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HE ROYAL PORTRAITS, which have been visited
by upwards of eighty thousand persons of distinction
and taste since they have been on public view, can remain
here but a few days more, as they return to London to be
engraved for a new Atiquarian Work, to be published in 26
parts, under the immediate patronage of the King.

cal Catalogues may be had. Admittance, One Shilling.

Nonsequence of numbers of spectators, who have been
desirous of witnessing the representations of last week,
which were fully intended as the last in this town,-being
diappointed, owing to the crowded state of Messrs. Maffey's
Theatre; and in consequence of numerous and earnest
zaritions from many respectable individuals, Messrs.
Mafty are again induced to postpone their departure for one
week longer (till Friday next, the 3d proximio) when they
will positively take leave of the generous Public of Liverpool,
fall of sentiments of gratitude for the distinguished patron-
age with which they have honoured their humble endea-
vours to add to the innocent amusements of a liberal com-
every Evening during the week (Saturday excepted) will be
A grand comic Spectacle, enlivened with Dances, Ballets, a
Secunt Costumes.


those solids of the earth for his own fancied uses: to build given by the managers to Mr. Davidson's request. But in defiance of this resolution on the part of the managehimself palaces, houses, fortifications, and now, so complete ment, contemning the indignant remonstrances of the very the work of general destruction, he has began to crush them men whose sanction to the delusion he had previously beinto smaller pieces for road-making, and in a short time sought so earnestly, Mr. Davidson forthwith posts up these get pulverized to atoms by the continual travelling his friend Elliston upon the walls; the town becomes ex over them thus daily undoing, what none can do. It cited; the theatre is crowded to excess; the audience are Here is generally known that stones once broken, never unite disappointed, as was foreseen: Elliston came not. was provocation enough in all conscience, which conse Stokes's Rooms, Church-street, Liverpool, where histori- again; and we have no evidence of stones growing. If quently engendered a feud we have all cause to deplore. this be fact, and we continue reducing them in the way The parties met irreconcileable, quarrelled, of course, and we do, we must ultimately arrive either to a state, as I parted mutually angry with each other. Time effects wonders, and we hope yet to see time's emollient properties before said, of general puddle, or, which is still as bad, a effectually employed in allaying the irritation thus unMany parts of the globe are now in happily produced; for while we laud the principle that wilderness of sand. the latter state. As for instance, the Deserts of Arabia. actuates our managers, the policy of their conduct is most If by any means the particles of sand, which lay waste assuredly questionable. They are, beyond doubt, suffering those tracts of country in Arabia and many other places, pecuniarily, and so is Mrs. Davsdson, who is probably alcan be united again, so as to form hills and valleys, those together blameless; to say nothing of the great loss suscountries would again be, as no doubt they have been, Let then, both the managers and Mrs. Da idson yield to cirtained by the public in the way of theatrical recreation. fertile, and the pleasant abode of man. Even in Engcumstances; sacrifice all animosity at the shrine of public land what clouds of dust, or pulverized stones, annoy opinion, and no longer deprive themselves of honourable the traveller in dry weather, in the highways and in the emolument, nor withold from the lovers of the drama so streets; and in wet weather what quantities of puddle ac-prolific a source of their amusement. Thus will they each be rewarded with our thanks, our plaudits, and our money, cumulate. In winter we are now nearly ancle deep; our and we shall have restored to us an actress truly worthy of posterity in a century or two will be deeper, and in time will our most lavish patronage. be driven quite out of the Island, all through the perti- We hail, with unfeigned pleasure the arrival of MR. nacity of man in continuing to reduce the solid contents of DowTON, the sparkling genuine gem of old Drury. If the earth into powder. I don't say that this state of univer- of our's, and of the public's. Excellent alike, as he is, n not one of Fortune's greatest favourites, he is one of Nature's, sal puddle is very near; neither we nor our children will re- all, we know not whether most to admire the honest sinceive much inconvenience from it: but we ought to consi-plicity and unsophisticated good feeling of his farmer Ashfield, the deep accomplished hypocrisy of his Cantwell, der posterity; and I, for one, shall have done my part towards warning others to endeavour to prevent this great or the rich, mellow, lusciousness of his Falstaff. His actevil. I hope you will consider this matter of sufficient ing, always true to nature, costs him not a single effort; he never labours for applause, and consequently merits importance to allow room in your publication for this infinitely more of it than those who do. See him, when, or in what we may, he is invariably, what few men becommunication of mine. In doing which I shall ever be grateful. sides are, the identical character he assumes. The newspapers assure us that this gentleman is about to cross the Atlantic; we hope not, dreading the chasm that must ensue in the train of Thalia. This may be deemed selfish, and so, indeed, it is; we plead no exemption from a fashionable virtue which prevails more or less all the world Ubi mel, ibi apes.

umber of Metamorphoses, Disguises, Changes of Dress, and

In the course of this piece will be exhibited, the superb,
Sty of

nimated, and picturesque maritime View of the Port and


ast war against the French army. This superb painting is o much celebrated for the seige which it sustained in the finely executed, and will present, in a beautiful coup d'ail, the sea covered with ships, and the shore animated by a number of moving objects, in strict accordance with the appearance

andusges of the country.

Together with a variety of other Entertainments, which Dors to be opened at hair-past Seven, and the performance to commence at half-past Eight precisely.

will be announced in the bills of the day.

O the Benefit of Mr. 'BROWNE, and the last

night of his engagement. On WEDNESDAY next, the 1st September, will be performed


Mr. Dornton, Mr. Dowton; Mr. Silky, Mr. Blanchard; Goldfineb, Mr. Browne, in which character he will introduce the Comie Song of "The Humours of a Mill."

After which the Interlude of

Nipperkin, Mr. Blanchard; Sinclair, Mr. Hunt; Mary
Mise Cramer.

To conclude with the Musical Farce called

Sir Francis Faddle, Mr. Browne, with the Song of "Smart
Young Bachelors; Altieri, Mr. Hunt; Lissette, Miss Rock.
Tickets to be had of Mr. Parker, at the Box-Office, where
places for the Boxes may be taken.





Manchester, July 29, 1824.

The Drama.


O place and greatness, millions of false eyes
Are stuck upon thee! volumes of report
Run with these false and most contrarious quests
Upon thy doings!


[blocks in formation]

Royal Portraits, Stoakes's Rooms, Church-street.—We have pleasure in directing public attention to the beauti-ful portraits now to be seen at Stoakes's Rooms.-We have examined the collection with much gratification, and we are of opinion, that those who are desirous to become acquainted with the features of the most distinguished characters of English history, or to learn something of the costumes of earlier times, cannot fail to be dead. We have but room to notice the following few portraits in the collection; and by no means assume that many of the others are not equally worthy of encomium :—

No. 15. is Margaret Tudor-a face of much sweetness, and a minature of great excellence.

No. 26.-Frederick, King of Bohemia-a countenance that

Our dramatic performances have recently assumed a character every way calculated to revive, most forcibly, the pleasing recollections of one not less entitled to lasting remembrance; lady, withal, and said to be irrevocably banished from our boards. To those who are at all con-highly gratified by visiting these portraits of the mighty versant with theatrical proceeding here, it will scarcely be requisite to intimate that we allude to Mrs. DAVIDSON whose non-appearance amongst us has, of late, constituted the topic of much conversation among persons accustomed to the theatre. Some misapprehension, however, seems to therefore, but just towards the management, and may be exist in the town on the subject of this lady's exile; it is, acceptable to our readers, to state what little we happen to know about an affair to which, evidently, more than ordinary importance is attached. And, indeed, it would be surprising were this untoward circumstance otherwise. For who is there, having once been the delighted spec-it tator of Mrs. Davidson's inimitable portraiture, whether of high or less elevated life, Lady Teazle, or Nell,-that does not feel warmly interested in what not only concerns that lady professionally, but involves also the very delicate question of how far the managers are justified in thus pertinaciously limiting the enjoyment of their patronsthe public.

Sia,-I wish to call the attention of the public, through the medium of your interesting miscellany, to a subject which has engrossed my thoughts some time, and which deserves the serious consideration of the well-disposed part of the community. Great, I apprehend, will be the evils hat will ensue, if the practice I am about to speak of be easted in; and I, as an individual, can do little in it, if zealously supported by others. The matter I allude is the general practice of reducing the solid contents the earth into small particles. We all know, or we ght to know, that the earth is kept in its present firm star by the rocks which abound in every part of it And that if all these should ever become powdered, at is, reduced to small particles, the water would inute itself amongst them, the consequence of which would be a general puddle. That we are rapidly aproaching this state is very evident to those who will take be trouble to consider the matter a little, and which I rs now endeavour to make appear. The rocks and other hard substances, which give solidity to the earth, 7, baturally, in a state of fixidity; and that is the state, and the only one, in which they can perform the best of pursuing season. poses, and for which they were intended: but man, that busy adding creature man, without thought, without reflection, for the purposes of the day, must burst and rend asunder

On the occasion of Mrs. Davidson's last benefit in 1822, an application was made by her husband for permission to advertise Mr. ELLISTON, who was said to have promised his powerful assistance. To this the managers rejoined, that not only would it be violating the long established ordinances of the theatre, but might likewise militate in some measure against their interest, having themselves concluded an engagement with Mr. Elliston for the enThese reasons were fairly represented to known arrangements, of Mr. Elliston's not coming; they Mr. Davidson, as well as the possibility, from his other are such, certainly, as we ourselves should have urged, and, we conceive, fully warranted the peremptory refusal

exhibits a species of placid philosophy, that breathes more of the mildness of learning than the pomp of royalty.

No. 29.-The Queen of Charles II.-a beautiful picture. No. 43.-Queen Caroline, Wife of George II-great beauty, majesty, and grace: this portrait may be dwelt upon with

Sir W. Beechey; but, as the hat is off, the miniature is a great improvement upon the original.

No. 50.-George the III-the face 'evidently copied from

The Bumpkin and the Beadle.-The following joke is somewhat stale, but as it is on its way through the country, we shall entertain it en passant.-A short time since, one of the beadles of Brighton took a quantity of butter away from a countryman, because it was deficient in weight; and meeting him a few days after in a public-house, says to him, "You're the man I took twenty pounds of butter from." "No I bean't," replied Hodge. I am stre you are," says the beadle. I tell ye I bean't," rejoined the countryman, and if thee lik'st I'll lay thee a guinea on't." "Done," replied the beadle, and the money was quickly posted. Now," says the countryman, had been twenty pounds, you'd have had no right to take didst take twenty lumps of butter from me, but if there them, and this," continued he, very coolly pocketing the money, "will pay me for the loss of the butter."

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Literature, Criticism, &c.



"Nec modum habet, neque consilium, ratione, modoque Tractari non vult."

sally subscribed to, and some qualities are supposed to constitute excellence which is universally denied to objects not possessing these indispensible requisites. There are also shades of difference so strongly marked that any one who attempted to support an opinion on these subjects, directly opposite to the verdict generally subscribed to, would merit remark and ridicule. There are certainly some distinctions affixed by common opinion which are so palpable as to be impossible to be overlooked. Thus far any man may judge with comparative confidence; but, where the limits of distinction become more circumscribed, there are shades of separation so slight and imperceptible, there are qualities so nearly resembling each other, which are yet essentially different to any combinations of which it is difficult to assign the palm of the highest excellence, or to say which one surpasses the others, as to render it matter of wonder to me how any one, knowing (as every man of sense must) that such is the case, can arraign the opinions of others on these difficult niceties for not agree

I have often been amused with remarking the intolerence with which men, in most instances, regard the opinions of others, on those subjects which are usually denominated "matters of taste," when they happen to differ from their own; and as I have observed that this description of injustice is not by any means confined to those who are illiterate, or, on other topics, uncandid, I have occasionally employed myself with considering whether any reason can be assigned for this seeming absurdity; but the more at tention I have given the subject, the more have I wondered; how any man that has enjoyed the advantages of a liberal education, can allow himself in a practice so preju-ing with his own. diced and unmeaning.

It is unimportant to inquire into the sources from whence this fault may proceed in the ignorant; for they are "omne lege soluti ;" but it may be instructive to observe the manner in which men of information and superior acquirements suffer their self-love to destroy their sense of justice, in condemning the tastes of others; and although this practice is so general as to become unnoticed, or passed by as a thing of course, a little consideration will convince us that it is unworthy of being suffered to obtain in any mind that has been enlarged and fertilized by the effects of the "ingenua artes," which we hear so

Duch about.

It is not my intention to enter into any discussion upon the difficult, and long-contested subject of "taste" in the abstract; as that would not only be irrelevant to my present observations, but would also seem an act of presumption, when so many men of talent have written upon the subject; without, however, throwing much light upon it: it is, indeed, one of those subtle essences which are intrin.. sically untangible; and it is upon this property, which I believe it is generally allowed to possess, that the remarks I have to offer upon the fault above-mentioned are principally founded.

Some speculative writers have not hesitated to affirm, that all preference given to any description of objects of sight, any shade of intellectual character, any combination of sound, or any other of the perceptions of the external senses, is wholly arbitrary: that the Hottentot, who thinks himself the "ne plus ultra" of grace, when annointed with suet; the Botocudo Indian, who ornaments his nose, ears, and lips, with immense splinters of wood, by way of full dress; or the South Sea Islander, who plays upon the intestines of the boar stretched over the external edges of a skull; are all possessed, in point of fact, of perceptions which regard these objects of taste, as refined as those of the most civilized European; that all notions of excellence being confined to any limit which custom may have affixed among a race of men, are merely ideal; and that the Tartars or Chinese have as much cause to laugh at our ideas of symmetry and proportion, as we conceive we have to deride theirs; in fine, that, as these distinctions depend merely upon the imaginations of certain classes of men, that all are alike important, or rather that all are equally nugatory.

But, although this theory has been supported by arguments which are equally plausible and ingenious, I am content to view the matter in question in the same light as that in which the greater part of the civilized world is pleased to regard it, as even that affords abundant scope for remarking upon the folly of stigmatizing the opinions of others upon these subjects, in the unqualified and unsparing manner so often observed.

In these objects of taste, therefore, as they are viewed by civilized nations, there is, of course, a great distinction to be observed; some general rules are univer

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custom of riding daily, when the weather would perm until the 9th of April. But on that ill-fated day he g very wet, and on his return home, his Lordship change the whole of his dress; but he had been too long in wet clothes, and the cold, of which he had complained more or less, ever since we left Cephalonia, made this a tack be more severely felt. Though rather feverish durin the night, his Lordship slept pretty well, but complaine this did not, however, prevent him from taking a ride in the morning of a pain in his bones and a head-ache the afternoon, which, I grieve to say, was his last. On h return, my master said that the saddle was not perfect dry, from being so wet the day before, and observed th he thought it had made him worse. His Lordship w again visited by the same slow fever, and I was sorry perceive on the next morning that his illness appeared be increasing. He was very low, and complained of having had any sleep during the night. His Lordshi appetite was also quite gone. I prepared a little arr root, of which he took three or four spoonsful, saying the third day, the 12th, that I began to be alarmed abe was very good, but could take no more. It was net my master. In all his former colds, he always slept we and was never affected by this slow fever. 1, therefo Yet how it is that "amor proprius," that respectable, went to Dr. Bruno and Mr. Millingen, the two me yea, that comfortable quality called by men self-love, pre-connected with my master's present illness; both rep attendants, and inquired minutely into every circumsta sents an infallible test; a very touchstone, for judging that there was no danger, and I might make myself upon these maters; and says" THIS IS MY opinion." fectly easy on the subject, for all would be well in al It suggests, that in spite of the uncertainty which must days. This was on the 13th. On the following day attend any effort at placing the standard of excellence on found my master in such a state, that I could no te any particular spot, the sage individual has at length happy without supplicating that he would send to Zar for Dr. Thomas; after expressing my fears lest his Lo achieved that delicate task; and, as ten to one, no other ship should get worse, he desired me to consult the docto person in the world exactly coinsides with him, and, as which I did, and was told there was no occasion for ca though there are many wrongs, there is but one right, ing in any person, as they hoped all would be well in that he has found that right, and that all the rest of man- few days. Here I should remark, that his Lordship kind are wrong-Admirable! those, (and there are many doctors did not understand his disease; to which I a peatedly said, in the course of the day, he was sure t of them in the world) who, although they may not exactly swered, Then, my Lord, have other advice by all mean be aware of this kind of reasoning, I will not call it, They tell me,' said his Lordship, that it is only yet arrive imperceptibly at this conclusion, may be dis- common cold, which you know I have had a thousa posed to exclaim against the justice of the picture; yet if times.' I am sure, my Lord,' said I, that you nev they will candidly consider the details of it, and compare was his Lordship's answer. had one of so serious a nature.' I think I never ba them impartially with the secret suggestions of their own that Dr. Thomas should be sent for on the 15th, and sa I repeated my supplicatio hearts, they will perceive its accuracy. again assured that my master would be better in two o three days. After these confident assurances, I did no renew my entreaties until it was too late. With respe not persuade myself that those of a strong purgative natu to the medicines that were given to my master, I cou were the best adapted for his complaint, concluding th as he had nothing on his stomach, the only effect would to create pain; indeed this must have been the case a person in perfect health. The whole nourishment tal quantity of broth at two or three different times, and by my master for the last eight days consisted of a str spoonsful of arrowroot on the 18th, the day before death. The first time I heard of there being intention bleeding his Lordship was on the 15th, when it was p posed by Dr. Bruno, but objected to, at first, by my mas who asked Mr. Millingen if there was any great reason taking blood: the latter replied that it might be of servi but added, that it could be deferred until the next And accordingly my master was bled in the right arm the evening of the 16th, and a pound of blood was tak I observed, at the time, that it had a most inflamed app Dr. Bruno now began to say that he had freque urged my master to be bled, but that he always refu A long dispute now arose about the time that had been and the necessity of sending for medical assistanc Zante, upon which I was informed, for the first time, I more, before the arrival of Dr. Thomas. His Lords it would be of no use, as my master would be better or continued to get worse; but Dr. Bruno said he thought ting blood again would save his life; and I lost no tim telling my master how necessary it was to comply with doctor's wishes. To this he replied by saying, he fe they knew nothing about his disorder; and then, stretch out his arm, said, Here, take my arm, and do what you like.' His Lordship continued to get weaker. On 17th he was bled twice, in the morning and at twoo'd in the afternoon; the bleeding at both times was follo by fainting fits, and he would have fallen down more t once had I not caught him in my arms. In order to vent such an accident, I took care not to let his Lords stir without supporting him. On this day my maste not been able to sleep for more than a week. I k to me twice-I cannot sleep, and you well know I h added his Lordship, that a man can be only a cer time without sleep, and then he must go mad without one being able to save him, and I would ten times 100

If these thoughtless persons could recollect their own opinions, at a previous period, when they thought them no doubt as infallible as they do at the present, they would find that they have changed them, perhaps two or three times. Let them, then, apply their own arguments to themselves; as thus-"There is but one right, though there are many wrongs." You thought all these different opinions were right at the time you entertained them, and yet how often you have altered them; you think your present ones certainly correct, and yet you know not whether you may not again change. Who then shall decide, even of your own opinions, which is correct? You cannot. Be more diffident, then, in judging of others.

These people remind me of the often remarked proclivity of intoxicated people to accuse others of being in that state, while, perhaps, they are themselves alone "vino pleni."

For my part, so far from quarrelling with others upon matters of taste, where my opinion is at variance with theirs, I am rather disposed to wave my own in compliance with that of my friends, and would sooner be thought a man of no taste, than forfeit my pretensions to good sense, by vainly chiding others for a discrepancy of opinion, on such uncertain topics, and I am oftner tempted to exclaim with Horace,

"Hæc si quie, tempestatis propè ritu Mobilia et cæcâ fluitantia sorte, laboret Reddere certa sibi, nihilo magis explicet, ac si Insanire paret certâ ratione modoque.—Sat.”

Biographical Notice.



As collected from the mouth of Mr. Fletcher, who has been for more than twenty years his faithful and con

fidential attendant:

"My master (says Mr. Fletcher) continued his usual


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them, but without showing any symptom of pain, or moving
hand or foot. Oh, my God!" I exclaimed, I fear his
Lordship is gone! The doctors then felt his pulse, and
said, You are right-he is gone.""

Natural History.

notice the trouble of catching and feeding them; but, after the original outlay, the expense thus incurred cannot be very considerable: and the fisherman is of opinion that a pond erected in the neighbourhood of London, or any other large city, would, in the end, become a profitable concern, both from the superior richness of the fish fed in it, and the scarcity of the commodity during certain cold tempestuous seasons.-Dumfries Courier.





sint myself than be mad, for I am not afraid of dying, Ism more fit to die than people think.' I do not, however, believe that his Lordship had any apprehension of his fate the day after, the 18th, when he said I fear you and Tu will be ill by sitting up constantly night and day.'Inswered, 'We shall never leave your Lordship till you are better.' As my master had a slight fit of delirium on the 16th, I took care to remove the pistols and stiletto, which had hitherto been kept at his bedside, in the night. On the 18th his Lordship addressed me frequently, and Natural Curiosity.-The fish-pond at Logan or Nessock seemed to be very much dissatisfied with his medical treat- formed in 1800, and repeopled since by many successive ment. I then said, Do allow me to send for Dr. Thomas;' generations of cod, is neither more nor less than an artifito which he answered, Do so, but be quick. I am cial basin of salt-water, thirty feet deep by 160 in circum. only sorry I did not let you do so before, as I am sure they ference, reckoning from the top to the bottom of the rock. have mistaken my disease; write yourself, for I know he The area within is wholly hewn from the solid rock, and would not like to see other doctors here.' I did not lose a communicates with the sea by one of those fissures, or namoment in obeying my master's orders, and on informing tural tunnels, so common on bold and precipitous coasts. SIR,-When any body of men is attacked, however Dr. Bruno and Mr. Millingen of it, they said it was very Attached to the pond is a neat Gothic cottage, for the ac-groundless the charges brought against that body may night, as they now began to be afraid themselves. On re- commodation of the fisherman; and round the rock is surturning to my master's room, his first words were, Have mounted by a substantial stone wall, at least 300 feet in appear to its several members, and though they may be you sent? I have, my Lord,' was my answer: upon circumference. In every state of the wind or tide, in win-well convinced that the prevailing opinion of the publie which he said, 'You have done right, for I should like to ter as well as summer, when not a single boat dare ven- is completely in their favour, still it becomes the duty of know what is the matter with me. Although his Lordship ture to sea, the proprietor (Col. M'Dowall) can command every individual in it to repel the charges, lest their silent did not appear to think his dissolution was so near, I a supply of the finest fish, and study, at his leisure, the contempt be taken for a tacit acknowledginent of guilt. could perceive he was getting weaker every hour, and he instincts and habits of the "finny nations." From the Mr. Hamilton affects a great deal of respect for even began to have occasional fits of delirium. He after-inner or back-door of the lodge, a winding stair-way conwards said, 'I now begin to think I am seriously ill, and ducts you to the usual halting place, a large flat stone, private worth, the unassuming harmless integrity of the In case I should be taken off suddenly, I wish to give you projecting into the water, and commanding a view of every great body of teachers," (words, which, by-the-bye, he several directions, which I hope you will be particular in part of the aquatic prison. When the tide is out, this must think not very applicable to schoolmasters,) and then Being executed.' I answered I would, in case such an stone is left completely dry: and here a stranger perceives brings forward the sweeping accusations-that none of vest came to pass; but expressed a hope that he would with surprise a hundred mouths simultaneously opened to them teach; but that "they are receiving money for the Live many years, to execute them much better himself than greet his arrival. Fishes, in fact, hear as well as see; and, I crald. To this my master replied, No; it is now the moment the fisherman crosses his threshold, the pond communication of instruction and not communicating it." marly over; and then added, "I must tell you all with- is agitated by the action of some hundred fins, and other-But he knows perfectly well, when Sancho Panza got a ou losing a moment." I then said, • Shall I go, my Lord, wise thrown into a state of perfect anarchy and confusion. blanketing, the higher he was tossed, he had the farther and fitch pen, ink, and paper? Oh, my God, no,- Darting from this, that, and the other corner, the whole to fall; and that it is a common method for a victorious ya wil lose too much time, and I have it not to spare, for population move, as it were, to a common centre, elevate general to extol the steady bravery of his vanquished my time is now short,' said his Lordship; and immedi- their snouts, lash their tails, and jostle one another with tely after,Now pay attention.' His Lordship com- such violence, that, on a first view, they actually seem to enemy, in order that his own skill in military tactics may enced by saying. You will be provided for.' I begged be nienacing an attack on the poor fisherman, in place of be the more evident. sim, however, to proceed with things of more consequence: the creel full of limpets he carries. Many of the fishes are Mr. Hamilton says, "he believes he has proved that he then continued, Oh, my poor dear child! my dear so tame that they will feed greedily from the hand, and nothing is taught, and very little is, or can be, learned at Ada! my God, could I but have seen her give her my bite your fingers into the bargain, if you are foolish schools." It is true, he has often asserted this; but I have blessing and my dear sister Augusta, and her children; enough to let them; while others, again, are so shy, that Lad you will go to Lady Byron, and say tell her every the fisherman discourses of their different tempers, as a never seen nor heard him prove it. Indeed, I think it ng-you are friends with her.' His Lordship appeared thing quite as palpable as the gills they breathe or the fins will require very little logic to prove the contrary. Now, be greatly affected at this moment. Here my master's they move by. One gigantic cod, which seems to answer as he has a class formed, not only for every language, ice failed him; so that I could only catch a word at in to the name of Tom, and may be well described as the art, and science, but for every diversity of previous acervals, but he kept muttering something very seriously patriarch of the pond, very forcibly arrests attention. quirement in that art and science," we shall begin with for some time, and would often raise his voice and say, This unfortunate, who passed his youth in the open sea, the A, B, C, in our own language, as Chinese and the Fletcher, now if you do not execute every order which I was taken prisoner at the age of five, and has since soave given you, I will torment you hereafter, if possible.' journed at Port Nessock for the long period of twelve Traité de Mécanique Céleste are said to be rather abstruse Here I told his Lordship, in a state of the greatest per years, during all which time he has gradually increased in subjects. But when I am convinced that the Hamiltonian exity, that I had not understood a word of what he said; bulk and weight. He is now, however, so wholly blind, system is a good one, I shall, likely, join his classes for >which he replied, 'Oh, my God! then all is lost! for from age or disease, that he has no chance whatever in the these branches.-How is it possible that a child can learn now too late can it be possible you have not under- general scramble. The fisherman, however, is very kind the alphabet, by being at an old woman's school, if she d me ? No, my Lord,' said I, but I pray you to him; and it is really affecting, as well as curious, to see and inform me once more. How can I?" rejoined the huge animal raise himself in the water, and then, do not teach him? It cannot be by her ordering him master; it is now too late, and all is over.' I said, resting his head on the flat stone, allow it to be gently to learn, as he does not know the sound of one letter from touz will, but God's be done; and he answered, patted or stroked, gaping all the while, to implore that another until he is taught; ergo, old women teach. It Yes, tot mine be done; but I will try His food which he has no other means of obtaining. As the is well known to every person acquainted with grammar, hip did indeed make several efforts to speak, but enumeration of even domesticated fishes formed no part of ald only repeat two or three words at a time; such as, the census for Wigtownshire, in 1821, it might be difficult that a boy may learn every grammatical definition and My wife! my child! my sister! you know all-you to ascertain the exact population of the pond; but, judg- rule in the language, and yet not be able to distinguish say all-you know my wishes;'-the rest was quite ing from the eye, I am inclined to rate it at several hun- one part of speech from another unless he be taught. eligible. A consultation was now held (about noon), dreds. Cod appears to be the prevailing species; but there That there may be teachers who follow this method is was determined to administer some Peruvian bark are also blochin or glassin, haddocks, flounders, and vawine. My master had now been nine days without rious other kinds. The flooks, however, which live on very probable, and to such Mr. Hamilton's charges would, stenance whatever, except what I have already men- worms and other insects, shun the light, by burrowing in no doubt, be applicable. But thousands in Liverpool can With the exception of a few words, which can the sand at the bottom, and never ascend to the top in attest, that this, at least, is not the case in all schools. terest those to whom they were addressed, and quest of food. Salmon, which, at spawning-time, visit For it is a fact, which the most sceptical cannot pretend to , if required, I shall communicate to themselves, it the highest rivers, could not, of course, obey their instincts impossible to understand any thing his Lordship said here; and, accordingly, there is only one specimen of this doubt, that there are many school-boys who can parse. taking the bark. He expressed a wish to sleep. I favourite fish in the pond at present. Still, however, he is might ask how a boy learns to hold his pen in a proper Betime asked whether I should call Mr. Parry? To one among a hundred; for, as the fisherman remarked manner, or form his letters correctly, or state a question hich he replied, Yes, you may call him.' Mr. Parry" he is far soupler than ony o' the rest;" and, by virtue in the Rule of Three, or give the same combination of red him to compose himself. He shed tears, and ap- of this one quality, chases, bites, and otherwise annoys a letters, in French, a sound so different from what he Wenly sank into a slumber. Mr. Parry went away, ex- whole battalion of gigantic cod, that have only, one would does in English, or construe a Latin sentence, unless ting to find him refreshed on his return, but it was the think, to open their mouths and swallow him.-To supply mmencement of the lethargy preceding his death. The them with food is an important part of the fisherman's his master teach him? Many other proofs might be Words I heard my master utter were at six o'clock on duty; and, with this view, he must ply the net and heave brought forward to show, that those who call themselves #Pening of the 18th, when he said, 'I must sleep now; the line during two or three days of every week. Sand- teachers do actually teach. But I believe nobody rewhich he laid down, never to rise again! for he did eels, broken crabs, and limpets, form the staple articles in quires such proof but Mr. Hamilton, and he will not, ve hand or foot during the following twenty-four the process of baiting, the former of which are given raw, His Lordship appeared, however, to be in a state while the latter must be slightly scalded, in order to dis. likely, be easily convinced: "the personal experience ocation at intervals, and had a frequent rattling in engage them from the shell. To keep up the stock of of every individual" will tell him that many teachers throat; on these occasions, I called Tita to assist me these canibals, particularly when the pond appears to be discharge their duty faithfully, skilfully, and conscien sing his head, and I thought he seemed to get quite getting thin, from the contributions levied on it by the tiously. When Mr. Hamilton appeals to an audience, The rattling and choking in the throat took place cook at Logan, is another duty of some importance, though half hour; and we continued to raise his head when not nearly so laborious as the former. As a set-off, there- or to the public, by means of the press, to say whether or e fiit came on, till six o'clock in the evening of the fore, to the great advantage of possessing fish of a superior not they have been taught at school, does he imagine, bewhen I saw my master open his eyes and then shut richness, at all seasons of the most stormy year, we must cause they do not answer him in one voice, that they have,


that they are not well enough convinced that they were so? At his lecture in the Music-hall his audience sat with more silent attention, when he was making his bold and unwarranted assertions, than I have good reason to believe he has seen other audiences do; it would have been doing him more injustice than I believe a Liverpool audience capable of, not to have given him a hearing, or to have acted otherwise than they did. But was there no expression of attitude or countenance to fill up the chasm? was the eye silent? did he narrowly look? he looks only at the Hamiltonian system.

Mr. Hamilton says, "no man has yet come forward to assure us that he has been taught; all acknowledge that they owe what they know to their own efforts, to their own genius, to their own diligence!!" I have not such a high opinion of myself. I am no self-taught genius. I did not learn without the assistance of my master. I likewise flatter myself that I teach my own pupils, though I do not pretend to show them a royal road to learning. I also freely confess, that I often advise, and sometimes order them to learn; they have always something to get by heart; they have tasks set every day: nor do I understand how any system can be a good one when this is not done. This is one of my principal objections to the Hamiltonian system: nor could I discover from any thing Mr. Hamil. ton said upon it, in his lecture, that it was adapted for giving more than a smattering of French. It is an easy matter to teach a young man to translate the Gospel of St. John. It is remarkable for its simplicity of diction. The language of it is familiar to every one who has received a Christian education; and as soon as a person gets the meaning of two or three words in a verse, his knowledge of the phraseology in English, leads him to the significato of the rest. I think it would be easy to find a man, who never received a lesson in French, that could translate the whole book. But I shall venture to say, there never was a man in existence that learned to speak it fluently, or even write it correctly, in "forty-eight lessons"; though it is my opinion, any one who has "studied it three, four, or five years," under the worst system that ever was tried, and yet is ready to acknowledge that he knows little of it," must be a great dunce. But there is another circumstance which leads me to form an unfavourable opinion of the Hamiltonian system. I lived in New York, when Mr. Hamilton began to teach French, upon this system, there, I think above six years ago, and witnessed its rise, fall, and final extinction in that city. When he removed his establishment from New York, there was a clear field for the exertions of any who approved of it, to teach upon the same plan. But though Jonathan is neither dull in comprehending, nor slow in attempting any thing that he thinks will turn to his advantage, not one individual there, nor, indeed, in any of the places in the United States, where he attempted it, that ever I heard of, followed this system. We hear of the Lancasterian system, the Pestalozzi systein, Bell's system, and who knows how many other systems; but not a word of the Hamiltonian, though it has been in operation at least six years, except where Mr. Hamilton makes his appearance. Such a "broad-day fact" as this ought to make him a little more modest in outraging the common sense of mankind, and running down the methods of others.-I am, &c.

[blocks in formation]

number, not expressed, but understood, governs the verb in this instance, q. d. the result of the quarrels of lovers is the renewing of love.-Your's, &c.

PHILO ABSTEMIOUS. Perhaps you will state when and were the half dozen is to be pushed about.




SIR,-The feat I am about to introduce to your notice was always a great favourite with me; perhaps, amongst other reasons, because its rationale baffles my comprehension. Indeed, I never could meet with any person who could clearly explain the principle upon which the thing is done;-it appears at variance with all the known laws of projectiles, as I shall point out after I have described the problem to be performed.

In the first instance, you must stand upright, with the feet brought nearly together; then place upon the upper part of the right foot, between the instep and the toe, a small book, or any other suitable thing which may be at hand; then, raising the right foot from the ground, swing it gradually backwards and forwards until you are in the position of the figure (which is supposed to be as far as you can stretch backwards) you must throw the book or other matter from your foot in such a way that it shall pass directly over your head, and fall immediately before you.

Independently of the difficulty of getting the book, &c. to pass from your foot over your head, there are two minor difficulties to overcome. In the first place you must be able to balance yourself very steadily on one leg, whilst your body is inclined forwards; and in the next place you must contrive to prevent the book, &c. from slipping off your foot as it moves backwards and forwards. In order to acquire steadiness, whilst on one leg, it is advisable in practising the trick, to place a chair at your left hand, by which you may hold, until you are enabled to dispense with it; and to acquire facility in keeping the book, &c. attached to the foot, you may wrap twine, a piece of leather, or a little brown paper round the book, or other thing to be thrown over the head, in order to render it less liable to slip off the foot; as the smooth leather of the book, if bound, makes it very difficult to retain it in its place, during the backward and forward swing of the foot. There is one caution which it is necessary to give in the performance of this trick; without attention to which, it cannot be performed:-this is, to swing your foot backward and forward slowly and regularly like a pendulum. Unless this be particularly attended to, you will never succeed in the trick. If I were disposed to write learnedly, like certain gentlemen I have in my mind's eye, I should say, "the oscillations of the foot ought to be isochronal.

I have mentioned a small book here because it is generally at hand; but I recollect, that, when I was young and frolicksome, I could easily have thrown a piece of bread over my head, in this manner, and caught it in my mouth. The thing to be thrown over the head ought not, however, to be too light: I have many times projected a very bulky quarto volume several yards over my head.

It may, on the first glance, be thought, that this trick is performed by some turn of the foot; but this is not the case, as the foot, at the very moment of throwing off the book, &c., retains the position described in the figure.

Having now described what is to be done, and the manner of accomplishing it, I shall briefly explain what I meant in the commencement of my letter, about the diffi culty of comprehending the rationale of this feat.

It is a law of projectiles, that if any body, a stone for instance, made to move in a circle, (by means of string held in the hand,) be suffered to go at liberty it will not retain the circular motion for an instant, bu fly off in a right line, or a tangent to the circle.

Now the book, &c. immediately before it is throw over the head, has been moving in a circular direction, and ought, therefore, on its release, to fly off in a right lin or tangent; and, if it does so, it appears unaccountabl that it should pass over the head, as a person would ima gine it would be thrown behind him and not before him In the figure, the foot is thrown as far back as practicable and it does appear actually impossible, that any thing quitting the upper part of the foot in that position, can pass over the head; yet so it is, and I leave the explana tion to others; as, for the present, I profess to write on gymnasia, not philosophy.-Yours, &c.

To Correspondents.

BRISTOL CORRESPONDENTS.-We trust S. T. will excuse the free dom we have used in giving publicity to a letter intende for private inspection only. The fact is, that we deemed the lines a very good introduction to the good people of Bris tol, with whom we hope shortly to be better aequainted THE NUT-SHELL-A correspondent observes that the ster under this name is to be found in a work called the Gar and we do not doubt it. The works of Meissner are very po pular; and this, it seems, has been translated among the rest: but what then? That the translation of L'ent original we can vouch; and we are assured that he has en no English version. We will go further, and wager uny trifle that L'Man's translation is better than the other. He translates con amore; and there is a vigour and origina lity in his English style which few foreigners ever attain When this gentleman meets with a book in his own lan guage, with a translation of which he intends to favour there i no necessity to examine all the book-catalogues an Reviews to ascertain whether any one has preceded him the task. He simply Inquires has any translation of th work appeared in the Kaleidoscope.

We have just been favoured with the communications of S A Sutton correspondent-Eleanor-Perambutator-and S. d A Subscriber, and the letter of Dr. Timothy Twist-We reg that the latter did not reach us in time for our present lication, because it contains some excellent points. It w be equally applicable, however, next week. What could put into Timothy's head that we dare not publish his philippe. cannot have perused some of our recent notices to corre pondents on the subject. En passant, why does the Doet spell so badly?

The Negroe's Epitaph in our next.

NEW SONG.-We could not prepare the music of Mr. T in time for this week's publication; and must ther postone it until next week.

INDEX TO OUR FOURTH, VOLUME. In reply to numerous int ries we repeat that the Index and Title-page to our last lume may be had GRATIS of any of the Agents for the A doscope.

THE BELLMAN'S O YES! O YES!—A correspondent Ingat what is the origin of the O Yes! still exclaimed by our b men in some parts of the kingdom, as a substitute for t bell. In reply to this query we can state, we trust, to e correspondent's entire satisfaction, that the phrase is French derivation. Oyez is the imperative mood of t verb ouir, to hear. O yes! O yes! therefore signified h


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No. 219.-VOL. V.

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FROM L'ERMITE EN ITÁLIE, THE LATEST WORK OF M. JOUY. [Translated expressly for the Kaleidoscope.]

Whas often been subject of wonder that the Tuscan painters, although accustomed to behold nature under her most attractive forms, have never excelled in the painting of landscapes; but it appears not astonishing to me, that men endued with the discrimination of genius should have despaired of producing copies worthy of such an riginal, and that therefore this branch of their art should have occupied so small a share of their attention. How agreeably are the cultivated plains around Florence confrasted with the gloomy and venerable aspect of the town, whose towers and battlements recal the remembrance of the ancient civil wars. While the valley of Ombrosa invites the mind to the indulgence of contemplation and pleasing reverie; Mount Aperto seems yet to resound with the cries of fury and death, which have so often been repeated by its echos.

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the windows of the houses in Florence. The interior of
the town is a fit residence for the friend of the arts, while
the villas scattered among the neighbouring hills afford
the most delighful retreat for the lover of nature. Ariosto
says, that these hills are covered with country houses so
numerous, that they seem to grow from the earth like
plants. If all these scattered palaces, he adds, were assem-
bled under one name, and encircled by the same enclosure,
two Romes could hardly be compared to them.

Some historians affirm that this city was built by the
soldiers of Sylla, during the time of the civil wars of
Rome, and that these founders first gave to it the name of
Fluentia; from which may have been derived that of
Florentia, bestowed upon it on account of the beauty of
its site. By others it is asserted, that this town was al-
ready considerable in the time of Sylla. From the neigh-
bouring mountains is dug that curious species of marble,
whose variegated surface represents, when polished, the
images of bushes, trees, ruins, and landscapes.

The Arno flows through the town; across it are built four stone bridges. Its quays are handsome, but they have not so imposing and magnificent an appearance as the quays of Pisa, as the buildings upon them are of irregular size, and not built in the form of a crescent, like the southern quay of the Arno at Pisa.

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parts of a church gives it an air of grandeur and dignity. In most of the churches of Italy the chapel is situated behind the choir, and as it is only half as lofty as the rest of the church, one appears to be entering a subterranean apartment, although without descending a flight of steps. This chapel appears the secret abode of devotion and penitence. A single lamp is kept burning at the foot of the crucifix, while a feeble ray of light, from an opening in the wall immediately above it, can scarcely penetrate the thick gloom that reigns there. Dim figures appear kneeling in different parts of the chapel, surrounded by the poor, who grope about, extending their hands for alms.

The baptistry, as in all the towns of Tuscany, is a distinct building from the church, although situated near it. Is is of octangular form, and built of a marble like that of the principal body of the church. It has three doors of bronze, of which the basso relievos are much esteemed.* The most ancient is the workmanship of Andreé Ugolini of Pisa, and attracts the attention of connoisseurs. The principal entrance is ornamented by two pillars of porphyry, and the building is supported in the interior by sixteen pillars of granite. The vaulted roof is covered with mosaic.

The steeple is also a detached building; it is a square tower, built of marble, like that of the two other edifices; and is three hundred feet high. The platform of the steeple commands a fine view of the town and its territory.

The two

Many of the edifices of Florence resemble inhabited fortifications; they are impressed with the character of buildings of the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries. The The pavement of the streets was laid in the thirteenth pobles and wealthy of those days were obliged to fortify century, and is composed of large flags. The present po- The valuable and superb gallery of the Medici deserves beir houses; most of the palaces are therefore intrenched, pulation amounts to about 'eighty thousand inhabitants. the attention both of the learned man and the man of the and flanked with towers built of large square black stones. It was much more considerable at the time of the repub. world. To the former it affords subjects of continual The square of the Grand Duke, the ancient palace of the lican government of Florence. Florence is in the centre study; and the latter, though possessing onlyļa knowledge Medici, the celebrated gallery which bears their name of Italy; the access to it from Bologna is across the Ap- of the first rudiments of the arts, cannot consider without and consecrates their memory; the bronze statues pro- penines, the ascent of which occupies the first day's jour-interest this magnificent gallery, filled with statues, busts, duced by the genius of Michael Angelo, Donatelli, Jeanney from that city. Thick fogs descend from the summits sculptures, paintings, bronzes, and medals. de Boulogne, Cellini, and many other great statuaries of the surrounding hills, and cover the town during the lateral apartinents which lead to it, contain specimens of have immortalized the glory of the fine arts; the those works of the arts, the secret of whose composition is untain ornamented by bronze figures of nymphs, tritons, lost, the most rare productions of the animal, vegetable, ked marine borses spouting out streams of limpid water and mineral kingdoms, monuments found at Pompeia to an immense bason, under the eyes of a marble Nepand Herculaneum, and antiquities of various kinds preant, who seems to command them; all these monuments served to posterity among the ruins of towns, or by the ant near to make Florence a second Athens, and juseruptions of volcanos. Copies are preserved of the great ify the remark of the foreigners, who declared that Floworks transported by the French to Paris, which convey Fence was so magnificent, that it ought only to be exhionly a faint idea of the excellence of their inimitible origi hated by its sovereigns on days of rejoicing. nals. In order to give life to marble canvas, the painter and sculptor ought to be inspired. A copy is merely a translation, which, however faithful, can never possess the spirit of an original work.

months of December and January; the air of Florence is
so unwholesome at that season, that the Archdukes usually
passed it at Pisa, and generally spent the carnival there.
Such noblemen as do not attend the court, then retire to
their country houses.

Florence is six miles in circumference; it is surrounded
by a high wall, fortified by several square towers, and two
castles, one at the west, the other at the cast, situated on
an eminence overlooking the gardens of Bobali.

How richly has Florence been endowed with that divine The Metropolitan church of Florence is highly deFive, known by the name of genius, which is distributed serving of attention, even from those who have seen the partially among cities! How many of her painters, Saint Peter of Rome. It is a vast building; the outward es, musicians, and historians, have claimed the homage walls are composed of black and white marble; those in ved admiration of the world! Among these the names of the inside are invested with a rough marble of a greyish Dante, Galileo, Machiavelli, Geuiciardini, and Leonardoda cast. The interior of the church, which is about six Vadrand pre-eminent. Lulli was also a native of Flo-hundred feet in length, and three hundred in breadth, is rec, but he may be said to belong rather to Paris, as his entirely destitute of ornament, from the entrance to the gets was there developed under the eyes of the monarch, grate of the choir. The vaulted roof is supported by lofty Who was to France what the Medici had been to Tuscany. pillars. The nave contains neither benches nor chairs. Florence is situated at the foot of the Appenines, in a People walk in it as in a public square, and traverse it fertile plain, watered by the Arno, encircled by verdant with as little ceremony as if it did not compose part of the and well-wooded hills, and surrounded by country houses, church. The chapels are situated on each side of the distributed in the form of an amphitheatre, and present- choir. The grate is gilt, and very ancient. The organs ang the most enchanting coup d'œil, as they are seen from and pulpit are near the choir. This disposition of the

The statue of Niobe, surrounded by her children, which of all the works of sculpture there, was that by which I was the most touched, occupies the centre of the apart ment. Diana appears hovering above, whence she darts her arrows upon the unfortunate children, who are of progressive ages. Niobe, loosely habited in a long robe, part of which half conceals her youngest daughter, extends one hand towards the goddess, as if to avert her arrows from their destined course. This celebrated group

is composed of sixteen figures. It is mentioned by Pliny, but the learned do not agree upon the question, whether it be the work of Scopas or of Praxiteles.

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