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formed about twenty years ago, called Edmonstone Island, on the centre of which a beacon was erected as a land-mark in 1817. In 1818 the island had become two miles long and half a mile broad, and was covered with vegetation and shrubs. Some houses were then built upon it, and in 1820 it was used as a pilot station. The severe gale of 1823 divided it into two parts, and so reduced its size as to leave the beacon standing out in the sea, where, after remaining seven years, it was washed away. At length the islet has been converted by successive storms into a sandbank.

Although there is evidence of gain at some points, the general progress of the coast is very slow; for the tides, which rise from thirteen to sixteen feet, are actively employed in removing the alluvial matter, and diffusing it over a wide area. The new strata consist entirely of sand and fine mud; such, at least, are the only materials which are exposed to view in regular beds on the banks of the numerous creeks. No substance so coarse as gravel occurs in any part of the delta, nor nearer the sea than 400 miles. It should be observed, however, that the superficial alluvial beds, which are thrown down rapidly from turbid waters during the floods, may be very distinct from those deposited at a great distance from the shore, where crystalline precipitates, perhaps, are forming, on the evaporation of so great a surface, exposed to the rays of a tropical sun. The separation of sand and other matter, held in mechanical suspension, may take place where the waters are in motion; but mineral ingredients, held in chemical solution, would naturally be carried to a greater distance, where they may aid in the formation of corals and shells, and, in part, perhaps, become the cementing principle of rocky masses.

A well was sunk at Fort William, Calcutta, in the hope of obtaining water, through beds of adhesive clay, to the depth of 146 feet. A bed of yellow sand was then entered, and at the depth of 152 feet another stratum of clay.*

Islands formed and destroyed.-Major R. H. Colebrooke, in his account of the course of the Ganges, relates examples of the rapid filling up of some of its branches, and the excavation of new channels, where the number of square miles of soil removed in a short time (the column of earth being 114 feet high) was truly astonishing. Forty square miles, or 25,600 acres, are mentioned as having been carried away in one place in the course of a few years. The immense transportation of earthy matter by the Ganges and Megna is proved by the great magnitude of the islands formed in their channels during a period far short of that of a man's life. Some of these, many miles in extent, have originated in large sand-banks thrown up round the points at the angular turning of the

* See India Gazette, June 9, 1831.

Trans. of the Asiatic Society, vol. vii. p. 14.

river, and afterwards insulated by breaches of the stream. Others, formed in the main channel, are caused by some obstruction at the bottom. A large tree, or a sunken boat, is sometimes sufficient to check the current, and cause a deposit of sand, which accumulates till it usurps a considerable portion of the channel. The river then borrows on each side to supply the deficiency in its bed, and the island is afterwards raised by fresh deposits during every flood. In the great gulf below Luckipour, formed by the united waters of the Ganges and Burrampooter (or Megna), some of the islands, says Rennell, rival in size and fertility the Isle of Wight. While the river is forming new islands in one part, it is sweeping away old ones in others. Those newly formed are soon overrun with reeds, long grass, the Tamarix Indica, and other shrubs, forming impenetrable thickets, where tigers, buffalos, deer, and other wild animals, take shelter. It is easy, therefore, to perceive, that both animal and vegetable remains must continually be precipitated into the flood, and sometimes become imbedded in the sediment which subsides in the delta.

Two species of crocodiles, of distinct genera, abound in the Ganges and its tributary and contiguous waters; and Mr. H. T. Colebrooke informs me that he has seen both kinds in places far inland, many hundred miles from the sea. The Gangetic crocodile, or Gavial (in correct orthography, Garial), is confined to the fresh water, but the common crocodile frequents both fresh and salt; being much larger and fiercer in salt and brackish water. These animals swarm in the brackish water along the line of sand-banks where the advance of the delta is most rapid. Hundreds of them are seen together in the creeks of the delta, or basking in the sun on the shoals without. They will attack men and cattle, destroying the natives when bathing, and tame and wild animals which come to drink. "I have not unfrequently," says Mr. Colebrooke, "been witness to the horrid spectacle of a floating corpse seized by a crocodile with such avidity, that he half emerged above the water with his prey in his mouth." The geologist will not fail to observe how peculiarly the habits and distribution of these saurians expose them to become imbedded in the horizontal strata of fine mud, which are annually deposited over many hundred square miles in the Bay of Bengal. The inhabitants of the land, which happen to be drowned or thrown into the water, are usually devoured by these voracious reptiles; but we may suppose the remains of the saurians themselves to be continually entombed in the new formations.

Inundations. It sometimes happens, at the season when the periodical flood is at its height, that a strong gale of wind, conspiring with a high spring-tide, checks the descending current of the river, and gives rise to most destructive inundations. From this cause, in the year 1763, the waters at Luckipour rose six feet above their ordinary level, and the

inhabitants of a considerable district, with their houses and cattle, were totally swept away.

The population of all oceanic deltas are particularly exposed to suffer by such catastrophes, recurring at considerable intervals of time; and we may safely assume that such tragical events have happened again and again since the Gangetic delta was inhabited by man. If human experience and forethought cannot always guard against these calamities, still less can the inferior animals avoid them; and the monuments of such disastrous inundations must be looked for in great abundance in strata of all ages, if the surface of our planet has always been governed by the same laws. When we reflect on the general order and tranquillity that reigns in the rich and populous delta of Bengal, notwithstanding the havoc occasionally committed by the depredations of the ocean, we perceive how unnecessary it is to attribute the imbedding of successive races of animals in older strata to extraordinary energy in the causes of decay and reproduction in the infancy of our planet, or to those general catastrophes and sudden revolutions resorted to by some theorists.


Delta of the Mississippi.-As the delta of the Ganges may be considered a type of those formed on the borders of the ocean, it will be unnecessary to accumulate examples of others on a no less magnificent scale, as, for example, at the mouths of the Orinoco and Amazon. To these, however, I shall revert by-and-by, when treating of the agency of The tides of the Mexican Gulf are so feeble, that the delta of the Mississippi has somewhat of an intermediate character between an oceanic and mediterranean delta. A long narrow tongue of land is protruded, consisting simply of the banks of the river, wearing precisely the same appearance as in the inland plains during the periodical inundations, when nothing appears above water but the higher part of the sloping glacis before described. This tongue of land has advanced many leagues since New Orleans was built. Great submarine deposits are also in progress, stretching far and wide over the bottom of the sea, which has become extremely shallow, not exceeding ten fathoms in depth. Opposite the mouth of the Mississippi large rafts of drift trees brought down every spring, are matted together into a net-work many yards in thickness, and stretching over hundreds of square leagues.t They afterwards become covered over with a fine mud, on which other layers of trees are deposited the year following, until numerous alternations of earthy and vegetable matter are accumulated.

Alternation of Deposits.-An observation of Darby, in regard to the strata composing part of this delta, deserves attention. In the steep banks of the Atchafalaya, an arm of the Mississippi before alluded to in our description of "the raft," the following section is observable at low * Chapter II.

+ Captain Hall's Travels in North America, vol. iii. p. 338.-See also ante. p. 182.

water:-first, an upper stratum, consisting invariably of bluish clay, common to the banks of the Mississippi; below this a stratum of red ochreous earth, peculiar to Red River, under which the blue clay of the Mississippi again appears; and this arrangement is constant, proving, as that geographer remarks, that the waters of the Mississippi and the Red River occupied alternately, at some former periods, considerable tracts below their present point of union. Such alternations are probably common in submarine spaces situated between two converging deltas; for, before the two rivers unite, there must almost always be a certain period when an intermediate tract will by turns be occupied and abandoned by the waters of each stream; since it can rarely happen that the season of highest flood will precisely correspond in each. In the case of the Red River and Mississippi, which carry off the waters from countries placed under widely distant latitudes, an exact coincidence in the time of greatest inundation is very improbable.


Quantity of sediment in river water.-Very few satisfactory experiments have as yet been made, to enable us to determine, with any degree of accuracy, the mean quantity of earthy matter discharged annually into the sea by some one of the principal rivers of the earth. Hartsoeker computed the Rhine to contain in suspension, when most flooded, one part in a hundred of mud in volume ;t but it appears from two sets of experiments, recently made by Mr. Leonard Horner, at Bonn, that Tooth would have been a nearer approximation to the truth. Sir George Staunton inferred from several observations, that the water of the Yellow River in China, contained earthy matter in the proportion of one part to two hundred, and he calculated that it brought down in a single hour two million cubic feet of earth, or forty-eight million daily; so that, if the Yellow Sea be taken to be 120 feet deep, it would require seventy days for the river to convert an English square mile into firm land, and 24,000 years to turn the whole sea into terra firma, assuming it to be 125,000 square miles in area. Manfredi, the celebrated Italian hydrographer, conceived the average proportion of sediment in all the running. water on the globe, which reached the sea, to be 173, and he imagined that it would require 1000 years for the sediment carried down to raise the general level of the sea about one foot. Some writers, on the contrary, as De Maillet, have declared the most turbid waters to contain far less sediment. One of the most extraordinary statements is that of Major Rennell, in his excellent paper, before referred to, on the delta of † Comment. Bonon., vol. ii. part i. p. 237.

* Darby's Louisiana, p. 103.

Edin. New Phil. Journ., Jan. 1835. § Staunton's Embassy to China, Lond. 1797, 4to. vol. ii. p. 408.

the Ganges. "A glass of water," he says, "taken out of this river when at its height, yields about one part in four of mud. No wonder, then," he adds, "that the subsiding waters should quickly form a stratum of earth, or that the delta should encroach on the sea!"*

There must certainly be some mistake, perhaps a misprint, in the statement in the Phil. Trans.; and some have conjectured that the learned hydrographer meant one part in four hundred of mud. In former editions of this work, I expressed my regret that so much inconsistency and contradiction should be found in the statements and speculations relative to this interesting subject; and I endeavoured to point out the high geological importance of reducing to arithmetical computation the aggregate amount of solid matter transported by certain large rivers to the sea. The deficiency of data has now been, in some degree, removed by the labours of the Rev. Mr. Everest, who has instituted a series of observations "On the earthy matter brought down by the Ganges" at Ghazipúr, above Calcutta.t

The first step to be made in all such calculations is to ascertain the average volume of water passing annually down the channel of a river. This might easily be accomplished if the breadth, depth, and velocity of a stream were constant and uniform throughout the year; but as all these conditions are liable to vary according to the seasons, the problem becomes extremely complex. In the Ganges, as in other rivers in hot climates, there are periodical inundations, during which by far the greatest part of the annual discharge takes place; and the most important point, therefore, to determine, is the mean breadth, depth, and velocity of the stream during this period.

Mr. Everest found that, in 1831, the number of cubic feet of water discharged by the Ganges per second was, during the

Rains, (4 months)

Winter, (5 months)

Hot weather, (3 months)




so that we may state in round numbers, that 500,000 cubic feet flow down during the four months of the flood season, from June to September, and only 100,000 during the remaining eight months.

Having obtained the volume of water, we have next to inquire what is the proportion of solid matter contained in it; and for this purpose, a definite quantity, as, for example, a quart is taken from the river on different days, sometimes from the middle of the current, and sometimes nearer the banks. This water is then evaporated, the solid residuum weighed, and the mean quantity of sediment thus ascertained, throughout

* Phil. Trans. 1781.

Journ. of Asiatic Soc., No. 6. p. 238. June, 1832. See also Mr. Prinsep, Gleanings in Science, vol. iii. p. 185.

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