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question nature by both observation and cold on their bodies. In case XV., a genexperiment: tleman, who had promised to apply the ice to his own back and report the effect, called "These pre-eminently scientific' physicians afterwards to say that he had applied it to will demonstrate in the most approved scientific his wife's back. Fiat experimentum, etc. language that ice applied along the spine cannot But, of course, this may have been an inpossibly affect the spinal cord; and their demon- stance of self-sacrifice on the husband's stration is so complete in itself that it needs no part. confirmation by the simple expedient of applying a spinal ice-bag along the spine of a living man or woman, and noting the results."

afresh divided into two classes
To be quite serious, mankind may be

those who are sick at sea and those who are not.

Nor is this deeply-interesting pamphlet And again, they may be divided into those without its points of humour. Case XIV. who know what bilious sickness is and A third of one's fellowinevitably provokes a smile. On the 23rd those who do not. of May, 1864, Dr. Chapman, being in the creatures go through life without having tidal train that had left Boulogne for Paris ever been really sick; for that easy emptyvolunteered to apply the ice-bag to the ing of the stomach which occurs, upon spine of a gentleman who, having just casual provocation, to some people is as crossed the Channel, complained of nausea. nothing compared with the suffering enThe doctor took an ice-bag out of his plaid, dured in sick-headache proper. Even this, and placed it along the whole length of the however, must, we suppose, sink into ingentleman's back. The latter felt much significance by the side of bad sea-sickness. better, and "begged to be allowed, if posAs far as we can judge, the only pure land sible, to possess himself of the ice-bag. complaint that gives an idea of bad seaHaving obtained my assent, he promised sickness is what is called "water-brash." to write to me a report of his further experi- Most persons have had some opportunity ence in using the bag; but up to the of observing this peculiar form of human ent time this promise remains unfulfilled." misery; and we refer to it for the sake Now, even without assuming, what seems of helping the imaginations of those who probable, that this gentleman carried off think, because we laugh at sea-sickness, it one of Dr. Chapman's ice-bags without is in itself laughable. It is, on the conpaying for it, this is melancholy, and if the trary, one of the most horrible kinds of hugentleman is still living and if this should man suffering; and even if Dr. Chapman meet his eye, it is to be hoped for the had only made out his case empirically up credit of human nature, that he will redeem to the lowest point allowed in his favour his four-year-old promise. The following is not bad in another way:—


"In October, 1867, a gentleman supplied an ice-bag to a lady who was about to go abroad. Recently I wrote to him to inquire whether she used the bag, and if so, with what result. He replied, My young lady friend sailed to Santa Martha in South America, and was awfully ill; but the doctor on board advised against trying the ice! Case of donkey!"

Sydney Smith said that the reason the Jewish religion made so few converts was that the rites of admission began with a surgical operation, and Dr. Chapman seems to have a sufficient idea of the dread most people have of anything cold applied to the exterior skin. A fine lady who will fearlessly swallow an ice to the injury of her digestion will flinch from the idea of a cold bath, as if it were sure to be mortal. Dr. Chapman prudently writes a whole section containing evidence that ice along the spine is agreeable;" but one of his cases" appears to show, in a really humourous light, the extreme reluctance people have to anything

by hostile criticism he would be a public benefactor. But we think intelligent readers of his book will incline to the opinion that, even if Dr. Chapman's scientific generalizations should hereafter be reduced to some still lower terms, they must take rank as true discoveries.

Referring our readers to Dr. Chapman's pamphlet, which is so plainly written that the least accustomed reader will understand and follow him with ease in the two sections entitled "General Principles of Neurotherapeutics" and "The Physiology of Vomiting," we will venture upon an extract or two, which will afford a glimpse of the rationale which he alleges for his treatment of sea-sickness by the application of icebags to the back:

Harvey as an adequate explanation of the circulation of the blood, we shall indeed find it exceedingly difficult, if not impossible, to understand how cold along the spine can increase, and how heat along the spine can decrease the general circulation. The conviction, however, has been deepening of late years that a variety

"If we confine ourselves to the doctrine of

of phenomena observable even in man and the improve vision to a very remarkable extent by higher animals — phenomena in the production acting on the spine; and in October, 1864, of which the movement of the blood is chiefly having accidentally met at the Turkish bath Mr. concerned -are not accounted for by the hy- Ernest Hart, whom I knew to be devoting himpothesis of Harvey; and, in proportion as we self especially to diseases of the eye, I communidescend the animal scale, this hypothesis be- cated to him the result of my observations, and comes more and more inadequate as an explana- begged him to give the subject of the influence tion of the movement of the blood. Blushing, of cold and heat when applied to the cilio-spinal sudden paleness of the face, flushings and chill-region on the circulation in the eye his special ness of the whole body, frequently occur with- attention. He kindly promised to do so; and, out any corresponding disturbance or modification of the heart's action."

This is a familiar topic; and Dr. Chapman refers to other instances in which the local afflux of blood is so extreme- and so sudden both in its commencement and its cessation—as to be totally inexplicable upon the hypothesis of Harvey. Of this fact there can be no doubt whatever. The most violent conceivable afflux will occasionally begin and cease in a few seconds, without any of the other phenomena required by the doctrine of Harvey, and, as far as common eyes can decide, certainly from causes which are usually classed as "nervous." Now let us pick out a link or two from Dr. Chapman's catena of consecutive propositions on pages 22 and 23 :

"That when the spinal cord is in a state of hyperomia, cramps or the involuntary muscles surrounding the alimentary tube, cramps, or even convulsions of the voluntary muscles, an excess of glandular activity and an excess of sensibility (hyperesthesia) are likely to ensue.

"That cold applied along the spine will subdue cramps, or excessive tension, of both voluntary and involuntary muscles, will lessen sensibility, will increase secretion, and will lessen the general circulation and bodily heat."


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in the Lancet of January 7th, 1865, he pub-
lished a very remarkable case entitled, "On a
case of Amaurosis from progressive Atrophy of
the Optic Nerve with Epileptic Complications
treated successfully by the application of Ice to
the Spine.'. . . . Her sight gradually declined;
she could with difficulty, read No. 10 of Giraud-
'and,' says Mr. Hart, when she came to me
Teulon's type. The ophthalmoscope showed
palpable whiteness of the optic discs in both
did not contract fully under ophthalmoscopic
The pupils were semi-dilated, and
examination, I could give no hope of
cure. However, after a fortnight of temporiz-
ing without benefit I resolved to employ for her
treatment the application of ice to the lower
cervical and upper dorsal regions of the spine.
Which has been. . . recommended by Dr.
John Chapman as a means of increasing the
afflux of blood through the agency of the sym-
pathetic.' The ice-bag was applied during five
weeks, generally three times a day, and for
about half an hour each time. She had only
three fits during this period, and they were com-
paratively slight. The remainder of the ac-
count I give in Mr. Hart's own words. That
which most nearly touches the subject of my
paper, however, is the great improvement which
has occurred in her visual power.
ginning of the treatment she could read no type
smaller than No. 10 of Giraud-Teulon; she now
reads No. 4 with ease. The pupils are no longer
dilated, although they act sluggishly. But a
point of great interest is that the discs are now
of a tint which may be pronounced natural;
From a physi-
they are palely roseate.
ological point of view, this is remarkable as an
example of visible regeneration, so to speak, of
a nerve in process of wasting from disordered
nutrition. Nothing else than the ophtalmoscope
could have shown it; and nowhere but in the
eye could it have been seen, for nowhere else is
a living nerve subject to observation.'


At the be

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The reader has now some idea of what Dr. Chapman's theory is in its bearing upon sea-sickness, and its treatment by the application of cold to the back. Perhaps it will do more than a thousand set arguments to suggest to the general reader that the theory is at all events not absurd, to remind him of what takes place when he sits with his back to the fire. But an indication is all we have space for. We cannot follow Dr. Chapman into the application It was not in Dr. Chapman's power, within of heat to the spine, or quote his numerous cases, but one of them, in which Mr. Ernest Hart is concerned, we will abbreviate, and we think its deep interest will justify us :

"One of the most interesting proofs yet adduced of the power of the spinal ice-bag to increase the peripheral circulation is that afforded in the shape of its indisputable effects on the eye. I have been able in several instances to

the limits of his pamphlet, to apply this which it really seems to suggest; but it apcase to all the purposes of corroboration pears to us to be one of the very utmost weight and significance. We only advise readers who suffer at sea to get the little book, to give it a thorough, attentive reading, and, with such precautions and instructions as Dr. Chapman will give them, to try the ice-bag.

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EXPORT AND IMPORT OF Books. In the year 1867 hooks weighing 49,814 cwt., and of the value of £610,538, were exported from the United Kingdom. The export to the United States amounted to £160,311. The export to British North America was £52,673; to the West Indies and British Guiana, £11,861; to Australia, £113,816; to British India, £43,639; to Egypt, £65,127; and to South Africa, £20,865. The export to the continent of Europe includes France, £43,535; Hamburg, £13,160; Holland, £10,710; Italy, £21,879. The export of English books has increased much of late. The export to France in 1864 reached only £11,357. The entire export of books from this country was then only 34,087 cwt. of the value of £466,485. At that time the American demand had fallen below half that of 1867. The export of books from the United Kingdom was 30,501cwt. in 1857, and almost precisely the same in 1861; it was 32,892 cwt. in 1863; in 1865 it was 39,-road car wheels, and other articles of iron fab528 cwt.; in 1866, 48,581 cwt.; and in 1867, 49,814 cwt. Our import of books is very much smaller than our export. In 1860 the quantity imported was only 6,517cwt.; in 1863, 6,924 cwt.; in 1864, 8,089 cwt.; in 1866, 8,789 cwt.; in 1867, 10,272 cwt., of the value of £122,717, or one-fifth of the export. The chief import is from France, from whence we received in 1867 books of the value of £49,245. So long ago as 1859 our import of books from France exceeded £33,000 in value, then subject to an import duty of above £1,700. The import from Holland has risen from £7,000 in 1859 to £10,740 in 1867; from Hamburg it has advanced from £20,455 to £34,199; Belgium, £5,150 to £8,The import of books from the United States is returned at £12,203 in 1859, and only £7,618 in 1866, and £7,552 in 1867.

NEW METAL FOR RAILS. -An improved metal for the manufacture of rails has en proposed, consisting, observes the Mining Journal, of iron, with an admixture of chrome ore. has long been known that an alloy of about 40 per cent. of iron and 60 per cent. of chromium scratches glass almost as deeply as the diamond; and Fremy has stated that an alloy of iron and chromium may be formed by heating in the blast-furnace oxide of chromium and metallic iron. It resembles cast-iron, and scratches the hardest bodies, even hardened steel. Experiments are now being made at four of the largest rail mills in the United States, in order to test the value of an alloy of chrome ore and manganese, with the iron in the puddling-furnace, for hardening rail heads, and with every prospect of a successful result. Other experiments are being made to test the value of the process for the purpose of hardening plough castings, railrication, where there is great wear from friction and requiring to be made very hard. As there has long been much difficulty in obtaining a market for much of the chrome ore raised in Great Britain and her colonies, the proposition is regarded with great interest. Public Opinion.


MR. CARLYLE AND THE UNIVERSITY OF EDUniversity of Edinburgh, having been asked to INBURGH. Mr. Carlyle, ex-Lord Rector of the deliver a valedictory address to the students, has president of the committee for his election:sent the following letter to Mr. Robertson, vicemuch regret that a valedictory speech from me, "Chelsea, December 6, 1868. Dear Sir, in present circumstances, is a thing I must not think of. Be pleased to advise the young gentlemen who were so friendly towards me that I have already sent them, in silence, but with emotions deep enough, perhaps too deep, my lovSOME odd proposals have been made from time regard is by no means among the causes that ing farewell, and that ingratitude or want of


Public Opinion.

to time about the erection of monuments to cer-
tain distinguished individuals
; but who ever
thought of one for Robinson Crusoe? The of-
ficers of one of her Majesty's ships, however,
have resolved to place a tablet on the Island of
Juan Fernandez, bearing the following inscrip-




A native of Largo, in the county of Fife, Scotland, Who lived on this island, in complete solitude, for four years and four months.

keep me absent.


With a fine youthful enthusime that bit of honor, loyally all they had; and beautiful to look upon, they bestowed on it has now, for reasons one and another, become touchingly memorable to me - touchingly, and even grandly and tragically-never to be forgotten for the remainder of my life. Bid them, in my name, if they still love me, fight the good fight, and quit themselves like men in the warfare to which they are as if conscript and consecrated, and which lies ahead. Tell them to consult the eternal oracles (not yet inaudible, nor ever to become so, when worthily inquired of); and to disregard, nearly altogether, in comparison, the temporary noises, menacings, and de

He was landed from the Cinque Ports galley, 96 tons, liriums. May they love wisdom, as wisdom, if

18 guns, A. D. 1704, and was taken off in the

Duke privateer, 12th February, 1709.

He died Lieutenant of H. M. S. Weymouth,
A. D. 1723, aged 47 years.

This tablet is erected near Selkirk's look-out By COMMODORE POWELL and the OFFICERS of H. M. S. Topaze, A. D. 1868.

she is to yield her treasures, must be loved, piously, valiantly, humbly, beyond life itself, or the prizes of life, with all one's heart and all one's soul. In that case (I will say again), and not in any other case, it shall be well with them. Adieu, my young friends, a long adieu. Yours with great sincerity, T. CARLYLE."

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HISTORICAL SKETCHES OF THE REIGN OF GEORGE II. These very interesting and valuable sketches of Queen Caroline, Sir Robert Walpole, Lord Chesterfield, Lady Mary Wortley Montague, The Young Chevalier, Pope, John Wesley, and other celebrated characters of the time of George II., several of which have already appeared in the LIVING AGE, reprinted from Blackwood's Magazine, will be issued from this office, in book form, as soon as completed. A HOUSE OF CARDS.




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FOR EIGHT DOLLARS, remitted directly to the Publishers, the LIVING AGE will be punctually forwarded for a year, free of postage. But we do not prepay postage on less than a year, nor where we have to pay commission for forwarding the money.

Price of the First Series, in Cloth, 36 volumes, 90 dollars.

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Second "

The Complete Work,

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Any Volume Bound, 3 dollars; Unbound, 2 dollars. The sets, or volumes, will be sent at the expense of the publishers.


For 5 new subscribers ($40.), a sixth copy; or a set of HORNE'S INTRODUCTION TO THE BIBLE, unabridged, in 4 large volumes, cloth, price $10; or any 5 of the back volumes of the LIVING AGE, in numbers, price $10.


I SAW where a-dying the Old Year was lying, And the weight at his heart mocked the green at his door:

He heard pauper-voices, for bread hoarsely crying,

He heard soldiers' tramp, and low thunders of


There were no friends to cheer him, and small comfort near him,

And his life's lamp burnt low, and his breath laboured sore.

Yet, unloved as he ended, his deathbed was tended

A cloaked shadow sat in the sick nurse's room, Nor speaking nor sighing, like the dead by the dying,

That mute, muffled shade seemed to deepen the gloom :

Did it bring mirth or mourning, come for sorrow or scorning?.

Was't veiled spirit of light, or cowled angel of gloom?

As midnight was nearing, the presence uprearing To its height, lowly bent by the dying one's bed, And a hand from the folds of its mantle appearing

Who could say if to bless or to ban was outspread?

Did the shudder that crept through the Year ere he slept,

Speak of horror or hope, from that hand o’er his head?

Even thus the last stroke of December outspoke, And I knew with the sound the Old Year was

no more,

And I saw where from darkness the Young Year awoke,

And heard its clear pipe and light step at the door;

And the great shadow gathered the folds of its cloak,

And stood by the bed, muffled, mute, as before.

Then I knew 'twas the shade of the Future, arrayed

By the Dead Year with new might to bless or to ban;

But the darkness upon the cowled features that played,

Still baffled the effort their promise to scan. And I waited the Young Year's encounter to see With that awful presence past reading of man. With his childish laugh ringing like silver bells swinging,

Came the Year to his heritage frolic and free, Nor shrank as its broad shadow over him flinging

That dark presence fronted the child in its glee:

No fear froze the joy of the jubilant boy

As he faced the cowled features, and climbed the veiled knee.

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ROAST Turkey is a standing dish
For festive Christmas season;
Is oftener served than most folks wish,
Punch thinks beyond all reason—
Though to receive it with a "pish,"
To Christmas were high treason.
No wonder, if Yule fires aglow

Into the dripping-pan below,
Make Turkey drop its juices

To hold in Grease its use is.

But, if Grease catches fire, we know Its blaze the very deuce is.

To keep this Turkey and that Grease From coming to a flare-up,


Which might to such wide blaze increase,
As must stir common care up,-
And, breaking Europe's Christmas peace,
Bid her big engines tear up,

The cooks of Europe, her Great Powers(Cooks are great powers, we know) Spend anxious and laborious hours,

And their best squirts bestow;
Diplomacy's cold douche in showers
On this hot Grease to throw.

BRITANNIA, Cook-maid fat and fair,
Though fain to stand aloof,
And see to her own bill-of-fare,

Must rouse, on BULL'S behoof:
That blaze, once lit, she feels might flare,
And catch her master's roof.

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