and Squabble? Swagger? fwear? and difcourfe fufian with one's own jhadow? oh thou invisible spirit of wine; if thou haft no name to be known by, let us call thee Devil. Lago. What was he that you follow'd with your fword? what had he done to you? Caf. I know not. lag. Is't poffible? Caf. I remember a mafs of things, but nothing diftinctly a quarrel, but nothing wherefore. Oh, that men fhould put an enemy in their mouths, to steal away their brains! that we should, pleafance, revel, and applaufe, transform ourselves into beafts. lago. Why, but you are now well enough. How came you thus recover'd? Caf. It has pleas'd the devil, Drunkenness, to give place to the devil, Wrath; one unperfectnefs fhews me another, to make me frankly despise myself. lago. Come, you are too fevere a moraler. As the time, the place, and the condition of this country ftands, I could heartily with this had not befallen, but fince it is as it is, mend it for your own good. Caf. I will ask him for my place again: he shall tell me, I am a drunkard! Had I as many mouths as Hydra, fuch an answer would stop them all. To be now a fenfible man, by and by a fool, and presently a beast!Every inordinate cup is unblefs'd, and the ingredient is a devil. Iago. Come, come, good wine is a good familiar creature, if it be well us'd: exclaim no more against it. And, good lieutenant, I think, you think, I love you. Caf. I have well approv'd it, Sir. I drunk! Iago. You, or any man living, may be drunk at fome time, man. I tell you what you fhall do: : our General's wife is now the General. I may say fo, in this respect, (8) for that he hath devoted and giv'n up himself to the contem (8) For that be bath devoted, and given up bimfelf to the contemplation, mark, and devotement of ber parts and graces.] I remember, it t is faid of Antony, in the beginning of bis tragedy, that he, who ufed to fix his eyes altogether on the dreadful ranges of war, contemplation, mark, and denotement of her parts and graces. Confefs yourself freely to her: importune her help, to put you in your Place again. She is of fo free, fo kind, fo apt, fo blessed a difpofition, she holds it a vice in her goodness not to do more than fhe is requested. This broken joint between you and her husband, intreat her to fplinter. And, my fortunes against any lay worth naming, this crack of your love shall grow ftronger than it was before. Caf. You advife me well. Iago. I proteft, in the fincerity of love, and honest kindness. Caf. I think it freely; and betimes in the morning I will befeech the virtuous Desdemona to undertake for me. I am defperate of my fortunes, if they check me here. lago. You are in the right. Good-night, lieutenant, I must to the Watch. Caf. Good night, honest Iago. [Exit Caffio. SCENE XV. Manet lago. Iago. And what's he then, that fays, I play the villain? When (9) this advice is free I give, and honeft, Likely to thinking, and, indeed, the course Th' inclining De/demona to subdue In any honeft fuit; fhe's fram'd as fruitful now bends, now turns, The office and devotion of their view Upon a ftrumpet's front. This is finely exprefs'd; but I cannot perfuade myself that our poet would ever have faid, any one devoted himself to the devotement of any thing. All the copies agree; but the mistake certainly arofe from a fingle letter being turn'd upfide down at prefs. THEOBALD. (9) this advice is free-] This counfel has an appearance of honeft openness, of frank good will. As As the (1) free elements. And then for her His foul is fo enfetter'd to her love That she may make, unmake, do what she lift, SCENE XVI. Enter Rodorigo. Rod. I do follow here in the chace, not like a hound that hunts, but one that fills up the cry. My money is almost spent; I have been to-night exceedingly well cudgelled; and I think, the iffue will be, I fhall have fo much experience for my pains; and fo with no money at all, and a little more wit, return again to Venice. (1) -free elements - Liberal, bountiful, as the elements, out of which all things are produced. (2) -to this parallel courfe,] Parallei, for even; because parallel lines run even and equidiftant. WARBURTON, Parallel courfe; i. e. a courfe level, and even with his defign. -] Petilence, for poison. (3) I'll pour this peftilence (4) That he repeals him WARBURTON. -] That is, recalls him. (5) That fhall enmesh them all.] A metaphor from taking birds in meshes. POPE. Lago. lago. How poor are they, that have not patience! What wound did ever heal but by degrees? Thou know'ft, we work by wit, and not by witchcraft; Does't not go well? Caffio hath beaten thee, Two things are to be done; [Exit Rodorigo. My wife must move for Caffio to her mistress: Myfelf, the while, will draw the Moor apart, Dull not Device by coldness and delay. [Exit. pains, Something that's brief; and bid, Good-morrow, General. [Mufick plays, and enter Clown from the Houfe. (6) Tho' other things grow fair against the Sun, Clorun. Yet fruits, that blom firft, will first be ripe.] Of many different things, all planned with the fame art, and promoted with the fame diligence, fome must fucceed fooner than others, by the order of nature. Clown. (7) Why, masters, have your inftruments been in Naples, that they speak i̇' th' nose thus ? Muf. How, Sir, how? Clown. Are thefe, I pray you, wind inftruments? Clown. Oh, thereby hangs a tail. Muf. Whereby hangs a tale, Sir? Clown. Marry, Sir, by many a wind-inftrument that I know. But, Mafters, here's money for you : and the General fo likes your mufick, that he defires you of all loves to make no more noise with it. Muf. Well, Sir, we will not. Clown. If you have any mufick that may not be heard, to't again; but, as they say, to hear mufick the General does not greatly care. Muf. We have none fuch, Sir. Clown. Then put up your pipes in your bag, (8) for I'll away. Go. Vanish into air. Away. [Exeunt Muf. Caf. Doft thou hear, mine honest friend? Clown. No, I hear not your honeft friend; I hear you. Caf. Pr'ythee, keep up thy quillets. There's a poor piece of gold for thee. If the gentlewoman, that attends the General's wife, be ftirring, tell her, there's one Caffio entreats of her a little favour of fpeech. Wilt thou do this? Clown. She is ftirring, Sir, if she will ftir hither. I shall seem to notify unto her. [Exit Clown. Caf. Do, my good friend. nature. Every thing cannot be done at once; we must proceed by the neceffary gradation. We are not to defpair of flow events any more than of tardy fruits, while the caufes are in regular progrefs, and the fruits grow fair against the Sun. Hanmer has not, I think, rightly conceived the fentiment, for he reads, Thofe fruits which blossom fift, are not first ripe. I have therefore drawn it out at length, for there are few to whom that will be eafy which was difficult to Hanmer. (7) Why, mafters, bave your inflruments been in Naples, that they fpeak i' th' nofe thus ?] The venereal difeafe first appeared at the fiege of Naples. (8) for I'll away] Hanmer reads, and bie away, To |