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published in 1866 its first annual report. The
principles of the association are thus stated in
the report: "To establish such relations be-
tween the two communions as shall enable the
laity and clergy of either to join in the sacra-
ments and offices of the other, without forfeit-
ing the communion of their own church; sec-
ondly, that any overtures toward such an object
should be made, if possible, in cooperation
with those churches with which the Church of
England is in communion; and thirdly, that
such overtures, whenever made, should be ex-
tended to the other Eastern Patriarchates, and
not confined to the Russo-Greek Church. The
association numbers two hundred and eighty
members, and among its patrons are English,
Scotch, Colonial, American, and
bishops. (On the results of the Society's
labors in the East, see the article "EASTERN
CHURCHES.") A number of the Anglican
friends of this movement regarded the Eastern
Churches as right in rejecting the addition of
filioque (the procession of the Holy Spirit from
the Father" and the Son" to the Athanasian
Creed, and one of them (Rev. J. Ouseley) pub-
licly declared that he had abandoned the An-
glican communion office, and the filioque too, for
at least the last two years. A priest, claiming to
be an Eastern bishop (Rev. Julius Ferretta), who
made his appearance in England, met with a
cordial reception on the part of a number of
Anglican clergymen. (See EASTERN CHURCHES.)
Some advance was also made in 1866 toward
a closer intercommunion with the Episcopal
Lutheran Churches of the Scandinavian coun-
tries. (See LUTHERAN CHURCH.) An important
step toward effecting a closer union between
the Established Church of Great Britain and
Ireland on the one hand, and the Scottish Epis-
copal Church on the other, was a declaration
made by the Archbishop of Canterbury at the
laying of the foundation-stone of a cathedral at
Inverness, Scotland, in October, 1866, that the
Scottish Episcopal Church is the only true rep-
resentative of the Church of England in Scot-
land, and that the prelates of the Church of
England pretend to exercise no jurisdiction over
clergymen in Scotland.

every assistance that might be required. The
committee were of opinion that in most cases
the expense of those suffragan bishops could be
met by their holding important posts, such as
Church. Any legislation for the settlement by
deaneries and canonries, in connection with the
law of any expense upon those bishops to whom
the assistance was rendered, was deemed inex-
an attempt should be made, through the Arch-
pedient. The committee also recommended that
culties which have existed in regard to the mat-
bishop of Canterbury, to sweep away any diffi-
ter. As regards the appointment of suffragan
bishops, the bishop is to nominate two, and the
crown to select one of these. On motion of the
Bishop of Oxford, seconded by the Bishop of
London, the report of the committee was

The sixty-seventh annual meeting of the English Church Society was held May 1st, at Exeter Hall. From the report, it appeared that the total ordinary income amounted to £146,208 18. 9d.; total ordinary expenditure, £144,558 178. 4d.; surplus, £1,649 48. 5d. The local funds raised in the missions and expended there upon the operations of the society, but independent of the general fund, were not included in the above figures, amounted to £20,000. The society has at present 148 missionary stations, 278 clergymen, 21 European laymen, 9 European female teachers (exclusive of missionaries' wives), and 2,122 native and country-born catechists and teachers of all classes, not sent from home. The number of communicants in 1860 was 19,828; 1861, 21,064; 1862, 21,261; 1863, 18,110; 1864, 18,124; 1865, 14,155. These figures did not include the New Zealand mission, the returns from which had not been received on account of the disturbed state of the colony. The society has withdrawn from seventy-seven stations, chiefly added to parochial establishments in the West Indies or transferred to the native church in Sierra Leone, containing ten native clergy, 4,356 communicants, and 12,866 scholars. The annual meeting of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign society for 1865 was £94,957 118. 3d.; and the Parts, was held April 26th. The income of the The House of Bishops of the Convocation of expenditure for the same period was in British Canterbury, took, in 1866, for the first time, de- North America, £22,120; in the West Indies, cided steps for an increase of the number of £1,328; in South Africa, £11,000; in the rest bishops. The Bishop of Oxford presented the of Africa, £1,460; in Asia, £31,372, and in unanimous request of a committee appointed to Australia and New-Zealand, £6,271. The Engconsider " as to the best mode of providing as-glish "Church Congress" for 1866 was held sistance for bishops in the event of illness, or old age, or the like, rendering them unable to discharge the duties of their office, and needing some assistance in the performance of the same." The committee considered the appointment of coadjutor bishops cum successione, would be unadvisable, being not suited to the Church of England. But, on the other hand, they considered it very desirable to bring into active operation the act of Henry VIII., which empowers the nomination of suffragan bishops to lifferent posts in England, who might render

at York, and both the archbishops of England took an active part in its proceedings.

The archbishops and bishops of the United Church of England and Ireland, in 1866, gave their assent to the establishment of a lay diaconate, the persons composing it to be set apart by episcopal authority, to act in all cases under the direction of the parochial clergy, and to be designated as "readers." They are to be publicly appointed after an examination by a bishop, but not to be set apart by the imposition of hands as in the case of bishops, priests, and


eacons. They are to minister in outlying districts, but will not have authority to administer the holy communion-that part of the church service being taken on stated days by the parochial clergy. The "readers" are not to be addressed as "reverend," but they are to wear the surplice in their ministrations. At the first annual meeting of the "Association of Lay Helpers," in the diocese of London, about fifty persons were present.

ANHALT, a duchy in Germany. Area, 1,017 Engl. square miles. Population, in 1864, 193,046. Capital, Dessau, with 16,306 inhabitants. In the German war, in 1866, Anhalt sided with Prussia, and after the conclusion of the war it joined the North German confederation.

ARGENTINE REPUBLIC. President (from October 12, 1862, to October 11, 1868), Bartolomé Mitré; Vice-President, Marcos Paz. Minister of the United States at Buenos Ayres, General Alexander Asboth, appointed in October, 1866.

The area of the republic is estimated at 38,890 geographical (or about 825,000 English) square miles. Exclusive of this territory the Argentine Government claims Patagonia, which is generally connected with Chili, and the whole of the Gran Chaco, parts of which are generally counted with the territory of Bolivia and Paraguay. The population of the republic in 1857, and, according to Martin de Moussy*, in 1863, was as follows:

Buenos Ayres..

Entre Rios...

Population in 1857.

Population in 1863.

[blocks in formation]

Corrientes and Missions..


Santa Fé..






Santiago del Estero.







(Not counted)]


35,189 (†




34,431 (†)


(Not counted)







Catamarca.. La Rioja.. San Juan.. Mendoza..

San Luis.

Indian territory in the


Indian territory in the South..

[blocks in formation]


30,000 1,377,000

The war which the Argentine Republic (in common with Brazil and Uruguay) has for some time been carrying on against Paraguay, continued throughout the year. (See PARAGUAY.) In some provinces, especially those bordering

*Martin de Moussy, the author of the great work, Déscription de la Confederation Argentine (tom. iii., Paris, 1861), is called by Page (in his work, "La Plata," London, 1859) "an eminent scientific man," and his work is recommended by Sir Woodbine Parish, who himself is the author of the best-known book on the La Plata States, to all who

desire to have the latest and most accurate information on
the subject. M. de Moussy has carefully compared all the
Censuses and estimates of population, and his statements are
niversally accepted as those most entitled to credit.
Census of 1854.
+ Census of 1855.

also re

upon Paraguay and Bolivia, great dissatisfac-
tion with the continuance of the triple alliance
and the war was expressed, and repeated at-
tempts were made at stirring up civil war and a
Most of
separation of some of the northern provinces
from the Argentine Confederation.
these attempts were easily suppressed; but the
latest reports from Buenos Ayres stated that, in
December, the insurrection in Mendoza was
becoming more serious, the chief having up-
ward of three thousand men at his command,
and being evidently supported by Chili. In
Catamarca the insurrection was
ported still to hold the Government.
sympathy of Chili, Peru, and Bolivia with
the Paraguayans threatened the friendly rela-
tions which had hitherto existed between these
republics and the Argentine Confederation, and
toward the close of the year fears were enter-
tained of an invasion of Argentine territory
by a Bolivian army. (See BOLIVIA.) The Ar-
gentine Government took, however, occasion
from the bombardment of Valparaiso by the
Spanish fleet, to protest against this act as con-
trary to the principles of international law.


Notwithstanding the continuance of the war which taxed the strength of the government to the utmost, the republic is at present making greater progress than during the previous peace. On September 11th the Western Railroad was opened ten leagues farther, to the town of Chiviledy. This finishes one hundred and ten miles of railroad westward from Buenos Ayres. This railroad traverses a fine country, and already has a great business. It is owned by the government. In the same month two American gentlemen, Messrs. Hopkins and Cary, obtained a charter from Congress for a telegraph In October the from Buenos Ayres to Chili. submarine cable which connects the cities of Buenos Ayres and Montevideo was successfully laid. It lies on the bed of the river, between Buenos Ayres and Colonia, a distance of twenThe works on the Argentine ty-six miles. Central Railroad, from Rosario to Cordova, were suspended in November, 1866, on account of the tardiness of the government in making out the titles to the public lands granted to the company. For every twenty leagues of railroad there was to be a transfer of title to the granted lands, and the company having finished the railroad about twice that distance, needed the land, on which to base the issue of bonds. But though the materials for the entire railroad had all arrived, or were en route from Europe, yet there was this obstacle to the work. This road, when finished, will be the grandest road south of the equator, sweeping for two hundred and fifty miles through a region of great fertility.

On December 10th a convention to reform the constitution of the republic met at Santa On the 11th Fé, in a kind of general caucus.

it had a preliminary meeting, and on the 12th they proposed amendments, discussed them, voted on them, avl adjourned. The

only point of amendment intended was to give the permission to Congress to levy duties on exports. This has been done heretofore, but the period has expired within which the constitution permitted it. The vote stood 22 to 19. All the provinces were represented in proportion to their representation in Congress. Among other reforms aimed at is a reorganization of the common-school system. A commission was, in 1866, engaged in examining the various systems in the world, with reference to thorough and radical reforms. It was regarded as likely that the school system of the United States would be adopted.

The estimate for the wool-clip for the year 1866 is one hundred millions of pounds. The export duty on wool, hides, bones, tallow, etc., produces about three millions of silver dollars per annum. This tax is designed chiefly to pay interest and for the reduction of the public debt. As the amount of exports doubles every four years, this export duty must soon lift the nation out of debt.

The government imitated the policy of that of the United States in issuing treasury notes, bearing interest, for payment of government dues, and to be received in payment of customhouse duties. They represent silver dollars, and are of the denominations of $5, $10, $20, $50, and $100.

Immigration for 1865 to the Argentine Confederation foots up to two thousand five hundred and forty. This does not include those who came by steamer, neither does it except those who left the country for foreign parts, of whom there have been many. The greatest progress immigration has made is in the province of Santa Fé, where the first colonial settlements began ten years ago, and where now over five hundred and fifty foreign families are settled. In the Gran Chaco a California colony has been established, which is doing very well, and already has a great many acres in grain. The Argentine Government look upon this colony as one of great hope and promise.

In consequence of the foreign immigration, Protestant churches and schools are being established in a number of places. The most numerous Protestant body in the country is the Protestant Episcopal Church. From the latest report of the superintendent of the Methodist mission, Rev. Dr. Goodfellow, dated October 10, 1866, we gather the following intelligence: In the city of Buenos Ayres the Methodist congregation has 92 members, 44 probationers; total, 136; 90 scholars in Sunday-school, and 19 officers and teachers. In Buenos Ayres circuit there are 6 regular preaching-places, and 1 occasional, with 11 members and 9 probationers. In Rosario the Sunday school has about 20 scholars, and the day school 40. The settlement of Californians on the border of the Indian territory would soon be visited by a missionary. Esperanza has a Protestant population of 500 souls, mostly Germans. The government has agreed to aid the Protestant school with $25 Bolivian

currency per month, about $20 silver. San Carlos has about 300 Protestant persons, and the Methodist mission has a church, school, and parsonage. In Villa de Urquiza there are about 200 Protestants, mostly German, with a school taught by the Methodist missionary. In Cordova a Sunday-school has been established.

[ocr errors]

ARKANSAS. The government of the State of Arkansas continued during the year as it had been organized in 1864, with the exception of the resignation of the Lieutenant-Governor. An election was held, on the first Monday of August, for the choice of an Auditor, Treasurer, Supreme Court Judges, and members of the Legislature. The total vote given for Auditor was 34,407, which was divided among three candidates as follows: Miller, Union, 15,241; Fagan, Union, 12,690; Berry, Republican, 6,476. Cunningham was chosen Treasurer; and Clendenin and Walker, Judges of the Supreme Court. Twenty-five Union members were chosen to the Senate, and seventy-nine members to the House, of whom five were Republicans. All persons were allowed to vote who were free white male citizens of the United States, and had attained the age of twentyone years, and had been citizens of the State during the last previous six months, without taking a test oath or any other preliminary oath whatever. The Legislature had attempted to require a test oath to be taken by all voters in the State, as a prerequisite to their right to exercise the elective franchise Under this authority Governor Murphy in his first proclamations stated that no one could be allowed to vote until he had taken the oath. But in December, 1865, the Supreme Court of the State declared the law to be unconstitutional, and all oaths were abandoned.

The Legislature assembled at Little Rock, on November 5th. It was the first session, in which all parts of the State were represented, that had been held since the reorganization in 1864. Its acts were confined almost entirely to local interests. It accepted the lands donated by Congress for agricultural colleges; located an institution for the blind at Arkadelphia, with an appropriation for its support; and previous to its recess, near the close of the year, inaugurated measures for the remission of taxes for the years from 1861 to 1865; to rebuild the court-houses and jails burned down; to repeal the stay law; to define the rights of persons of color; to provide for the support of wounded and disabled soldiers, and the indigent children of deceased soldiers, whether in the Northern or Southern service; to provide for the payment of debts in instalments; to bestow civil rights on mulattoes and negroes, except the right of intermarrying with whites, of voting, serving on juries, mingling in public schools with whites, and doing militia duty; to regulate the labor system; to encourage immigration, etc., etc. In the House, on November 16th, a resolution was offered, setting forth that President Johnson was entitled to and would receive the support

and gratitude of the people of Arkansas, in pursuing the policy exhibited in his official acts, and standing between the citizens and the unholy legislation of radical majorities. A motion to lay on the table was lost-yeas, 17; nays, 55. It was referred to the Committee on Federal Relations.

On December 8th the following resolution was offered:

That this General Assembly, and the people of the State of Arkansas, tender our gratitude to General Jefferson Davis, for the noble and patriotic manner in which he conducted the affairs of our government, while President of the Confederacy; and that we assure him of our most earnest and heart-felt sympathy while with unexampled fortitude he endures in Northern prisons unparalleled suffering as a martyr to liberty; and that although we may strive to forget the wrongs unjustly heaped upon him, yet his name is and ever shall be enshrined in every true Southern heart. May he outlive his persecution, to comfort his family, honor his country, and adorn the world!

It was referred to the Committee on Federal Relations.

On December 10th the following was offered, and referred to the same committee:

Resolved, by the General Assembly of the State of Arkansas, That to calm the troubled waters of our political atmosphere, we ratify the Constitutional Amendment of the Constitution of the United States, as recommended by his excellency Governor Murphy.

The views of the Legislature on various public questions were expressed in the reports of committees, and the debates. On December 10th the Committee on Federal Relations in the Senate reported the following resolution relative to the Constitutional Amendment proposed by Congress:

Resolved, That the General Assembly of the State of Arkansas declines to ratify the amendment, adding article fourteen to the Constitution of the United States, as proposed by joint resolution of Congress.

The reasons urged by the committee in support of their recommendation were as follows:

1. It is not known, nor can it be, to the State of Arkansas, that the proposed amendment was ever acted upon by a Congress of such a character as is provided for by the Constitution, inasmuch as nearly one-third of the States were refused representation in the Congress which acted upon this amendment. 2. This proposed amendment was never submitted to the President for his sanction, as it should have been, according to the very letter of that Constitution under which Congress exists, and which it has sought

to amend.

3. The great and enormous power sought to be conferred on Congress by the amendment, by giving to that body authority to enforce by appropriate legislation the provisions of the first article of said amendment, would, in effect, take from the States all control over their local and domestic concerns, and virtually abolish the States.

4. The second section seems, to the committee, an effort to force negro suffrage upon the States; and whether intended or not, it leaves the power to bring this about, whether the States consent or not; and the committee are of the opinion that every State Legislature should shrink from ever permitting the possibility of such a calamity.

5. The third section, as an act of disfranchisement

which would embrace many of our best and wisest citizens, must, of necessity, be rejected by the peo ple of Arkansas.

The committee say that they have particularly remarked one peculiar feature in the first section of the proposed amendment; that is, the portion which declares, "nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property without due process of law." "This is almost identical in language with the fifth amendment to the Constitution, and if this proobject designed, what assurance have we that a vision already in existence will not secure the similar one will not be disregarded." They decline to recommend it on the further grounds that it imposes new and additional obligations on the people not contemplated or intended when the general amnesty was proclaimed, on May 29, 1865. They say: "The people of Arkansas have accepted and performed all the conditions of the surrender and general amnesty, and with wonderful unanimity have accepted the results of the war, and according to all law are entitled to all their rights as guaranteed by the Constitution, and to be restored to mitted in good faith, with an earnest desire to the Union as before the war. They have submake the United States a common country, to be cherished in our hearts and defended by our


"We cannot tell what may be in store for this State. She and others may be forced to take this amendment, and even harsher terms; but as valuable as restoration may be, the people of Arkansas can never agree to purchase it at such a sacrifice of principle, dignity, and self-respect as is demanded in the adoption of this proposed amendment. We had better bear our troubles, trials, and deprivations, and even wrongs, in dignified silence, than commit an act of disgrace, if not annihilation, such as would result from the adoption of this amendment by the Legislature."

No action was taken by the Legislature relative to the passage of this amendment previous to the recess at the close of the year. But a commission, to be sent to Washington, was provided for, which was to consist of the President of the Senate and three members of that body, seven members of the House, and three citizens, not members of the Legislature, to be appointed by Governor Murphy. The Governor declined to appoint. The object of the commission was to confer with the Federal Government respecting their mutual relations. This commission was in part induced by the assembling in convention at Fort Smith of citizens calling themselves "Loyalists," who addressed a memorial to Congress for the removal of the existing State government, by the passage of an "enabling act," authorizing them to form a new State government.

On November 23d the following resolution was offered in the House, and passed unanimously. Subsequently it was concurred in by the Senate:

Be it resolved by the General Assembly of the State of Arkansas, That a joint committee, to be composed of the separate Committees on Federal Relations, of the Senate and House of Representatives, is hereby created, with instructions to prepare and report to each House a memorial to the President and Congress of the United States, setting forth the true position of the State of Arkansas, and the spirit and wishes of the people thereof, with regard to the restoration of the Union in all its parts; and the measures which might be most efficient in restoring a condition of harmony; and the cooperation of all the States in the promotion of the national prosperity in a manner consistent with the honor and dignity of the citizens of the respective States.

The reasons urged for the adoption of the resolution were stated to be a conviction that the people of the Northern States had been deceived by misrepresentations made to them as to the opinions of the people of the Southern States, and the motives which dictated their actions: whereas justice to the people of Arkansas and their posterity demanded that the truths of history should be known. The present Legislature was the first official body convened for four years which represented all parts of the State. Every shade of political opinion had an opportunity to represent itself through a free election, and in the resolution they resolved to appeal to the better judgment of the American people.

The views of the Legislature respecting the action of the State in her legislative capacity during the war, and indirectly her relations to the Union, were expressed in connection with some questions arising out of certain land sales by her agents during the war. The question presented was, to what extent the present constitution of the State repudiates or makes null and void the action of the authorities between May 1, 1861, the day on which the State seceded, and the adoption of the present constitution. The Judiciary Committee made a majority and a minority report. The former took the ground that the Legislature itself had acknowledged the present constitution as the supreme organic law of the State, by assembling in obedience to its commands. This constitution declared the entire action of the convention of 1861 to be null and void, and never binding, nor any action of the State under its authority. But it provided that this declaration should not be so construed as to affect the rights of individuals, change county boundaries, invalidate the acts of justices of the peace, conveyances, marriages, etc. The words "rights of individuals were too vague, indefinite, and ambiguous to mean any thing specially, and must be regarded as inoperative and void; therefore, with the exceptions specifically named, all actions of the State done under the authority of the convention of 1861 must be treated as null and void, and this included sales of land.

The minority report admitted the present constitution to be the supreme organic law of the State, and asserted that the same rules of interpretation and construction were applicable to it as to any other constitution of the State for the purpose of ascertaining its mean

ing and effect. It then submitted the following propositions:

1. That the Constitution of the United States, and all laws made in pursuance thereof, and all treaties, are the supreme law of the land, any thing in the constitution or laws of any State to the contrary, notwithstanding.

2. That the people of this State have now, and always have had, the exclusive right, as a free people, of governing themselves, and of exercising and enjoy ing every power, jurisdiction, and right pertaining to a State which was and is not delegated to the United States.

3. That aside from the fact that the end and ob

ject of all government, especially in the United States, is the safety of the people and the preservation of property, and that, by tacit reservation of the people, the State has, in exercising the powers of government by the consent of the people, either in convention assembled or by ordinary legislation, no power to ruin the one or destroy the other; that the Bill of Rights, in every constitution of the State, has declared, that no man shall be imprisoned or disseized of his freehold, liberties, or privileges, or in any way deprived of his life, liberty, or property, but by the that no ex post facto laws, or law, impairing the oblijudgment of his peers or the laws of the land; and gation of contracts, shall ever be made in this State.

4. That the conventions of 1861 and 1864, being both conventions of the people, were equal in power and authority to declare that the entire action of the and authority. That while the latter had the power former was not, from the time of the adoption of the latter, binding and obligatory, and that all the action of the State, of whatever character, under the authority of the convention of 1861, was no longer binding, but null and void from the time of the adoption of the constitution of 1864, saving the exceptions therein stated; yet the convention of 1864 had no power to declare that acts done under said convention of 1861 and its constitution relating to inState, and not relating to the powers delegated to ternal government and police regulations in the the national Government, never were binding and obligatory upon the people of this State, but void ab initio. This character of ex post facto and retrospective ordinances and legislation is beyond even the power of a convention; for if an act be done under a law, even a convention cannot undo it. The past cannot be recalled by the most absolute power. And by maintaining that the convention of 1864 did do this, would be, in effect, declaring a hiatus in the government of the State from 1861 to 1864, during which there was no civil authority whatever; whereas, it appears not to have been so considered by said convention of 1864, for they recite the object of their convening to be, among other things, to "continue ourselves as a free and independent State."

5. That the ordinance of secession of the convention of 1861, and all other actions of said convention and the State under its authority, in contravention of or in conflict with the Constitution, constitutional laws, and treaties of the United States and the delegated powers of the General Government were null and void and inoperative ab initio. This would be so, aside from any declaration to that effect in the constitution of 1864.

6. That all parts of the constitution are to be reconciled with each other and the general subject, and therefore the proviso "that this ordinance shall not be so construed as to affect the rights of individuals," from the public history of the country at the time of its adoption, the manifest object in view and general purview of the ordinance, was intended to protect the rights of individuals in all internal municipal laws and police regulations of the State, which were not void ab initio by reason of conflict with the delegated powers and just authority of the United States, and which were rendered nuli and

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