Sidor som bilder

way,-"God bless them, she had nothing else to give them," with similar kindness my mother determined never to give us such appellations as we might hereafter feel mortified to acknowledge; she being herself anathematized by the singularly odious name of Rebecca (odious in despite of Rebecca the Jewess) and a thousand times more odious by its abbreviation, Beckey. I have heard her often relate an anecdote of a lady asking her if she really was called Beckey, and being answered in the affirmative, replied, "Indeed you don't look like a Beckey," her determination thenceforward was irrevocably fixed, to call none of her children by such ill-boding appellations, but she was compelled, poor woman, into a kind of compromise with her lord and master (he having the baptizing of us in his own hands) but he conceded Joan and Grizzle, provided she did not insist upon Clemintina or Wilhelmina; and having carried this point in the first instance, yielded, as is usually the case in the succeeding ones, and quietly christened my sister, Sophia, without a murmur, comforting himself that as her name was merely Greek for Wisdom, it was much the same as Faith, Hope, or Charity.

Now, Mr. Editor, if you think the insertion of this may move the hard hearts of godfathers and godmothers to content themselves with teaching in the vulgar tongue, without stigmatizing their unconscious victims with vulgar names, I hope you will not reject my humble efforts in their behalf; and I call upon you with greater confidence to assist me, when I recollect how many times you must have felt gratified when you hear the plebeian name of "Smith" softened and refined by the more elegant Prænomen "Egerton." If you reject my corrrespondence, I shall console myself with thinking you have no more sense than if your name was Gaby or Habakuk.-I am, Sir, your obedient servant, EARINE.



BY particular desire of a great number of distinguished

Individuals, Messrs. MAFFEY will submit, This Evening (Monday) the 23d instant, and every Evening during the week, except Saturday,


A grand Folonnais Melo-dramatic Spectacle, in which will be seen the sublime effects of a Storm on Shore: the whole embellished with dances, ballets, disguises, changes, decorations, and rich and elegant dresses, &c.

For the first time will be presented a great number of Metamorphoses an allegorical subject on the Battle of Waterloo, entitled


By general desire, Messrs. Maffey will again submit, on Monday, the 23d, Tuesday, the 24th, and Wednesday, the 25th, the superb Maritime view of


On Thursday the 26th, and Friday the 27th, for the final close, will be substituted for the above view, the magnificent picturesque maritime representation of


In which will be seen the celebrated Mount Pausilipe, the sea covered with vessels, and its margin animated by num

bers of moving figures, together with many other amusing

matters, which will be detailed in the bills of the day.

Doors to be opened at half-past Seven, and the performance to commence at half-past Eight precisely.

WILLMER and Co. 25, LORD-STREET (opposite W.

and T. GREGSON's Tea Warehouse) have on sale upwards of 5000 Pieces of the most celebrated Vocal and Instrumental MUSIC, which they are selling at HALF the published prices. Best Music Paper 3s. per quire.

Printing and Bookbinding neatly executed

A large Assortment of Stationery, Bibles, Prayers, School books, and other publications on Sale.

THE Public are respectfully informed that the REAL

SWISS GIANTESS, dressed in the full costume of her country, is just arrived from London, where she was visited by upwards of 30,000 persons, among whom were several members of the Royal Family, and many of the most distinguished nobility; and is now exhibiting at STOAKES ROOMS, CHURCH-STREET. Begins to-morrow (SATURDAY) the 21st instant. Open from Ten in the Morning till dusk. Admittance, 1s.; Children half-price.


More Relics of Antiquity.We have just been favoured with a sight of several relics of antiquity, which were last week found in digging a cellar where the house lately stood, in the Haymarket, in this city, in the occupation of

Mr. Bulmer. The relics are now in the possession of Richard Hobson, Esq, the owner of the premises, and consist of a large stone vessel, of a circular form, 2 feet 6 fine preservation. Also a large square Roman brick, inches in circumference, and 16 inches in height, in very curiously indented. A sort of cinder, with pieces of pot firmly adhering to it. The lower jaw, with the teeth complete, of an animal, supposed to have been a bear. Likewise several fragments of the horns of the roe-buck; The most remarkable circumstance connected with the together with many pieces of wood, bones, and shells. above discovery is, that the house which stood upon the site where those relics have been found was a very ancient one, and they were buried above nine feet below the surand other vegetable matter, seemed to denote that it was face of the earth, where the black soil, mixed with acorns still in its primitive state. Hence it is clear that they must have been there many hundred years, and as the place where they were found is in the vicinity of the supposed site of the Roman palace and its baths, we intended to crowded columns this week prevent us from doing so.have dwelt at greater length on the subject, but our York Herald.

To Correspondents.

The engraving explanatory of our series of gymnasia

having been delayed somewhat beyond the expected period, we must postpone the appearance of No. VIII until next week.

The following note, intended for the Mercury, was excluded on Friday last for want of room. We give it a place here, in preference to deferring its appearance another week. It may do much good to the natives of Bolton, if they guess who the GREAT man alluded to is :

BOLTON SQUABBLES.-J. D. whose letter has remained for some time unanswered, owing to its being directed for J. Smith (who is frequently from home) instead of to the editor, is informed that we have heard that an individual has taken up his residence in Bolton, against whose villanous character the inhabitants cannot be too much on their guard. His name we shall not, for the present, state, although circumstances may render it necessary to do so shortly. We know his tricks and rascality by experience, as he endeavoured to extort money from us, as a condition for suppressing certain disclosures which he threatened to make to the public, if we did not buy him over. We know that he has attempted similar intimidation with others; and that the infamous practice is his common habit. For our own parts, we set him at utter defiance, and told him, what we now repeat, that he is the most unprincipled and barefaced rascal we ever met with. We have paid so dearly for exposing swindlers of various descriptions, that we are obliged to be somewhat guarded in speaking even of such a fellow as this; although we shall be tempted to speak plainer, if the "gall'd jade" may take the hint and "wince." We beg to request of our correspondent, that, if any notice should be taken of this "broad hint" in the Bolton papers, he will favour us with a copy, as we have no opportunity of seeing them.

COUNCIL OF TEN.-The critical and cynical Deocmviri have

this week trespassed so much upon the limits generally prescribed for their effusions, that we should not prolong the subject, if their present letter contained any thing which called for reply. As far as regards ourselves, there is little which we find occasion to notice, as we do not feel in any degree piqued at the broad hint of the Council, that we are not endowed with "the singing grace." Singing is neither our forte nor our profession; and we have not the vanity even to attempt, like our critics, to "hum the town" with sham pretensions. (Do ye take?) Seriously, the difference between these gentlemen and ourselves consists in this very material point:-they seek to bring about reforms (if such be their real object) by flagellation; whilst we prefer the system of encouragement. The plaudits of the public, and the commendations of the critic, have done more to produce good actors, than hisses, catcalls, or cynical and unfeeling attacks, and personal reflections. We could mention several superior performers of both sexes, who have been passed over by the Council of Ten, as if they were altogether beneath their notice. In short, it appears to us, that they are always out of humour if their own Magnus Apollo is not amongst the dramatis personæ. As for the error respecting Mrs. Bunn, we have examined the manu

MUZZLING DOGS.-We decline the insertion of Cautious's le ter, recommending the close muzzling of dogs. Nothin can be more cruel, or dangerous in its consequences. | our correspondent has access to the Morning Chronicle, w request his attention to an excellent letter on this subjec which appeared a few days since, which we shall take a early opportunity of publishing, as it entirely coincide with the opinions we have long entertained on the subject In the mean time we avail ourselves of the following ex


"Close muzzling,' I understand to mean sufficiently t'g to prevent the dogs biting, and consequently so tight to prevent his drinking also; for as a dog cannot drin without protruding his tongue to lap, suffelent roc to do so would equally enable him to bite; his dri ing therefore is clearly meant to be prevented: and a stinting supply of water is one of the leading caus of hydrophobia, the consequence of this regulation wi be an artificial, a forced, nay, cruel and foolish mn plication of this distressing and horrid evil! It may! pretended that a dog, by being unmuzzled at home, on return at night, will have a sufficient supply of wate this I deny, for not only is that supply frequently o of his reach, but I maintain from close observation, thi at this period of the year especially, a dog not only r quires drink frequently whilst abroad, but that he ought have access to water, for the additional object of clean his tongue from the abundant flow of saliva, and wh cannot have escaped the perception of the most negligen this saliva, locked up, as it were, by close muzzling, itself (in my humble opinion) may be a hastener, if het primary cause of his turning rabid; at any rate, the stinting him of water, by close muzzling all day, w cause more cases of hydrophobia than the restraint from biting will have saved, and the unmuzzling at hotae wil give facility to the propagating of an evil thus artifa created, and in the very centre of entire families!* BRISTOL CORRESPONDENTS—Our friend, whose whimele rhyming letter is inserted in a preceding column, wi please to accept our thanks for the interest he has expre sed for the prosperity of the Kaleidoscope. As for intr ducing it into Bristol, direct, there are impediments whic are easily explained. Unless we had, in the first instane a sufficient number of subscribers to cover the weekly ca riage, it would, obviously, neither answer our purpose, ni the wishes of our kind friends. There is, however, a ver easy mode of obtaining the work, in towns where there ar no agents appointed expressly for the purpose. Mer Sherwood, Jones, and Co. Booksellers, Paternosterrui London, have a regular weekly supply of the Kaleidoscop which may be had from them, by any provincial bookseller, along with his monthly Magazine parcel, or oftener, according to the frequency of his communications with the Lon don bookseller. If the country Agent only receives hi parcels once a month, he would, of course, be supplied wit the Kaleidoscopes of four weeks at one time. With a pul lication of a literary and miscellaneous nature like our this mode of obtaining the work is preferred by many p sons, and we hope that our Bristol friends will give trial, unless they are sufficiently numerous to render a immediate and weekly supply desirable.

Since we wrote the preceding note we have discove that we shall be obliged to postpone our friend's acceptal favour until our next. It would occupy considerable spac unless we chose to divide it, which we wish to avoid. shall forward to the London Agent an extra number of o work this week, for the express purpose of being forward to Bristol, by way of experiment.

THE COUNCIL OF TEN.-In our opinion, S. W. gives too mu importance to the critiques he condemns, by the seri ness with which he treats them. His letter, if publa would swell out a subject which has already occupied t large a share of our present publication.

We have been favoured with the communication of Q.
Observator's letter must be re-perused, before we can det
mine upon the propriety of giving it publicity.
MUSIC-In our next publication, we purpose introducing
Tilley's song, already acknowledged.

Timothy Thoughtful and Josephus shall appear next week.

Printed, published, and sold, EVERY TUESDAY, by

SMITH and Co. 75, Lord-street, Liverpool Sold also by J. Bywater and Co. Pool-lane; Evans, Cheg and Hall, Castle-st.; T.Smith, Paradise-st.; T. Warbra Public Library, Lime-street; E. Willan, Bold-stre M. Smith, Tea-dealer and Stationer, Richmond-ro M. Walker, Milliner, Tea-dealer, and Stationer, Mount Pleasant; B. Gamage, 11, Clarence-street; a J. Lowthian, Library, 3, Great George-place; ready money only.

script, which is so very indistinct and jumbled that the For the list of Country Agents, see the top of the fi

Council must be content to share the blame with us.
Their writing is sometimes as hasty as their tempers,

page of the Kaleidoscope, inserted the first Tuesday

each month.

[ocr errors]
[blocks in formation]

Tik familiar Miscellany, from which religious and political matters are excluded, contains a variety of original and selected Articles; comprehending Literature, Criticism, Men and Manners, Amusement, Elegant Extracts, Poetry, Anecdotes, Biography, Meteorology, the Drama, Arts and Sciences, Wit and Satire, Fashions, Natural History, &c. &c. forming a handsome Annual Volume, with an Index and Title-page. Its circulation renders it a most eligible medium for Literary and Fashionable Advertisements.-Regular supplies are forwarded weekly to the Agents.

No. 218.-VOL. V.

Men and Manners.




[Translated expressly for the Kaleidoscope.]

The nobility, not only at Pisa but all over Italy, are exempted from that spirit of reserve and haughtiness with which they are reproached in some other states of Europe, and this is a circumstance easily accounted for. Since the fall of the Roman empire, if we except the period of those pious follies known under the name of crusades, Italy, ever in a state of subjugation, has had no opportunity of recovering her former conquests. A prey to the fury of civil war, and divided into a number of petty states, she has found it impossible to seek for the gratifireation of ambition in distant expeditions; almost all her great families have, therefore, risen to distinction in the church, or in the exercise of commerce and the arts, and they have, for the most part, had the wisdom not to forget the origin of their greatness. The Italian nobility, Instead of making their rank a shelter for ignorance and indolence, generally cultivate a taste for literature and the arts, which seldom fails to introduce into society a spirit of equality rejected by the soldier, in countries where the right of bearing arms is a privilege confined to one particular class. This spirit of equality is also supported by the church, of which it is the very essence, the papal chair being, at this day, the only elective throne in Europe. The advantages of birth, so far from being If weight in the decisions of the conclaves, afford rather a tative of exclusion, as the Cardinals dread that a prince hould sacrifice the interests of the Holy See to those of his reigning house. At every election of a new Pope, opportunity is given to the principal members of one family, of emerging from the middle ranks of society, and rising to the sovereignty of some principalities in the patrimony of Saint Peter like those of the Borghesi, the Colonne, the Braschi, or the Aldobrandini.



She resolved to address invitations to no Frenchman in place, not even to the imperial attorney; she could ill have borne to see him take precedence of her handsome cicisbei. It is true that she might have distributed invitations indiscriminately to all, and thus have included her favourite, but as the prohibition to do so was absolute, no Frenchman was invited, and the imperial attorney was reduced to the necessity of writing to the master of the ceremonies to claim his right of attendance, which was finally accorded to him. But I will no longer occupy myself with the foibles and petty passions of the attendants of the Sovereign, while she herself affords so many instances of their influence on her own conduct.

rounding workmen, artisans, peasants, and beggars draw | invitations, had then recourse to the following stratagem.
themselves up, and, forming a circle round the orator,
prepare to listen to what follows: he then assures them,
that, for the slight reward of a crazia (a small coin of
about six centinies in value) he will exhibit to them their
illustrious ancestors. They gladly produce the sum re-
quired for the privilege of beholding their noble ancestors
in a magic lantern, and consider them with no less pride
than that with which Eneas contemplated the Cæsars of
his race, while they were yet wandering in Elysium.
The common people at Pisa are dirty, particularly in
the interior of their houses; the streets also are encum-
bered with filth, as the inhabitants never sweep the
parapets before the doors of their houses. In 1809,
galley-slaves, chained together in couples, furnished with
long brooms, and dragging after them small carts, were
employed, morning and evening, in the different districts
of the town, to sweep the streets; but they performed this
task with so much negligence, that they might rather
be said to have scattered about the dirt, before collected
in heaps, than to have removed it. When the galley-
slaves were removed from Pisa, in the course of the year
1810, the dirt of the streets was sold by auction, by the
mayoralty, to the gardeners and farmers, who paid a
slight compensation for the privilege of cleaning the streets.
It may easily be imagined that the broad flags still remain
covered with dirt.

Eliza, the sister of an Emperor, Governess, and Grand Duchess of Tuscany, honoured, at that time, with her favour a young and handsome prefect, whom she had at first raised to the honour of being one of her squires. The favourite frequently quitted his residentship to dance attendance upon the court, and threw aside the embroidered costume of a prefect for a light green coat and hanger. He was recommended to the protection of the Emperor at Paris, and, in less than a year, was made officer of the legion of honour, Baron of the Empire, and Master of Requests, and received an annual addition of 20,000 francs to his salary as prefect. The Governess then used her interest to have him promoted to the office of Secretary under her, but Napoleon having received complaints that the business of the prefecture was entirely abandoned to the principal clerks, instead of nominating him to the secretaryship, suddenly recalled him from Italy, and gave him a prefecture at only a hundred leagues' distance from Paris. The Grand Duchess was thus reduced to the necessity of waltzing with the grandson of a gentleman of Lucea, of the name of Lucchesini

The court of Florence in 1809, 1810, and 1811, was very gay: it is said that the ladies of honour, the women of the bedchamber, the pages, chamberlains and squires, did nothing but dance and sing from morning till night; or rather, perhaps from night till morning; but the people were not the more happy on that account. The Tuscans regretted, in the cottage, as well as in the palace, the paternal government of the Medici, particularly of Leopold, and of their successors: they were then neither oppressed by wars and enormous contributions, nor subject to capital punishments. Robbers were little known amongst them: entirely occupied with the cultivation of the sciences and fine arts, and the care of their domestic happiness, these reserved men were unacquainted with the spirit of wrangling introduced among them by the impetuous French.

To these inconveniences may be added the vermin of various kinds, which the beggars remove, without killing them, from their filthy diseased bodies, when seated upon the parapets, or steps of the large houses and palaces. The patronage of women is extensive in all countries; but it is much more active in countries whose governments are directed by them. At Florence, the capital of the Grand Duchy of Tuscany, of which Eliza Buonaparte was governess during five years, the Italian women and their cicisbei enjoyed particular favour. A rich lady of Pisa, to whom Napoleon had granted the title of Countess, while her husband enjoyed only that of Chevalier, attached to the cross of honour, bestowed upon him in lieu of a decoration which he wore under the ancient goThe people of Pisa welcome strangers with hospitality.vernment of Tuscany, procured for her cicisbei, who was They are far from being deficient in understanding, or employed in the finances of his town, leave of absence ven in genius, and have a perpetual desire of acquir- during several months, in order that he might attend her ng new knowledge; but, among those who inhabit the to Florence, where she was about to enter upon the duties marshes (marenne) where the air is heavy and unwhole of lady of honour at the new court. It appears, however, Come, there are some who afford instances of a total want that the governess attached sufficient value to this favour of memory. A physician, who had for some time been to make it a plea for refusing one more dear to the vanity in the habit of attending a patient every day at a certain of the Countess, which the latter solicited when Eliza tur, continued his visits for a week after the sick man's came, in 1810, to pass the carnaval at Venice. Eliza death. gave a series of court balls, of which the etiquette forbade People, who have passed their lives with the Gascons, the admission of public functionaries not invested with astounded by the vanity of the Italians. They are authority. The lover of the Countess, then employed in bitually as much inflated by pride and open to flat- an administration, being thus debarred from the pleasure In 1811, crimes were multiplied with alarming rapidity: as men of an ordinary cast, suddenly elevated by of attending her, she was obliged to accept the services of as early as the month of March, robberies were openly e unexpected turn of good fortune. I often amused others less amiable in her eyes than her young and hand-committed by day and by night in the houses, streets, ef with listening to the buffoons and jugglers in the some Frenchman. She in vain used all her interest to high roads, and churches. The public misery was so es of Pisa, or on the quays of the Arno. Having obtain his admission at the grand ball. This was an im- great that the people declared aloud that they had no off their hats with great humility, and saluted the portant point, and the etiquette of the palace was not to other means of subsisting than by robbery and pillage. tators with profound respect, they usually begin their be violated, particularly in a case where the will of a sister The enemies of France, without doubt, took advanngues in these words: Nobilissimi signori, qui riu- of Buonaparte was concerned. The illustrious Countess, tage of the general appearance of distress, and formented At the words, most noble gentlemen, all the sur- who happened to be the lady of honour commissioned to issue the troubles of the people, in order to facilitate our

The Tuscan peasants are reputed to be cunning according to the following proverb: Scarpe grosse, cervello sottile; thick shoes, subtle heads.

This was a most sa

as he would have staked counters.
discovery, but it came now too late; and Bendorf had no
sufficient firmness, to resist, himself, at all times, the al
lurements of gay living: his house became the genera
resort of stylish idlers and sharpers; and he learned t
make light of the consequences. At the end of the fir
year he was, indeed, startled at the dreadful havoc of h
substance, and he began to think of a reform; but
friendly smile of his wife, and a slight allusion to her ric
dowry, overcame his resolves to such a degree, that h
lived on in the same style for five years, and was reduce
in the sixth year of his establishment to the simple amoun
of his very moderate salary, his own and his wife's pro
perty having been entirely squandered.

expulsion from their territories. It is said that the, against the repentant sinner, although he made various | came in every week: yet most of all he was alarme English introduced upon the coast of Italy, bands of armed attempts to approach her at her return to town. At last when he became aware of his wife's passion for gambling robbers from Sicily, organized into companies. No sooner he got tired of so many fruitless attempts, and did, in and he bit his lips almost to a jelly, when he saw he was the peace of Europe disturbed than the English were reality, what he had till then only had the appearance of stake ten or twelve Louis d'or with as much unconcer accused in France and elsewhere of being the authors of doing,-he paid serious addresses to Julia, and he was the disorder; there were in fact many strangers and fo well received: the courtship did not last long; and in a reigners among the robbers and assassins who were arrested. few weeks after the throw of the nut-shell he was actually The great proprietors, under pretext that they were ruined married to Amelia's rival. The event was no sooner by the imposts of the French government, employed known, than he received a parcel full of papers, and the neither workmen nor labourers, and purposely left their following note:lands uncultivated and unsown. A military commission was then established at Florence, with power to bring to trial such as were attainted of great crimes. The government at the same time introduced into the country large importations of grain, and ordered public works to be carried on in all the towns of Tuscany. All disturbances were terminated by the execution of a few banditti. The fine season of 1811, the year of the comet, so much spoken of in Europe, was rendered remarkable by so great an abundance, that the malcontents were left almost without pretext for insurrection. Before the harvests, however, that is to say from January to the month of May, the poor were very numerous, and still continued to suffer all the miseries of famine. It is well known how much the enjoyments of the opulent are interrupted by that social disease known under the name of mendicity, in southern countries, where all the wealth of the land is in the hands of a small num-approve of your choice, and how happily the gentleman en-lous in her manner of thinking, which was not the cas ber of individuals.

"SIR,-There was a time when circumstances induced us to carry on a pretty active correspondence; but since it would be of no use to preserve documents, which have no longer any meaning, I beg leave to return the pledges of your fidelity, and to request that you will also favour me with what I may have written to you. The inclosed letter of my dear female friend will, no doubt, prove very acceptable to her husband.


Bendorf sought immediately for the note alluded to; and recognizing his wife's hand-writing, he read to his utter astonishment,

This was a sad falling off; and if it made him sigh, i drove his wife to despair. No money, when there was change of fashion! no guests at her own house' and n "DEAREST MILDAU,-You have very much surprised me by means of joining the card-table!-it was too hard to be your handsome apology, but still more by the agreeable mes-borne; and she was determined not to submit without a senger who was commissioned to deliver it. Mr. Bendorf has struggle. In a gay city, so richly provided with wealthy beer. pleased to accept of our invitation to dinner; and I have and idle men, a young and handsome woman is not al but just left the room for an instant to tell you how much I lowed to suffer want, unless she be over-nice and scrupu tertains the whole company with his cheerfulness, and the with the lady in question. A certain Count Starberg ha The number of beggars at Pisa is very great in propor- brilliancy of his wit. We have just been drinking to your long cast a profane eye on the attractive Madame Ben tion to the extent of the population. They are seen seated health; and, only think! the modest shepherd would not dorf; but he had in vain displayed his wealth and splen upon the steps of the palaces and churches, on the quays acknowledge his love. Forgive our depriving you, to-day, of dour so long as her own resources were not quite ex and parapets, and assembled in groups round the foun- your charming companion, since you will now soon possess hausted: distress, however, produced an effect which hi tains, and at the doors of coffee-houses and inns; they in-him for ever. I embrace you, in idea, with all the love of a personal merit could never have operated; and hopes wer trude themselves every where, ascend the stairs of private tender sister, and remain, your truly affectionate now held out to him: he was not the man to let the ep houses, and even force themselves into the apartments, and portunity slip; and rich presents were despatched to the insolently demand alms. They mutilate themselves to yielding fair one. The husband was thunderstruck when such a degree that their half naked bodies present the most he saw them accepted; and he entered forthwith into an disgusting spectacle of bloody wounds. They infest the explanation. Julia told him, without reserve, that the public walks, where they fasten themselves upon passengers was unable to forsake her accustomed manner of living; with so much obstinacy, that it is sometimes necessary to but she protested, at the same time, that her love for him defend one's self against them, by blows and strokes of the was still quite as sincere and ardent as it had been on the cane, or to push them away, with the hands, which ought day which cost him his Amelia: yet why, added she, why however to be carefully covered with gloves for the purshould we scruple to plunder a rich fool, who throws him pose. A stout young beggar, of about fifteen years of age, self into our net? He sports with resources which b once followed me for the space of three quarters of an does not deserve to enjoy, and which are indispensible t hour, muttering Pater Nosters and Ave Marias, and us: trust to my virtue and prudence for the care of my calling down blessings upon my head; when he found honour, and be thankful for my relieving you of the cat that I still persisted in refusing him aid, he left me to of providing for my toilet, and of supplying me with harrass another passenger, but not till he had bestowed pocket money. "No, no," cried Bendorf: "if we mus upon me a few hearty curses with as much zeal as he had have recourse to cunning and fraud, I alone will incur the before pronounced his blessings. I have often seen the blame and danger! behold, four hundred dollars, of which Italians spit into the hands of these miserable wretches, you may dispose!" Julia stared:-cighty Louis d'or but they calmly wipe them, and again extend them to that was more than she had seen for some time in the pas solicit charity. Laws are now instituted at Pisa for the session of her husband, and far more than she could hav suppression of mendicity; but there were at that time supposed him master of under existing circumstance only five or six gendarmes stationed in the streets for this "Well, my dear! how did you manage to get all at o purpose, who were very inadequate to the task of controlso much money ?" she asked. "Do not ask me," be re ing a crowd of stout healthy beggars, whose misery was in plied: "this relief may cost me more than I can tell you great part occasioned by their own indolence. but no matter; let but the Count be dismissed, dear Julia Liverpool. and I will still try to fulfil your wishes." "With a Julia had many acquaintances, and she introduced her my heart!" exclaimed the overjoyed lady; and she calle husband into still higher circles than those which he had for paper and ink: the anxious husband fetched both him visited before his marriage: he felt flattered at the dis. self, and he had the satisfaction of seeing his wife pen tinction with which his witty, lively, and handsome wife most sarcastical note to Count Starberg, in which the get was every where received; and he hoped that such a mul- tleman was told, that his intentions had now become con titude of respectable connexions would also lead to an ad-spicuous enough, and that his advances should hencefort vancement of his fortune. In the mean time, he found, be treated with all the contempt which they deserved that keeping so much company interfered a little with his The Count was rather astonished at so unexpected a com serious engagements, and that it led to expenses which pliment; but he soon consoled himself in quarters wher would exceed his revenue. Being often invited, he found victory might be obtained with less difficulty and at le it necessary to give invitations in his turn: he saved little expense. or nothing by dining out, and he spent a great deal when he received visitors at his own house. His wife dressed with much taste, and the lover had often complimented her on the subject; but the husband sighed deeply when he looked at the milliner's and dressmaker's bills which


A. W.

FROM THE GERMAN OF MEISSNER, BY L. MAN, OF LIVERPOOL. [Translated expressly for the Kaleidoscope.]

[Concluded from our last.]

The next day, however, his better genius awoke again, and he was sorry for what had happened; he wrote a most respectful letter to Amelia, in which he pleaded guilty, and begged for forgiveness: but the lady did not even deign to answer him, otherwise than by letting him know, through a third person, that his poem had been received, and that it was very fine. She had looked upon his placing himself in her road as an intentional insult, and would admit no excuse: her door remained shut

"P.S. I feel half inclined to send you a kiss by your ambas-
sador:-dare I? or are you, perhaps, a little jealous, dear girl?',
The newly-married man read the fatal letter several
times, and was now fully able to account for all that had
appeared inexplicable in Amelia's conduct; he understood
the cause of her impatience and pertness at their last meet-
ing; and he was at no loss in guessing at the motives
which had induced Julia to write her artfully-contrived
epistle. He was sorely ashamed when he thought of the
foolish figure which he must have cut in the eyes of his
first love: and he could not help being vexed at his wife
for having been the cause of it: besides, such a disposi-
tion for intrigue foreboded him no good in his domestic
life. Bendorf was still musing in this manner when Julia
entered the room: he showed her the letter; but she did
not appear embarrassed; she confessed frankly that she
would have done any thing to obtain his hand, and that
she by no means repented of a deed which had produced
so good an effect: she added, half in joke and half seri-
seriously, that he also should never have any regret at the
issue of the event, and that she would do her utmost to
make him entirely forget the jealous and unforgiving
Amelia; a fervid embrace confirmed this promise, and
convinced the young man of his having made a most
happy exchange.


In the mean time, Bendorf and his wife resumed the old ways for a few weeks more: the milliner was aga set to work, and some parties were again invited: th lady never thought of a further inquiry about the lat supply; but her husband could not so easily forget the


circumstance: he had borrowed the sum, in the hope of being able to save it out of his future earnings; because be confidently expected a speedy advancement in his e: but his manner of living was but little calculated to acquire him the esteem of his superiors, and they seemed more disposed to retard his progress than to advance it. The poor man was obliged to ask again and again for a prolongation of his notes; and the interests were raised every time by the lenders. He was constantly forming schemes of economy which were never put into execution; because the fear of driving his wife to extremities would never allow him to be firm. The repetition of his loans had also rendered him more callous with regard to the consequences; and his feelings were at last so blunted, that he took money in all directions, from any one that would lend him, and on any conditions that might be asked. He continued to act in this manner until nobody would trust him any more: it was only then that he, reluctantly, did, what he should have done at first; he told Julia that he could no longer support her extravagance, and that retrenchment must be the order of the day. The injunction was received in sullen silence; but it came too late to do any good: on the contrary, the sudden alteration in the domestic arrangements excited the attention of some creditors; they began to threaten law proceedings, and if they carried their threats into execution, the loss of present employment and future prospects would be an unfailing consequence.

The agony of Bendorf was boundless; but it produced, at times, that kind of insensibility which is the fruit of over-exertion and violent grief. He was sitting by him. self one afternoon, when suddenly the door burst open, and his only remaining friend entered in breathless haste, Bendorf had, in his better days, been of great service to the man who now endeavoured to show his gratitude, by giving him a timely warning to fy with the utmost expedition. "You have scarcely two hours before you," he said, "for I know that you are to be arrested; I have it from the very attorney who is to draw up the writ: here is all the money I have at present in my possession; but,. if I can, I will send you more as soon as I know you to be in a place of safety." Bendorf stood petrified, and his friend urged him in vain to make haste; at last, however, he resolved to consult his wife, who had withdrawn to her Own room, with the request of being left for a few hours andisturbed, on account of a violent head-ache, to which she was subject. Necessity superseded compliance, and the cabinet was opened, but no lady was found. The unhappy man called and sought throughout the whole house; but all his researches proved fruitless. At last the waiting-maid was examined: she was so terrified at her master's frantic behaviour, that she fell upon her knees, and promised to tell all, if he would but spare her. She confessed that her mistress was not ill at all, but that she had gone to meet somebody, as she had done several times before." And who is that somebody, wretch ?" "Count Starberg."

Bendorf sank down speechless on the next chair; and it lasted several minutes before he was able to make the least exertion. His friend did not know how to act, and he feared the worst, until he perceived him gradually to recover, and heard him utter, in broken sentences, "Well done, Julia! all is lost, sacrificed, and ruined for thy ake; and still thou art not satisfied: my honour, too, must follow the rest, and thou deceivest me at the very moment when I most deserve thy pity. Shall I wait for her, and Danish her? no; let poverty, shame, and the reproaches of her own conscience be my avengers. If my levity has been visited with so much severity, her crimes will not Temain unpunished. Well," he continued, after a short pause, "here, on this very spot, upon which I once wept the loss of two children, here I now thank Providence for having taken them from me. I have no fatherly duties to fulfil, and I am released from the duties of a husband; the worthless woman deserves no longer to be called my wife. How willingly would I acquit myself of my ob

ligations as a citizen and as a debtor; but, alas!"-His friend pressed him once more not to delay his departure, and he obeyed mechanically. He snatched up a few remaining trinkets of little value, and rushed out of the house. His road led him along the dwelling of Amelia, who had long since become the beloved wife of a worthy man, a happy mother, and an esteemed friend of all who knew her. She had long forgotten and forgiven the grief which Bendorf had once caused her; and she had sincerely regretted his subsequent errors, and the misfortunes which were likely to result from them; nay, she sometimes even reproached herself for having been rather too severe upon the poor man, by suffering him to run into the precipice, without giving him sufficient warning. He now stopped a few moments before the window at which his wretchedness had begun, by the inconsiderate throw of the nutshell: he compared his present feelings with those which had preceded the unfortunate event; and he left his country for ever. The influence of a foreign climate, united with the acuteness of his affliction, soon put an end to his misery.

The Phenix.

A Century of the Names and Scantlings of such Inventions
as at present I can call to mind to have tried and perfected
(which, my former Notes being lost) I have, at the in-
stance of a powerful Friend, endeavoured now, in the
year 1655, to set these down in such a way as may suffi-
ciently instruct me to put any of them in practice.

(Continued from our last.)


his lance in his hand, he can at pleasure make him start, and swiftly to run his career, using the decent posture with bon grace, may take the ring as handsomely, and running as swiftly as if he rode upon a barbe.


A scrue made like a water-scrue, but the bottom made of iron-plate spade-wise, which at the side of a boat emptieth the mud of a pond, or raiseth gravel.


An engine whereby one man may take out of the water a ship of 500 tun, so that it may be calked, trimmed, and repaired, without need of the usual way of stocks, and as easily let it down again.

94. A POCKET ENGINE TO OPEN ANY DOOR. A little engine portable in ones pocket, which placed to any door, without any noise, but one crack, openeth any door or gate. (To be continued.).

The Housewife.

"Housekeeping and husbandry, if it be good,
Must love one another as cousins in blood:
The wife, too, must husband as well as the man,
Or farewel thy husbandry, do what thou can."

ECONOMY OF THE LARDER. [From the Family Oracle of Health.] In order to have your things sweet and good, your larder ought to have a free current of air streaming throught it at all times, for if the air ever stagnate, the least corrupt particle of meat or vegetable that is suspended in it will become like a blue-bottle fly, a ready instrument of its own propagation, and may soon corrupt and spoil half the things you have stored. If you cannot therefore have a stream of air from opposite windows, you must procure it by means of a flue from the outside. Your meat should not, on any account, be exposed to what the chemists term calorification, and consequently the larder must be sheltered from the sun; and in order to have an equable

A knife-spoon or fork in an usual portable case, may heat we should recommend a northern situation. have the like conveyances in their handles.


A rasping-mill for hartshorn, whereby a child may do the work of half a dozen men, commonly taken up with that work. 84.-AN ARITHMETICAL INSTRUMENT. An instrument whereby persons ignorant in arithmetic may perfectly observe numerations and substractions of all summs and fractions.


A little ball made in the shape of a plum or pear, being dexterously conveyed or forced into a body's mouth, shall presently shoot forth such and so many bolts of each side and at both ends, as without the owners key can neither be opened nor filed off, being made of tempered steel, and as effectually locked as an iron chest.


When you have not a proper place for a larder in your house, as often happens in modern town-houses, you should procure a hanging-safe, and put it up in an airy situation. Joints of meat may and ought, in general, to be exposed, in the larder or safe, to currents of air, till their tough parts become tender, which they cannot be without this process of hanging. We have an easier or at least a shorter way of managing game or poultry, by which these can be prepared for the kitchen, when any emergency require their presence-namely, to lay them, when fresh killed, in a heap of wheat when they will become tender and palatable in about forty-eight hours.


In the case of game, when the weather is very warm, it an excellent device to put a stopper of charcoal in the vent, with a string tied tightly round the neck. It is the property of charcoal to take up all putrid matter, as a sponge takes up water; and, by taking advantage of this A chair made a la mode, and yet a stranger being per-property, you may always preserve your meat sweet, suaded to sit down in't, shall have immediately his arms though it be almost dissolving by keeping. The same vaand thighs lock'd up beyond his own power to loosen luable property of charcoal may be turned to good advantage in cooking meat a little tainted, which, being boiled along with some charcoal, will be rendered not only sweet and wholesome, but it will be more tender, and, therefore, more digestible than if it had, from the first, been free from taint. It is quite a vulgar error, indeed, that tainted meat is unwholesome, for the stomach has the power of rendering even the most putrid meat almost instantly sweet, as was proved by the ingenious experiments of Dr. Fordyce and Mr. Stark.



A brass mold to cast candles, in which a man may make 500 dozen in a day, and add an ingredient to the tallow which will make it cheaper, and yet so that the candles shall look whiter, and last longer.


How to make a brazen or stone head, in the midst of a great field or garden, so artificial and natural, that though a man speak never so softly, and even whispers into the ear thereof, it will presently open its mouth, and resolve the question in French, Latin, Welsh, Irish or then shut it until the next question be asked. English, in good terms uttering it out of his mouth, and

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Another secret worth knowing is, that, when meat is tainted in an extreme degree, and which we have now shown you is not unwholesome, you may at once destroy its unpleasant flavour and odour by washing it, first in cold water, then in strong camomile tea, afterwards sprinkling it with salt and pepper, and it will be fit to be dressed on the following day.

The new discovery of the pyroligneous acid may also be advantageously employed in the larder for preserving meat, and also for recovering what has become tainted. It is best applied to the meat by means of a brush, or the meat may be plunged into it for a few seconds. In this way you may keep cutlets, kidneys, liver, and rabbits, as long as you please, as fresh as on the day when they were procured from the market. You know that smoked provisions will keep as long as it is desired, while those merely dried in a stove will not. The reason is, that the smoke contains the pyroligneous acid, or vinegar and oil of wood, the preservative properties of which are so remarkable. Keeping meat immersed in molasses has also the effect of preserving it as long as you please.



She comes in vision of the night,

Her form beloved I see;

And her dove-like eyes of moonbeam light,
Oh, how they smile on me!

And the ivy'd cot shows neat and trim,
And blazes bright the fire;

And the blushing maid so fair and slim,
Has donn'd her best attire.

And joy has winged the passing hour,
And Love, that urchin wild,

Has decked anew his winsome bower,
And Hope, approving, smiled.

But changed the dream; and now there comes
A fearful scene, and drear,

And it shows the place of mouldering tombs,
Hamid with many a tear!

And from that ivy'd cottage low,
Departs a funeral train;

And the place that wont my love to know,
Shall know her no more again!

And psalms are sung, and prayers are said,
And rosemary given around;

And the bell has toll'd, and with the dead
She sleeps in holy ground!

Yet still anon, in dream of sleep,
My Marian's form I see;

And starting, wake again to weep,
And sigh with her to be!

And the sigh is vain, and vain the tear,

Still, shade of her I love!

In slumber's hour, oh, wander near,
And quit thy rest above!

Oh! quit thy rest, and tell to me,
Shall I long tarry here?

For I fain, sweet love, would follow thee,
And the grave I do not fear.

I do not fear the darksome grave,
Nor the worm that riots there;

'Tis the hallowed, of the loved and brave,
To memory how dear!

And I would not shrink to lay me down
Upon that dusty sod;

For I fain would happier regions own,
And pass from earth to God!

Spirit of her bewail'd, 'tis sweet
In thought to visit thee;
But oh! the joy when ours to meet
O'er Acheron's tranquil sea!

No more I'll weep, no more I'll sigh,
The night is hastening fast;
The sand is run, the fount is dry,
The wheel has turned its last:
And a voice I hear none other can,
And a form of light I see;

And it waves me o'er the narrow span

That parts from bliss, and thee!

And a boat is on the Stygian lake,

And the waters softly roll;

And the silver cord begins to break

Now Heaven receive my soul.


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And how's a' wi' ye frien in Parker-street,

The gude wife, bairns, and last, not least, yoursel?
"Few," quoth the bard, "shall part where many meet."
If so, 'tis clear that you and your's shall dwell
In peace together, and communion sweet:

For you are "many," and you know right well
You seldom "part," i. e. are not divided-
Now tell me have you read the bard as I did.


I meant to have told you when I wrote my last,
Though I omitted it I don't know why,
That Bristol people when they go to rest,
Always take care to keep awake one eye:
Which is of their great caution a sure test,
And serves their wisdom to exemplify;
And shows the maxim is by them well known,
Always to keep an eye upon one's own.


This will serve also to explain why tis

The people here have such a knowing air: How so, you ask? why, Sir, the fact is this, The eye that watch'd at night next day takes care To go to sleep, while t'other watching is; For turn and turn about is only fair: The sketch subjoin'd, pray deem it not a Miss, Will show you in the twinkling of an eye, A little insight to this mystery.


And now to business, friend, for you must know I mean to make what use of you I can; Without apology for doing so,

I hope the muses will not thwart my plan: 'Twould to my project be a fatal blow;

Besides, if they will but its merits scan, They'll find, whatever they may think of it, I'm plotting for their use and benefit.


Please then to signify to Mr. Smith,

Not parson Smith, but Egerton, I mean Firstly, my compliments, and then forthwith The following message, by the which is seen, That business of our letters is the pith,

The very marrow, fat of this our lean;
To do which, prosingly, would take much time,
Therefore no reason we should not in rhyme.

There dwelleth in this city one, aye, more
Than twenty Mr. Morgans; for, of all
The places that I ever saw before,

Though, be it known to him, I thereby hope, T'extend the sale of his Kaleidoscope.


To come at once, then, to the point, 'tis thought
By us, in Bristol, that the thing would take:
M. says, at least twelve copies would be bought;
If so, you know there won't be much at stake.
Besides, the thirst for writings of this sort

Is great, and rather difficult to slake:
Numbers of works in weekly numbers sold,
'Mong artisans, attest the truth now told.

Should our friend Smith approve of this our plan,
Hillyard and Morgan, John-street, if addressed,
Will further it I'm certain all they can.

In old Bristolia, too, among the rest,
Contributors will not be wanting who will fan
The flame of verses, but smother'd now at best;
In proof of this I send the following version,
To which, I hope, he'll not refuse insertion,
Here our correspondent introduces a punning typog
phical song, replete with technical terms, which we sh

insert next week.



What means this pleasing, melancholy gloom,
This heaviness that steals upon my heart,
These mingled thoughts, that seem, at once t'impart
The joys of life, the terrors of the tomb?
Methinks, such tranquil feelings of delight,
With gentle pain, and grief so darken'd o'er,
Life's passing strange events could ne'er excite,
For one fleet moment, in this breast before.
My thoughts are varied, yet with one accord,
And toward one bright and sparkling goal they run,
Where Beauty reigns triumphant and adored;

A prize which by the heart alone is won.
O,, were my heart in utterance free,
'Twould say its hopes its fears were centred all in thee.
Newcastle-upon-Tyne. -
T. Surg.

The Beauties of Chess. "Ludimus effigiem belli”............ VIDA.

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None to compare with it can I recal, For Morgans, Evanses, and many more, Naines of true Britons, ancient as the Fall; But, as I said before, ONE well know I,




A great man in his line, though four feet high.


A man of learning, in a certain way,

But, above all, though under most 'tis true, Upright, in dealing, open as the day;

A trader he in books, both old and new, No wonder to an upstart he should say, "Sir, I've liv'd longer in the world than you;" For, as aforesaid, Mr. M. stands high, And looks down, therefore, on the upstart fry.


He's very great with me, this little man;

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