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HE EDITORS of this Edition of the LAWS regret that the Publication has not been quite so early as was expected. They believe it was impoffible to have been accomplished with the utmoft diligence by the time originally contemplated, and the delay arose from circumftances which were unavoidable.

IT was found inconvenient to comprise in one Volume all the PUBLIC ACTS-The Editors have therefore thought proper to throw into the Second Volume the Acts for dividing the State into Counties and Towns, and the Act for regulating the Fees of the several Officers and Ministers of Justice-Thefe Acts are very lengthy, and two of them not of a permanent nature-It appeared therefore not injurious to the Plan of the Publication to feparate them from the general and permanent Laws.

THE Editors flatter themselves that the mechanical

part of the Work will be found to be executed in a manner that will entitle it to the Public approbation.

ALBANT, January 20, 1802.

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