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PSALM IV. 5, 6.

There be many that say, who will shew us any good? - Lord lift thou up the light of thy countenance upon us.


HE great pursuit of man is after happiness: it is the first and strongest defire of his nature - in every stage of his life, he searches for it, as for hid treasure courts it under a thousand different shapes -and though perpetually disappointed, -still perfifts-runs after and enquires for it afresh-asks every passenger who comes in his way-Who will shew hitn any good?-who will assist him in the attainment of it, or direct him to the difco



discovery of this great end of all his wishes?

He is told by one, to search for it amongst the more gay and youthful pleafures of life, in scenes of mirth and sprightliness where happiness ever prefides, and is ever to be known by the joy and laughter which he will fee, at once painted in her looks.

A fecond, with a graver afpect, points out to the costly dwellings which pride and extravagance have erected-tells the enquirer that the object he is in fearch of inhabits there that happiness lives only in company with the great in the midst of much pomp and outward ftate. That he will easily find her out by the coat of many colours she has on, and the

great luxury and expence of equipage


and furniture with which the always fits


. The miser blesses GOD! - wonders how any one would miflead, and wilfully put him upon so wrong a scent - convinces him that happiness and extravagance never inhabited under the fame roof - that if he would not be difappointed in his search, he must look into the plain and thrifty dwelling of the prudent man, who knows and understands the worth of money, and cautiously lays it up against an evil hour: that it is not the prostitution of wealth upon the paf, sions, or the parting with it at all, that conftitutes happiness - but that it is the keeping it together, and the having and holding it fast to their heirs for ever which are the chief attributes that form this




great idol of human worship to which so much incenfe is offered up every day.


The epicure, though he easily rectifies so gross a mistake, yet at the fame time he plunges him, if possible, into a greater; for, hearing the object of his purfuit to be happiness, and knowing of no other happiness than what is feated immediately in the fenfes - He fends the enquirer there- tells him 'tis in vain to search elsewhere for it, than where nature her self has placed it in the indulgence and gratification of the appetites which are given us for that end: and in a word - if he will not take his opinion in the matter - he may trust the word of a much wifer man who has affured us that there is nothing better in this world, than that a man should eat and drink and rejoice in his works, and make his foul enjoy

enjoy good in his labour - for that is his portion.



To rescue him from this brutal experiment - ambition takes him by the hand and carries him into the world shews

him all the kingdoms of the earth and the glory of them - points out the many ways of advancing his fortune and raifing himself to honour - lays before his eyes all the charms and bewitching temptations of power, and asks if there can be any happiness in this world like that of being caressed, courted, flattered and followed ?

To close all, the philosopher meets him bustling in the full career of this pursuit - ftops him tells him, if he

is in search of happiness, he is far gone

: out of his way.

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