizers of all that's enviable in either quality. It was meet, thrush. We are reputed, also, of those who lack gallan- certainly, the pure ore should be distinguished from its ry; and so indeed we do, when courtesy would usurp the concomitant alloy; and wise, therefore, to disclaim hose of judgment, and dictate an estimate of profes- participating" in the rude " fashion of our speech," or the onal ability from pretty faces and sylph-like forms. It cold acerb vandalism of our sentiments. Thus situated, 1 not our business to be love-sick. We do not visit the however, it surely is enough to be responsible for ourselves beatre for the purpose merely of seeing handsome our own poor thoughts," as the Advertiser would say, Formen, and studying female anatomy; nor yet for sim-without being subject to arraignment for the conduct of i contemplating choice specimens of nature's statuary. others. As, for example, we, last week, wrote, alluding Were our notions of theatrical excellence to be derived to the respective merits of Mrs. Bunn and Mrs. Davidson, from personal qualifications alone, we should forthwith comparison pronounces Mrs. Bunn incapable of proving pronounce Mas. MARDYN superior to "all of woman herself to be what she really is not at once Mrs. Bunn worn" beside, and MR. COOPER incomparably the first and Mrs. Davidson," which the Kaleidoscope completely ragedian of our time. transposes, making us appear the ridiculous authors of flattery too fulsome to be credited, offensively insulting, but for its obvious absurdity. Mere typographical errors are pardonable, especially when arising from the imperfect autography of such indifferent penmen as ourselves. To substitute "waves" for wanes is excuseable, but we must really protest against the reduction of words of four syllables to trisyllables, and the total ejection of an unoffending monosyllable.

But it would appear that we are "conceited, and calsly indifferent to the feelings of others." Indeed! Tho are these "others?" The actors, we presume. ithout an audience there would very soon be no theatre; aving a theatre, it is reasonable to suppose that such a king exists as an audience. This audience, then, we ragite, must have somewhat of feeling also. Well, posresing an audience, and that audience being endowed Wir feelings, will the Editors of the Kaleidoscope ve the hardihood to maintain that those feelings may be traged with impunity? If so, it becomes, of course, an mited axiom in theatricals, that performers are not enable for the contumely with which they sometimes are to insult their auditory. The Editors of the Kaleidoscope, who, by the way, are very fearful of being laughed at for identifying themres with our opinions, aver that "MRS. ALDRIDGE is me of the cleverest women on this or any other stage.' digious! Did we ever utter any thing imputing, even, contrary? No; but then, somehow or other, we have noticed this great lady at all, only as an instance of ow much opinion might honestly vary; because

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"For captains o' the King's side ha' no need o'
Wives with nothing."

racters. Though altogether unnatural in design and conduct, this play is one amongst numerous others of our earlier dramatists, that are certain to tell, with an auditory not over fastidious; and is, consequently, well adapted to the taste of the nineteenth century. With the refinement of the age, fashionable vices become refined too, though in fact the morality of high life is, at this moment, of as "scant fame" as at the birth of Beaumont, in 1585; however gentlemen and ladies may choose to "assume a virtue they have not." Thus, while our people of consequence affect to shun the BEGGARS' OPERA as a moral pestilence, they crowd to the representation of infinitely more vicious exhibitions; detesting the one for no other reason than because it displays the unsophisticated amours of the common vulgar, and admiring the others only in the same ratio as they excitingly hold up to them the mirror" of their own. more exalted, but not less criminal, propensities. When, therefore, we speak of Rule a Wife and Have a Wife as an "excellent comedy," it is with reference, merely, to those scenic merits which this play unquestionably possesses in a very eminent degree. It is now performed as altered by Garrick, to whom we owe, belike, many of the stage directions; and notwithstanding the hacknied nature of the plots, for there are more than one,-despite the outrage on all probability in the business of the piece, skilful performers will always obtain both for it, and for themselves, no inconsiderable meed of popularity. The main plot, more particularly, Taming a Shrew, we have had, in numberless forms, any time these twenty years; but Beaumont and Fletcher's virago has the novelty of being a woman resolved on self-abandonment, who seeks a husband only to save her credit," that she may at once stand well with the world and give unrestrained freedom to her lascivious pleasures. Leon must have been a philosopher of no known school, to conceive the idea of feigning to be the thing such a lady was We are well pleased with the spirit of resurrection desirous of possessing, that he might thereby advance his which at present pervades our management. It evinces own fortune, for he "no revenue had," and teach mana laudable desire to please, and will, doubtless, be recipro-kind how to have, how to rule, a wife; and that wifecally agreeable to the public, and the treasury of the the Lady Margarita. The credulous Don Michael, liketheatre. CATO was a judicious revival, and so is RULE A wise, is scarcely a less extraordinary personage than Leon, WIFE AND HAVE A WIFE; but we think not thus only that being a soldier it was natural enough for him of the CABINET's resuscitation, nor was it approved to want a wife well-portionedby the town; for, on the evening of its representation, the overture was played to ten people in the pit, less than twenty in the boxes, and not exceeding fifty occupied the place of the gods. During the progress of the play, the number of the audience did not increase fourfold; the wonder, however, is, not that there were so few persons there, but that there were any; for certes they who have once witnessed the Cabinet, will scarcely care to trouble themselves about it again, even after an interval of five To smooth the ice, or add another hue years." The thing, as a drama, possesses not one solitary Unto the rainbow, or with taper light recommendatory feature, divested of its pretty songs and To seek the beauteous eye of heav'n to garnish, agreeable music; and without the combined powers of Is wasteful and ridiculous excess." Braham, Sinclair, and Miss Stephens, or Miss. M. Tree, Mr Hunt, too, say these same editorial gentlemen, "is is stupid in the extreme-" tedious as a twice told tale, of the best singing actors we have seen:" which is vexing the dull ear of a drowsy man.' The Music Hall lly but a very sorry kind of compliment, whether viewed furnishes us with what is rare in the way of minstrelsy; reference either to him or to themselves. For, mark, from the stage we expect something, withal, of plot, and der, like Mrs. Aldrige, Mr. HUNT is only "one of the incident, and dialogue; but we look in vain for originality, and, moreover, but one of the best" that the interest, or wit, in the Cabinet, now consigned again, we er of the Kaleidoscope have seen:" they do not in- hope for ever, to the oblivious grave of dust and cobwebs. as whom they have seen besides Mr. HUNT, and Many of our acquaintance, as well as some frequenters ate, consequently, at fault" to know which of the of the theatre, had given us credit for having, last year, he is. The Kaleidoscopic collective wisdom might, taught Mr. E. Knight, as he was then termed, (we perequal propriety, proclaim Mr. Doyle "one of the ceive he is now Mr. Knight) somewhat of modesty. The saging actors," and Mrs. Andrews one of the clever-manager of old Drury is notorious for his puffing propenea on this or any other stage." But the eulogy, sities, and his little scion, seems an apt scholar. But even and unmeaning as it is, of Mr Hunt, must needs be Elliston has more respect for himself, his profession, and ed; "his voice is somewhat peculiar." So is the the public, than to degrade both of the former, and insult 's, or he would rival the nightingale. Of what avail the latter, as Mr. Knight has done: nay, more, the little The excellence" of Mr. Hunt's ear," or the extent great man's old friend Charles Stanton, would blush at his "taste," accompanied as they are with a "voice" his pupil's folly, could Charles but peruse the following chsincerely believe consists rather of sound than delectably spiced example of metropolitan quackery ody, and which the Kaleidoscope admits to be "some- "Mr. Knight, of the Theatre-royal, Drury-lane, in anpaliar." It is this peculiarity, the mouthing of nouncing to his friends and the public, that his benefit is that occasions our objection to Mr. Hunt; the ex- appointed for Wednesday next, August 18, begs permis e texture of his ear," nor the limit of his "taste,' sion most respectfully to acknowledge their past favours, tot yet been questioned by us. The man is not now and in selecting, as he hopes he has done, the most sterling more thoroughly versed in the doctrine of sweet productions for their amusement, he trusts he shall be conds," as a science, than Mr. HORN; yet by reason of sidered as discharging his duty to his patrons. The enclarly constructed voice, he is scarcely Mr. HUNT'S tertainments will commence with O'Keefe's brilliant comedy , either as an agreeable or a popular singer. The of Wild Oats, which will be found to possess a stronger tes of the Kaleidoscope, or at least some of them, are cast than heretofore witnessed out of the metropolis, comad good musicians, and of their taste and judgment prising several of the most popular favourites both ve ample proof; but we never yet heard that they of Drury-lane and Covent-garden.' Such is the unasendowed, also, with the singing grace." There suming diffidence peculiar to "the Metropolis;" may in tine, much dissimilarity between a man's know- common sense effectually prevent the prevalence of this of music, as such, and his vocal adequateness; an disgusting pre-eminence in the provinces! te acquaintance with harmonies is one thing, being oing is another. Doctrinal qualifications may be red by studious assiduity, the voice must be pro

"To gild refined gold, to paint the lily, To throw a perfume on the violet,

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Beaumont and Fletcher's excellent comedy of Rule a Wife and Have a Wife has been revived with considerable success, and in great force, as regards the cast of the cha

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We have been accused of writing "strictures on the managers." As yet, we have not done any thing of the kind, wanting inclination. But were we disposed to amuse our selves in this way, a more favourably opportunity could not occur. With both Miss Smithson and Miss Kenneth here, we have Mrs. Aldridge for the pearl of Spain, the orient fair one, the beauteous young lady Margarita." Mrs. Aldridge is a lady of very respectable talent, whose utility will ever ensure her a certain degree of esteem anywhere; and it is really unkind to enforce this very clever gentlewoman's appearance in parts, where the text must be altered effectually to suit her person, which cannot, in all intances, be done, and consequently, as in Rule a Wife and Have a Wife, she is not only satirized in every line, but the illusion of the scene is also completely destroyed. What, for instance, should we think of Sir John Falstaff habited in the costume of the apothecery, in Romeo and Juliet. This, however, is not all. Mr. Porteus, a gentleman of considerable parts in his way, must be installed, Cacafogo, when Mr. Andrews was unemployed; an oversight, on the part of the managers, as palpaple as any we can reck of. The fine acting of Mr. Vandenhoff, and Mrs. Bunn, and Mr. Jones, should not be marred by the interstices of the play being inadequately occupied; and we would here just take leave to intimate to Mr. BASS, that he does not always walk upon the stage to exhibit alone his own "rare presence," and display, of itself, his own great ability. Authors occasionally require performers as foils for others; and, when next Mr. BASS represents the Duke of Medina, we entreat of him that he will not be smirking to his friends in the theatre, when he should be writhing in conscious unworthiness, under the lash administered by Leon, on the stage, as he did when retiring from the dignified reproof of his offended host, at the conclusion of the fourth act, on Thursday evening.

Mr. Jones is an uncommonly clever, bustling actor; who could no more remain in a quiescent state, on the stage, than we can bound by a hop, skip, and a jump over the Mersey. But he is an actor; and so are all, it may be said, of his profession. Yes, truly, only that some actors approach nearer to nature than others. While, therefore, we presume to question his claim to "high celebrity," as an "admired comedian," it is no trifling eulogium of Mr. Jones to say, that as the Copper Captain, he strongly reminded us of one we were wont to look upon with ecstasy. And although our Magnus Apollo is no more, his fame lives, and will live till the stage expires; with the name of Don Michael is inseparably entwined that of THOMAS LEWIS 23d August. THE COUNCIL OF TEN.

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A comb-conveyance carrying of letters without suspicion, the head being opened with a needle-scrue, drawing a spring towards them; the comb being made but after an usual form carried in ones pocket. To be continued.]

A French writer informs us that in Ceylon, at' the pre Isent day, to prove the innate courage of children, thei parents, in the presence of a multitude assembled on the occasion, place them on the back of a tame eagle, which mounts with the child into the air; if the latter betray any fear, it is sacrificed, as incapable of supporting th dangers to which this life is exposed.-Le Pandore.

Pun Judicial.-At the Manchester sessions, a girl name Ann Flood, pleaded guilty to an indictment charging ha with stealing a certain domestic utensil. The chairman after sentencing her to be imprisoned to the end of th sessions, observed that it was only a pot carried away b A Flood.

Classical Translation.-We have published the follow ing long ago; but as it is now on its tour through th A boy at school gave the following classical translation papers, we shall again pay our respects to it, en passant the words-Cæsar venit in Galliam summa diligentia "Cæsar came into Gaul on the top of the Diligence."

The following is the copy of a farrier's bill, lately se to his employer in the neighbourhood of Taunton:" "10824.

"Many Too qureing your honnors Ors ti he dide Vi teen zillings."

Something Curious.-There is an old live oak stump or Mr. Cooper's plantation (St. Simon's) from which the or ginal stern post of the Constitution was taken. Short after the capture of the Guerriere by that vessel, a bay tr sprung up from the centre of the old stump, and has com tinued to flourish ever since; and, as an evergreen, n be seen at all times of the year, constantly increasing i beauty and in strength. We are told that Mr. Cop guards it with uncommon care.-Darien Gazette.

Solution of a Glacier.-The Swiss have endeavoured t diminish a small glacier by means of hot water; and appears they have succeeded. It is the glacier of Getro placed across a part of the course of the Drance in t Valais. They, in 1821, erected wooden pipes, in ord that the hot water might flow upon the glacier, and penetrating the ice, form parallel fissures. By this means the intermediate masses of ice which impeded the cours of the Drance, were successively detached. Thus a mas of ice of enormous thickness, which, in 1821, covere the Drance to the extent of 1350 feet, was reduced, the summer of 1822, to 498 feet.

American Obituary.-Perhaps all our readers may b know that the announcement of deaths in some parts the United States is often accompanied with invitations the funeral. The following is a recent instance:-"Die on Wednesday evening, after a short illness, Ann Man ford King, in the 11th year of her age, daughter of He King. The friends of the family are respectfully invit to attend her funeral on Friday afternoon, at four o'c from No. 36, Nassau-street, village of Brooklyn."

Napoleon and the Bourbons.--The following facts, thou otherwise of little importance, are characteristic of the v different spirit of Bonaparte and the Bourbons. Int city of Lyons, during the troubles of the revolution, religious houses, churches, and chapels, besides some oth buildings were demolished. To repair the injury th done to the place, various sums were expended by Government in promoting improvements, of which following is a catalogue:-Under the Republic and B parte, there were formed or built three public w planted with trees, a nursery, a botanic garden, a fo market, a veterinary school, a museum of paintings s antiquities, four new bridges; the court of justice enlarged; there were erected a prefect's hotel, a casern new square, new quays on the Rhone and the Soane, a Restaurateur, since 1814, the inhabitants are indebted the ruined parish churches were restored. To Louis 1st, three new nunneries; 2d, the re-establishment of old convent; 3d, the foundation of a new central semin for the brethren of Christian doctrine, now become chief instructors of youth all over France.-Voyage toresque et Historique à Lyon, par M. Fortis.

African Oak.-A correspondent requests us to wa those who in the course of their business have occasion work upon African Oak, of the poisonous effects of sp ters of it when run into the flesh. He states that t sawyers in his neighbourhood have died from it, several others have been laid up. A chemical analysis the wood would put an end to all doubts on the subje and perhaps save some valuable lives.Cheltenham Ch nicle.

The Starts. Some remains of James II. have been divered in three leaden boxes, in the course of excavaons for a foundation of a steeple of the church of St. Germain, near Paris, with this inscription :-" Here is portion of the flesh and noble parts of the body of the air high, puissant, and illustrious, and most excellent Prince James Stuart, second of the name, King of Great Britain, born 23d October, 1633, deceased in France, at St Germain-en-Laye, September 16, 1701." The boxes are removed to the chief altar.

Fanaticism.—A woman in the canton of Appenzal, in June last, giving way to that unhappy fanaticism which now misleads the ignorant classes of society in that country, killed her child to save it from the persecution of the evil spirit, whom she thought she recognized in the features of a stranger passing through the village in which she lived.

The Housewife.

"Housekeeping and husbandry, if it be good,
Must love one another as cousins in blood:

The wife, too, must husband as well as the man,
Or farewel thy husbandry, do what thou can."

Food. If plain animal food were taken but once a day, and men would substitute for the various ragouts, with which modern tables are so abundantly furnished, wholeed beverage, for the more deleterious potations of dissome vegetables and pure water, or a weak fermenttilled liquors, we should see health walking in the paths that are now crowded with the bloated victims of voluptuous appetite. Millions of Gentoos have lived to an advanced age, without having tasted of any thing that ever possessed life, and been wholly free from a chain of maladies, which have scourged every civilized nation on the Printers Ink too much for the Devil.-"Under the globe; the wandering Arabs, who have traversed the barname of exorcism (says Mr. Bentham, in his Book of Fal-milk from the half-famished camel that carried them, have ren deserts of Sahara, subsisting on the scanty pittance of lacier, the Catholic liturgy contains a form of procedure for driving out devils. Even with the help of this instru- seen two hundred years roll round without a day's sickment, the operation cannot be performed with the desired ness. The temperature of our food is an exceedingly imsuccess, but by an operator qualified by holy orders for portant consideration. We are accustomed to take it too the working of this as well as so many other wonders. In warm, forgetful of the fact, that artificial heat destroys our days, and in our country, the same object is attained, and its physical powers, and induces painful and dangerthe muscular tone of the stomach, vitiates its secretions and beyond comparison more effectually, by so cheap an instrument as a common newspaper. Before this talis-ous diseases of the liver. Let us take, then, another hint man, not only devils, but ghosts, vampires, witches, and all their kindred tribes, are driven out of the land, never to return again; the touch of holy water is not so intolerable to them as the bare smell of printers' ink.

Preduction of Gold and Silver in different parts of the world-Of gold, the mines of Europe produce, in sterling, only £185,020. Northern Asia, £76,770. America, the rest of the total of £2,467,260 in the following proportons-New Spain, £229,630. New Grenada, £672,500. Peru, £111,530. Potosi, and Provinces east of Buenos Ayres, £73,180. Chili, £400,550 and Brazil, £980,870. Of silver, the total amount of which is £7,319,670. Eunope produces £484,580, and Northern Asia, £199,630. America fumishes the rest:-New Spain, £4,945,340. Peru, £1,292,440; Potosi, &c. £1,019,070 and Chili, £62,880.

Pictures. It may not be uninteresting, in the history of pictures, to notice the money paid for three of the most celebrated collections known in this country :1779, the Houghton, 232 pictures......... 40,555 1798, the Orleans, 296 pictures. ............ 43,500 1984, the Angerstein, 38 pictures ......... 57,000 In the Houghton collection, The Consultation of the Doctors," by Guido, was valued at £3,500" Holy Family" by Vandyck, £1,600 Magdalene at Christ's Feet," by Rubens, £1,600" Cook's Shop," by Teniers, £500.

All over the south-east of Persia, to within a few miles f the Persian Gulph, the air is so dry that the brightest teel may be laid bare to the atmosphere at all hours, ithout incurring the slightest shade in its brilliancy. To ind a rose with a sparkle of dew on it would be regarded Ba miracle, from March to December.

from the children of nature, who subsist on aliment of a
temperature no higher than that of their own bodies, and
city of their habits is intercepted by the adoption of the
who are generally hardy and long-lived, until the simpli-
vices brought among them by the civilized invaders of their
native forests.-Medical Adviser.





SIR. During conversation, a few evenings ago, a young gentleman of my acquaintance happened to say, "the quarrels of lovers is the renewing of love." Another of the company (which consisted chiefly of your readers,) immediately called in question the grammar of the sentence, insisting that the word "are" ought to be substi tuted for "is." A warm debate ensued, and a wager of The company being almost equally divided in opinion, it half a dozen bottles of wine was offered and accepted. was unanimously left to your decision. Would you therefore be so kind as to “ give in your award," in some corner of your valuable little paper at your earliest convenience, and by so doing, oblige, amongst the rest, your well wisher, DURYNG.




"What's in a name? that which we call a rose, By any other name would smell as sweet." SIR,-With due deference to the love-stricken Juliet, presume to deny her inference. Is there not something more inexpressibly delightful in the soft gliding name of rose (the hissing consonant softened into a z) than if this sweet scented sweet looking flower was designed by the vile epithet of Devil's Wort, Adder's Tongue, &c. &c. In illustration of this argument of mine, allow me to adduce a fact, which having occasionally fallen under the observation of all your readers, will enable them to judge for themselves as to its correctness. Are we not all in the constant habit of associating certain ideas with certain names? Do we not, when we hear Angelina, Seraphina, SIR, I was walking in the garden with some ladies and Laura announced, naturally expect to see elegant acyesterday evening, when one of them mentioned a circum-complished women? Have we the same expectations stance respecting the common garden bean, which appeared to me at the time almost incredible; but I have since had convincing evidence of its being correct, both from the gardener and several other persons, who have taken particular notice of this natural curiosity. The fact is this:-The bean is observed every leap-year to alter its situation in the pod. For instance, last leap-year the eye of the bean was towards the stalk, in which position it continued until the present year, when it altered; and, upon examination, it will be found that the eye is this year universally from the stalk, and towards the end of the bean.

when Deborah, Abigail, or Rebecca are spoken of? I need not, in this age of externals, tell you how much people are influenced by outside shew. How often do we hear this observation made, when speaking of those who have suddenly risen into note, "I do not know why they have succeeded so well, but they have got a name?" Does not this shew us that there is much in a name? Would you not, Mr. Editor, with all your exemption from vulgar prejudice and illiberal conclusions, be much surprised if you heard that Mr. Luke Lump was a brilliant, animated, elegant youth, and Miss Bridget Huggins an educated beautiful woman? and yet Lump might be light, and Biddy bewitching, it is possible; but what a pity they had such names. Did any amatory poet, from Ovid to Tommy Moore, ever celebrate the charms of their mistresses with any of these lamentable disfigurations? Is there a Jenny, Sally, or Dolly immortalized in verse? Could we sympathize with the woes of a Dickey, a Tommy, or a Bob? undoubtedly not: would not the introduction of such names turn to farce the most pathetic elegy or most elegant eulogy that was ever written?""Tis true, 'tis pity," however pity 'tis, 'tis true. Therefore, Mr. Editor, join with me in deprecating the thick-headed obstinacy with progeny with these odious appellations. Is it not, alas! which many parents continue to brand their unoffending unfortunate enough to be born a Huggins, a Dobbins, a A Little Republic.-In the Journal 'Ami du Roi et de On the 18th instant, on my opening an egg, I was greatly | Wigans, or a Shufflebottom (with a thousand other vilPatrie, published at Brussels, we find notices respect-surprised to find, in the small end, an insect, commonly lanous compounds?) but deliberately to inflict the addimall Republic which has existed for eight years known by the name of earwig, in length about 14 inch, and Do the frontiers of the territories of Prussia and the which had the usual hairy appearance they have when living. Wetherlands. It is the village of Moresnet. The Mayor it is substantially true; and to afford the naturalist an opThis, to many, may appear romantic, but I can assure you elected every year by the inhabitants, and he exercises solute power during the term of his administration.portunity of commentary on the subject, I beg to assign Suropean Review.


Being unable to account for the alteration, I was requested to refer the matter to you, and to desire you would either mention the circumstance in your next Kaleidoscope, At this delightful season, any one visiting Ulverston or insert this, in order that some of your correspondents Would be well repaid for his journey, by the sight of the may endeavour to account for it; by doing which, you -gulls, upon the south-end of the Isle of Walney, where | will particularly oblige those ladies, as well as bey build their nests, and have young, for about five or weeks in May and June. Their numbers are astonishYours, &c. They make their nests upon the ground, at present vering about three acres, and in some parts they are near each other that it is impossible to walk without using great destruction to the household of the feathery Fibe. They seldom lay more than three eggs, and their oung, with the exception of the beak, greatly resemble Sacks-Boston Gazette.

Easy mode of fine-edging a Razor.-On the rough side fa strap of leather, or on the undressed calf-skin bindg of a book, rub a piece of tin, or common pewter poon, for half a minute, or till the leather become glossy the mettle. If the razor be passed over this leather half a dozen times, it will acquire a finer edge by any other method. The Chemist.

Wigan, August 12, 1824.


SIR,-In your paper, some months ago, I remember reading think you will agree with me, in thinking, that the following an account of a small onion being found in an egg; and I

is not less singular.

sotne probable reason for the phenomenon. The fowls from

south end of the town, where there is a great quantity of
which the eggs were gathered are kept on a wharf, at the
old bones shipped off for the country, and on depositing the
bones on the wharf, the fowls, with great eagerness pick
amongst them, and this earwig being greedily devoured, and
having a hard hairy coat, the fowl's stomach has not been
able to digest it. I am, yours &c.



tional cruelty of Joan, Daniel, Rachael, or Jonas, is a of a grandmother Bridget, or an aunt Judith, is a poor cold-blooded atrocity no words can justify; and the plea extenuation for inflicting these barbarities upon the sucJoan and Grizzle, may be allowed to speak feelingly. I ceeding generations. I, Mr. Editor, who narrowly escaped owe my escape from paternal authority to the warm interference of my good mother, who, having herself suffered from the same cause, sedulously sought to protect her children from it. When Alice Durmont pleads in excuse for giving her children so much of their own

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