in this however, and every thing else, which I offer, or shall offer to the world, I rest, with a heart much at ease, upon the protection of the humane and candid, from whom I have received many favours, for which I beg leave to return them thanks thanks. SUB T A HE Duke of Ancaster Lord Anfon Lady Caroline Adair Sir George Armitage Sir Charles Afgill, Knight and Alderman Sir Edmund Anderson Reverend Mr. Robert Andrews William Adams, Efq; Henry Alcraft, Elq; Robert Allen, Efq; C. Allanton, Efq; Mrs. Allanson B Duke of Bridgewater Earl of Bleffington Lord Bathurst Earl of Berkeley Earl of Buckingham Lady Dowager Viscountess Bateman Lord Robert Bertie Lady Vere Bertie Bishop of Bangor Hon, Col. Brudenell Hon. Mr. Bouverie Mr. Justice Bathurst Sir William Boothby Sir William Beauchamp Proctor Revd. Sir William Banbury. Major General Barrington Mrs. Boothby Sir Charles Bingham, 4 Sets William Baynes, Efq; Mr. John Beard John Birtles, Esq; his Majesty's Resident at Genoa Mr. Matthew Birtles Charles Boehm, Esq; Edmund Boehm, Esq; Mr. Mr. Thomas Boehm Edward Bacon, Efq; Captain Barron Mr. Bryant Mr. J. Brand Mr. Blackburn Mr. Beachcroft Mr. William Babington Henry Blead, Efq; Barnard, Esq; Mr. Charles Bowden James Bailes, Efq; J. Bradyl, Esq; Mrs. Bows Charles Scrimshaw Boothby, Esq; William Burke, Esq; Mr. Bladen Mr. Buckwell a 2 Mr. |