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"Ah, well! It is natural that you should laugh at me; but, somehow, I did not expect it from you."

man I take her to be, I think I could do there might yet be hope for him. What something with her. I have never supposed would she advise him to do? "Go home, her to be a bad woman, - never. I will Mr. Finn," she said, "and write a sonnet think of it." Then Lady Glencora left her to her eyebrow. See if that will have any husband, and did not consult him after-effect." wards as to the course she would pursue. He had his budget to manage, and his speeches to make. The little affair of the Duke and Madame Goesler, she thought it best to take into her own hands without any assistance from him. "What a fool I was," she said to herself, "to have her down there when the Duke was at Matching."

"Do not be angry with me. What I mean is that such little things seem to influence this Violet of yours."


Do they? I have not found that they

do so. 99


'If she had loved Lord Chiltern she would not have quarrelled with him for a few words. If she had loved you, she would not have accepted Lord Chiltern. If she loves neither of you, she should say so. I am losing my respect for her."

"Do not say that, Madame Goesler. I respect her as strongly as I love her." Then Madame Goesler almost made up her mind that she would have the coronet. There was a substance about the coronet that would not elude her grasp.

Madame Goesler, when she was left alone, felt that now indeed she must make up her mind. She had asked for two days. The intervening day was a Sunday, and on the Monday she must send her answer. She might doubt at any rate for this one night, the Saturday night, and sit playing, as it were, with the coronet of a duchess in her lap. She had been born the daughter of a small country attorney, and now a duke had asked her to be his wife,and a duke who was acknowledged to stand above other dukes! Nothing at any rate Late that afternoon, while she was still could rob her of that satisfaction. What- hesitating, there came another caller to the ever resolution she might form at last, she cottage in Park Lane. She was still hesihad by her own resources reached a point tating, feeling that she had as yet another of success in remembering which there night before her. Should she be Duchess would always be a keen gratification. It of Onnium or not? All that she wished would be much to be Duchess of Omnium; to be, she could not be; but to be Duchbut it would be something also to have re- ess of Omnium was within her reach. Then fused to be a Duchess of Omnium. During she began to ask herself various questions. that evening, that night, and the next morn- Would the Queen refuse to accept her in ing, she remained playing with the coronet her new rank? Refuse! How could any in her lap. She would not go to church. Queen refuse to accept her? She had not What good could any sermon do her while done aught amiss in life. There was no that bauble was dangling before her eyes? slur on her name; no stain on her characAfter church-time, about two o'clock, ter. What though her father had been a Phineas Finn came to her. Just at this small attorney, and her first husband a Jew period Phineas would come to her often; banker! She had broken no law of God or sometimes full of a new decision to forget man, had been accused of breaking no law, Violet Effingham altogether, at others which breaking or which accusation need minded to continue his siege let the hope stand in the way of her being as good a of success be ever so small. He had now duchess as any other woman! She was sitheard that Violet and Lord Chiltern had in ting thinking of this, almost angry with truth quarrelled, and was of course anxious herself at the awe with which the proposed to be advised to continue the siege. When rank inspired her, when Lady Glencora was he first came in and spoke a word or two, announced to her. in which there was no reference to Violet Effingham, there came upon Madame Goesler a strong wish to decide at once that she would play no longer with the coronet, that the gem was not worth the cost she would be called upon to pay for it. There was something in the world better for her than the coronet, if only it might be had. But within ten minutes he had told her the whole tale about Lord Chiltern, and how he had seen Violet at Lady Baldock's, — and how


"Madame Goesler," said Lady Glencora, "I am very glad to find you."

"And I more than equally so, to be found," said Madame Goesler, smiling with all her grace.

"My uncle has been with you since I saw you last?"

"Oh yes;; -more than once if I remember right. He was here yesterday at any rate."

"He comes often to you then?"

"Not so often as I would wish, Lady | you wished to offend me. But do not drive Glencora. The Duke is one of my dearest me too far." friends."

"It has been a quick friendship."

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Yes; - a quick friendship," said Madame Goesler. Then there was a pause for some moments which Madame Goesler was determined that she would not break. It was clear to her now on what ground Lady Glencora had come to her, and she was fully minded that if she could bear the full light of the god himself in all his glory, she would not allow herself to be scorched by any reflected heat coming from the god's niece. She thought she could endure anything that Lady Glencora might say; but she would wait and hear what might be said.

"I think, Madame Goesler, that I had better hurry on to my subject at once," said Lady Glencora, almost hesitating as she spoke, and feeling that the colour was rushing up to her cheeks and covering her brow. "Of course, what I have to say will be disagreeable. Of course I shall offend you. And yet I do not mean it."

"I shall be offended at nothing, Lady Glencora, unless I think that you mean to offend me."

"I protest that I do not. You have seen my little boy."

"Madame Goesler, if you will tell me that I am mistaken, I will beg your pardon, and offer to you the most sincere friendship which one woman can give another."

"Lady Glencora, I can tell you nothing of the kind."

"Then it is to be so! And have you thought what you would gain ?"


'I have thought much of what I should gain :- and something also of what I should lose."

"You have money."

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"You are free as air, going where you like, and doing what you like.' "Too free, sometimes," said Madame Goesler.

"And what will you gain by changing all this simply for a title ?

"But for such a title, Lady Glencora! It may be little to you to be Duchess of Omnium, but think what it must be to me!" "And for this you will not hesitate to rob

"Yes, indeed. The sweetest child! God never gave me anything half so pre- him of all his friends, to embitter his future cious as that."

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life, to degrade him among his peers,


Degrade him! Who dares say that I shall degrade him? He will exalt me, but I shall no whit degrade him. You forget yourself, Lady Glencora."

"Ask any one. It is not that I despise you. If I did, would I offer you my hand in friendship? But an old man, over seventy, carrying the weight and burden of such rank as his, will degrade himself in the eyes of his fellows, if he marries a young woman without rank, let her be ever so clever, ever so beautiful. A Duke of Omnium may not do as he pleases, as may another man."

"It may be well, Lady Glencora, for other dukes, and for the daughters and heirs and cousins of other dukes, that his Grace should try that question. I will, if you wish it, argue this matter with you on many points, but I will not allow you to say that I should degrade any man whom I might marry. My name is as unstained as your

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gain, that the temptation to do him an in- which I can adduce myself. You have jury, if I thought it one, is not strong. For nearly driven me into it, by telling me that your little boy, Lady Glencora, I think your I should degrade his house. It is almost fears are premature." As she said this, incumbent on me to prove that you are there came a smile over her face, which wrong. But you had better leave me to threatened to break from control and almost settle the matter in my own bosom. You become laughter. "But, if you will allow had indeed." me to say so, my mind will not be turned against this marriage half so strongly by any arguments you can use as by those

After a while Lady Glencora did leave her, to settle the matter within her own bosom, having no other alternative.

SIR RICHARD MAYNE, Chief Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police, died on Sunday, at the age of 73. When only 38 years old, and a rising barrister, he was selected by Sir Robert Peel to organize a police for London, till then almost unprotected. In the teeth of the most bitter criticism, he, in conjunction with Colonel Rowan, organized the Force on its present basis, making London from 1829 to about 1862 the most secure capital in Europe, or perhaps in the world. During the last six years the violent criminals of the metropolis, aided by causes discussed elsewhere, proved almost too strong for his little army of order, but for more than a generation the cool barrister maintained real peace and security through a city which is a kingdom at an expense of 3s. 6d. a head a year. In his youth, and prime, and green old age, we doubt if the country ever had a more successful servant than Sir Richard Mayne, to whom it gave nothing but a moderate salary, a K. C. B., and some strictly official esteem.

Spectator, 2 Jan.

which we are often compelled to borrow. And
we doubt if any English writer now living writes
so pure a classical English as was written by Na-
thaniel Hawthorne.
Spectator, 26 Dec.

THE REV. Henry Ward Beecher is notoriously a bold man, and he has lately been doing a bold thing. While we in England have been having a fight over scientific lectures on Sunday evening, and some of the friends of such lectures have been taking their stand on the legal right to establish such things for the instruction of people, while others have been taking shelter under the title of Recreative Religionists, Mr. Beecher has been able, unmolested, to get a scientific gentleman to deliver physiological lectures on Sundays in the school-house (schoolchurch we should probably call it in England) belonging to his place of worship at Brooklyn. It has been justly said that this innovation is enough to make his father turn in his grave. London Review.

THE American Minister, Mr. Reverdy Johnson, distributed yesterday week the prizes awarded by the Birkbeck Institute to pupils of both sexes. WITH regard to the emphatic protest made by After commenting, as he was in duty bound, on Mr. Sims Reeves against the high musical pitch the importance of feminine culture, and also at present existing in England, the Musical awarding the usual compliments to the memory Times informs us that a reformation is about to of Lord Brougham and Dr. Birkbeck, Mr. Rev- be attempted. "During the ensuing season a erdy Johnson, speaking of America and England series of six concerts will be given, at St. James's with a touch of true American humour, -not Hall, in which the standard French pitch will be the less humourous because what he said may adopted. These concerts will consist exclusively have had its truth, went on to remark that of sacred music (and mostly of oratorios), and "not only are our institutions identical, but we Mr. Sims Reeves has pledged himself to sing at speak the same language; and although we each performance. Amongst the works to be speak it better than you do, we understand each given, Handel's 'Jephtha' will be one of the other, and by and by you will be able to speak most interesting, not only on account of its bethe language as well as we do." It has really ing almost a novelty to a London audience, but been shown, we believe, that a great many of because the tenor part is so peculiarly fitted to what we call Americanisms are good old English the grandeur and power of Mr. Reeves' style idioms used in their good old English sense. and voice. There will be a carefully-chosen But even the true Americanisms have the fla- band of between fifty and sixty performers, and vour of an originality, a strength, and youth the chorus will consist of Mr. Joseph Barnby's which are not very visible in England, and choir," London Review.

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There was a frantic bustle in the alders and willows, and almost as frantic in the great meadow, where the girls from the convent caught hold of each other, chattered together, tittered, teased one another, and laughed.

THE sparrows in the alders and willows on the shore of the convent-island twittered and chattered noisily together, they had so much to say to each other about what they Apart from her noisy companions, and had experienced during the day; and who frequently passing under the alder-trees knows whether their to-day was not a where there was such a merry gathering much longer interval of time than ours? of the birds, walked a girl slender in form One puffed up by his experience-perhaps and graceful in movement, with black hair we should say her experience, for the feathers had lost their colors from agesat quietly in the crotch of a bough, comfortably resting against the trunk; he echoed and re-echoed his delight at the splendid time he enjoyed over the river, under the closely-trimmed branches of a shady linden, in the vineyard by the shore.

and brilliant eyes, accompanied by a tall and majestic woman in a nun's dress, whose bearing had an expression of quiet and decisive energy. Her lips were naturally so pressed together, that the mouth seemed only a narrow streak of red. The entire brow was covered with a white kerchief, and the face, the large eyes, the small eyebrows, the sharp nose, the closely pressed lips, and the projecting but rather handsome chin, had something commanding and immovable.

The waiter there had long delayed removing the remnants of an English breakfast, and there were cakes, the pieces, alas! too large, abundance of eggs, honey, and sugar; it was a feast without parallel." He considered that the real joy of existence had its first beginning when one wished to know nothing more of all other things, and had supreme satisfaction in eating and drinking alone. Only in mature life did one really come to that perception.

Others would listen to nothing from the swaggering fellow, and there was an irregular debate, whether lettuce seeds or young cabbage-heads were not much better than all the cooked-up dishes of men. A young rogue, fluttering around his roguish mate, reported to her that behind the ferryman's house, there hung from the garretwindow a bulging bag full of flax-seed; if one only knew how to rip open the seam a little, one could gradually eat up all the tidbits, but it must be kept a profound secret, else the others would come too; and hemp-seed, it must be acknowledged, was just the most precious good which this whole round earth could furnish. The rogue was of the opinion that her delicate bill was exactly the nice thing to pick open the seam; it was the most contemptible baseness in human beings, to hang up in the open air just the most tempting dainties all fastened and tied up.

A late-comer, flying up in breathless haste, announced that the scarecrow, standing in the field, was nothing but a stick with clothes hung upon it.

"Because the stupid men believe in scarecrows, they think that we do too," laughed he, and flapped his wings in astonishment and pity at the manifest simplicity.

Honored mother," began the maiden, you have read the letter from Fräulein Perini ?" The nun it was the superior-only turned her face a little; she seemed to be waiting for the maiden-it was Hermanna Sonnenkamp― to speak further.

As Manna, however, was silent, the superior said:


Herr von Pranken is then to make us a visit. He is a man of good family and good morals, he seems a wordling, but he is not one exactly. He has, indeed, the impatience of the outside world; I trust, however, that he will not press his wooing as long as you are here our child, that is to say, the child of the Lord."

She spoke in a very deliberate tone, and now stopped.

"Let us go away from here; the noise of the birds above there allows one hardly to hear herself speak."

They went by the churchyard, in the middle of the island, to the grove growing near a small rocky ledge, which the children called the Switzerland of the island; there they sat down, and the superior continued:

"I am sure of you, my child, that you will decline hearing a word from Herr von Pranken that has any reference to protestations of love, or to the soliciting your hand in marriage."

"You know, honored mother," replied Manna, -her voice was always pathetic, and as if veiled with tears, "you know, honored mother, that I have promised to take the veil."

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"I know it, and I also do not know it,

for what you now say or determine is for of the sunset sky, the violet haze of the us like a word written in the sand, which mountains, and the river glowing in the the wind and the footsteps of man may red beams of evening, she shut her eyes efface. You must go out again into the again, and made a repellant movement with world; you must have overcome the world, her hand, as if she would have said, — I before you renounce it. Yes, my child! will have nothing of thee; thou shalt be the whole world must appear to you like naught to me; thou art only a doll, a lifeyour dolls, which you tell me of, forgot- less thing, on which we waste our love. ten, valueless, dead, -a child's toy, upon which it is scarcely conceivable that so much regard, so much love, should be lavished."

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For some time all was still, nothing was to be heard but the song of the nightingale in the thicket, and above the river ravens were flying in flocks and singing- men call it croaking- and soaring to their nests in the mountain-cliffs.

"My child," began the superior, after a while, "to-day is the anniversary of my mother's death; I have to-day prayed for her soul in eternity, as I did at that time. At the time she died -men call it dying, but it is only the birth into another lifeat that time, my vow forbade me to stand by her death-bed; it cost me hardly a struggle, for whether my parents are still out there in the world, or above there in heaven, it makes no difference to us. Look, the water is now tinged with the glow of evening, and people outside, on the hills and on the banks, are speaking in raptures of nature, that new idol which they have set up, for they are the children of nature; but we are to be the children of God, before whose sight all nature seems only a void, under whatever color it may appear, whether clothed in green, or white with snow."

"I believe, I comprehend that," Manna said assentingly.


That is why I say it to you," continued the worthy mother. "It is a great thing to overcome the world, to thrust it from one's self, and never to long for it a single instant, and to receive in exchange the eternal blessedness, even while we dwell here in the body. Yes, my child," she laid both hands upon the head of Manna, and continued, "I would like to give you strength, my strength-no, not mine, that which God has lent me. Thou art to struggle hard and bravely with the world, thou art to be tried and sifted, before thou comest to us forever, to the fore-ourt of the Kingdom of Heaven."

Manna had closed her eyes, and in her soul was the one only wish, that now the earth might open and swallow her up, or that some supernatural power would come and lift her up over all. When she opened her eyes, and saw the marvellous splendor

With trembling voice Manna mourned over her rent and tempest-tossed spirit; a few days before she had sung and spoken the message of the heralding angels, while dark demons were raging within her. She had spent the whole day in prayer, that she might be worthy to announce such a message, and then in the twilight a man had appeared before her, and her eye had rested on him with pleasure; it was the tempter who had approached her, and the figure had followed her into her dreams. She had risen at midnight, and wept, and prayed to God that he would not suffer her to fall into sin and ruin. But she had not conquered. She scorned and hated the vision, but it would not leave her. Now she begged that some penance might be imposed upon her, that she might be allowed to fast for three days.

The superior gently consoled her, saying that she must not blame herself so bitterly, because the self-reproach increased the excitement of fancy and feeling. At the season when the elders were in bloom and the nightingales sang, a maiden of seventeen was apt to be visited by dreams; Manna must not weep over these dreams, but just scare them away and mock at them; they were only to be driven off by ridicule.

Manna kissed the hands of the superior.

It became dark. The sparrows were silent, the noisy children returned to the house, and only the nightingale sang continually in the shrubbery. Manna turned back to the convent, the superior leading her by the hand. She went to the large dormitory, and sprinkled herself with holy water. She continued praying silently long after she had gone to bed, and fell asleep with her hands folded.

The river swept rustling along the valley, and swept rustling by the villa where Roland slept with contemptuously curled lip; it rushed past the streets of the little town where Eric was speculating upon this and that in the doctor's house; it rushed by the inn where Pranken, leaning against the window, stared over at the convent.

The moon shone on the river, and the nightingales sang on the shore, and in the houses thousands of people slept, forgetting joy and sorrow, until the day again dawned.

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