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the bulb of the thermometer was introduced into cavities purposely cut in the solid rock at depths varying from two hundred to above nine hundred feet. But in other mines of the same country, it was necessary to descend thrice as far for each degree of temperature."

A thermometer was fixed in the rock of the Dolcoath mine, in Cornwall, by Mr. Fox, at the great depth of 1380 feet, and frequently observed during eighteen months; the mean temperature was 68° Fahr., that of the surface being 50°, which gives 1° for every seventy-five feet.

Kupffer, after an extensive comparison of the results in different countries, makes the increase 1° F. for about every thirty-seven English feet;† and Cordier considers that it would not be overstated at 1° Cent. for every twenty-five metres, or about 1° F. for every forty-five feet.‡

Some writers have endeavoured to refer these phenomena (which, however discordant as to the ratio of increasing heat, appear all to point one way), to the condensation of air constantly descending from the surface into the mines. For the air under pressure would give out latent heat, on the same principle as it becomes colder when rarified in the higher regions of the atmosphere. But besides that the quantity of heat is greater than could be supposed to flow from this source, the argument has been answered in a satisfactory manner by Mr. Fox, who has shown, that in the mines of Cornwall the ascending have generally a higher temperature than the descending aërial currents. The difference between them was found to vary from 9° to 17° Fahr.: a proof, that instead of imparting heat, these currents actually carry off a large quantity from the mines.§

If we adopt M. Cordier's estimate of 1° Fahr. for every 45 feet of depth as the mean result, and assume, with the advocates of central fluidity, that the increasing temperature is continued downwards, we should reach the ordinary boiling point of water at about two miles below the surface, and at the depth of about twenty-four miles should arrive at the melting point of iron, a heat sufficient to fuse almost every known substance. The temperature of melted iron was estimated at 21,000° Fahr. by Wedgwood; but his pyrometer gives, as is now demonstrated, very erroneous results. It has been ascertained by Professor Daniell, that the point of fusion is 2786° Fahr.||

Cordier, Mém. de l'Instit., tom. vii. Pog. Ann. tom. xv. p. 159. ‡ Cordier, Mém. de l'Instit., tom. vii. § Phil. Mag. and Ann., Feb. 1830. The heat was measured in Wedgwood's pyrometer by the contraction of pure clay, which is reduced in volume when heated, first by the loss of its water of combination, and afterwards on the application of more intense heat, by incipient vitrification. The expansion of platina is the test employed by Mr. Daniell, in his pyrometer, and this has been found to yield uniform and consistent results, such as are in perfect harmony with conclusions drawn from various other independent sources. The instrument for which the author received the Rumford Medal from the Royal Society in 1833, is described in the Phil. Trans. 1830, part ii., and 1331, part ii.

By adopting the least correct of these two results the melting point of our ordinary rocks would be farther removed from the surface; but this difference does not affect the probability of the theory now under consideration. According to Mr. Daniell's scale, we ought to encounter the internal melted matter before penetrating through a thickness represented by that of the outer circular line in the annexed diagram (Fig. 59.);

Fig. 59.

Section of the earth in which the breadth of the outer boundary line represents a thickness of 25 miles; the space between the circles including the breadth of the lines, 200 miles.

whereas, if the other scale be correct, we should meet with it at some point between the two circles; the space between them, together with the lines themselves, representing a crust of two hundred miles in depth. In either case, we must be prepared to maintain, that a temperature many times greater than that sufficient to melt the most refractory substances known to us, is sustained at the centre of the globe; while a comparatively thin crust, resting upon the fluid, remains unmelted; or is even, according to M. Cordier, increasing in thickness, by the continual addition of new internal layers solidified during the process of refrigeration.

The mathematical calculations of Fourier, on the passage of heat through conducting bodies, have been since appealed to in support of these views; for he has shown that it is compatible with theory that the present temperature of the surface might coexist with an intense heat, at a certain depth below. But his reasoning seems to be confined to the

conduction of heat through solid bodies; and the conditions of the problem are wholly altered when we reason about a fluid nucleus, as we must do, if it be assumed that the heat augments from the surface to the interior, according to the rate observed in mines. For when the heat of the lower portion of a fluid is increased, a circulation begins thoughout the mass, by the ascent of hotter, and the descent of colder currents. And this circulation, which is quite distinct from the mode in which heat is propagated through solid bodies, must evidently occur in the supposed central ocean, if the laws of fluids and of heat are the same there as upon the surface.

In Mr. Daniell's recent experiments for obtaining a measure of the heat of bodies, at their point of fusion, he invariably found that it was impossible to raise the heat of a large crucible of melted iron, gold, or silver, a single degree beyond the melting point, so long as a bar of the respective metals was kept immersed in the fluid portions. So in regard to other substances, however great the quantities fused, their temperature could not be raised while any solid pieces immersed in them remained unmelted; every accession of heat being instantly absorbed during their liquefaction. These results are, in fact, no more than the extension of a principle previously established, that so long as a fragment of ice remains in water, we cannot raise the temperature of the water above 32° F.

If, then, the heat of the earth's centre amount to 450,000° F., as M. Cordier deems highly probable, that is to say, about twenty times the heat of melted iron, even according to Wedgwood's scale, and upwards of 160 times according to the improved pyrometer, it is clear that the upper parts of the fluid mass could not long have a temperature only just sufficient to melt rocks. There must be a continual tendency towards a uniform heat; and until this were accomplished, by the interchange of portions of fluid of different densities, the surface could not begin to consolidate. Nor, on the hypothesis of primitive fluidity, can we conceive any crust to have been formed until the whole planet had cooled down to about the temperature of incipient fusion.

It cannot be objected that hydrostatic pressure would prevent a tendency to equalization of temperature; for, as far as observations have yet been made, it is found that the waters of deep lakes and seas are governed by the same laws as a shallow pool; and no experiments indicate that solids resist fusion under high pressure. The arguments, indeed, now controverted, always proceed on the admission that the internal nucleus is in a state of fusion.

It may be said that we may stand upon the hardened surface of a lava current while it is still in motion,-nay, may descend into the crater of Vesuvius after an eruption, and stand on the scoria while every crevice shows that the rock is red-hot two or three feet below us; and at a some

what greater depth, all is, perhaps, in a state of fusion. May not, then, a much more intense heat be expected at the depth of several hundred yards, or miles? The answer is,-that, until a great quantity of heat has been given off, either by the emission of lava, or in a latent form by the evolution of steam and gas, the melted matter continues to boil in the crater of a volcano. But ebullition ceases when there is no longer a sufficient supply of heat from below, and then a crust of lava may form on the top, and showers of scoriæ may then descend upon the surface, and remain unmelted. If the internal heat be raised again, ebullition will recommence, and soon fuse the superficial crust. So in the case of the moving current, we may safely assume that no part of the liquid beneath the hardened surface is much above the temperature sufficient to retain it in a state of fluidity.

It may assist us in forming a clearer view of the doctrine now controverted, if we consider what would happen were a globe of homogeneous composition placed under circumstances analogous, in regard to the distribution of heat, to those above stated. If the whole planet, for example, were composed of water covered with a spheroidal crust of ice fifty miles thick, and with an interior ocean having a central heat about two hundred times that of the melting point of ice, or 6400° F.; and if, between the surface and the centre, there was every intermediate degree of temperature between that of melting ice and that of the central nucleus;—could such a state of things last for a moment? If it must be conceded, in this case, that the whole spheroid would be instantly in a state of violent ebullition, that the ice (instead of being strengthened annually by new internal layers) would soon melt, and form part of an atmosphere of steam-on what principle can it be maintained that analogous effects would not follow, in regard to the earth, under the conditions assumed in the theory of central heat?

M. Cordier admits that there must be tides in the internal melted ocean; but their effect, he says, has become feeble, although originally, when the fluidity of the globe was perfect, the rise and fall of these ancient land tides could not have been less than from thirteen to sixteen feet. Now granting, for a moment, that these tides have become so feeble as to be incapable of lifting up every six hours the fissured shell of the earth, may we not ask whether, during eruptions, jets of lava ought not to be thrown up from the craters of volcanos, when the tides rise?-and whether the same phenomena would not be conspicuous in Stromboli, where there is always lava boiling in the crater? Ought not the fluid, if connected with the interior ocean, to disappear entirely on the ebbing of its tides?

Whether chemical changes may produce volcanic heat.—Having now explained the reasons which have induced me to question the hypothesis of central heat as the pirmary source of volcanic action, it remains to consider what has been termed the chemical theory of volcanos. It is well known that

many, perhaps all, of the substances of which the earth is composed are continually undergoing chemical changes. To what depth these processes may be continued downwards must, in a great degree, be matter of conjecture; but there is no reason to suspect that, if we could descend to a great distance from the surface, we should find elementary substances differing essentially from those with which we are acquainted.

Playfair has, indeed, attempted to deduce, from an observation of Pallas, that we can, by the aid of geology, see, as it were, into the interior as far as thirty miles or more; for Pallas had described, in the peninsula of Tauris, a series of parallel strata as regular as the leaves of a book, inclined at an angle of 45° to the horizon, and exposed in a continuous section eighty-six English miles long. The height of the range of hills composed of these strata does not exceed twelve hundred feet; but if we measure the thickness of the stratified mass by a line perpendicular to its stratification, the height of the uppermost bed above the undermost must have been originally more than sixty miles; and, even allowing, says Playfair, that the strata had shifted during their elevation, we may still suppose a thickness of thirty miles. But, if a deception to the extent of one-half is allowed for, on the score of shifting, it may well be asked why the same cause might not have produced a much greater amount of error? I shall point out, in another place, that, besides the probability of a shifting of the beds during elevation, there may also have been an original deviation from horizontality in the strata, which might cause them to assume the appearance of having been deposited in an ocean many leagues in depth, when, in fact, they may have been accumulated in a sea only a few hundred fathoms deep.*

Nevertheless, since we discover in mountain chains strata thousands of feet thick, which must have been formed at the bottom of the sea, but are now raised to the height of three or four miles above it, we may fairly speculate on the probability of rocks, such as are now on the surface, existing at the depth of several leagues below.

We may next recal to mind that all the solid, fluid, and gaseous bodies which enter into the composition of the earth, consist of a very small number of elementary substances variously combined: the total number of elements at present known is less than sixty; and not half of these enter into the composition of the more abundant inorganic productions.

Some portions of the compounds above alluded to are daily resolved into their elements; and these, on being set free, are always passing into new combinations. These processes are by no means confined to the surface, and are almost always accompanied by the evolution of heat, which is intense in proportion to the rapidity of the combinations. At the same time, there is a development of electricity.

Book iv. chap. xii.

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