Sidor som bilder

fhalt enjoy her; therefore make money. A pox of drowning thy felf! it is clean out of the way. Seek thou rather to be hang'd in compaffing thy joy, than to be drown'd and go without her.

Rod. Wilt thou be faft to my hopes, if I depend on the iffue?

Iago. Thou art fure of me.

Go, make money.

I have told thee often, and I re-tell thee again and again, I hate the Moor. My caufe is hearted thine hath no lefs reafon. Let us be conjunctive in our revenge against him. If thou canst cuckold him, thou doft thyfelf a pleasure and me a fport. There are many events in the womb of time, which will be delivered. Traverfe, go. Provide thy money. We will have more of this to-morrow. Adieu.

Rod. Where fhall we meet i' th' morning?
Iago. At my lodging.

Rod. I'll be with thee betimes.

Iago. Go to, farewel. Do you hear, Rodorigo?
Rod. What fay you?

Jago. No more of drowning, do you hear.

Rod. I am chang'd. I'll go fell all my land.

Jago. "Go to, farewel, put money enough in your [Exit Rodorigo.



Manet Iago.

Iago. Thus do I ever make my fool my purfe; For I mine own gain'd knowledge fhould profane, If I fhould time expend with fuch a fnipe, But for my fport and profit. I hate the Moor, And it is thought abroad, that 'twixt my fheets He has done my office. I know not, if't be true; But I, for mere fufpicion in that kind, Will do, as if for furety. He holds me well; The better fhall my purpose work on him. Caffio's a proper man. Let me fee now; To get his place, and to plume up my Will, A double knavery- How? how?. After fome time t' abufe Othello's ear,

-Let's fee


That he is too familiar with his wife
He hath a perfon and a smooth difpofe,
To be fufpected; fram'd to make women falle.
The Moor is of a free and open nature,

That thinks men honest that but seem to be so;
And will as tenderly be led by th' nose,

As affes are.

I have't

it is engender'd

Hell and Night


Muft bring this monftrous birth to the world's light.


The capital City of Cyprus.

Enter Montano, Governor of Cyprus, and Gentlemen.·



HAT from the cape, can you difcern at fea?
1 Gent. Nothing at all, it is a high wrought

I cannot 'twixt the heaven and the main

Descry a fail.

Mont. Methinks the wind hath spoke aloud at land; A fuller blaft ne'er fhook our battlements;

If it hath ruffian'd fo upon the fea,

What ribs of oak, when mountains melt on them,
Can hold the mortife? What fhall we hear of this?
2 Gent. A fegregation of the Turkish fleet;

For do but ftand upon the foaming fhore,
The chiding billows feem to pelt the clouds;

The wind-fhak'd furge, with high and monftrous main,
Seems to caft water on the burning Bear,

(7) And quench the guard of th' ever-fixed pole.

(7) And quench the guard of th' ever fixed pele.] Alluding to the ftar Artophylax.

I never

I never did like molestation view
On the enchafed flood.

Mont. If that the Turkish fleet

Be not infhelter'd and embay'd, they're drown'd;
It is impoffible to bear it out.


Enter a third Gentleman.

3 Gent. News, Lads, our wars are done : The defperate tempeft hath fo bang'd the Turks, That their defignment halts. A noble ship of Venice Hath feen a grievous wreck and fufferance

Of most part of the fleet.

Mont. How! is this true?

3 Gent. The fhip is here put in, *A Veronefe; Michael Caffio,

Lieutenant of the warlike Moor Othello,
Is come on fhore; the Moor himself's at fea,
And is in full commiffion here for Cyprus.

Mont. I'm glad on't; 'tis a worthy Governor.

3 Gent. But this fame Caffio, though he fpeak of


Touching the Turkish lofs, yet he looks fadly,

And prays the Moor be fafe; for they were parted
With foul and violent tempeft.

Mont. Pray heav'ns, he be:

For I have ferv'd him, and the man commands.
Like a full foldier. Let's to the fea-fide,

As well to fee the veffel that's come in,

As to throw out our eyes for brave Othello,


till we make the main and th' aerial blue.

An indiftin&t regard.

Gent. Come, let's do fo;

For every minute is expectancy

Of more arrivance.

* A Veronefe, Michael Caffio.] The Revifal supposes, I helieve rightly, that Michael Caffio is a Veronefe.

It should just be obferved, that the Italian pronunciation of the word must be retained, otherwife the meafure will be defective.



Enter Caffio.

Caf. Thanks to the valiant of this warlike isle,
That fo approve the Moor: oh, let the heav'ns
Give him defence against the elements,

For I have loft him on a dangerous fea.
Mont. Is he well-fhipp'd?

Caf. (8) His bark is ftoutly timber'd; and his pilot (9) Of very expert and approv'd allowance ;

Therefore my hopes, not furfeited to death,

Stand in bold cure.

Within.] A fail, a fail, a fail!

Caf. What noise?

Gent. The town is empty; on the brow o' th' fea Stand ranks of people, and they cry, a fail.

Caf. My hopes do fhape him for the Governor. Gent. They do difcharge their fhot of courtefy. Our friends, at least.

Caf. I pray you, Sir, go forth,

[Sound of Cannon.

And give us truth who 'tis that is arriv'd.

Gent. I fhall.


Mont. But, good lieutenant, is your General wiv'd?
Caf. Moft fortunately: He hath atchiev'd a maid

That paragons defcription and wild fame;

One that excels the quirks of blaz'ning pens,

(8) His bark is floutly timber'd

Therefore my bopes, not furfeited to death,

Stand in bold cure.] I do not understand thefe lines. I know, not, how bope can be furfeited to death, that is, can be encreased, till it is deftroyed; nor what it is, to fand in bold cure; or why bope hould be confidered as a disease. In the copies there is no variation. Shall we read,

Therefore my fears, not furfeited to death,
Stand in bold cure?

This is better, but it is not well.

ftroke, and read thus ?

Therefore my bepes, not forfeited to death,
Stand bold, not sure.

Shall we ftrike a bolder

(9) Of very expert and approv'd allowance; ] I read,
Very expert, and of approv'd allowance.

(1) And

(1) And in th' effential vefture of creation (2) Does bear all excellency


Enter Gentleman.

How now? who has

put in?

Gent. 'Tis one lago, Ancient to the General.
Caf. H'as had moft favourable and happy speed;
Tempefts themselves, high feas, and howling winds;
The gutter'd rocks, and congregated fands,
Traitors enfteep'd to clog the guiltless keel;
As having fenfe of beauty, do omit

Their mortal natures, letting fafe go by
The divine Desdemona.

Mont. What is she?

Caf. She that I fpake of, our great Captain's Captain, Left in the conduct of the bold lago:

Whofe footing here anticipates our thoughts,

(1) And in th' ESSENTIAL vesture of creation

Does bear all excellency-] It is plain that fomething very hyperbolical was here intended. But what is there as it ftands? Why this, that in the effence of creation he bore all excellency. The expreffion is intolerable, and could never come from one who fo well underftood the force of words as our Poet. The fential vefture is the fame as effential form. So that the expreffion is nonfenfe. For the vesture of creation fignifies the forms in which created beings are caft. And fence relates not to the form, but to the matter. Shakespeare certainly wrote,

And in TERRESTRIAL veflure of creation.

And in this lay the wonder, that all created excellence fhould be contained within an earthly mortal form.


The au

I do not think the prefent reading inexplicable. thour feems to ufe effential, for exiftent, real. She excels the praifes of invention, fays he, and in real qualities, with which creation has invested her, bears all excellency.

(2) Does bear all excellency.

tos, for which the folio has this.

-] Such is the reading of the quar

And in th' effential vefture of creation

Do's tyre the ingeniuer..

Which I explain thus,

Does tire th' ingenious verfe.

This is the beft reading, and that which the authour substituted

in his revifal.

A fe'n

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