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which some pulpits have been disgraced, of deferring the declaration of the whole truth to a more convenient season. As if the native enmity of the heart were to be softened by delay--as if it could be reduced by anything but by the truth itself--as if men ever found their audiences more tractable by this kind of forbearance; or were themselves more instrumental in bringing sinners to God: or had the answer of a good conscience more complete in their own bosoms. God, my friends, knows infinitely better than we, what truths are suited to our circumstances, and has revealed them in his book; and accursed be that prudence which suggests the propriety of suppressing any one of them. If there is one trait of a faithful minister more obvious than another, it is this, that he is not afraid nor ashamed to say what God has said before him in his word.

Here, my beloved friends, is a breathing place for every honest messenger of God's truth: may I be permitted to say that I feel it to be so myself? When the ministry of Paul is the subject, blushes and tears become the sense which I cannot but perceive of the immense disparity. But in this particular, I can stand even in the presence of God, and can say, that in so far as he has been pleased

to enlighten me, I have never shunned to declare his whole counsel. You know that, in this matter, I have not sought glory of men ; have not made their applause, not even your applause, how respectable soever, my object; have never concealed a truth, however unpopular; nor ever asked if it were acceptable or not. It has always been enough for me to have the word of God on my side. And when that has been clear, you cannot forget how frequently, nay, how habitually, you have been turned over to his tribunal. On this ground I do stand in this awful day of my life. Bear witness against me if I have not told you the truth. Very feebly, I own; very imperfectly, I do confess: but corruptly, never. And, O my friends, remember that you have a heavy account to render, an account for blood, for your own blood. I call heaven and earth, and your own consciences, to witness against you this day, that if you perish, your blood will be upon your own heads, I am clean. With this cheering, but melancholy assurance, I close my ministry among you. Yet let me say, are there any of you to whom that ministry has been sanctified? Bless the Father of mercies; and do not waste your anxieties upon the worthless instrument. Look unto Jesus, the author and finisher of your faith, to

complete in you all the good pleasure of his goodness, till he bring you to his kingdom, shouting, grace, grace!

Are there none here, and those whom we respect and love for their amiable and social qualities, yet who never knew what it is to love the Lord Jesus Christ? To whom his truth, proclaimed day after day, has been like water poured into a sieve-all spilled on the ground, and not gathered up. Let me say to you, my friends, perhaps it is the last time, the day of your reckoning cometh; and you will find that the things so lightly esteemed by you, are not forgotten by your God. Who of you would escape going down to the pit? Who would not? Then hear, and hear it again, and hear it as for eternity: There is forgiveness with God! The doors of his mercy are not closed! The very chief of sinners may yet find acceptance with him through his dear son. Whosoever will, let him take of the water of life FREELY; yes, FREELY; with all the welcome of God's authority, and all the riches of God's bounty, FREELY, so iniquity shall not be his ruin.

It may be expected that on this occasion I should deliver my thoughts concerning the person who is to take my place, and concerning your own part in the selection. How

unfit I am for the discharge of these duties, I abundantly feel; and particularly how much easier it is to tell you what you should not do, than what you should. Yet, such as I have, give I unto you; and in that name which you should never hear quoted with lightness or irreverence-the name of Jesus.

I trust you will not choose a vain man, who occupies the pulpit more to display himself, than to profit you. Of all the melancholy things seen among men, this is perhaps the most melancholy; a poor, sinful being complimenting himself upon the discharge of his office, while the ministering angels look upon him with a mixture of dislike, of shame, and of horror and while his Judge, before whom he is shortly to appear, regards him with a frown, of which the interpretation is, " Ill done! thou bad and faithless servant; enter thou not into the joy of thy Lord!"

2. Do not choose a showy man. Many of these men there are who have only outside. You will be as sick of him at last, as you were enamored of him at first. You will speedily find that he cannot instruct nor edify you; and will be heartily tired of seeing him show himself.

3. Do not choose a man who always preaches upon insulated texts. I care not how power

ful or eloquent he may be in handling them. The effect of his power and eloquence will be, to banish a taste for the word of God, and to substitute the preacher in its place. You have been accustomed to hear that word preached to you in its connection. Never permit that practice to drop. Foreign churches call it lecturing; and when done with discretion, I can assure you, that while it is of all exercises the most difficult for the preacher, it is, in the same proportion, the most profitable for you. It has this peculiar advantage, that in going through a book of scripture, it spreads out before you all sorts of character, and all forms of opinion; and gives the preacher an opportunity of striking every kind of evil and of error, without subjecting him to the invidious suspicion of aiming his discourses at individuals.

4. Do not choose a man of dubious principles. The truth of God was given to be proclaimed; not suppressed. It is a city set on a hill; a light which must shine, and not be smothered under a bushel. When I hear of a man's preaching for years together in such a manner that his most attentive and intelligent hearers are unable to conjecture what his sentiments are upon the cardinal truths of revelation, I cannot avoid pronouncing him a

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